Twilight star Robert Pattinson is sexy, we know that already, and even ladies' man Hugh Grant agrees.
Hugh Grant is a huge fan of Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson and can understand why women of all ages fawn over him.
He said: “I haven’t watched the second part yet of Twilight (New Moon) yet, but I understand the fascination with Robert. I think he’s really sexy!” (Kate: Watch out Rob :-0)
Hugh also revealed how he thought he looked sexy when he wore a cowboy hat in movie Did You Hear About The Morgans? - until he saw himself on screen.
He said: “I thought I looked pretty sexy with the Stetson hat. At least I was hoping I would. But after watching the film I have to admit I looked quite daft.
“But you have to know that I always tell the costume designers to make me look as attractive as possible.”
Robert does not have that problem! (Kate: He certainly doesn't!)
Source New! Magazine with thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip
Hugh Grant is a huge fan of Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson and can understand why women of all ages fawn over him.
He said: “I haven’t watched the second part yet of Twilight (New Moon) yet, but I understand the fascination with Robert. I think he’s really sexy!” (Kate: Watch out Rob :-0)
Hugh also revealed how he thought he looked sexy when he wore a cowboy hat in movie Did You Hear About The Morgans? - until he saw himself on screen.
He said: “I thought I looked pretty sexy with the Stetson hat. At least I was hoping I would. But after watching the film I have to admit I looked quite daft.
“But you have to know that I always tell the costume designers to make me look as attractive as possible.”
Robert does not have that problem! (Kate: He certainly doesn't!)
Source New! Magazine with thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip
Much as I love Hugh Grant as an actor he has never managed to shake off the "floppy haired upper class English twit" perception. Lets hope Rob can shake Edward off
the movie is ok but he is hilarious. the quotes in his beautiful british accent reminds me of Rob. but even in his highest of time he wasn't anywhere close to Rob's magic.
No one is immune to Rob-love that!!
Yep. HG has always been one of my favs. But no way in hell will he ever have the attraction that Rob holds over us.
ITA jc
He has more of that bumbling cuteness than the absolute adorkable hawtness that Rob has!
Always thought Hugh was adorkable, and usually enjoy his movies. Agree LHR, some of the same qualities as Rob, although the hotness level never was like Rob's.
LOL, and FILTM!!!
I've always enjoyed Hugh's movies, i.e. Three Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill, but NO ONE will ever be as sexy, beautiful, and loveable as Rob.
Good morning!
Hugh is still cute, especially the accent and the witty English sense of humor. He never had what Rob has - undeniable hawtness, sex appeal, Pretty, talent and the devotion of crazed ladies like ourselves.
Does every reporter or movie star just mention Rob now??
Morning ladies!!
I've always liked Hugh...just never completely obsessed like I am now...sigh, the things I do for this man.......
Morning ladies
I just finished reading the comments on the GQ thread. Thing got pretty hot(er) after I left ;)I'm going towatch all the vidoes later.
I'm not surprised that Hugh thinks Robert is sexy. Hugh is cute but Rob is more then cute.
see u tonight
rob is perfect...as we say he could wear a bag and he'd still look beautiful...
aaaa I love hugh grant I've always like himm...I love him in notting hill and specially in bridget jones...I've even had a crush on him..no kidding
I didnt understand wtf was up with the whole hugh thing back then. I watched some of his movies and I get that he's just endearing and charming. But ROb knocked me off my feet. IF he can change a girls tastes completely (like mine) and have me lusting after him then I'll give Hugh props. I swear Rob has magic powers. He gives me an eyegasm.
“But you have to know that I always tell the costume designers to make me look as attractive as possible.”
hahaha... I love Hugh! He always says these kind of things.
There are times that Rob reminds me of Hugh. I think it is that self deprecating humor. Or maybe the floppy hair. Love Hugh Grant, but Rob is breathtaking. Nice Hugh said good things though.
Always i liked the films de Hugh Grant...
But Rob I like everything else of the like, acts, films, he sings, plays piano and guitar, his physique, his voice ... I like all of Rob
Rob defines perfection!!!!!
Sorry, Hugh. No contest for Gwen! Rob is just absolutely Beautiful, he's truly a gorgeous man. Not to mention talented. Sexy. HOT. (And much more.)
Hugh has always been sweet/goofy/cute and maybe it's been his movie roles, but there never seemed to be much depth there.
Rob simply staring comes across as deep and thought-provoking. Broody, sensitive, shy, intelligent, great sense of humor, loyal---highly attractive. LOL.
; )
Hell, yes, we all love this man.
Must be the trendy thing to do to mention Rob in their interviews..........if they say something positive about him - they win a lot of smiles from millions of us girls.
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