UPDATE: According to UK Film Distributors' Association the movie is going to be released on April 2nd 2009. Thanks to Remember Me Unofficial Twitter for the info :)
Marie Claire in the UK report that "Remember Me" will be released in March 2010, doesn't give an exact date but hopefully it'll be on the 12th like the US!
Here's what they have to say :
Calling all Robert Pattinson fans. He's back again, and this time to star in hot new flick, Remember me.
With an massive cast including RPatz himself, Pierce Brosnan, Emilie de Ravin and Chris Cooper, it's set to be hot stuff.
The tense storyline sees Mr Pattinson play Tyler, a rebellious teen who has a strained relationship with his father (Pierce Brosnan).
Enter Emilie de Ravin as his newfound lover Ally, who turns up through an unexpected twist of fate.
Cue some dramatic sequences, hidden secrets being unveiled, and some serious smouldering on the part of Robert Pattinson. Eeek
So are you looking forward to Robert's latest role?
Remember me is due for release in UK cinemas in March 2010
Will you be rushing to see the new flick?