finally listed the
New Moon DVD
! There is no release date but if you sign up amazon will send you an email when it's available :)
Go to
select BluRay or regular and sign up!
UPDATE: Amazon Germany says the DVD will be released on
April 15th... Why so late? :(

Robert Pattinson Source
Oh, I like how Edward is right up there in front, with Bella.
It's always been E&B for me...
Can't wait for this to be available.
Good morning, ladies!
Oops...where are my manners?
Thank you, Goz!
Now this news has brightened up bleak Monday!
Sex Walk ... Sex Walk.. Sex Walk...
:waves @ Ellie:
fancy meeting you here, lol
I agree with you Ellie, it´s always been Edward and Bella till the end of the saga ;)
Good Morning, all too!
Hope the extended scene version comes out right away. Don't they release a "regular" version first, then wait a while, then release all the good stuff on a different version a month or two later?
(So you have to buy both---in Gwen's impatient world you do.) Still, yeah! ; )
Last year it came out in mid March. I had mine preordered (which Im never doing again-it took 3 days at least to come in) Just buy it locally at Walmart. They got tons.
So glad they did not use the "Jake on box" pic.
Gwen, when they released Twilight, there were 1, 2 and 3 disc versions released on the same day.
I am so very much looking forward to the extras!
Thank you Gozde.. this is a nice looking cover.
@ADM, thanks! Yeah!!!
Can't wait for those deleted scenes and other extras myself...loving the cover! :)
I've already ordered mine. It's supposed to be available on March 18, 2010 on
For once we don't get everything late... Have to wait until april for remember me... and this is very hard!
Any word on whether Target will be selling a three DVD set again this year?
Does it ever occur to those who make the DVDs to PUT THE STUFF THAT WAS CUT OUT BACK INTO THE RIGHT PLACES??? I have the latest Harry Potter DVD and the extras were elsewhere. I would love to see new MOOn with the stuff we missed back where it belongs.
And I agree about the E&B. From the eclipse script, it seems they are still not having the E&B scenes that most (or all) of us had wanted. I am wondering why Summit does not get this. I don't think they really drew in more people (guy audience) because of the action scenes. And I don't think it was the team Jacob garbage because they did that themselves. IMHO, The core fans would have loved more E&B.
solas I think they call that a director's cut or something? I said the same thing, why don't they leave all the cut stuff in and let us see it that way? I already put in for alerts from Amazon. I so cannot wait to see the extra stuff. I bought two versions of twilight. Already bought the Amazon one, then heard about the target 3 disc and had to have it. LOL. Love the cover. Edward is where he belongs, in front, and Jacob is in back as it should be!!!
I didn't even know there was a 3disc one from target. Where would I be without this site? Is it still available? Is it worth getting beyond the DVD I already have?
Solas - To be honest I can't even remember what was on it. Def. extra footage, and that's ALWAYS worth it ;)I'll have to check when I get home.
one of the largest sites for cd's etc. in sweden does not only have a different dvd cover for new moon ( but also a preliminary one for eclipse, haha. (
it doesn't state any release dates though.
This time I'm not going to preorder anything. I bet they're going to do that stupid thing again where different stores have sets with different stuff which is annoying as hell. I actually have 3 sets of the Twilight dvd, so I'm just going to wait & see what other people are putting out.
Yup, I have the Target version, the Borders version and the Amazon version....I nearly bought the Costco version, but was able to show SOME restraint! LOL....
I seriously cannot wait for this to come out already. I like the cover too....there may be more than one cover, though...
I LOVE the cover! and I can't wait for the commentary and all the extras.
I just saw on another site that the DVD release date is March 21. Who knows.
Hey all! I signed up for the pre-order thingy on Amazon. I had no idea there was a 3-disc Twilight. *off to eBay to find it*
Agree with everyone, it's always E&B!
I am so looking forward to the bed scene and the tent scene. Can. Not. Wait.
I have the Amazon, Borders, and Target versions of Twilight. Borders came with photo cards and Target came with extra stuff-can't remember what because I just watched all the extras from all three versions one after the other. It was expensive, but worth it. I sincerely hope that they don't pull the same stunt with NM and the others, though I highly doubt it.
And thank God that Jacob is not the focal point of the NM cover!!!
the release date is march 22... in America at least. :)
Read interview with Chris Weitz: "My phone call from New Moon director Chris Weitz !!"
Jenny won a contest from Twilight's official Twitter so Chris phoned her (7 questions):
- ... The outside of the school is all CGI, we built the stairway for the school and took stills ...
- Availability. Volvo wanted to introduce a new car into the series, instead of the older model. So they provided a newer model, brown Volvo. Immediately we knew it had to be repainted, and chose a dark, non-shiny, black colour. It added more to the first Edward scene in the movie, the feeling is upbeat but the colour of the vehicle adds to the danger lurking.
- ... Kristen had a cold at the time and was scared of drowning. We had to force her to stay in the water [laughter] But Rob was more comfortable in the water, he had to shoot underwater scenes in the past. [Harry Potter]
- ... The DVD will include that scene as well as extended scenes. Some of the extended scenes include more of Edward's visit to the Volturi concerning his immortality ...
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