The Life is Just a Game web series tells the story of Tommy Delniros, a delusional former NYPD officer. His inability to differentiate between his fantasy world of gritty, lawless 1970s New York and the present-day reality has already gotten him kicked off the force, but even more trouble comes his way when he begins a private investigation of Earl Grey, a young English aristocrat meddling with gangs across New York City.
Check out "Life is Just a Game", the episodes are streaming online. Also, to celebrate the new project Life Is Just A Game the makers from How To Be are giving one lucky winner a poster signed by Robert Pattinson and DVD (UK) signed by stars of the film Michael Pearce, Johnny White and composer Joe Hastings - enter HERE!
If you didn't watch How To Be yet (GASP!) you can order the DVD from Amazon. Sometimes we all need a little RobArt :)
Yes! If you are suffering during the drought, RUN don't walk to your video store and get HOW TO BE! It's a virtual RobFEST, he's in every scene and he's funny as hell and terrific. The guy is a chameleon, a magician, he doesn't just play a role, he transforms himself. I don't know how he does it, he literally physically changes. Art and Edward look like two entirely different people and it's not just the makeup. And neither of them really look like Robert Pattinson. Rob is an unusually gifted actor...but we all know that:)
Oh, and there is more of his gorgeous mug in the special features too... lOTS of behind-the-scenes interviews.
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