Anna Kendrick Talks About Clooney vs Pattinson

It's so hard to choose... Robert Pattinson? George Clooney?

How 'bout both? :)


Krystle said...

This is the funniest story ever - totally makes me smile :) Hot dudes teasing each other....mmmmm... lol

Gozde said...

You know when I hear stories like this I always think the publicists call each other up.

Anna's publicist to George's: "So Anna is going on Ellen tomorrow. I was thinking she should tell a cute story about Rob and George. Are you okay with it if we make this up?"

George's publicist: "oh that sounds cute! Sure, check with Rob's rep so we are all on the same page".

#Conspiracy Theories from Gozde :)

Emily said...

Anna is a very lucky girl.

LOL Goz! I wouldn't rule it out, for sure.

Great story, either way!

Pelin said...

Hang in there?
Ahahaha :) So funny and I like the George Clooney's sign :)

kat said...

Definitely not a hard choice for me. Clooney does absolutely nothing for me.
Rob, OTOH......

Anonymous said...

I agree with puddle Goerge Clooney has never done anything for me, I just don't find him attractive.

Plus I consider him a little old for me to find attractive, but even in his younger years I didn't find him attractive.

And Gozde I like your conspiracy theories lol...

solas said...

I think Clooney is a good-looking man, and certainly closer to my age, but Rob is simply beautiful--not feminine beautiful, just gorgeous beautiful.

Gozde, that was cute. :-) But I have a feeling a lot of games DO go on in that world.

jc(britlover) said...

Clooney seems like he's a good sport, but Rob, you are the MAN!!! No competition as far as I'm concerned.

RPLover said...

oh, to have Dr. Ross back...I miss ER. *sniff*

I agree, incredibly lucky girl! and a hilarious story, even if you're right, Goz! =)

Anonymous said...

lol i've wondered stuff like that too Goz!... I admit George is pretty sexy for his age but Rob is always sexier!! ;)

Haystackhair said...

Sigh. I wouldn't mind being the meat in that manwich! Of course, if I had to choose one, no contest, even if George is closer to my age by a long shot. LOL.ROB!!!!!

Jen said...

Pattinson all the way!!

dina said...

I leave the clooney guy for you spare me some Rob please.

Anonymous said...
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Samantha said...

One of the tags is "Anne Kendrick is a doll.... most of the time". Why only most of the time?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

girl you are talking!! Dr Doug Ross, holy god....

Anna is precious, George is yummy & Rob is geesus...

Angie said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Can I get a witness?

Hell yea!

lallieb said...

Oh, Goz, do you really think it was a fabricated story? I hope not, it's very cute and says a lot about Rob & George's sense of humor.

RPLover said...

RPG~testify, girl! Hell Yeah!


tgill said...

Awww! that just spoiled all the fun I was hoping it was real. Mind you I've seen George interviewed and he seems as big a messer as Rob

Gemgirl65 said...

I LOVE THIS! Anna must be one of the top 5 luckiest girls alive.

Goz, ya never know...could be! But I wouldn't put it past either of them, esp. George. Totally sounds like something he would do. Love me some Clooney!

Haystackhair, I could have said that exact same thing myself!

Angie said...

RPG and RPL, hallelujah! LMAO

kimberlesk said...

LMAO -- Loved this!! Great story! HAHA

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Update alerts!

Eye contact
always & never
this is not my life

Woo-hoo!!! Edward hotness coming up!

RPLover said...

Ca-rap. I'm not reading any of those!

ADM, praise Jesus!! *waves hands in the air* ;)

SluttyPattz said...

Thanks RPG I just finished up on Eye Contact. SO SWEET

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

omg, sweetest thing ever! I'm sitting here with tears!!!

EP is supposed to update on Saturday!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh hot mother fucking damn Teri!!

Your AVI!!!!!

Rome Rob=pure sex... thud..

SluttyPattz said...

Thanks RPG I am really torn between this one and another one.

Ana73 said...

good evening everyone...anna kendrick is so funny, she is really good on these interviews, can you imagine be nominated globes and maybe oscars WOW, just think the little "human" from twilight LOL.

RPG - also Near you Always, it was good too.

SluttyPattz said...

Here's the other one I am debating using. This one makes me purr.

Gabriella said...

lol Gozde is a rockstar...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh cool, thanks Ana!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh BTW Ana73,

I see you tried to bring civility to the other thread this morning...I think we are safer on here at night!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


oh geez... One is hot and the other is please take me mow Rob!! (rome rob)

SluttyPattz said...

HEY RPG do you have a link to this is not my life

SluttyPattz said...

I know so hard to choose maybe I should just combine the two pics into one avi

SluttyPattz said...
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SluttyPattz said...

why not have the best of both worlds right?

SluttyPattz said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here ya go

This is not my life

Ana73 said...

rpg - i couldn't resist this morning, went in late to work so i was checking the site and saw what was going on. one pic could cause over 300 comments but the thread took of in whole other direction. but i am still wondering when the pic was taken, that was actually my main question, i wondered if that was the same days as the little girl pic.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

ohhhh, you are a greedy girl!!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

yeah I know... I stayed away... I already have a headache from being sick, don't need another..

No idea when it was taken...but I loved seeing Rob with all the people he is most happy & comfortable with.

MMc said...

Clooney is quite a practical joker - I'm so glad Rob was playing along just as well.
That was really cute.

Rob is gorgeous now, in every way - but he looks older than 23 to me and if he keeps drinking and smoking he's going to look older before his time and not be healthy.

Quit smoking at least Rob!! Please!!!

Ana73 said...

rpg - exactly, and that is what everyone has lost sight of that he is happy with the company he keeps and should just enjoy the pics :))

femroc - i see what you are saying about smoking but some of those pics where he is smoking he looks freaking HOT.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I keep meaning to tell you I love your avi from remember me! The look on Robs face is priceless!

SluttyPattz said...

thanks RPG for the link. I am greedy girl sometime. I didn't even comment on the thread this morning. I feel like what's the use anymore.

HAPPY ROB makes me smile and that's all that matters.

Ana73 said...

also, is anyone reading FF the cocky and the cougar and is all caught up??? i dont want to give anything away but it is so good the last chapter killed me.

Lisa said...


I love teh Clooney :D

RPLover said...

ok, back for a while! thanks, RPG, I don't get the alerts so it's nice to know it's on the way-I know it hasn't been that long since she updated but I'm impatient. =)

what in the world happened in that other thread today? I had to quit reading-it got so nasty and then it was all about boobs...

I'm sure some people don't get all of our jokes when we get going, though-to be fair.

Angie said...

RPL, I tried to read some of the other thread. It got weird, so I gave up. I agree, there was a lot of talk of boobs. LOL

RPLover said...

haha, ADM-I'm not sure how they got there, and I don't really care to know, but they sure ran with it! I just checked the number of comments for the heck of it and they're up to 372...are boobs THAT interesting to a group of women? ;))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I didn't care about the boob talk... We talk about peen, so no problem there...

Prior to that it was the usual nasty ass comments... and that did it for me...

I'm just starting the cocky, I'm only 3 chapters not much happened yet...

I'm reading chapters so I'm popping on & out..

Angie said...

RPL, Who'da thunk it? LOL

It amazes me the number of comments those type of pics inspire. Weird!

RPLover said...

yeah, the boobs didn't bother me, just silly and I wasn't in the conversation so I quit reading. but you're right, before that it got pretty heated. I don't understand why some seem to come here just for the sake of arguing-I'm here to chat with friends and for the sexy scenery!

Ana73 said...

rpg - stick with it, it gets better.

yeah i always wonder why pics of r&k together sparks all of the hate on the sites. realistically never of us are ever going to be with rob (maybe in our dreams) but why talk shit about the girl he is with.

Angie said...

RPL, amen to the sexy scenery!

Some of those names only show up when those pics are posted. I don't understand. They are far too invested in his private life.

RPLover said...

ADM, Ana-ITA. Pointless

ok, who was it that told me I needed to watch 30 Rock? I'm watching it for the first time tonight and everyone's right, it's FUNNY! I have no idea why this is the first time I'm watching. :)

Emily said...

Hi ladies! Thank goodness for the college football championship game tonight on TV.

Isn't it funny you can just tell from one look what threads to stay away from? I swear, Rob and Kristen are more polarizing than the last presidential race.

I agree ADM, people are way too invested in his personal life. I really hope it doesn't actually affect people as much as it seems like it does. That would be sad.

Angie said...

Emily, very sad. Like padded room sad. Some seem that nutty. LOL

RPL, I have never watched 30 Rock either. Don't know why.

RPLover said...

hi Emily! I left after a couple hundred comments and haven't been back...don't know why I stayed there that long!

I take it the DH is watching the Rose Bowl? LOL

Emily said...

Yep. Sometimes I really love sports.

I think it was crazy vamp the other day who said, "I care about Rob's sex life about as much as he cares about mine." LOL!!

RPLover said...

hey, Em, Community is coming back next week-yay!

Emily said...

I know! I can't wait! We rewatched the Halloween one the other night.

Also can't wait for 24. Any Jack Bauer fans here?

Ana73 said...

adm - some were padded room comments LOL, completely agree.

i dont watch 30 rock but i love the office. steve carrell was hilarious last night with his win and his sumlinal acceptance speech at PCA. did anyone see Johnny Depp accept his award, he still makes me catch my breath, something about him is just cool.

Lisa said...

Thank you, RPG, my FanFic guru!!

Seriously...more fanfic to add to my ever growing reading list!

I'm neglecting actual books for some hot & spicy fanfic!!

...and yes, I'm waiting impatiently for another MOTU update!!!!

RPLover said...

never got into 24...but I adore Chuck and we get a 2 hour premiere on Sunday! how about Grey's fans-anyone?

Ana, I didn't get to watch the PCA's, but I agree about JD. he'd have to be my 2nd sexiest man alive for sure-I love me some Jack Sparrow! ;)

Angie said...

Ana, ITA Johnnt Depp is naturaly cool. Still very attractive even with the stringy hair.

Angie said...

RPL, I love Chuck, too. Can not wait for the new season to start.

RPLover said...

everyone, Jersey Shore is on if you're craving some meathead action-YUK!

I think I got enough for a lifetime yesterday...heehee

Angie said...

RPL, I'm still having flashbacks from JerseyRob. *shivers*

No thank you!

Ana73 said...

rpl - to me JD isn't just about sexiness, he is just really cool if that makes sense.

by the way i started on scrip this morning at work and i just felt guilty reading it, i know i sound like a moron but i had to stop, i know it's there for me but i am thinking of waiting for the movie. call me lame, i deserve it ;)

RPLover said...

ADM, another Chuck fan! I was so worried that the show was going to be cancelled, and right when he learned kung fu! LOL

geez, can you tell we're in a drought? (far off pics of blurry brits and rocks don't count, IMO)

RPLover said...

no one's calling you lame here, Ana! we've got a no spoiler pact going on, you're welcome to join. :)

Emily said...

I'm glad JD got "Sexiest Man Alive" over Rob. Not that he didn't deserve it. He's just overexposed right now (through no fault of his own) and his time will come. You can bet on that.

Angie said...

RPL, I was affraid it was cancelled, then I started seeing the ads. Yay!

That pic does not count for's not's Robspeck...LMAO

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

you're welcome bb!!!

Always & never update was great... Poor Edward...caught in a compromising situation...

I love 30 Rock but for some reason never watch it...

The Office kills me..gotta love Steve C!

RPLover said...

LMAO @ ADM-Robspeck! and people on twitter were dedicating songs to TomStu today, "All By Myself" and the like. Funny!

Em, absolutely no doubt about it. Ready to buy a couple copies when it happens!

Ana73 said...

adm - "rob speck" LMAO.

did anyone see the spoofs on new moon on PCA's, now that was really really lame. it wasn't even funny.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

lmao! Robspeck!!!

RPLover said...

Ana, ITA. lots of people seemed to think it was really funny but not me...almost seemed kinda rude! but I didn't comment before because I didn't want to start a debate.

Angie said...

Ana, I am still not sure how to react to that spoof.

Ana73 said...

to me the spoof just went too long...

Emily said...

I don't know...I thought it was funny but I can see how it can be taken the other way. I was cracking up when she said she was going to put a stake in his vampire junk and how his list of demands included rum raisin lip liner.

*sigh* I forgot how good he looked in NM. Those eyes kill me. Not the color (well that's really cool too) but the shape of his eyes.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

The spoof was stupid... The only good was Robward....I get lost in his amber eyes!

Ana73 said...

just wondering...when does rob start filming bel ami??? anyone know the start date???

Angie said...

Emily and RPL, glad that you said you like the amber eyes. Some have said they were bad. I thought they were far better than Twi contacts. More that other world effect.

RPLover said...

apparently I didn't catch the "junk" part-ok, that's pretty funny!

IDK, I guess my sense of humor wasn't working when I watched, but no biggie IMO. :)

Angie said...

Ana, A mentioned that she thought he would be in preproduction arounf mid month of January.

Ana73 said...

rpg - i just finished the always & never update, OMG -she left us hanging, poor edward.

Ana73 said...

i think all of their "vampire" look was way better in New Moon.

RPLover said...

I hate to leave early, but DH wants to watch Celebrity I'm gonna have to go. sweet Robdreams, ladies! <33

Emily said...

Goodnight RPL!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I would imagine most of bel ami will be inside sets... and of course out if the country... So we probably won't see much of him once he starts...sniff...

This drought has been way better than 08/09!

Ana73 said...

good night RPL!!!

Angie said...

Sweet Rob dreams to you RPL.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Night rpl!

I know, totally hanging,... Geez will these two get together already!!

Ana73 said...

rpg - but it is good...

ok ladies i am out too. i am tired so sweet rob dreams to you all !!!

be back tomorrow, same place, same time :))

Angie said...

Anahave very sweet Rob dreams, good night.

Emily said...

Goodnight Ana!

Angie said...

I am off as well, good night.

Emily said...

My husband gave up on the football game and is watching a hilarious rerun of Community so I'm gonna watch it with him.

Have fun! Sweet amber-eyed Robward dreams to you all!

Good night ADM!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Me too, night Ana, ADM & Emily!

Rovky_mp said...

I dont really think Clooney is very "hot" but i do think hes good looking.=]

GiGi said...

I read on one of these threads some comment about KS and Bobby Long.....then I read on someones twitter that they thought KS and Bobby Long are together? And maybe Rob is just a bridge to that....idk...sounds farfetched to me, but anything is possible...has anyone heard anything about that?

AP said...

I think I'd give credit to Anna over a publicist, if this is an invention. She's a natural... ;)

pyilRN said...

Ocean's 14 anyone?

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