If you’re like me, sometimes you sneak on here when you shouldn’t… just to see if you’ve missed any news about Rob, maybe a new movie, new project of some kind. Sometimes you sneak on here to drool for a while. Sometimes you sneak on here to say hi to friends you’ve made…
Well now, you can sneak on and there’s no need to feel like you’re sneaking. This is an educational post… let’s go back to school and learn all about Human Anatomy courtesy of Rob…
Take a seat, books out… attention to the front of class…
We’ll start from the bottom and work our way up. (And yes, I am completely objectifying our lovely Rob, but I know you all love his brain just as much as the packaging it comes in).
So here we go – the toe bone is connected to the foot bone and the foot bone is connected to the slightly wonky ankle bone.
The ankle bone is connected to the leg bone which leads us nicely into the knee bone, the thigh bone then the hip bone.
This of course brings us happily to the butt bone (couldn’t miss out the butt bone).
The butt bone is then connected to the back bone, covered with perfection we want to nibble on and then up to the neck bone.
Let’s just take a break for a second right there…
OK, ready to continue? Let’s back track a little, the finger bone is connected to the hand bone.
The hand bones connected to the arm bone.
The arm bones connected to the shoulder bone which is directly linked to the salivary glands in women around the world.
Which brings us back to the neck bone which is connected to the fine specimen that is the head bone.
Here's were we’re treated to the jaw bone… the cheek bones… just overall awesome bone structure, go on take a good look, I know you want to.
See... that's a class you wouldn't skip often isn't it?
Let's raise a glass (it's 5pm somewhere) to the next 5000 posts...
oHH GOD ! *melting*
Thank you ladies!!! I will follow you anytime!!!
And fuck, I love this man!!!
Congrats gals <3
Is it safe to say, I now have connections? ;)
Oh my God, Kat, you're hysterical!
I loved this! Wonky ankles and all!
And congratulations, Goz, Kate, Kat, and Dani. You women are awesome. I love you all(as you already know...)
Thank you for that thorough analysis :D
Congratulation on 5000th post! Thank you for bringing us the dirrrt, ladies!
Congrats Ladies. And I so love the way you chose to celebrate this milestone. Yes, Rob is The Lovely bones.
Thank you, my dear sisters-in-lust, for all your hard (that's what she said!) work on giving us beautiful distractions every day. Seriously, I couldn't make it through the day without your posts, tweets and general awesomeness.
Here's to 5000 more! <3
Congrats for this awesome achievement!!
I heart you girls! :D
And f-ck it, I love this guy and his bone/s :P
Kat you are killing me with the anatomy class! If I had this class in high school, I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Congrats ladies! <3
As a newcomer I was working my way back through all the posts. After a week solid I was still only back to October last year (maybe too long ogling at pics!), but now I know there's 5000 I think I give up!
What an accomplishment that there's been 5000 things worth writing about!
It must take so much work, clearly everyone is very thankful :)
thank's Kat for your hard work to prepare this lesson ;)
congratulations, Gozde, Kate, Kat, and Dani, you are amazing.
kisses to all
Ah, I see this post has clearly educational purposes. Any suggestions as to how you make drooling stop? *sigh* I guess there isn't a bone on this man's body that we don't love! ;)
THANK you for the lesson. You might wanna teach us about the muscles too, Rob muscles. We don't know anything about them.
and And congratulations, Goz, Kate, Kat, and Dani.
He just has awesome Bones!!
Congrats on 5000...looking forward to the next 5000 and the 5000 after that!
oh my... I loved this post, perfect!
and congrats xxx
Congratulations and thank you for being so committed to the love of Rob. I couldn't get through a day without you guys.
OMG!... the butt bone... the 'pelvis' bone... the tongue... the lips...
Congrats, ladies! Thank you (and love you) for creating and maintaining my happy place!
For some naughty reason the line "connected to the fine specimen that is the head bone" just has me rolling on the floor...yes, Rob is the head bone of all head bones;)...thanks for anatomy lesson, my students will be wondering why I'm smirking all day long! :)
Dear God, that was simply fantastic!!! Congratulations on 5,000!!!!
Congrats!! Thanks for giving us a place to get our "fix".
Here's to 5,000 more! {hic-cup}
5,000 posts all about robert pattinson...that is freaking great :)))
i loved your anatomy lesson and i would see robatomy any time, any place, any where.
Congratulations, girls! And many thanks...
One of my 'New Year's' resolution is to Robsess less... for the sake of my professional life (stupid job!). Still working on it.
FILTM!! To death!
I love you girls
fuck I love this man is an understatment
to 1000000 and beyond
ahhhhh!!! *drools* now theres a class i would happily get out of bed for!!!!ugh man he's soo hot!!!! It should be illegal for him to be that sexy!!! =D
congrats on 50000 post!!!!!
Bring on 100000!!! =D
<3 xx
Bwahaha! I think it's safe to say that this is one instance where the whole is much much greater than the sum of its parts.
Congrats ladies and many thanks for the awesome blog! Love y'all!
@ dina: is this really you in the avi? WOW, girl, you are beautiful!
(hey, I'm not gay, okay? :)
Congrats Robsessed. To the next 500 posts and future images of our gorgeous Rob, huzzah!
Congratulations!!!! 5000 excellent posts. Keep them coming, I can't live without them.
Now if any one asks what I did all day I can say that I looked up educational material on the internet. hehe
The Robsessed bonemamas always dish up the hot hard truth for us!
5,000 Rob pokes? Thanks and congrats ladies... mwah.
I want to thank the sweethearts at Robsessed for their efforts and good work and to be an unbiased blog and giving all the news!
thank you ladies!
@crazy vamp. Thank you very much it's me all right.
I plan to keep on studying so can get that A... Oh, studying really hard here. Love the pix! ; )
And most definitely, thank you for all of your hard work! Congratulations and here's to another 5000+ posts about The Pretty!
Hugs from Gwen!
*Picking self up off the floor*
Congrats Gozde, Kate, Kat, and Dani.
Thanks for creating a safe environment for all of us to express our Robsession.
I shall have lots of colorful drinks that end in "tini" in your honor this evening.
Happy 5000th post!
And on the Rob pics... NOMNOM!
Alright...here it comes 9That`s what he said)...
There`s all kinds of ROB PORN up there!!
(takes another look)
_____flatlines again (and again and again =))________
Wow, that's fantastic! The series of pics has made my evening! There is not one tiny piece of this guy that I do not fancy with a vengeance!
Well done for 5000 posts!
On the odd day I can't get access to the internet, I seriously miss this site - and I mean seriously.
First, you're awesome!
Thank you for your every, lovely little post that brightens up my days, even the gloomy ones!
You girls are guilty for the new friendships and thank you for that!
And thank you for giving us the dose we need every day and making this drought easier! Thank you for loving this beautiful young man!
And third...
(raises head)
I forgot...Congrats Ladies on 5000 posts!! I don`t know where I would be without you guys!! Group Hug!!!!!!!!
(Looks at pics again...)
I will send the paramedics right over!
I've been going to this site for some time now. In fact, I go on it several times a day - but have just posted a couple of comments . . .
I must say, you ladies are hysterical!!! very funny!!! Good to know that I share the same craziness towards adorkable, wonky Rob.
Thank you very much for this informative lesson :).
They actually should try this in class - it def. will considerably improve gpa's!
OMFG !!!! Are you trying to kill me ???? WTF !!!! I wanna jump all of his bones !!!
Congratulations girls on the 5000 posts !!!! Hoping there will be much more !!!!!
from soup
Thanks for a great post,and congratulations!
so funny Kat OMG adorable.
Happy Boning to All!!
Would that be the RobMetics??? Cause I think they alone could revive me...;)
OH!! (goes back to being dead)
LMAO @ Teri!!!
Yes...very happy boning!!!
Oh...(keeps forgeting she`s suppose to be dead)
Congrats and Thank you for making my life happy everyday!!!
Melted with today's BONE.... lesson!
Congratulations!Great job you do here. I just loved the little game you posted to celebrate!
"The arm bones connected to the shoulder bone which is directly linked to the salivary glands in women around the world." So true!!! Made me LMAO!
Teri, LOL. There's 206 bones in the human body---that's a lot of happy boning! Can you imagine an Anatomy lesson with Rob? Goosebumps. Everywhere.
(Gwen's being naughty again! She should stay after class...)
ok that just not fair..to post this while i am trying to look busy at work...pant pant ...thud
I wish anatomy lessons at med school were as interesting as this one!! We didn't have such nice pictures to study...
Congrats for the 5000 posts, you guys are the best!
also forgot...anatomy wasnt that fun in college...lol
...I love this man!!!! I would love to be his friend (yes ladies just a friend)
OMG, Kat... that's the best anatomy classes I've ever had in my entire life!!! I giggled like a crazy person throughout all the post:D
Happy 5000th post everyone!!!
Congratulations Goz, Kate, Kat, and Dani. You're the best!!!
was this video from no good tv ever posted? this is part 2 of the interview.
Ohmygosh - are you kidding? I check your site at least 3 times a day but usually much more. You must be posting things 24/7 because there is always something new, several times a day! Congrats on the 5,000 and THANKS for all the beautiful sights!
(Gwen's being naughty again! She should stay after class...)
@Gwen LOLOLOL naughty naughty girl ;)
OMFG!! Now THAT's what I call Lovely Bones!!! Awesome lesson Kat, and congrats to the ladies of Robsessed for keeping us here perving for 5000 posts!!
FILTM is very much an understatement.
FIAOWTM!!! (F*ck I am obsessed with this man!!!!
Well-done; very clever:-)
And congrats on the 5000 posts. You all work so hard. And it IS indeed quite an education!
Thanks for your amazing posts, for your untiring work. Love your blog, love you all, and of course love Rob.
Wow...5000 posts in 15 months? That's amazing. Thank you Goz, Kate, Kat, and Dani! Also thank you to all the lovely ladies who comment here and make it such a fun place.
Head to toe, that man is a beautiful piece of work.
Yep, im in heaven.
Em, was just thinking the same thing: Every fricking part of Rob is so flipping gorgeous!
And calls for further in-depth study. ; )
Gwen grins at Ana. Yep, still being naughty.
Congratulations on the 5000th post, and what a post that was!! Thanks for the anatomy lesson. Oh how I love pictures of Rob's jaw!!
LMAO @ Gwen! You`re such a NB!!!
I'm bookmarking this page. THANK YOU! That last series of photos...mmmmm. Now where was I? ....oh yes: IFLTM
This was so funny ! So, we can say Rob is full of bones ! :-)
Congratulations for your 5000th post ! Let's go for the next 5000 !!
Thank you for all you do Gozde, Kate, Kat & Dani!!!
We all love Rob, this is the best place to be...
and I've met ladies that I would gladly call my friends anyday!
Could this be a NB saying?
Rob's Lovely Bones give me a Lady Boner???
....wast that too naughty....
Gwen, LHR, et all, what say you?
raise a glass? Ummmm try a whole freakin bottle! Wow that that was cruel and erotic and funny all in one, sigh...he's so lickable
5000 posts - and none of them was boring. Congrats, my dears!
And, Kat, thanks for broadening my education. I think I'll need more anatomy lectures from time to time.
CL, LOL!!! No, that was just perfect for an NB! ; )
Still LOL!
CL, You'r a NB but we all are. No shame in that ;)
Oooh look, the pretty man again. All the parts are pretty. Lots of candy and no calories. Yummy.
5,0000 posts? Really? Amazing! No wonder I spend so much time here. Thanks, Goz, Kate, Dani & Kat.
CONGRATULATIONS Dear Girls for everything !!!
srsly I think there was the time you saved my sanity :))))
Now ... I'm all sweaty and hot and bothered ... and I'm happy with that !
@ phosphorus !!!! O'Haiiiii !
I lost my emails and your address :(
WOO HOO! Congrats on 5000 delicious posts.....great job on keeping us informed and happy :))))
@Annie & Gwen, thanks for making me feel welcome in the club.
The pic of Rob from the NM NY premiere kills me. So f-ing sexy.
WooHoo! Congrats, ladies-and thanks for all you do! And thanks to all the great girls that I love to chat with-you all make this an awesome place to be! <3 <3
yes, yes I do. ;D
I'll take the lot please
Congrats!! *golf clap*
Congratulations for you Gozde, Kate, Kat and Dani. You`re the best!
I love the Human Anatomy class courtesy of Rob. It is sooooo interesting and very scientific!!!!
I would love to have Rob as my Anatomy teacher. So exciting!!!
Thanks again.
I will be pathetic but it is an opportunity ;)
This site and we all are like spine of his miraculous persona.
Fuck,I love This man.
Congrats ladies. Love coming here. It's always entertaining. Kat - well done. I'm mush right now.
excuse me for being ignorant . . . but what does NB & ITA mean?
@OhMy, NB=Naughty Bitches (as in the Naughty Bitches for Rob Club, NBFRC) of which there are many here. (All, take a bow!)
ITA=I totally agree.
We weren't kidding that this blog is educational, you know? ; )
Damn!!! What a fine specimen of a MAN... Anyone ever notice that no matter what his clothing looks like, his shoes is alway clean... or am I seeing things.
How much do I love the way he stand in that Oscar picture... those legs just go on FOREVER!!!
Oh Kat!!!!
No fair trying to kill me before Noon..
Great post!! xxx
Congrats on the 5000 posts ladies! It has been a huge amount of work to do but hopefully worth it cause we adore your devotion to bring us all this hotness.
This Lovely Bones post is superb. Always eager to get some robatomy lesson.
Thanks Kat!
Congrats Robsessed!!
I love you guys and this site ALMOST as much as Rob....lol...
OH...anatomy class...if my teachers only knew then what we know now....Rob might've actually gotten me to study...thoroughly!
Looking forward to the next 5000...
Thanks ladies!
the butt pic? OHHHhhhhhh...uh! gasp...the mouth pic thee last one dear god in heaven he is an angel. A male angel sent from above, to tempt us older women or to maybe kick start our hormones which sit depleted alot of the time. For the longest time I had no interest in sex or even looking at men and since Rob has busted out all over sexy I even notice guys who have always been there and who are cute, to moderately good looking and now I smile and get a little warmth going on, if you know what I mean. Rob's like a beautiful sex magnet or something...he sends the vibe and if you're a fan and you get his vibe it just keeps translating to other men you've never really paid any attention to before. Now to me all males even remotely good looking look good! Maybe it's that Robs vibe kicked my hormones back into high gear. I do feel at time as I did in my 20's only with more knowledge of how the human male works and how to get one. Hind site is 2020 where Rob is concerned. lol! The Study of Roberts amazing appeal should be a course in colleges across the country. Lets hear it for majoring in Robology 101!!!!!
Congrats, but sorry, Kat, I take big offense at one of these photos. Rob's jean covered legs in the taxi cab. You can't see his face, but look at his fingers. This was one, if not the most, intrusive Pappz pics ever taken of him. To see the expression on his face, literally brought me to tears. He was like prey in the hunt, and just wanted to be left alone to get home or wherever. When did this site become so callous about him as a living, breathing human being, but only want to continually objectify him for your personal fantasies? This won't make me popular, but fuck it, I don't care. Do I LTFM? In so many ways I do, but not at the expense of dehumanizing him.
I can't really see the pictures but I'm guessing their good as so many women here are voicing out their drool over our man Rob.
So 5000 huh..I guess I saw just half of it since I just recently joined in, but hey lots of catching up means a lot of Robporn to drool over..right?
@lallieb - sorry for my ignorance but what's LTFM?, just curious..
Congratulations to this site and thank you to the girls who are responsible for feeding the addiction of girls like me all over the world! I know I am just one of the many who are extending their gratitudes. Keep it up, am loving the comments and of course everything about ROB!!
Long live Robsessed!!
My panties disintegrated! Good thing it's bed time. I had a drink earlier for the 5000 posts! AMAZING!! Looking forward to many, many more!! Can't wait for Friday night to see Rob at the Haiti telethon! Way to go Rob! We are so proud of you!
I was sneaking in and saw this--OMG!! It's too funny!!
Kat, thanks to this hialarious bone lecture and cheers to another 5000 posts!!
I love this blog--it's my sneaking heaven!!
And of course, f**k how I love this man!!
Congrats on the 5000 posts guys ! You do a great job :D
And thanking Mr&Mrs Pattinson for the birth of the amazing man those 5000 posts are about !!! lol
i love it soo much..
♥ ...
Congrats Ladies of Robsessed!!!
Great post, Kat :)
Here's to another 5000 xox
thanks all ROBSESSED girls I am melting in here I can learn all biology because of ROB I said wow when I saw these pics my mind have something dirty right now thanks again
*toasts* to the best site for up to the minute shiznit on Ole Roberto hip hip hooray!! *slams it*
lallieb, I take offense to your remarks. This site is one of the most cautious about which pics and posts they make. This post was made as a tribute to him in honor of their 5000 posts and their loyal followers who share this ride with them. This is not being callous, the name of the site in itself explains the attitude with which we all come and join in here. We are all Robsessed. If honoring him and sharing his achievements with all of us is dehumanizing then perhaps you should stick to CNN. I am proud and honored to call these ladies my friends and will stand with them to defend each and every post they make. I congratulate them and wish them all the best in the next 5000 and all the ones to follow. Long live our Robsession.
Here Here, HCH
Lallieb: I am guessing you are not invited to many parties since that was a big "party pooper" post.
Thanks everyone for all the sweet things you said :)
Brilliant post Kat. *clink* here's to 5000 more :))
Oh and we never went "pap free" since I don't believe Rob is a little puppy that people are kicking.
He is an A list celebrity and I remember the night that picture was taken. He wasn't "cornered" like a little lost boy. He had his fun at the club and was photographed for 2 minutes between the club and the cab. I think he can take it. It will be sadder when NOONE cares what he does.
What a way to celebrate the landmark! Yummy!!! Congrats all the ROBsessedladies for this accomplishment. I am proud to be on here, several times a day too hehe!
Holy God there's always one. I'm sorry but I'm cranky today I didn't have a good nights sleep last night and I guess my patience is thin.
Anyway as Goz said thanks for all the lovely things that were said. xx
It was a fabulous post Kat and I'm sure Rob would have laughed his socks off at it coz I wanna see more of those gorgeous ankle bones!
i liked what hornycorn hag said....and it was fun typing your name too LOL. rock on Robsessed gals. i love u long time. and it will be an AWFUL day when the paps dont care....:(( i always want Rob on top ;))
Lordy, how in the hell did I miss this post? I must have been half dead.
@Ladies who man Robsessedblog: Thank you for every last, living post that you take the time and trouble to put out there for all of us to enjoy. We would be lost without you. This is the absolute best place in the world to be-a huge part of my daily routine. I can't tell you how much I look forward to my Robsessed fixes. You ladies are the bomb!!!!
p.s. ITA w/HCH
Mea culpa, mea culpa!
@ Gozde & Kat: I have posted several comments praising this site. I am glad that you are not Pappz free here, but that particular Pappz photo of Rob got to me when I saw it. Goz, I don't know where he was coming from in NYC but he has that big bag with him, I'm thinking he was not alone during the evening, but took the Pappz hit. The camera went INSIDE the cab shooting him and the expression on his face staring into space away from them was pretty damn miserable. Yes, he is an A-lister now, but his trajectory getting there was out of a canon, with one "small" movie. He's got it now, but he had no prep for dealing with what that would mean in terms of his personal life. It is what it is, I,like everyone here, can't get enough. I'm Robsessed or wouldn't be here. But sometimes I get a bit protective of him (an age thing, perhaps.) Kat, no offense meant to your postings of the pics. This is my happy place.
@hornycornhag, see my comment to Gozde & Kat. I absolutely applaude this site and all things Rob. I had a moment, preceded by a bad day.
Thanks lalieb :) That picture was taken in London, last year during Christmas. I guess we have a different memory of that night :)
Thanks for the comment :)
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