World Went Robert Pattinson Crazy in 2009

Is it so bad that I crack up every time I hear Christian Bale lose it? :)


Anonymous said...

I love that Rob and New Moon, beat Michael Jackson! MJ was all the media could talk about for months!

jc(britlover) said...

Hell to the yes--NM/Rob topped it at #1, naturally! Reported correctly-we went vampire crazy (and stayed Rob crazy). Lucky us! Thanks, Robsessed! Luv you guys.

Dahlia said...

Rob is definately the best of 2009! I can't wait to see what 2010 brings from him!

d67 said...

Rob will probably be number one on a lot of lists (or should be). He's definitely number one on mine!

Cheeky Chops said...

yayyyy Robert is number 1 as usual..kinda surprised over MJ's death tho.

and no Gozde, the Bale incident was HILARIOUS..I still have the same opinion now as I had back then tho..the lighting guy is an ass and did it on purpose..hell he even kept egging it on once it started..once someone has started a stressful rant such as that..clamp ur mouth shut and don't make any sudden was an awesome ass chewing~!!!

Haystackhair said...

Yeah baby. We are STILL Robcrazy!!! Don't see it stopping anytime soon either!

Anonymous said...

YAY ROB IS #1!! No surprise there tho! :)

MatildalovesRob said...

2009 rocked for Rob's profile !!

Rob's also been voted top male as the man people most wanted to kiss most under the mistletoe this year by Heathrow Airport visitors :D Heathrow airport users have good taste!

As for the Christian Bale incident, it's his accent during the rant that cracks me up. It ranges from American to English with some Scottish sounding accent thrown in too !! LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Rob will be one of Barbara Walters' 10 Most Fascinating People tonight? Or is she not that cool...I mean, freakin' Kate Gosslin is on the list.8} So far, Rob is not on her list, but the #1 person isn't revealed until tonight.

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