From Just Jared:
As for the blogosphere, Orlando says he keeps out of it because he read one a long time ago and “couldn’t believe how nasty it was.” Mr. Bloom reminisced about his start in Hollywood and how his popularity exploded after Lord of the Rings. How did he cope with it? “I kept myself busy with work but now, it’s crazy! Look at that guy Robert Pattinson. The poor guy can’t go anywhere now!”
Since blogs are out of the question, Orlando likes to stick to traditional media outlets like The New York Times, The UK Times and UK’s Guardian. “It’s crazy how the world gets its news from blogs but congratulations,” he added. “You’re Just Jared!”
Gozde: Not all blogs are the big bad Perez Hilton Orlando :) And even Rob admitted in the Hope for Haiti telethon that twitter CAN BE a good thing :)
Oh and if it's not too much trouble can you take Kate Bosworth back? She is totally messing up my mojo by hanging out with "the other vampire guy".
Twitter can be a good thing in saving lives, in updating the world about crises, he said. :-)
In making his life so miserable, it hasn't been such a good thing. :-(
I loved Orlando in that long blonde hair. I think maybe being a child of the 60s I am a sucker for long hair on men---although the bald guys with pony tails in the back are a little bizarre.
I think Summit ought to hire whoever did Orlando's wig for any other Twilight movies that might be made.
Ohhh solas, I have a thing for guys with long hair too!! Probably same reason. ;/
Is it wrong that the way Rob says twitter makes my girlie bits tingle? LOL
ummmm.... taping my mouth shut here....
@Gozde: LOL, that really seems to bother you!!! I´ll be in LA during the Oscars and I´ll keep my eyes open!!!
ITA, Solas & Haystack---Orlando with long hair---gorgeous. Double-ditto on that reason too. LOL. ; )
Since we're humorously discussing things that could be better (wink)---besides, the wigs, change the vamp's contacts back to the ones used in Twi. The orangey-red ones in NM? Awful. One thing I never understood---how the makeup artist got such accolades---Rob's makeup in Twi was horrible as it stopped at his face. You could literally see where it ended on his neck. Notice it every freaking time...
(Wonder how many times Twilight's been watched, collectively? LOL. Number's go that high?)
@Gwen and his ears were so red in Twilight, you could litteraly see the make up!
Fae, I know! Never heard of blending? Jeez. How could they NOT see that on film? Boggles the mind...
Yes, Twi was a low-budget Indie flick, but still, amateur-level makeup? For one of the two main characters? (Gwen shakes head.)
Cool avi, Fae! LOL!!!! ; )
Orlando was beautiful in LOTR but I think that was his finest hour he has made some abysmal choices since then, I also think he should give up on the bum fluff it's not working for him, he just looks motheaten.
@ solas I've been reading your comments for someone who doesn't like smutty ff you sure come out with some scruffy comments
Right Gwen, he had make up that even I, with my make up kit, could copy at home! LOL
And thanks about the avi, piano is a big love of my life, so no wonder I put my other love on its keys! :)
ITA about the wigs in TWI vs LOTR... And I also did not like the contacts in NM....
And Robs red little elf ears in Twi get me everytime! But I still think Edward looked better in Twi... he looked too old & pee-paw in NM...
I haven't like a lot of Orlandos movies but LOTR will always be one of my fav sagas!
Yeah Edward looked better in Twilight, he looked younger, he looked more like Edward from the book, in New Moon, he looked too old, hope he'll be more like Twi-Edward in Eclipse!
Oh and another thing, he looked sooooo much better under the clock tower as Robert than as Edward, what they did to him?!
I? Scruffy?
What I ATTEMPT, aside from inquisitive mind with fairly observant comments, and odd dry humour at times, is subtlety and modesty, such as when I commented on that seemingly innocuous passage of Bel-Ami as having really the most sexual between-the-lines undercurrent and subtext in literature,(I can copy and paste it here if you like, to see what I mean) but I am not for in the face gross-outs. However, the under -current does exist for me; I am not, as some here have described their mothers, a child who needs to be guided by her so sophisticated liberated uninhibited children; I AM, thank G-d, religious, not dead. :-)
IMHO, The innocence and wonder of experiencing love for the first time in over 100 years shined in twilight; he looked tortured and pained (which, trust me, can appear to age a person rapidly!!!) in New MOon, which is what he was supposed to be.
Susanne: if you spot the skinny bitch, take her down for me will ya? lol :)
I understand that solas, but still...
@ solas Ha Ha! I'm Irish too, and my bs meter is going off, I come from a family who have elevated slagging to an art form. I'm not criticising by the way, I love the comments, I sometimes have to put my coffee down so I don't spit it onto the computer.
I thought Edward looked wonderful in NM. It's the way he was dressed; the suits that made him look older (but still delish). Twi-Edward was perfection, despite the make-up. Have never noticed the ears, will havr to watch it (again!!!) tonight.
OT - the comic con highlight on the Twi dvd make me Lol. Especially the whole "worlds hottest vampire" thing.
My love of LOTR has never been surpassed until now. Once I entered the Twi-universe, LOTR took a back seat.
@gözde who is skinny bitch?I didnt get it and I didnt what orlando is trynig to do?
"..penetrate that mystery, to enter into the association, to obtrude himself upon his comrades, and make them share with him. Often at evening, as he watched the trains pass his window, he dreamed of the conduct he might pursue."
These lines have got be the most subtley done in-between-the-lines sex and sexuality in all of literature, and the real clarification of BelAmi's charcter development and modus operandi.
Do you see what I mean about this passage? Not in your face, yet soooo there.
The skinny bitch is Kate Bosworth, Orlando Bloom's ex-girlfriend. She is the new "squeeze" of Alexander Skarsgard, my other crush :P
LOL Gozde!
gözde lol you are right she should do it :D I have an another crush too but rob is the one:D
What exactly IS mojo? I have heard it from way back (I think Jim Morrison, rip, sang Mojo Rising, although I don't always hear lyrics correctly), but never really got a clear definitive meaning.
Solas, mojo = talent, skill, confidence (sexual or otherwise).
; )
Solas, re song:
LA Woman. ; ) Interesting lyrics. Always have to look up song lyrics as I NEVER get them right.
(Not that Gwen can sing. She can't.)
Thanks Gwen-I can sing, just don't always hear very well and, working with many languages every day, I try hard to understand word origins and context meanings.
For the longest time I used to sing along the words "The bathroom's on the right" only to find out many years after that it is "The bad moon's on the rise!"
As for Mojo, I think I had the general idea of what it meant, but not the specific origin; I know mofo seems to stand for mother f---er and so I wondered if mojo stood for anything. Only word possibilities I can figure out so far are 'mother joy' or 'money jobs' but neither fit the meaning of mojo.
OK i googled the word origin of mojo and found that although linguists are not sure, they see it as based on Creole or Indies/african word 'mocco' meaning magic, or shaman. So not an abreviation like mofo. And so, even though I first heard the word from his mouth, Jim Morrison (rip) didn't make it up.
Gozde-- these star girlfriend hook-up merry-go-rounds remind me of a beachBoys song--they really seem to get around.
@Gozde: I´m much taller than her, no problem!!! I´ll lock her up in my hotel room until she promises never to look at your man again! LOL!!!
Rob would have made a far better Legolas :).
Sure and that is what he would need for his career-- to play an elf in addition to a vampire. ;-)
Edward looked better in NM.
I still love LOTR :D
Goz- You are cracking me up about Kate and Alex. I can't believe how much hate she is getting from so many fans of Alex. It's Rob and Kris 2.0 I know Kate hasn't done anything big and her career has been tanking but other than that I don't feel like I should be hating on her. I think she is a lucky bitch to have dated Orlando hot ass and now Alex sexy ass.
But I like Amanda Kerr with Orlando. They are really cute together. Amanda seems like a sweet girl. And she has a great modeling career along with being a Victoria Secret Angel. She is one of the top 10 or 20 highly paid models.
oooo Orlando I love him as legolas he was dreamy he still is that's why I wouldn't like him back with Kate please don't she's cooku crazy and skinny as hell...orlando doesn't deserve that kind of punishment..I mean I like her but shge's kinda lost like misha barton or Lindsay...he's better with miranda
I'm sure it was hell for orlando but Rob's fandom is crazy...I think is unique and more worldwide than others
"Gozde: Not all blogs are the big bad Perez Hilton Orlando :) And even Rob admitted in the Hope for Haiti telethon that twitter CAN BE a good thing :)"
I don't really think that Rob actually wrote this text himself...
By the way: I'm really excited to hear that Howard Shore is going to be the composer for Eclipse's score! He did such a great job with "Lord of the ring" - I think it's really an honor that he's doing one of the Twilight movies!
And a funny coincidence to hear about this as we are talking about Orlando/Legolas, isn't it? ;o)
Yes, it's exciting about Howard Shore. I think even David's impressed, surprisingly. ;)
Like everything we create - it has its dark and light,including blogs, twitter etc. As Legolas knows...
I meant Miranda Kerr.
Agreed. I don't believe that Rob wrote his text for the telethon either but perhaps they felt that being the youngest of all the stars chosen to address the camera (verbally that is), it would be logical to have him talk about the 'modern' technology angle. Just a guess.
As for twitter...
I don't think it's the actual technology that Rob dislikes. From what I've heard, before fame hit he used to have a facebook or myspace or whatever. He is afterall of that generation that grew up with all of this shit. I think his problem is what the 'people' do with the twitter. The way they 'selfishly' use it without any regard as to how it might affect him. Again, just a guess.
I used to have the biggest crush on the elf...I know, I know, he's not an elf, but that was the only way I liked him!
As for Rob, I really, really love the man, not the vampire.
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