Remember Me's Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin shot some intimate photos at the Los Angeles County Museum Of Art. Sources tell eonline that the mildly attractive (Kat - I think the source needs a trip to the eye doctor - mildly attractive???) duo were being snapped for Vogue magazine's annual "Power Issue," which goes to press around the same time Remember Me hits theaters in March.
Photographer Norman Jean Roy shot the co-stars in several different exterior and interior locations around the museum, and made sure the layout would have gritty sex appeal for the issue.
"'It's kind of edgy in a Vogue way,' the source says. 'Emilie is wearing high fashion but it's like sort of tattered-looking. Rob is mainly in suits.'" (Kat: Mainly in suits... kill me now!)
Pattinson and de Ravin were able to be shot in private, since locations were blocked off with blue tarps and security.
Hot stuff.
Photo credit:
Sigh. Not an Emilie (since Roswell, believe it or not---hated her) fan, but for ROB, Gwen will suffer. ; )
Rob does rock a suit, doesn't he? Can't wait to see!
You know, I can't judge Emilie... this will be the first thing I've sen her in... but I'm not convinced I'll be watching her!
Lookin' good - I like it.
They just did a funny parody on People's choice awards with Queen Latifah and Rob in the break up scene.......funny.
Favorite breakout movie actor is.............Taylor Lautner.
Just saw Hugh Jackman beat Rob on the People's Choice Awards :(
Rob kills me "mainly in suits", with that special smile. Superb!!!!
Love Rob anyway!!!!
Pining! how's it going? :)
Kat ITA with what you said-I don't watch Lost, not familiar with her before this at all, so we'll see what I think of her after RM. That is if I bother to pay attention to her at all. LOL
Pining, check your email!!! Prezzie time! No, not ff. Sorry. ; )
Gwen, I hated her in Roswell, also. I tell myself that she must be a good actress, because she had me hating her for a long time. I got over it when she was on Lost.
Kathy - that is not right - Hugh won for best action star - Rob wasn't in that category.
pining, I was just wondering about that. I know it should start soon. Not sure when.
yep, I haven't peeked in there even once!
*patting myself on the back*
well, we had an epic fun chat last night to get away from crankyville, and were traumatized by JerseyRob earlier today-have you seen it? YUK-that's about it I'd say. I was wondering if I'd have anyone to talk to tonight or if everyone would all be in the spoiler thread. :)
@ADM, Richard Gere did the same thing for me in Internal Affairs. HATED him after that. Until Chicago. It is weird that some actors can do such a bang-up job with "bad-guy" roles that they lose the audience.
RPL, those of us in the Spoiler Free Club are over here.
JerseyRob...scares me *shivers*
my sister so hated Ben Stiller as Michael in Reality Bites that she won't watch any of his movies! and she's missing out 'cuz Meet The Fockers was frickin' funny!
it's strange how wrapped up in characters people get-guess that's why everone's so concerned about Rob's post-Twilight career...
I knew I could count on you girls! We gotta remember the pact! LOL
Spoiler Free for Remember Me...and Eclipse. crap, that wrecks the rhyme! but I still don't wanna know.
pining, we would probably love him more. Crazy NB's that we are.
Loved Ethan Hawke in Reality Bites - one of my fave movies.
RPL, it was a good rhyme. I loved NM, but I just knew too many scenes. I want more surprise for the other movies.
oh, I LOVE Reality Bites! Sammy and Vicki are my favorite characters. =)
RPL, based on RM's clips already released, Rob's going to have a really good year. The RM script is strong, as is the cast. If Rob's performance is consistent through-out the film, then WIN!
(Granted, the Edward-level bar is set kinda low...)
Bel Ami or Unbound Captives will solidify his "presence" or just be icing on the Rob cake.
(Gwen shakes her head at the rest of NBs. Icing. Rob. Yep.)
I feel the same...I watched the groaning hot kiss by the truck such a crazy number of times before I went to the movie that when it happened on the big screen I didn't have NEAR the same reaction I did when I saw it the first, oh, 100 times or so. And I should have saved the big moment for the theater.
If we just keep reminding each other that the movie will be better, maybe we can stay spoiler free.
hmmmm, what rhymes with Eclipse...ships? lips? tips? I need help, anybody?
Gwen, I agree, as long as he keeps giving the performances he does, he's going to be just fine. I think he really is talented, not just a flash in the pan. But naysayers don't seem to agree!
that's what I'm hoping for, ADM! we're gonna have to practically gouge our eyes out, though. X[
pining, spoiler free for Eclipse gets you a kiss from Rob's lips.
Darn...too long.
hahaha, pining, if only...
oh wow, ADM, you promise? no more spoilers for me, ever! LMAO
pining, I like that one!
Argggggggggggggggg, run, do not look at it!
Yeah, I think that would scare us off.
Either of those would keep us on the straight and narrow.
did you guys see Goz's reaction to our whining? too funny.
RPL, yeah, I kept reading comments. They got more and more funny.
pining,I hope that Summit does not release so many spoilers. Also, they need to keep a tighter lid on everything so that clips don't get leaked.
i have seen nothing with emilie either but i am so looking forward to seeing rob especially in a suit with stubble :)))
yeah i dont whether to read the spolier or not, it's there in my inbox cuz i wanted to read it then i hesitated.
jersey boy rob was really hard to look at today :(
she read our comments and was lhao...said we should have tweeted or emailed and she would have posted something else! but I think we had a pretty good time begging. haha
so is anyone watching the PCA's? my DH has got the tv tied up with video games...
I'm getting nervous -
Vampire Diaries just won for best new TV Drama on PCAwards.
I'm thinking Twilight may not win anything except for Taylor's break out star award.........hope I'm wrong.
No laughing, Gwen is drinking a glass of wine here:
No Eclipse Slips!
Snip Eclipse Clips (or Quips)
Ban Eclipse Drips
LOL. (Gwen is sorry, but having fun!)
Gwen should also mention that she is, in fact, a total spoiler queen. But she will not divulge any Rob-related secrets unless Rob himself asks. So there. ; )
pining, I do the same thing with the crankyville thread. I don't need the negativity.
Ana, JerseyRob made me ill!
pining, ITA, I'm so not here to argue! I like it that almost everytime a nasty thread gets going, we go to another one to play nice. :)
Pining! We had to put up with NJRob all FREAKING DAY! The horror!!! NOOOOOOOO.
LOL @ Gwen, drunk rhyming seems to work for you.
Kathy, some of us are still watching People's Choice. Thanks for ruining it for me.
pining, that was the idea. It will be very difficult. I hope there want be many leaked to tempt us.
Favorite movie actor is...................Johnny Depp.
pining - i am debating...but i saw too many clips of NM and it kind of killed the whole surprise of the movie. i didn't read the remember me script when it was being emailed, i stayed away from it.
i think the cranky threads, they are funny and then you throw a comment in to get everybody riled up more LOL.
just finished spoiler material...can't help it. Weak of mind & body. LOVED Ethan in Reality Bites. One of my favorite movies of all time. One of the BEST kisses in all filmdom (I said ONE of the best kisses; not THE best) with Ethan and Winona. Liked Ben Stiller in it as well. He was a dork but not adorkable.
Wonky foot alert on that photo!!!
God I can not wait for this to come out.. geez I'm all hot & bothered just reading about it!!!!
I agree, I'm liking Gwen's wine rhymes! (I can't seem to stop myself)
pining, I'm really going to try hard to be good-released trailers are ok, since they'll be on tv anyway, but no leaked clips, bootleg trailers or scripts for me-I hope! not too sure about the photos, those would be almost impossible to avoid here.
femroc -is johnny there? i always will have a spot in my heart for JD, he was my high school celebrity crush back in the 21 jumpstreet days :))
hey, RPG!
LOL @ pining! niiiice ;)
I am going to restrain myself and not read the script for Eclipse. It's my fave book in the series. I'm on the fence about Emilie. I have never seen Lost or any of her other work. She's cute, and is maybe a good fit for Rob's character, Taylor,in RM. I am excited to see him in this movie. The trailer looks amazing.
As far as the Vogue photo shoot, I can't wait. He'd look good in a paper bag.
It will be weird to see him in another role. I can't wait!
Hello RPG!
Loose lips spoil Eclipse
(I'll be watching ALL of the clips :-))
She snips eclipse bits by the seashore
our e-KLIPS are sealed.
but so much was leaked for NM and we have only seen nature shots and that one pic of E&B in the meadow so maybe so much of pics and clips wont be out there. even the whole script was leaked LOL. i just have to remember will power.
reality bites was a great movie total 90's, i loved the good times trivia freaking hilarious.
pining and RPL, I agree. No way we will be able to look away from the photos.
RPL, thank you. Toward the end of the NM promo, it was really hard to NOT see clips---they were literally everywhere.
Makes one wonder if Summit is going to push the promo level for RM to DefCon 12. Thinking, yes. (Rob, suit, red carpet. Hmm. Win.)
RPG, what IS up with the wonky foot in the photo? Noticed that too.
Oh no, I love spoilers!! Plus, we all read the books, so we know the meat of the movie!!
Rob is slightly pigeon-toed.
That's the same foot that looks wonky in the VF photo where he's asleep with the book. Maybe that's the short leg.
He always seems to have at least one wonky foot or leg... Adorkable always!
RPG - you are so right, ok now i am going to read it, didn't think about it like that :)) dont know when i will though.
femroc, that's strange...
Ana, it's one of my all-time favorites! I love the Sammy comes out to his mom play with Vicki. Classic!
CRAP, listening to the news. They are calling for snow tomorrow! Do you have any idea how stupid Southerners are in the snow? FML
me love me some wonky, pigeon-toed foot. now there's a sentence i never thought i'd write.
Lmao Marna! Maybe that's the short leg! I wonder if that's real or just another Robisim!
pining~"The meat of the movie: Leg Hitch 2010."
Hell Yes.
i am laughing so hard talking about rob's "short leg", poor rob :))
LOL, ADM, be careful! we've got a winter storm warning but it's Iowa-we're used to it!
I agree, wonky Rob = happy me!
they're dumb asses in portland too when it snows! We get 2 inches & the whole fucking city shuts down and all the buses crash into eachothet!
IDK, he did trip on the stage in-Spain, was it? heehee
I'm sure, like the rest of him, his legs are fine.
I do love that sleeping in the chair pic, though!
pining, it is a strange arrangement is it not? I'm either on here, reading twilight fanfic, scanning google for tidbits, listening to the soundtracks, or having a make believe relationship with someone I've never met.
L.A. drivers. Rain. Enough said. ; )
Gwen was a card-carrying LA commuter for YEARS. She knows of which she speaks.
pining, who knows when Rob is telling the truth. LOL
He has made so many nutty comments, that I bet he can't keep up with what he has actually said.
we got snow here two times this winter, and everyone freaked but i was one of those dumbasses that couldn't drive in it. i couldn't get out of my driveway even, it was really funny, my husband was so pissed at me :))
it was so cold here in sw florida that I had to wear SOCKS & closed-toed shoes today!!!!
Holy shit... this is going to be gooooooood!
I just know it.
Rob in suits.. YUM
God me too rpl... that photo in the chair... it graces my bedroom wall... too yummy for words...
Sparkledazed, I did not realize you were in the south. :)
Not sure I know the sleeping in the chair photo.
someone needs to link a NB up!
ADM, yes I'm an island girl off the sw coast of florida near Fort Myers/Sanibel.
gah, RPG! I just wanna crawl in his lap in that pic...
Sparkle, ohno, socks! heehee j/k I'm sure it's strange in FL-here I'm sitting on my couch in socks AND slippers. =)
where r u ADM?
Good night pining.
Sparkledazed I am in Marietta, Georgia.
Sparkle, lmfao! Socks in Florida....
Ana, you too!
And Gwen, so true about LA on the rain!! I lived in Culver City & worked in Pasadena... Try & drive on the 110 freeway with crazy & rain...ugh!
night pining! <33
ADM: yes I've been there...& my sister lives in Athens. She says it may snow there which apparently is unusual.
Can't believe they call them Mildly attractive!!??? Are you kidding me??
Idiot writer. He must have just been looking at Emilie. They were shot in private?? Gritty sex appeal??? Hmmmmmmm - cannot wait.
gwen - agree with you about LA in the rain. i think i drove better in LA then i do here. i was more familiar with everything there whenever i go back and visit it's like i never left :)
good night pining!!
chair photo from the VF shoot, reading the sex book? I know you've seen it!!
femroc - i dont think that emilie has that sex appeal, to me she is just cute like apple pie. maybe they were referring to her but lumped rob in the statement.
@RPG, or the 14/405 late to the airport, in the rain. Yeah.
Good night, Pining!!!
It's a wonderfully balmy 6 degrees here right now. Colorado is COLD in January. (Gwen really, really misses palm trees, btw.)
IT, but the UOEM was freaking sensual...omfg.. I may have to read that one again
ADM, I'm trying to find that pic for you but I'm having trouble...anyone?
Thank you RPG...I am an idiot. Yes, I have seen it.
Sparkledazed, yes snow here is very uncommen. They are talking of schools closing, etc. Too bad I didn't go to the grocery store today.
@ADM, this photo
thanks all. gotta go recharge. laters baby.
Good night Sparkledazed.
Thanks Marna
LMAO @ Sparkledazed.
gwen - where did you live in LA, since you are mentioning the 14/405
rpg - yeah that was hot UofEM and it's going to get even hotter with all of sexual tension.
I personally think Emilie is adorable and I loved her on Lost...from the trailer I think she's gonna be great in RM.. Course, how can you not be with Rob!
night, Sparkle!
good, someone found it-dammit, photobucket!
I'm so jonesing for an EP update right now...
RPG, having read the script, I think Emilie is great for RM. She looks good in the trailer.
@Marna, don't you just want to climb up in his lap in that photo? (Maybe it's just Gwen.)
; ) The man is just too cute for freaking words, people!
I'm steering clear of any and all spoilers for Eclipse, Remember Me, and all his other movies. If I'm going to sigh, gasp, moan, groan, or God forbid, squeal, it's going to be a "virgin" experience!
Night sparkel!
ok i am out for the night going to finish reading another FF story...
good night and sweet rob dreams to you all !!!
LOL @ jl
Good night Ana.
Yes Rpl! EP , HA & CW/IA. Need now!!!
have a good night, Ana!
RPL and RPG, EP is so sad right now. She needs to lighten it up in the new chapter. Just a little, even.
LOL, RPG, it's tough to wait, isn't it?
I'm not waiting on CW&IA yet, reading it slow to fill the void while I wait for the other two. It's sooo good!
I'm going to sign off, too. Have a good evening ladies.
I agree! I miss b & e having sex and being happy in EP... It's been brutally sad lately...
Night Ana!
I'm out too ladies.. I'm going to re-read script ( I know, I know) and catch up on carravagio & cocky!!
night, ADM! happy Robdreams. <3
I'll head out, too. Night all! let's hope tomorrow is JerseyRob free!! LMAO
@Gwen, I want to do a lot more in that lap than just climb up into it, LOL.
He does look incredibly skinny in this pic though, & I think he needs to eat a cupcake or two.
Speaking of EP, I'm only up to chapter 43, & I'm starting to get bored by it. Does it get more interesting? And it's too damn long, she said it's going to be 65 or more chapters, so everything is dragging. I'm also having trouble suspending belief with Alice & Rosalie being so accepting of Bella being a slave, it just feels wrong that they just think it's ok because it's the Cullens. And why is Carlisle a psycho?
Emilie and Rober?? This is going to be HOTTT
I think Emilie is lovely and i can't wait to see the layout!
It is NOT a cover shoot. That photographer have shot for Vogue many times, but he has never shot the cover.
Now then, just eating my breakfast and I find this beautiful picture of Rob to greet me. My God, he is so good looking he makes me want to cry (not sure why but he does - is that strange?)
Remember Me is going to totally kill me.... I love my Edward, but seeing Rob as he really is, well, I just know I'll sit in the cinema with my mouth hanging open and drooling ...
I'm REALLY hoping that people don't spoil it for me and tell everyone what happens in this movie! Please ladies, don't do it, I want to go and see this film and not know! Maybe we could have a Remember Me Spoiler thread too?
I've also hated her ever since Roswell. Sometimes the word hate is thrown around so lightly but completely fitting in this case. Like ADM said she must be a good actress for me to still despise her so much after all these years!
yes, as birgit mentioned, I don't think they got the cover, it was more a spread for the issue.
Don't like her face, voice and acting.
They said "mildly attractive" because they were referring to Emilie, and the lack of chemistry between her and Rob (JMHO)....Rob is the Pretty; she is not!
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