That's OK, don't look so sad Rob, you're number one to us ;-)
The Twilight Saga did bring home four awards: Favourite Movie, Franchise, On-screen Team (which included Rob, TayTay and Kristen) and TayTay won the Best Breakout Actor as well. Congrats Twilight!
You are our NUMBER ONE, ROB!!! ; )
Hugs and kisses!
I like Johnny Depp. Wonderful actor.
I'm sure he deserves a lot of praise.
Still, I'd love for Rob to win EVERYTHING.
I like Johnny but....dammit Rob should have win!!!
You're the best honey, don't worry!
No way do I believe that Rob didn't get the most votes. People's Choice (much like MTV Movie awards) is well known for only giving awards to those who are willing and able to show up to accept them.
Rob did have tons of competition, so it's not too surprising really. I mean, Johnny Depp... I'm actually more surprised Sandra Bullock won over Kristen.
Although 4 of 6 is very good.
Side note, I'm positive some parts were totally rigged.
Wow I was sitting here watching the whole show and didn't even notice that Twilight won anything at all.......except for Taylor L. How did I miss that?
Glad they won something.
Sorry Rob but I'm sure you didn't mind not having to get up and thank the peeps.
Rob is always our Choice!
Congrats to the TwiTeam!
Johnny got People's choice of the DECADE - he'd gotten more votes the whole decade than any other actor.
This doesn't bother me at all. First, with the over exposure that Rob's received this past year, he sure as hell doesn't need anymore (nor anymore of the backlash that comes with over exposure) and second...don't you think he would have been mortified to beat out the likes of Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman and Brad Pitt for anything?
I do.
Besides, this is the cheesiest award in Hollywood. When they first started handing them out, the stars didn't even show up for it. Then the studios realized it was dissing the audience, so...the stars were forced into attending.
It is an award without any artistic merit whatsoever. Just a another stupid poll. I mean, does anyone remember who wins People's Choice awards? No. They do not. Why? Because they do not matter.
I'm also glad he didn't get it because if he had, Summit would have interupted his break and made him haul ass over land and sea to collect the damn thing.
Stay put kiddo...for as long as you can.
Johnny does have an impressive body of work..! Very deserving.
Rob will have awards aplenty after a decade, and we get to watch it all unfold.
We are lucky little devils.
Johnny won for the decade? Does that mean Rob's Best Actor (for this year) has not been given yet? Well, even if he were to win it, maybe he told I'm not going. Let Taylor pick it up for me. Or else, sometimes they videotape an acceptance speech.
I live in LA, yet with the time delay, I don't get the show for another 45 min. Go figure.
It's totally okay that he didn't win Best's just one award, I'm sure he'll win plenty more in the future. People will see Remember Me, Bel Ami, Unbound Captives, and so on and then kick themselves in the ass for not seeing how good he is, while all of us will be sitting there going "Told you so" cause we knew all along.
Didn't watch the show, but I am guessing that Rob is 'down with' the award going to Johnny Depp... (thus reflecting the spotlight away from Rob and his down-to-Earth nature) Jeeez, Rob knows he's got loads of fans supporting him so whether he wins awards or not probably means nothing because he's going to keep on doing what he does best, regardless of whether he wins an award...
Erika, that is what had me floored too! Now I love Sandra Bullock and everything but there is no way that Kristen wouldn't have won over her! The fan base for Twilight & Kristen has to be much larger and more dedicated than that of Sandra Bullock. Oh well, what is done is done. I just hope that Rob, Kristen and the rest of the cast know that deserved to be up there with the "big ones"!
ah, it's ok. Rob knows we love him! and JD is an excellent actor...
Nik -
No - Depp won for best actor but then they added the DECADE thing after that cause he'd won the most peoples' choice votes for 10 years .
I know I don't have a normal sense of humour, but I did wonder about the skit wtih Edward, if the People's Choice Awards were being disrespectful (in a joking way but not so joking) to Rob because they felt Rob was disrespectful to them by not showing.
It felt like it was on the vicious or nasty yet set as a joke.
Solas, I thought exactly the same thing. But then again, it was also the one and only joke of theirs that actually was funny, even then, only from time to time. Seriously, who wrote those lines.
I hate that Bullock trashed Tiger as well, that was ju mean and uncalled for. She lost some of my respect for her right there.
Yeah, I don't really like Twilight parodies - I think it cheapens and overexposes the whole thing and pokes fun at something the actors spent a lot of time being serious about for US......the fans of the books.
Some of them are funny but it's still a little jab, a little diss, ya know?
Guess I just feel protective of Rob's reputation - like most of us here.
Rob will be #1 for many years to come.... of this I am sure! know I adore you!! You win in my book!
But here we go people...over exposure much?....the backlash just may get worse!
Let's focus on "Remember Me" and hope that he's finally in a vehicle that gets him the recognition he deserves like he did in "How To Be".......
I coudn't vote at their site last week, when did the voting close?
robert's a young up and comer still, and Johnny is universally loved by both men and women. If you have to lose to someone Johnny's the one to lose to. And honestly, if he had one, everyone would have said it was just because of crazy twitards hogging up the voting lines.
Somehow I really think that Rob is even relieved that he did not win this award. It's not a very highly honourable one anyway. Furthermore, maybe Rob truly thinks that he has had enough [awards and other things] as Edward. It seems he would feel better if he wins some awards and true respect/recognition as Tyler or Bel Ami, I guess.
Well. If he's tired of winning awards (cheesy awards that is) for Edward, I don't know what to tell him 'cause he's got three more films to go as this character.
Do you guys think he's going to win in the same catagories at the same awards for New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn as he did for Twilight? Or do you think the fans will start voting for others?
It's an interesting question. I mean, will they win, say for instance, Best Kiss for three years running? If so, it's all gonna get pretty redundant.
Poor Rob. As much as I want to see the rest of these films, I cannot wait for this franchise to done, finished and finally put to bed.
For his sake.
That just sucks, sorry I don't have anything against TL but he's been just hyped to extreme, I'm saddened that a big chunk of Rob's fan base just took the plunge and switched teams!! And on an extremely far-fetched note, I think part of the slide in votes has to do with "crazy" twitard fans that possibly hated K&R outing lately and just voted Sandra over Kristen and others over Rob(not sure how long ago the voting had to be done)as a result! This brings me to your question Nik, that if they hated the couple so much to switch teams, that if those two become more intimate or become more public in the coming years, then possibly the same reasons that affected the slide in popularity for R&K as individual actors as well as a couple involved in mutual work will also stand for upcoming vote-based awards! I sure as hell don't hope so,but with the crazies, you just never know!
Wish him the best though in future work and hopefully much more prestigious awards to come.
Well, he lost to Johnny Depp, I can take that :). He's another favourite of mine.
I'd be glad to see Rob win in the next year or two, after he's done with Twilight and he'll have blown us away for real with Remember Me, Bel Ami and Unbound Captives! :D
@DeDe - well if that's the case, I find it very strange that fans can turn against Rob and Kristen just because they want to keep their personal stuff private.
Yes, we all want to know what they're doing because we feel connected to them, but at the end of the day they don't have to tell us anything they don't want to, and they entitled to their private lives.
I don't get involved in this kind of bitching and hating - I just admire their work, it has given me a lot of pleasure, and I wish them both as much success and happiness as they can possibly achieve.
Rob, your loyal fans adore you, and wish you only the best. Keep your head up, you are great!
Hey, who's this Johnny Depp guy, anyway ???????????
yeah Carol me either! I think they make an absolutely beautiful couple both in the films and personally! But I've seen so much hate for Kristen and so much bad wishes for the romance to end badly, from some crazy fans to know that "just because" Rob is with her now they don't think so great of him anymore! How horrible is that?!
So yeah that's what drove me to my far-fetched conclusion, BUT I really hope I'm not accurate in this case.
@ Carol sorry I meant to say, "me either", i.e. DON'T obsess about their romance even if I think they make such a beautiful couple :)
not to hijack this post or anything but just saw this pic of the "couple" on another board...they look cute with all the britpack dontchya think!? :)
yes, there's an irrational hatred for Kristen that is bizarre. lol You would think she had kicked a pregnant woman in the stomach the way the acid flies.
I saw that picture earlier--the gang's all there in terms of his friends. I love the fact Robert has such loyal and trusted friends. I may be seeing things, but it looks like they spot the camera, and it's like Robert has his own security detail, the way they all sorta cover him!lol
haha it appears there's this HUGE ass debate on the "KS hate board...we all know what that is ;)" about how Rob has lost his marbles for being with her!!! like O M G...they're such a freaky bunch WOW!...and it's all because of that pic too(another confirmation they didn't appreciate)!!
I honestly think that anti-Twi/RP fans block vote for Johnny Depp just to avoid RP winning. That said, I don't see how Kristen didn't win unless they are more willing to give the awards to those who attend like someone said.
I agree with Solas about the QL/RP skit, People's choice were obviously pissed that Rob wouldn't be showing his face that night and would have known for a while to prepare the skit. They did look rather bitter about it though since the skit was done in a 'the truth told through humour' kind of bitchy way.
Next year "PEOPLE `S CHOICE" : Best actor of the century!!!!: Taylor Lautner.
I`m not going to vote anymore in this "award".
P.S. Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and the other actors are great but I don`t believe in this result.
@ JC
yeah especially after the crapery that is Eclipse comes out! It seems that the whole movie(according to recently surfaced script) is made to groom him for that status..sick if you ask Jake/TL is the favorite of bot SM and MR!!
offf hoooo i waz really very disapointed 2 hear dat Rob didn't win! i mean c'mon v all voted for him. but then dn't ever feel upset over dis darlin Rob coz u hv very promisin many many years ahead okeyz... u r our no 1 n best 1 always...luv ya
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