We already told you about the hot sex scenes between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s characters in the planned fourth Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn, but now let’s hear what someone from the cast has to say about it! “The fans are young, so I can see it go both ways,” Chaske Spencer told at last night’s Access Hollywood “Stuff You Must…” Lounge, after perusing the BENCH Apparel booth. “It will be a director’s cut, because the fans are growing with the characters in the movies, but you know they’re going to just do two versions and one can be on a special DVD.” Hm… a separate DVD with extended love scenes between Rob and Kristen? Consider it pre-ordered!
Gozde: As much as I'd like to dream about what he said (and by dream I mean fantasize) I think Chaske should have been holding this sign when he talked to Hollywood Life:
We'll file this under: things that will never happen....At least we have Bel Ami and Remember Me to "dream" about :)
Oh yeah-deleted scenes and directors cut baby! Feathers flying and Edward nakey in the moonlight!!THIS IS WHAT I WANT! on a serious note. These morons obviously act like the kids didnt READ the books. Its racy alone. Now theyre wondering if theyre gonnna offend the rents if the scenes are in it?? Gimme a break! These teens are growing give me exactly what happened in the book. It was PG anyway. Im wondering if that screenwriter is going to FK that up too.
BWHAHAHA >> We'll file this under: things that will never happen....At least we have Bel Ami and Remember Me to "dream" about
Nowadays everything that isn`t politically correct is a sin. This is sarcasm.
God....a girl can dream, can`t she??
I think I would lose my mind if there was a director`s cut!!!
I want every freakin', as close as you can get to an R rating movie for BD. We can only hope! Come on, Summit. Let's gear it for the adult audience. (yeah, right!)
Here, here jc!!
It`s a nice dream to have anyway...
I always said that they can do it tastefully. They can meld the scenes in a dreamy sequence. They dont even need to be "knockn da boots" its all in the book. I mean KS and ROb did a tiny kiss and everybody lit up like a christmas tree sayin "that was hot!" see? it can be done..Thats why it irritates me when I hear stuff that its too r rated for the kids. What about those victorias secret commercials? these rents let the kids watch those-sheesh.Also those rents should do their homework. Whatever happens,if they hear from the grapevine that its too racy. For petes sake dont let your kid read a teenage book and let him watch the movie.
Um...anyone think maybe Chaske has been reading our comments?
Kind of scary. We wished for this last week. LMAO
If so, keep saying it "out loud" maybe someone will listen. LOL
OMG do they think its only 11-14 yr olds that have read this book !!! give me a break . i am a twi hard mum and i absolutely love Twilight (and more importantly Rob Pattinson/Edward . When are these people gonna remember that its not just kids that read this book . what about us mums who wanna see a raunchy and seriously semi naked Edward .
I think you may be on to something, ADM!!
(looks around...) We`ve been found out!!!!
Does anyone else think that Chaske is hotter than Taylor by miles?
It will ben interesting to see if anyone switches back from Team Jacob when Eclipse comes out! we will get to see much more Edward
This could TOTALLY happen! They did it for Avatar, you know. They could absolutely have a deleted scene where Edward and Bella get it on. I don't see why this couldn't be a possibility. If teens can read about it and even do it themselves (which many do) surely they can watch it.
I want BD to reviewed by Sensor Board (? whatever it is called) and seriously have it being debated whether it should R or NC-17. I want it almost damn near XXX as possible. I want it like the fan fiction.
*smiles wickedly about the smutty fan fiction I read last night*
BRING IT ON...............R rated at least!!!
Sure do want an R rating on BD but we may be able to get our sexy fix of Rob in Bel Ami .....but it would just be cool to see him with Kristen.
ALL of these Twilight movies are totally just foreplay to BD so if comes off as lukewarm....... what a let down....anticlimax so to speak.
True that if children are fans and they want to see it bad enough they will see it somehow even if it is rated R so how much does Summit need to protect that part of their audience?
It's a Catch 22 I guess - damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Director's cut DVD rated R would be almost easier for kids to get to see than going to the theater I think.
cullenlover - which FF was it and where do I find it? Sounds sexy.
Wishful thinking for sure!
you're right about that one little kiss that had (and still has) panties dropping everywhere... It CAN be done, tastefully, and still be hot. The book was hot and SM did not have to spell it out... We were able to go where she took us..but it's Rob dammit & we want to see steamy. & sticky...
One of the sexiest descriptions for me in BD was Bella looking out the window and saw Edwards clothes hanging on a tree branch blowing in the damn!
The way they make Breaking Dawn will either make or break the entire series.
How can they possibly please all the wide ages of audience?
Who could possibly direct it?
I'd love to see Kathryn Bigelow direct it - she did Point Break, Strange Days, and the new Hurt Locker and she was married to James Cameron - she's really good and edgy for a female director.
It needs to be a woman with grit. I think.
Femroc, I was reading the update to High Anxiety that RPG sent me. I stayed up until like 2:30 AM to finish it (am off today for the holiday), it was f-ing hot!
Thanks RPG!!!!
LOL, ADM, Leslie & jc-I think if we get a director's cut people will have the NB's to thank! ;)
I am ignoring the scarcasm sign (which always cracks me up, btw)and pretending that this is actually being considered. We're decent people. We deserve some bitten pillows and broken headboards. Please. Please?!
*looks at Summit with sadpuppyeyes*
wheres this smutty fan fiction everyone keeps talking about ... and where can i find it lol
I really don't see any problem in rating Breaking dawn R. I'm sure we all are not as naive as to believe that 10year olds don't know what sex, gore, blood and murder is. In this era of the Internet and Media, children see more blood, gore and sex on a daily basis than they would see in Breaking Dawn. I'm not talking about the birth scene - I don't mind that on the screen, but it would totally ruin the mood and genre of the saga. I saw many teens and tweens going to movies like Saw, everybody saw the Ring, etc. So, why would somebody mind seeing some more foreplay and a few bruises?
LOL @ RPL, let's just keep talking it up. Maybe dreams do come true!
*sitting next to RPL with sadpuppy eyes*
ADM I'm sending all the brainwaves I can muster...maybe I should learn hypnotism.
*swings watch* you're getting sleeeeeepy, Summit exec, very will add the sexy stuff when I count down from 3...2...1!
hey, it could work! ;))
@MrsTwilight, LOL, ok. Here you go:
One of my favs, pretty canon-like (meaning Edward's a vampire, Bella's human). Warning: fanfiction is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE!!!
Don't say we didn't warn you!
ADM & RPL, sitting right next you both! Tears in sad puppy eyes...
*Puts her sad big brown puppy dog eyes on too*
I really hope this works!!
RPL, ADM, makes sure that hypnosis thing includes Naked Edward on the Beach! ; ) Not JUST the feathers-a-flying!
(Gwen's feeling naughty this morning. Bad Gwen.)
Just that whole beach scene... Yummmm
"Make sure"; jeez, thoughts of Naked Edward and can't key! ; )
Gwen, naked Edward on the beach goes without saying! It should be standard operating practice. LMAO
Well, it is in my imagination!
lmao thats a good one come on everyone lets try it, maybe a group hypnosis would get the desired effect from summit execs .
Oh My if they were to give us a directors cut for all the scenes we want in BD I would LITERALLY be out with the **cough flu** from work for at least week wearing out my new DVD.
Director's Cut would be nice but SNUFFIT I mean SUMMIT isn't going to let that happen. Unless of course we can find out if the director is married and have his wifey on TEAM SEXITUP. Just a thought.
Just think of the box office receipts!!! Seriously, Naked Edward. EPIC WIN!!! ; )
ADM, with our imaginations we should rule the making of BD. LOL. The fun THAT would be...
Oh, Teri! LOVE IT! Bumper sticker:
; ) Consider one on my car as we speak...
LOL @Gwen Bumper stickers for sure.
They would have to sparkle am I right?
Most def! Totally Sparkly! (Why did my brain add "peen" in there? Gotta love ff!)
; )
Sorta on topic---just a total laugh:
The last 20 seconds totally mocks BD. Very funny though!
From Robsessed readers alone, the box office for an R version of BD, would bring in like a couple mil.
*Raising right hand* I solemnly swear that I would see it 20 times. Summit are you listening???
Naked Edward?
Can I have 911 on standby?
LOL! Would bet that some of the folks here would NEVER even leave the theater! (Gwen saw NM twice within the first 24 hours so she isn't throwing stones at glass houses. Not to mention Twi beforehand...)
Gwen seconds CL's oath! Yes, indeedy.
; )
CL, I'll take that oath, too!
You hearin' us, Summit?!? Obey the will of the Robsessors!!
{psst...ya think it's working?} ;)
I'm strangely not fussed about a director's cut for BD. I think it's because we'll see plenty of sexiness in RM and BA (at least we better!!).
Saying that, if I had to choose between and tweeny version or adult version...i'd be going for the adult one!
That reminds me of the T4 interview when Rob called New Moon an adult movie by mistake, that brought some images to mind! (Random I know).
OK. Here's my thoughts. Ahem. LOL! The thing is, the movie SHOULD be as close to the book as possible. The honeymoon scenes were so beautiful and sexy, and tastefully written by SM, how can you muck that up?!? I mean, how can you go wrong?!? I hate Sum***t entertainement. They seemto care less and less about sticking to the content of the books, and that irks me anyway. Plus, BD is my fave (with Eclipse right behind). I want it to be as true to the book as possible. The fans all do. If the tweeinies can't handle it, which I think tweens today can, they know more than we do about sex these days. LOL! Get real. This just frustrates me no end. This is the last book people-let's get it right! BTW-I agree with everyone. The beach scene is epic, and the feathers part-GAH. Gotta touch on that at least. OMG, and the cottage scene toward the end too-jeez that was so sexy and romantic too I wanted to cry. Come on! I'm tired of we GROWN UP fans being ignored. ;)
Who is Chaske to really say anything about this anyway - what clout does HE have in the matter. HE's not doing a sex scene we want to watch......I don't get why he's even talking about it. His opinion means
I'm in such a Rob drought right now.
OK here's my thought.
I'm 17 almost 18 y/o and i really wanna see sex scenes,naked Edward(ok half naked would work too),birth scene,broken headboard and feathers. I mean come on we are the fans,WE are paying for this movies.
For now i just have faith in DS and i hope he'll bring eclipse in the greatest way.
This is the ONLY way to go with this; not just some deleted scenes on the DVD, but an actual director's cut, a seperate DVD.
It's a no brainer and they'll make twice the money they would with just one DVD.
I've thought for some time now that the fans should BOMBARD Summit with this idea. Telling them that it's not fair to shortchange one faction of their audience (the adults) for the kids AND there's more money to be made with two DVD's. Emphasis that one. MORE MONEY!!!
How do the fans get this campaign organized?
Sounds like we need an NB petition to Summit...
Sexitup!!! Half the teen movies out there are way mire sexual than breaking dawn anyway.
We are woman, hear us RAWR!!!!
Ot.. New FF. Complete, very good. It's a totally different new moon.. Picks up after Edward has been gone fir 4 months and he comes back... only Bella... Is locked away...
It's really good...
CL, I too will take the oath!
Teri, bet we could get her on our side.
And I agree that Breaking Dawn will make or break this series. If they blow it, they blow the series. Because Breaking Dawn will be the last images we'll have of this story and therefore, they will be the ones that be will more apt to stick in the memory.
Same thing with the books; BD took the bloom off the rose for many people with this story. They didn't like it and it ruined the entire series for them.
One of the problems that they may run in to though is Meyer. That is, depending on how much influence she has on these films. I seriously doubt with her religious standards, that -if she has a strong voice in all of this- that she would allow one of her books to be turned into an R rated film. Hell, she doesn't even watch R rated films.
But maybe she'd compromise with a director's cut. Hell, she wrote this story and while she didn't write it graphically, she did write it very suggestively; pillow biting, headboard smashing, and what I thought was extremely descriptive...
After Bella had been turned and she and Edward were together for the first time and they were lying there afterward talking and they started to laugh and it caused a reaction in their bodies because they were still joined together. She was writing that they were lying there and he was still inside her. There's no other way to read that scene.
I just don't know how she could write a scene like that and then insist that the film version of it be 'sanitized.'
Gwen, RPL, ADM - Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to spread the BD word to all Robsessed, NB's, Twi-hards and administer the oath to as many in the Twi-universe as possible. We will then storm the gates of Summit and demand many fucklicous naked Edward scenes or off with Summit's head!
*Or something like that*
LOL I'm in where's the petition.
Woot! Cocky & Cougar update
*raises right hand to take the oath*
I am so down with a petition!!
Power to the People!!
It can be done. For example, The Notebook has some damn HOT sex scenes because the chemistry was right and that movie was PG13. Rob and Kristen have the chemistry to pull it off as long as the script and director get it right.
One more thing (actually, I got a million comments on this subject. don't worry, I won't voice them all)...
Some have wondered what's the big deal about kids seeing an R rated film as they go see films like Saw, etc. The problem is, Hollywood and the world at large has no problem with violence or kids watching it. They say that by the time a child reaches 18, they've viewed about 10,000 murders on tv. The problem is sex.
Our culture has no problem watching people get shot, stabbed or have their heads cut off, but god forbid we see two people naked and making love on camera. THAT we must turn our eyes away from.
I've never understood it.
(yeah, I used the caps on purpose, not to shout but to emphasize)
Nik--I can tell you how-- And i can say this quite confidently from personal experience, family experience, and experience in private practice and schools as psychologist and learning specialist, where I have seen what goes over kids' heads, when, and why:
Girls who do not know from sex (and yes, there are those out there) will just read it as bodies laughing together, like when you hug someone and you both laugh, and will not assume that he is inside, or that is what they were about to do, because they simply do not know from it (either experience, book awareness, 'street' awareness, or relevance in their lives).
Stephenie Meyers wrote it in a way where those who know, can envision based on experience (and/or phantasies), and those who do not know, will simply get from it that they enjoyed being together alone, kissing, etc.
About The Notebook...
Difference is, they didn't have a built in audience of young teenage girls.
Summit has a dilemna here (two factions of an audience) and if they don't solve it 'just right'...I don't know.
I know. Someone ought to send Summit some fan-fic. Let them see how a huge faction of their audience views these characters. Not that they'll ever do an X rated BD, even on a director's cut. They don't need to. It doesn't even need to be a hard R. It just cannot be a sanitized
PG-13. With that source material (the book), it would be viewed as weak and ridiculous.
Quite frandkly, I also do not understand why any adult woman would WANT steamy sex scenes right in your face. Seeing actors (especially these 2, so young and sweet) fully naked and even ACTING let alone really have the chemistry and desire for each other, would be like voyeurisim, like making public that which ought to be private. Leaving something to the imagination is, IMHO, actually sexier, longer lasting.
One reason some adults can handle giving violence to watch, and not sex, is becasue for most cases, the violence is not something kids will actually do or desire, whereas watching actual sex scenes is definitely within a closer realm of real possibilities.
That said, so much violence has indeed made an effect on many kids, either by giving them ideas, or numbing them to violence.
@CL, Mission Sandy Feathers is a "Go". Team SEXITUP members need to prepare to storm "The Summit"!
; ) Come on, NBs! (Gwen gets chills just thinking of Naked Edward!) BD, Rating R! Go Team!
it will be easy to do sensuality that's still [g 13. Robert and Kristen made a kiss look VERY with the right director, you could get a lot of bang for your pg13 rated buck.
I understand what you're saying, but I don't think anyone who understands anything about sex, could interpret that scene in any other way; their bodies were still joined together AND that is what Meyer was writing. And that idea should not be changed because a part of the audience (the children) don't 'get it.' That would be pandering so as not to offend and if she didn't want to do that, then she shouldn't have written that suggestive scene in the first place.
She should have simply written a children's story. But she didn't. And she really didn't with Breaking Dawn.
There can be compromise here. PG-13for the theatrical release and R for a director's cut. That would please ALL factions of their audience.
I am not so sure Rob and Kristen would want to do that, quite frankly. We shall see.
Like I said before, I think Stephanie wrote s very sensual, sexy erotic honeymoon.... as long as the screenwriter (gag mr) and director follow SM words, it will be very sexy and give us want we want....
I think we can have it both ways but ONLY with the right director and new screenwriter.
LMFAO @ Gwen!!!
Mission Sandy Feathers rocks!!
And nakey Edward....mmmmmmmmmmmmm...What? Where am I? Who are you people???
LMAO @ Gwen!
Love it. We have to get t-shirts made. I will replace my two Team Edward t-shirts with Team SEXITUP.
Front of t-shirt:
Team SEXITUP with picture of Italy Edward
Gwen, I get chills too just thinking of Naked Edward ;)
Joining Team SEXITUP
I'm not suggesting that they film scenes that are so suggestive that they border on the pornographic. Not at all. But they cannot fade to black or give us scenes of the waves washing up on shore to tell us that Edward and Bella are now having sex. In this day and age, that would be laughed off the screen.
Would you not agree that those scenes of him biting that pillow and smashing that headboard are not important to this story? What we've got here is a story of inter- species lovers and there must be some alluding to that. It's part of the story, part of who they are, part of what they must deal with. Film is a visual medium and we have to 'see' it.
This is the story that Meyer wrote and that children have read. Why must we flinch from portraying it up on the screen?
I could argue with you forever on sex vs. violence, but that's another topic.
Ohhh...then on the back we could put something like..."cause we're naughty bitches" or something like that.
@ LHR, Gwen & All -
I was trying to work out something with missionary and mission, but am coming up with nada.....anyone?
Sorry, Solas! Do agree that sometimes less is more! BUT, not always. Sometimes, ya just feel cheated and want the R kind of stuff (not going X here people).
If sexy stuff is within context of the story (and it is here), then Gwen rather likes it. Granted, tastefully done is preferable. (And that honeymoon beach scene? Please don't Disney it!)
The entire saga builds up to B&E's wedding night---the romance, the restraint. Fading to black while they take a dip in the ocean would be a huge letdown. (Could just read the book again if I wanted to use my imagination.)
Again, we're making a definite case for a Director's Cut version in addition to the PG-13 one!
And Solas...
You make a very good point. If in fact Rob and Kristen are lovers in real life (yeah, I think they are blah, blah, blah), then they might be a bit reticent to get really graphic together onscreen. And again, I don't think this story calls for graphic sex scenes.
Not that I think either would shy away from it in other roles (Rob dropped trou in LA and he's gonna again in Bel Ami), but they might
-a bit- with one another and only because, it could make them feel exposed in more ways than one. If you know what I mean.
I would make a case for a European-unrated version and a US version. It's common enough, and provided Summit is prepared to seek a more 'mature' classification for Europe, then it wouldn't upset the US standards. They'd also make more money that way as well. ;)
And Gwen...
You're right too. This whole story is about abstinence and BUILDING up to them breaking that abstinence.
They've got to figure out a way to do this or else, they're gonna ruin the whole series. I'd hate to see it go out with a whimper. No sir.
I want it to go out with a BANG!!!
Nik--re Rob and Kristen specifically, yes, You get my point.
As a person who tries to avoid movies with outright nakedness, I actually am not sure what you all mean or have in mind. I don't know the difference or definitions in actual expression of r rated vs porn.
Gwen, yes, I can see the pillow biting and headboard breaking, but not the actual sex involved in achieving those. Under the sheets is enough. As for the beach scene, Kristen walking to the water with a towel is fine. Again, what they are doing in or under the water can be left to the imagination.
LHR & CL, LOL. For the back of our shirts the closest I can get is "Naughty Bitches on a Mission". (Line 1)
(Gwen's being careful to avoid any lightning bolts from up on high.)
Operation Sandy Feathers (Line 2)
(In very fine print below, Lines 3 & 4:)
Edward Cullen Naked.
I know, right?
Gwen's really naughty at times...
Let's cut to the chase, I want naked, hot, steamy, feathery, clothes blowing on tree, water wallowing sexiness and nothing less will do!!!!!
Bring it on ......
Ah, I thought the pillow biting/headboard bits were agiven, even if it was a low rating (hence not fussed about cut). If it's going to be watered down that much then I definitely want a director's cut! I don't want full on sex/nudity, but enough to suggest what's happening would be nice! Suggestive, not graphic.
The sight of Bella covered in bruises and still begging for more would be a little unsettling though!
Acconati - sorry forgot to add in that not that bothered about Bella being naked, more interested in Rob angle but yes more suggestion than porno.
Have just glossed over more concerning aspects such as inter species sex, the bruising, violent birthing scenes and of course giving up all life to become a vampire.
; ) Solas, I think in my mind, take B&E's bedroom kiss scene from Twi and just ramp it up a bit.
Obviously, it's their honeymoon, so clothing wouldn't be appropriate, but showing a naked shoulder or stomach rather than full frontal (however much Gwen wouldn't mind that option), would be. For an R rating, just show Naked Edward's Butt a few times... (Gwen sighs.)
And as hot as R&K can make near-kissing? Let's just say, I'm confident that they can do the Headboard scene justice. (Heck, they could cause the film to spontaneously combust.)
LOL, Kate. Tell us what you really want! ; )
Kinda OT, but I had presumed the R rating was like an 18 rating in UK, so thought it was a bit odd people were pushing for that! Having read what R actually is, surely it could be made an R to accompany both sides (or is there a minimum age for R...), then younger ones can see it but it can be a bit more risque for those, ahem, older viewers!
Meh, who knows. We can but dream :)
I think cos I've watched LA recently I have that sex sene in my head, and that would just not be right in BD with B/E! Mind you, LA was rated 15 here which could work for BD.
Gwen - I just needed to get it off my chest.
Am keeping it real [well in my world anyway] lol
I want it all, I want it all, I want it all-and I want it NOW!
Adults have so far accounted for much of the financial support the Twilight saga movies have and will cash in on. I know I have personally spent hundred of dollars on theater tickets for myself and other friends and family.
At this point, I think things have moved way past the early teen scene. SM's books are targeted to young ADULTS. Adult is the key word.
Summit-start aiming to please adults of all ages. Come on, it's not like there would be surprise elements no one expects. It's all on paper!!!!!!!
ITA with Kate--Bring it all on, baby. Feathers and all. NB's, bring on the petition. BD has to be the climax of the series!!!
@Acconati, excellent point. Wondered about European movie ratings myself.
Here's the US:
R is ok for 17 year olds with an adult. PG-13 is parent's choice for under 13. NC-17 is no one under 17.
All hail to the JC - let them bring it on baby we are ready and waiting....
jc, nice double entendre there. ; )
Gwen - let's get those shirts made ASAP!
BD is my favorite, followed closely by Eclipse. The whole series does lead up to the them being together (in every way) for eternity. We have to be able to see that. I think the sex scenes can be done tastefully, I'm more concerned about the birthing scene and the blood. But to see Edward stab her in the heart and then bite and lick her, that to me seems harder to film than the honeymoon.
Gwen and Kate, I want Edwards butt, and yes, kissing, broken headboard, Bella covered in feathers, legs intertwined, moaning, heavy breathing, Bella being dazzled, etc.
@jc said climax....hahahaha
Looks like the 'let's have a bit of exposure and feathers' group is gaining in momentum.
We are open for expressions of interest.
CL, you had to mention the gory stuff (Gwen's a wimp---nearly fainted seeing Kill Bill I. Yep.)!
Hope NOT to see a Pulp Fiction-esque turn where Edward stabs Bella's heart with the metal syringe (cringe!) full of his venom...
As for the birthing scenes, eh, have two sons, labor took DAYS---Bella's may have been bloodier, but double-dog dare you to want nearly 70 combined hours of labor. I'd have welcomed Edward's help---trust.
We're going to need a lot of shirts...
Put me down for a Team SEXITUP shirt, girl!!! Summit needs to pump up the action, for sure on BD.
And, as stated before, any parent who let their child read the books, should not feel shocked by the transfer of said book to screen. Damn, it's just too simple. As RPG stated, SM's writing is sensual and done tastefully. I see no reason why any suggestive parts of the book should be "dumbed down" for any young people. Kids today have seen it all,just haven't fully developed an adults view on an emotional level.Parents should be on top of this one. It is what it is.
Subliminal message to Summit. haha
Gwen re your 3:46 posting, I can understand that (although no need for Edward's butt). I was thinking you guys were pushing for more.
Yes, puhleeze, sex it up. For gawd sakes, it is a deep inescapable attraction between a supposed blood-sucking teen vampire and hormonally challenged teenage girl! Of course it should be tastefully depicted, but there should be no doubt about what's going down. And, right, it is in the book. I really hope SM doesn't have much say. I recall CH saying on DVD comments that SM thought the (all too) brief kissing scene in Twi was too risque. She can't have it both ways when it comes to BD. She wrote it and dammit we want to see it!! (Sorry, we will not be seeing the "it" which popped into your minds, NBs :)
ALSO, the gory c-section scene which Rob is so looking forward to should be just as bloody and unnerving as it is in the book. It is integral to the story and the reason Bella gets turned. Hopefully, MR (ugh) gets that as does the director. No holding back or overthinking it for the tweenies.
OK-- after reading the definitions of the US movie ratings, I understand wanting R rated movie for ourselves, but for an 11 and half year old, who has read the books with much gone over her head, and has seen the movies, the R activities are way too much, too blatant and clear, especally if they dominate the movie. I suppose if all is under sheets, I could explain that this is one of the things people do when they are married and love each other; they play under the sheets and touch each other's skin (flesh of my flesh is a biblical line they would relate to) And certainly for the 7 and half year old who comes along for the ride.
These girls do not watch TV, are pretty sheltered, and I don't want them introduced to stuff they do not need to know now. ANd they re not the only ones in the country. The older one would feel sad about not being able to see a movie from the saga. I cannot understand why either 1-grown women cannot use their imaginations, or 2- 2 movies, one cut for general public.
I know, I know, I am in the minority and weird, but nevertheless, there it is. :-)
@solas, you have no idea what I have to do to get a comment here. I keep having to sign up for Google Account time after time. Yet 2 weeks ago I was always recognized. Enough about that...
I would like to chat with you off line from here and think you did give your email out to somebody. Would you be willing to post again? I just have so many questions to ask you, but do not want to invade your privacy.
lallieb-- I would love to chat with you :-)
oh yeah wondered about the naked in the moon light thing! now I know for sure! Whooo hoooo so I take it they are filming breaking dawn now and not Bel Ami? I thought he was filming Bel Ami right at this very minute! ;9 At ease know how wonderful Rob is and how very much he is with the nakey stuff if it's for the role and the storyline! and also don't forget that he and kristen have a lot more say so about what happens now than they did when it was just the kiss that ignited the world! and set me on fire to the point where I still can't get him outta my head...*wait for it ....oh. I watch the scene over and over again so's I can see the scene over and over again and never forget how totally freakin' hot the dude is! lol! As if?! And yeah a rated R or NC-17 would be totally freakin' awesome especially since Robs DNA is set up for that! He's absolutely beautiful, he's intelligent, and Swwwwweeee-ihhhht! Alll rolled up in one incredibly, adorable, hot, hawte, haute, package. Yeah Skorp I can't wait to see the feathers scene!!!!!! Who's with me? *sticks tongue out and licks upper lip just imagining all that hottness poured into one flippin' scene* I hate to sound like a squealy teen but what if the sheet falls down real low and we get to see the happy nature trail? *Thud* OH. MY. God. The theatre will be a hummin' with awe and I'm not talking the projector's motor! LOL! I lost it when I saw him only for a second when he does the slow walk and it's done! He's out in the light and then Bella jumps on him and then she covers his beauty with her own, granted BUTT STILL!!!! I mean but, ....*cheeks are turnin' red here* I bet it will be something between all the erotic fan fiction, *b/c you know they read that stuff! Robs even said so himself, although he might have been pulling our colllective legs when he said that sometimes its difficult to know when he's joking and when he's tellin it!* and the NC-17 rating we've all heard tell about and wishin' about! And if they do decide to release it that way no more scremy little girls who shouldn't be watching Rob yet anyway. My daughter has launched right into puberty just from watching his interviews with me! LOL! Her baby fats disappearing and shes getting boobies and slimming down and she just turned 9! The change in her since Twilight is unmistakable! Rob Pattinson has probably singelhandedly launched many a sweet little girl into puberty! anyway didn't mean to take up so much room but when it's Robert and topic so worthy I just gotta blog! lOL! love you all have fun this week and watch as much Rob as you can. He's so worth it!
absolutely femroc and woman with grit is the way to go with this one. if anyone has read SM other book the host? , it's very gritty and raw and personal as all get out! I loved that one too for other reasons...but dayyyymnnn if I just couldn't see Rob playin' that Jared character all over again. Jared's described as having a 'full beard all the time and long unruly shaggy hair. but the most piercing and beautiful eyes a man could have' hmmmmm....sound like anyone we all know and love to love? and I do believe he would be a good one because he could take it right down his favorite indy road he walks and lives on...Jareds really gritty and sexually driven! Anyway yeah, a gritty woman director good call femroc good on ya mate! and cullenlovr loved the addy for the fanfic went there book marked and am ready to start reading that one as well. anyone read hunterhunting's little opus called, 'Clipped Wings and Inked Armor'? That one is so good she better publish it so it can be made into a movie so we can see Rob as Tattward! No kidding that one is a gold gem of authentic Bella and Edward in a parallel universe with all the money they would ever need and all the education and all the sad problems the rest of us have except we don't have the money. That one is far and away a killer story. Anyway am really talkative tonight and really wanting to blog....alaaahht! love to ya all, from lisa J.
Nik and Solas, I really enjoyed your comments about how much should be shown in BD. I tend to agree with Nik, but I can see Solas' point of view too. I think the movie will go for a middle ground: artfully shot, no full-on nudity, stragegically placed sheets, etc. I'm pretty sure headboard breaking and pillow biting are going to be hot no matter how they're shot (HELLO it's Robert Can't-Look-Anything-But-Edible Pattinson doing this scene!) I'd love a director's cut; hard to say if they'll go that route. (I also doubt Rob and Kristen want to do a really graphic scene.)
To me, the birth scene is far more freaked me the hell out when I read it, and I'm a grown woman! Also extremely problematic are Bella's bruises "the morning after" pushes the envelope way too close to abuse. I would think that THAT is actually of way more concern to TPTB at Summit than the actual sex scene is.
Yes, the bruises worry me as well, but they explain his intent not to make love again until she is changed, which leads to the another scene, etc.
Truth is, they don't need that part (his decision to not make love again, her crying need for him, etc)-- they can go from enjoying themselves for a while til she discovers she is pregnant.
As for the birth- they don't have show him actually knifing her, and tons of blood; they can show him lifting up a baby. And for the turning, the needle doesn't haave to be stabed into the heart, it can be lovingly injected, and his putting venom al lover can be like kissing her all over.
sorry for the typos--you can get the main idea, except maybe that last one: 'venom all over' not 'venom al lover.'
I'm with nikola6 about the scenes being kept in and the screen writer getting a clue about this book/books depending on if they are going to make 2 movies. if they do then we should see just about everything there was in the book. All of it! every detail even the headboard smashing and absolutely the pillow biting! OH. MY. Good GOD. I would buy not only the first one when it was released to dvd but the 3 disc special addition that would suredly come. and Team SEXITUP! ? Someone get busy on that T-shirt will ya? Gotta have one! And yes the italy Edward would be so awesomely cool and f**klicious! I love that word as well...yeah nikola6 read your bio page bb and yeah would love to have Kristens boyfriend...she most suredly had to have been an Angel in another life to deserve all this BIG LUCK! And dayyyymmmnnn how would you like to have a big ole beautiful english guy like Rob say in interview time after time that the BEST Part about being EDWARD is getting to kiss KRISTEN STEWART!! He's said so many times and I don't think people catch it when he does, that he only took the audition to meet Kristen. Now, would you go around your life knowing that a guy, excuse me a man like Rob Pattinson WANTS YOU? I mean they're kind of funny to think about you know? I mean I'm not making fun of them but visualizing a fantasy of a couple. These 2 are so pretty to us and probably to each other, I always think of them as 2 magical creatures we've had the good luck to see up close like on one of those wildlife documentary shows on animal planet? You know like witnessing the reality that magical beings really do exist? Gnomes, fairies, elves, Edwards magical fairy d**k thats so potent he just draws in magical fairy women like Bella? Oh! I was talking about Rob and Kristen wasn't I? Them too! LOL! See what I mean? These 2 people are so incredibly talented and beautiful that they're almost a parody unto themselves! I always knew the magical realm existed and now that 2 of their denizens have chosen to live amongst us? well, big silent win! I have to think of Rob in this way or drive myself insane thinking that he's just human like the rest of us. He's too perfect. He's too talented. He's too confident. He has to be an agent from their world sent out to us to make us better. And to make our world a better place to live for all of us. You see Rob loves us unconditionally and will always be here to make us better women and writers and filmmakers! I've already been writing like crazy about things my husband didnt' even make me think of! and I hand picked that fool and made sure he had all the attributes I wanted in my mate. Yes, *sighs* Rob and Kristen are the magical fairy realm personified in human form, and come to live with us unworthy mortals to show us the way to be. yeah its a pun and I did it on purpose.! ...uh...anyway
I just wish they would tease and make it very sensual. Building the whole scene and taking theyre time with it. It would be like as if WE were Bella :) This is out first time. The gals out there who are virgins wonder in awe-and the ladies are grinning from ear to ear.If they could just give us sensual kisses,a glimpse here and there. I would be satisfied. It doesnt have to be blatant in your face crap. If Rob and Ks can pull off that first kiss they can sure as hell do the honeymoon.
thanks so much, pining!!!:-)
I want BD as it is like in the book as written by SM. Summit!! Did you hear us???!! And yes!!! the teens can take it..OMG...most of them did it already. scene? *faint*!! I want everything!! Beach scene..ouh sexy Edward, pillow biting....feathers everywhere...and headboard biting broken...GAH....we want that!! I WANT THAT!!! The book itself is R rated. gosh!! And rob and kstew...epic!!
And I agree, it seems that summit is making more and more less like the book!! That's just plain guilty!!!
Deleted scenes? If u plan to do that, i don't want it in separate deleted scenes...put it together in the movie.
OMG i just wanted to ask femroc or cullenlover07 if they new when EdwardsBloodType was going to add an update to wow what a book. hottt am totaly loving it and the bella in this story is alot more interesting to read about .. the girls got fire in he belly lol . Plus i want to add two more members to TEAM SEXITUP . whens the march for rob and justice for us twi-hards . get your trainers and banners at the ready ladies "all together" "what do we want ?" ROB NAKED when do we want it NOW !!! *twi-hardsstorm the summit entertaintment offices and hold the big wigs to ransom (spunk ransom lol)till we get to see a r rated rob in little more than some tight white calvin kliens
omg sigh t h u d .
I say they should keep it all in. Do they think that these teenagers aren't gonna buy the DVD, come on I surely hope that they are not that nieve! They have to keep the honeymoon in for all things holy they are married at that point and as far as I'm concerned aren't married couples suppose to have some heat of the moment SEX!
The book is not graphic but still gets the point across. I can certainly see the movie doing much the same. This is my favorite book of the four and I can't wait for it to come to the screen with Rob and Kristen as Edward and Bella.
I agree with twofancgs. They need to do the honeymoon scene, actually both of them, before the transformation of Bella and after. Look at other movies that have the PG13 rating. They are not without sex, they are just without graphic sex. I hope they get a new screen writer though. I'm worried about Eclipse. I want lots of Edward and it needs to be clear that Jacob is a dear friend, but Edward is her life.
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