Thanks to Everglow
Three Robert Pattinson "Entertainment Weekly" Outtakes
After seeing these am I actually supposed to do anything other than stare at them all day? I mean really?

Thanks to Everglow
Thanks to Everglow
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Holy crap!! The first one just filled my screen. I think my heart just stopped. wow.
mmmmmmmm good way to start the morning hahah
OMG, Kate, you're killing us all...
HE is killing us all...
The third picture is to die for!!! I particularly like his face expression here:D
I love the other two pics too.
Damn he's beautiful!!!
Thanks for posting them:)
The second is my favourite: decent amount of chest hair and mischievous eyes... so pretty.
man, the shoot is perfect, he is so hot, the clothes, hair everything is perfect.
and yeah his so hairy, chest, head, eyebrows, beard, i like that, very male
Seriously Kate???? Was that really necessary???? How the holy hell am I suppose to concentrate at work now that I know these pictures are here?????? Are you trying to get me fired?????
(just kidding!! ;)) Thank you soooooooooooooo much especially for the 2nd and 3rd ones!!! I just want to lick him!!
Love it. Oh , I needed that. Thanks Kate.
Can't WAIT for the Vogue shoot (though he will be bearded...)
Hot stuff!!!
How do ye think I feel I still staring at them! LOL
Gah better go and check the emails
WOW, the first is one of my faves....
I almost missed the chest hair in the second pic because of it....
woot woot
this is definitly a good way to start a day :)
with a wonderful vision of a perfect and gorgeous man!
kisses to all
God morning to me and all of you ;) these pics are gorgeous. Can't choose between them.
when is Vogue coming out? Need new pics of him.
oh I missed the chesthair too. His eyes hypnotizes you so you can't see anything else.
*jaw drops, eyes roll*
X_X <---- dead
That's all I'm gonna say because my brain turned into mush.
Well now, me and all my bits and peices are wide awake now!! He is beautiful. THUD.
Oh my God, what a pictures to wake up to! I'm having a little hangover from last night, but it's ok! Good morning everyone!
The first one swept me!
the 3rd one.
Good morning you hunk of burning love...
My heart hurt!!! ah I think I die and gone to heaven....
OMG today is my birthday (30 by the way) and now this outtakes!!! Thanks Kate - you made my day.
He is so beautiful. unbelievable!! And this thin waist. OMG! By brains is a mush... Oh, and i`d like to do bad thinks to this guy ...
Happy Birth day twistar :D
Good morning,
I've seen the first and the third, but never the second.
Kate, thank you for the second with the chest hair. FILTM! But, Rob, you should never, ever, cover your face, baby. Especially the jaw!
Again, FILTM!
Oh my, oh my, oh my...I have places to be...this will not help!
Crikey! If my heart monitor says something dodgy happened at 13:09, I know why haha! That has certainly taken away des ennuis du jour!
I JUST CANNOT WORK... how I supposed to work today with such beautiful pics in front of me... I am f***ing lost... THIS MAN IS HOT!
Just got up after dreaming about him all night, now I may have to go back to bed!!!
Just when I think the pics can't get any better, you come up with these! Thanks Kate!!!
Hairy-arm porn!
Well that was just yum. That first one? GUH. *thud* Thank you!
that first picture always reminds me of hugh jackman and wolverine hair. me likey.
oh my god
keep breathing
keep breathing
keep breathing
dont have an hearth-attack
Holy Jebus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate, these are def. some of the hottest ones yet!
He's gonna be the death of me!
Kate, you are absolutely sure:
"What a way to wake me up!!!!"
Sunny morning and Rob, in all his glory, with his beautiful eyes, that look... What a man!!!
Love him so much!!!!
Thanks Kate.
Good Lord~~Picture number one!
have a very happy birthday twistar, starting with these outtakes! ;)
Well GOOD MORNING to me!!
Kate I am at work and there's no way I am doing anythng productive now.
SERIOUSLY wooh I mean...I know...I can't...I anyone else feeling a little flushed?
@twistar welcome to the 30 club. I just turned 30 this year and had a mini panic attack thinking I was old. Now I know I am not old I am in my prime. :)
@Teri yeah it got a lot hotter around here, even though it's winter and it's raining, it's like mid august here, I don't know why... ;)
*gawks with chicken noodles hanging out of mouth* Thats one fine MO FO! *slurps noodles back SLLOOOOOOWW*
Jude Law cant do this-keep dreaming man. I mean..*snorts* Just LOOK at Rob. *Grabs Judes face* LOOK!! Thats sex on legs!!
lo devo dire in italiano, AMMAZZA QUANT'E' BONO...i miei poveri ormoni sono deceduti:)
That's right...I came back to look again...
I'm with you Teri...I feel like I'm in a freakin' steamroom!!!
*keeps repeating*
you're at work...
you're at work...
keep calm...
keep calm...
breathe slowly...
in and and out...oh God (Leslie's mind just went to a very naughty place!)
Lol @skorpia and @LHR...there is never a dull moment on this blog.
WOW, thanks Kate, I needed that!
*thud* Seriously.... FILTM !!!!!!
Oh thank God for outtakes!! They're always so beautiful,you look at them and say, why didn't they use this gorgeous pic? Thanks Kate for brightening up my day!
I am pretty sure he is an alien. Nobody can look that good. Nobody.
OMG they are seriously hot !!! wouldnt it be wonderful if they invented a lollypop in the image of Rob , they could call it a Robpop lol, i think it would sell like hot cakes, who wouldnt want to suck on Rob !!
OMG! This man is killing me. I need air.. fast.
ITA, Skorpia, re Jude. Not. Even. Close. Please! Rob is the definition of painfully Beautiful.
(As in, we're the ones in pain...)
Think the first one---but will ponder the pix a bit more---just to be sure. ; )
Definitely the first one. Neck exposure, just asking for a bitey-kiss...
(Gwen's awake now.) ; )
yeah Gwen neck exposure, looks vulnerable but has all the power over you! .... sigh.... and the hair in that first one like a little devil! :)
Gwen what about the chest hair in the second one?? Just want to run my tongue through it. :P
Will you send me the M/S ff?
Mrs Twilight - LOL! I would buy them buy the crate.
Luvin no 2, this is not a healthy obsession, need to find a live and stop lustin over the beautiful one. But by fuck he is sexiiii
LOL! I LOVE the comments. I agree witht hem all. GAH! He just gets better with age. I'm with y'all-those Vogue pics need to hurry and come out BB! LOL. Can't get enough.......of....ahem....his, uh, ........face.....hehe. ;)
*THUD*....CG goes to VERY HAPPY PLACE.....;)
Oh, LOL, MrsTwi, just caught that! Def Best Seller! ; )
CL, will send here in a few! One plus link to rest of posted. Still love my M&S. ; )
Will take yet another look at pix 2---to be absolutely sure.
I remember Kate tried to kill us before so she can have him for herself.
Kate, you´re on a good way, I almost died this morning!!!
The pictures are gorgeous. I am so curious if he has eyeliner on. Can someone tell?
I don't *think* he has eyeliner on, just very lucky to have amazing eyelashes that most females would pay a lot for (soooo not fair!). Saying that, it wouldn't suprise me if he did on his top lashes as there is a dark line lol, but subtle enough that it only enhances :)
love the first pic...I think next time they do an X-men origins he should play Hugh Jackman's son! LOL
@Cindygal that's exactly what I thought! So Wolverine! :D
If you live in the US, you can now stream it on Netflix. I watched it last night and it was very good. :)
Can't breathe. Help! THUD
Okay, I freakin' have to leave for work early and miss these pics, dammit!!!
First pic-H.O.T.
Second pic- Eye porn, peek-a-boo with jawporn, then the effin hot chest hair.
Third pic-OMG.Look at that long.........torso. Might take several hours to go up and down that wonderful midsection. I've got time!!!!
Does this mean there will be a new article on Rob in Entertainment Weekly, or were these pictures from a previous photo shoot. Thank God for this websight. I am so missing Rob that I have watched Twilight incessantly and have bought every magazine with his face anywhere in it. You have no idea how much I appreciate the pictures and news on this website. Thank you. Thank you.
maria morning hell! the evening the afternoon the am break at work found these in the afternoon and emailed my coworkers by the way! LOL! the first one? yeaaaah...that one made me tingle a bit where my little girl bits are! and the 2nd? ohh my goodness can he be more sexy when he's being playful and cute?!!!!!!!!! *lets a strangled whimper out of her already dry mouth from panting too much* heeheheheheheheh! God this man is f**king unbeleiveable or how ever you spell it! LOL FILTM sooooooooo much! and the 3rd? well lets just say oh my god! He's just stretching up with that schmexxy body and I'm done! ;;;; had to blink aaahhhhloaht on that one. He's almost too much to take. ALMOST! Yummy doesn't seem to cover it.
okay couldnt leave withoout saying Thank YOu Kate! Jeeeeezus he is all things bright beautiful and soooooo wonderous makes a girl think she's got a chance again at another life with a different man who won't sneak around with the trash dumpster crack whoore from his AA meetings! Robbie P came along and rescued me, from so much sadness, so much depression, so much aloneness, and oppression...
thanks so much to this beautiful sight although since I know it's here I'm gonna get fired! I know it's here and I take a peek every now and then to see what's new and since he's been away, I've been needin' him bad! I too lurk around the mag stands at the check out just trying to see what's there and if he's looking out at me. I sound pathetic I know, but until things turn around for me and I'm working towards makin' that happen, Robs the one for me!
Robbie P, Robbie P, why won't ya marry me? Robbie P, Robbie P, c'mon along with me, etc., etc., c'mon ladies lets blog poetic and get a good, crazy love poem goin' for our sweet, interesting, gorgeous, sex god on legs! I know we can do it! 2nd verse worse than the first!? or better however you want to look at it. ! ;; love, love, love to all of you sweet, crazy girls!
@Acconati, look at the second pic, he has a dark line under each eye. Is that makeup?
Yup, propped up on an elbow having a chat. Thx for this.
Leslie and Teri--lmao!! I can't get images at work (some safety net thing for the kids) so I just read all the comments on this thread. When I got home and looked at what had everyone panting I joined in...Christ Almighty! I wouldn't have been able to concentrate after seeing these!
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