Robert Pattinson "Wondrous Place"

Another fantastic Video By Biel.Is there no end to this woman's talents?
I need a moment to recover.


Jewels64 said...


Her videos feed the Robsession....

Thanks Kate! Just what I needed!

skorpia said...

WOO HOO!!! BIEL KILLS ME EVERY TIME!! thanks hon! I love your vids hon-especially during this ROb drout. Helps my fix! xoxoxo

Kate said...

Everytime I see Biels vid I swear I'll never make another one again LOL Hope it's not too racy for the blog but it's so Gooooooood!

Carpe Diem said...

Um....W.O.W. The camera loves him. He must know what he's doing. Do you think he ever looks at these photos?

Butterfly25 said...

beautiful and breathtaking...

Thank you Kate for the best 3 minutes of the day:D

Susanne said...

All of Biels videos are just perfect.
This is just another video to drool about... what a beautiful man!!!

skorpia said...

@Kate- Too racy?? you kiddin me? I think we see two pics and our minds are thinking crazy thoughts on all the things we can do to him. Remember Bendy ROb??

Angie said...

Kate, I think you lied! You are trying to kill us. I'm on to your plan...kill us off...have Rob to yourself. Ha, I will not go down without a fight.

Loisada said...

just dammmmmmn.
00 0
00 00
0000 0
00 0000
0000 00 0

(Monica's got nothing on us when we're on a Robbiel high!)

Kate said...

Damn ADM you're smart! Oh well back to the drawing board!

Ana73 said...

what a treat for a sunday morning. old pictures are better than no pics. of rob :))

Angie said...

Kate...I knew it!

VeilsofLight said...

'My heart moves from cold to fire.'


nikola6 said...

I swear to God, that man is as handsome as two devils. A girlfriend of mine who's gay (and doesn't look twice at ANY man), was looking at some of my pics of him and said...

"the sexuality just oozes off of him, don't it?" "Yup" I replied, "it does. Sexuality oozes off his elbows." There ought to be a damn law. Which I would promplty run out and break.

If I ever run into him again, I won't know whether to throw my arms around him, or punch him in face. First time I ran into him, I barely had it figured out who he was or what was in store for me. He dazzled though. It's true what they say, believe it or not, pictures don't do him justice. He's so beautiful in person that he literally glows. What did I say the other night on another thread?

Goddam, gorgeous, fucking beautiful man.

Yeah. That was it.


Anonymous said... glad to see that you're still around and stil Robsessed LOL!!
A lot of the old regulars don't seem to post so much anymore so nice to see you're still around.
How lucky were you to meet him? Lots of people seem to say that he's even better in real life...anyway ...kudos to the lady who made this's superb..

Anonymous said...

does anyone else notice the Wolverine hair sometimes? like in the entertainment weekly cover? i swear for a split second i totally thought he was hugh jackman lol

Cheeky Chops said...


spellbound said...

I loved Nik's comment about her gay girlfriends thoughts! I'm pretty sure Rob could turn almost any gay woman straight (at least for a one-timer)! lol Biel is a genius, love that woman!! Thanks Kate!

VeilsofLight said...

and P.S. @lizzibee...some of us 'oldtimers' are still around, lurking in the shadows, like we could ever stay away. :) We were here in the beginning and we'll be here til the end. When I lost my Rob virginity, it WAS the beginning of the end. And videos like this don't help the unending, torturous insatiable need. ;)


Linda said...

I have never in my life seen a man as beautiful as Robert Pattinson. Boggles the mind.

Anonymous said...

@Veils AAh I recognise you as well! Glad to see you're still around! I would hate to think that any of the 'old regulars' had moved on to pastures new although I suppose it is inevitable at some pont. I've been coming to this site for about 10 wonderful months and only started commenting about April/MAy but you soon get to pick up on the 'characters'..having said that I no longer see some people who were commenting earlier on...just curious as to what happened when they seemed such vehement fans.

Anyway like you I'm in for the duration!

VeilsofLight said...

@lizzibee...isn't it amazing how much time has gone by?? This goofy, awkward guy has seemed to grow up right before our very eyes. :)

Due to life getting in the way, my active interest has ebbed and flowed, but the amazing thing is, I am quite literally more Robsessed now than I've ever been. And I've never even laid eyes on this man. I think, however, that would be the end of me.

I'm glad to share this incurable disease with you and the rest of these lovely Robsessors. It makes the torture so much easier to bear. ;)

Cheers to you all and here's to many more moons of this delightful nonsense. *raising my glass*


Anonymous said...

And I raise my glass to you my dear! LOL! And hear hear to everything you say! Hears to another 12 months!

womadsart said...

Biel!!!!! You did it again!!! My hormones are raging!!!!!!!
Thanks Kate for posting!!!

papagáj said...


i noticed but there's no compare.

Dahlia said...

peachyjess, I thought that too. He does have a real look of Hugh Jackman sometimes.

Biel's videos are always amazing! Get my heart racing. Gorgeous vid :)

Everyone says, "he's even better in real life." My mind just can't comprehend how that is possible!

crazy vamp said...

Love the new banner (as all the others...). Love the man.

Thanks a lot :)

crazy vamp said...

Beautiful vid. Some girls are really talented!
Thanks for sharing.

d67 said...

I've lost all ability to think rationally....all I can do is stare at the screen in awe....the video is awesome....Thank you so much, biel and thanks kate for posting! Gonna take a cold shower now.........

dina said...

Kate Kate I burnt my christmas cookies.OMG never mind it was worth it.

Varjostaa said...

I do not wathing this kind of videos, this one just cause your respons... and it was fantastic!

Unknown said...

Hi everyone!

I was just catching up on the previous posts and saw that you already had the dates for the premiere of Remember Me. I was so hoping to find my country's playdate (by the way I'm from the Philippines), and it just wasn't there.

Calling on Rob's angels namely Kate, Gozde and Dani I would just like to ask if you would be updating those playdates anytime soon. I hope Remember Me would have a very wide international release.

Anonymous said...

OMG SOOO SEXY!!! I Can't imagine meeting him! I just can't! I was hacing a moment watchin this!(: lol!! THANK U!

Stina said...

That was fuckhawt, I think you girls at Robsessed should just say 'Merry Christmas, Biel" and give her the fucking prize money.

I love your work, Biel...thanks for keeping us in perpetual 'swoon' mode.

Cheeky Chops said...

Girls, I love the banner..but am I the only one that thinks he looks like has a black eye cause of the lighting..too funny :)

Anonymous said...

I found this somewhere, could be here lol as I don't remember how many videos I've watched of Rob lately!!

if it has been posted then my apologies

here it is I think it's hawt! :)

Isa said...

I need a moment to recover.[2]

RPLover said...

oh my Lord-between Biel's vid, the one that DeDe posted in the comments and the picspam from earlier...some one is out to get me today! what an awesome Sunday!!

<3 ya, ROBsessed, made me forget all about the drought today! =))

Jenna said...

Yeah. I need to recover now. He should be illegal....

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh hotdamnmotherfuckityfuck!!!!!

Shit, I almost tripped watching this as I was walking....

OMG, I need to sit down, lie down, catch my breath...and then watch again.

Biel said...

dear Kate, Gozde, Dani and you all, this wonderful robsessed community, I can't thank you enough for being sooo extremely kind with me!!

I'm feeling truly honored, blessed, pleased, flattered, grateful, thrilled... for being part of this awesome blog!! You all make me feel it worth to keep on making vids about Robert!

Thank YOU so much everyone from the bottom of my heart!


MoreThanHappyBiel :))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Glad to see you've come out of "lurkdom" again!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


You are a Rob ambassador of sex!! Keep making em babe!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shani said...

I bow down to Biel's greatness. LOL
She kills it each and every time.

tgill said...

Have watched the deleted scenes from Vanity Fair and am reading Bel Ami at the moment, getting weak at the knees at the thought of Rob in period costume!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

7 hrs of Xmas shopping and I am done...
Now I can sit back, drink wine, dribble over these photos and read FF!

The fallout finally updated fir anyone reading it... took so long I forgot about it!

PhinPhan said... was ok.

PhinPhan said...


MMc said...

I'm watching True Romance with Patricia Arquette - that Rob said he liked her in.

Lots of stars in the movie from 1993.
If he liked her in this........I'm a little concerned about his taste. She did a great job acting this pretty disturbed part, and I guess that's what he admired, maybe, but she's also pretty slutty, very aggressive and 1/2 naked. And she's like the only chick in the movie.
It's a Tarentino movie so violent and very testosterone driven.

spellbound said...

DeDe thanks for that video, I'd never seen many of those shots before! Here is another one I came across today. Tattward, anyone??? CW&IA?? Then you'll love this one! I found this thru Biel's page. Enjoy! Credit to Pepilil...

crazy vamp said...

Just 'came back' from RPG's blog!!
Hey, girl, I loved it!
The layout, the beautiful colors, the music in the background!... ;-)

Way to go, RPG!

God, some girls are REALLY talented! :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh crazy-vamp,
thank you!! So sweet of you to say that. Have the perfect subject so it's all good!

crazy vamp said...

You'r welcome, RPG. I really meant it. Love your Roblove-nest!

MMc said...

Where is he???????? I miss him!!!!!!!!!

S said...

I'd really like to email an admin on this site. Could someone please help me with an email address. Thanks!

SluttyPattz said...

Biel, such a good video. I just started making them a few months ago b/c of my robsession and am in completely in awe of yours.

Seriously, amazing.

Ellie said...

Wondrous, indeed!!
What a great, hot video.
Thank you, Biel, for feeding our voracious Robsession! xo






Angie said...

S, on the main page there should be a box that says "send us tips or suggestions". Click on that box. There is also a RomeRob pic on the box.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


me too! But I'm glad he seems to be having time out of the cameras...

There's a new photo of Kristen on
she's alone, with a body guard or someone.. She looks good... but no Rob..

jc(britlover) said...

Holy f#cking shit. I need a cigarette!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


your videos are awesome too! Time to make a new one?

Cristin said...



S said...


I see the box...but for some reason it has never worked for That's why I'd like to know what the email address is. :)

SluttyPattz said...

Thanks Rpattzgirl..I made one for the holiday contest..

By the way I am reading UO Edward Masen now and I like it so far. The fallout chapter update was a pleasant suprise I always forget that one too.

I saw that she took LYLS and ALE off of fanfiction until after the fandom give backs. BUMMER I was trying to send it to a friend of mine to read.

Emily said...

Wow! Nice, Biel. Very nice. You are very talented, as are all of you that make videos. I can barely post a comment correctly. LOL!

Thanks for sharing!

nikola6 said...

Thanks for the welcome back. I've truly missed 'playing' here.

And Biel...
You girl, are an artist.
Seriously, you make the best vids out there. Someone ought to put you on a payroll or something.

As for missing Rob...
Yeah, I do too BUT I'm so glad he's been able to stay under the radar. He's needs a break from the madness and time to prepare to go back to work. If you want to 'be' with Rob, go read Bel Ami. I'll bet he's reading (book and script) as we type.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

oh no! Lyls & ale gone? Sob! 2 of my favorites!

I just finished reading Edwards Eclipse.. Really good... Word for word Eclipse, but all from Edwards POV...

Ana73 suggested Escape, so I started that while waiting for all the others to update.
Carpe Noctem Fiat Lux broke me...maybe I need to read red line again!

SluttyPattz said...


I totally agree, so glad he's flown under the radar. I was in the grocery store today and didn't see one rag mag with his picture. Thank GOD Tiger Woods is an idiot. I saw tons of twilight stuff while shopping yesterday, my DH even joked that he was going to get me an Edward pillowcase and lunchbox. LOL - crazy...

I can't wait to see him in Remember Me. TYLER is going to KILL me.

SluttyPattz said...

Carpe Noctem Fiat Lux killed me as well rpattzgirl. I just felt such a loss the last few chapters b/c it was such a tragic story.

I haven't seen an Edward Wallbanger update in a while and I absolutely love that story. Its lighter but really well written.

I need to read Escape as well then b/c I am going to be playing the waiting game after catching up on UoEM. Do you know if its a complete story?

Unknown said...

so far no response from the's ok I'll wait =)

@teri - can you please tell me what UO, LYLS and ALE means? I'm done with the slow updates of my previous reads like Emancipation, so I need new ones while I wait. Thanks!

Emily said...

LOL Teri! That's exactly what I thought while I was at the store yesterday. Thank you, Tiger Woods. Okay, not really, he's a douche and I wish his wife would have used a driver instead. But it was refreshing to not see Rob's face on a single magazine.

Angie said...

S, I clicked the box for you. It is:

RPG, is Edward's Eclipse well written?

Angie said...

Emily & Teri, me too! I stood there at the grocery store thinking "thank you Tiger" you idiot. No stupid Rob stories any where. LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

no, it's not, new story 13 chapters.. It's not great yet.. But has potential..

Also reading always & never, it's ok, but starting to get good.

Angie said...

Teri, here is a link for my new favorite ff. It is really good. Though it is not complete.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Lmao girls about Tiger Woods, totally agree.. What a douchebag!

Robs getting a break from the rumor mills for a while.

Anonymous said...

ok seriously drooling here people, that is like Oscar worthy!!!!!

SluttyPattz said...

@Mary UOEM is University of Edward Masen. LYLS is Let Your Light Shine and ALE is A Life Extraordinary which is the sequel to LYLS - both are temporarily off of fanfiction for the time being.

Emily said...

Hi ADM! How are you?

I wonder how long Tiger will take the front cover spot on all those magazines. Obviously I don't put a lot of stock in what they report but according to the rags, aren't we up to about 15 mistresses now? It could be a while...let's hope so for Rob's sake.

I started La Canzone della Bella Cigna the other day. I found it a little hard to get into but I'm a few chapters in now and loving it. Thanks for the rec!

Sarah said...

Biel is wonderful. Some of the other vids she has done showcase all the beautiful characteristics and quirks we love about Rob and that is very sweet - I am sure he would be flattered to see those, but also maybe a bit perplexed at how many times he does certain things (facial expressions, hand movements) like in this vid-


Angie said...

Hi Emily, do you think Rob's people paid all these women to come out of the wood work? LMAO

Hope you enjoy La canzone della Bella cigna as much as I have.

SluttyPattz said...

lol ADM good theory on paying the mistresses to come out. Thanks for the Rec.

By the way has anyone seen the fingerporn video?

I just saw it tonight.

Emily said...

Hahaha ADM! Good question! Sneaky. Geez, at the rate Tiger's going, he'll be stuck on the cover of those rags for months.

I love finding new a new ff. I'm pretty picky with what I read so I love when I find one that I can't stop reading. I've got a few going right now that I'm waiting for updates on.

Angie said...

Teri, thank you for that. Now my mind is all kinds of in the gutter!

VeilsofLight said...

@ADM....La Canzone was the very first fan fic I ever read, just finished it and... I spontaneously combusted. I thought my head was going to explode.

Such beautiful character development, now I'm reading her chapters from EPOV.

Now I see what all the fuss is about. ;)

Angie said...

Emily, I am waiting for so many updates, I may need a chart to keep up with all the Edwards. LMAO

Angie said...

Veils, I am so looking forward to the updates on La canzone. I can not wait to find out what will happen.

Unknown said...

@teri - thanks, so that's why LYLS and ALE rings a bell, yup I finished those already. I think I'd go for UOEM. Thanks again! =)

and oh I can't comment on the video at hand because it's not working here in the office but I'm sure it's great, heck everything Rob is great!

Emily said...

LOL! A chart would be very helpful. I find myself getting confused with what happens in the original stories though. I'm usually trying to remember if it really happened or if I read it in a FF.

Angie said...

Emily, I do the same thing. LOL

Emily said...

I'm reading a AH Jasper/Alice FF right now that I love called Tie me down to this World.

She hasn't updated in over a month but I'll keep waiting. I'm hooked. I do love me some Jasper.

Unknown said...

@Emily - just in case you need preferences I have a few list of my own.
- reassigned identities (I think it was mention here, it's really good but not yet finished)
- When fiction becomes reality (if you want the high school adult type of story, it's also unfinished)
- the cold war (it's a continuation after breaking dawn, this one's finished I think)
- the sequel to the cold war, "acts of agression" (also unfinished)

and you should also try wuthering ferns by the writer of the famous wide awake, it's in her journal.

Emily said...

Thanks mary! I'm always on the lookout for new ones. I wish I had more time to read though. Darn kids are seriously cutting into my Robsessing/FF time. :)

Angie said...

The nerve of them, Emily!

Emily said...

Tell me about it. :)

ADM - What else are you reading right now?

Sarah said...

well.. if we're going to talk fan fic, and i know most people think this is the shame (real people fics) but this rob fic, called northern lights & whiskey lullabies, is simply one of the most beautiful stories i've ever had the pleasure of reading. it doesn't become about rob anymore, stories are just stories, and i've grown to love and become invested in these two beautiful characters the lovely author has created.

everyone really needs to read it! for their souls. check it out here:

And if you don't have a account, it's worth signing up for just for this. does not approve of "real people fics" so that's the reason a lot of people don't post their stuff there, and in general, more stealing of stories goes on there *sigh*

Sarah said...

in case the link doesn't work for whatever reason (you always have to log in first, and sometimes it means you have to recopy the address blah blah..) just use the search and for author type "songirl"

Angie said...

Emily, so many!

Emily said...

ADM - Nice list. Thank you!! I could not get into Hydraulic Level 5 but I've heard nothing but good about it so maybe I ought to give it another shot. The Vampire in the Basement is so good. Really original idea. I hope she updates again soon.

Sarah - I get what you're saying about the stories becoming not about a specific person, just great stories.

Angie said...

Emily, at first Hydraulic Level 5 was difficult to get into. I had heard so much about it that I didn't give up. It gets much better. I love VITB it is one of my favorites. So wish she would update.

Sarah, I have always said no to such stories. After reading your comments I may reconsider. Maybe. I might need a drink or two first. Then once I am too deep into the story it want matter. LOL

Emily said...


I think I'm going to call it for tonight. Thank you for chatting and for all the links!

Sweet Rob dreams to you!

Angie said...

Sweet Rob dreams to you, too Emily.

Unknown said...

oh ADM I forgot to email you back just to say Thank you for sending over the script of Memoirs. Thanks so much!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm going to call it a night too..

Drinking wine, writing Xmas cards, watching the breakfast club, then off to read more La Canzone!

Loisada said...

Sarah: If you don't mind FFs that take "Rob" simply as a character mould (and don't try to intrude on or second guess his real personal life), then you should try Taking Chances by Evenstar, over at Twilighted. Wonderful character development and great insight into what makes lovers tick!!

Loisada said...

No Biel: gros bisous to you for sharing your talent and Roblove with us!

T'es un vrai bijou !

Loisada said...

No Biel: gros bisous to you for sharing your talent and Roblove with us!

T'es un vrai bijou !

jmm4832 said...

Thank goodness for kindhearted people like Biel who bring such wonderful entertainment to us. Thank you so much. You're video is the best ever.

Sarah said...

Loisada, yeah I have that story on my faves but haven't gotten to it. This is no offense to any other authors or their stories at all, specifically Rob fics, but I don't think there will ever be a better "Rob fic" than Northern Lights. I have just completely fallen head over heels.. and the way she writes about "Rob" is the closest to what I think and feel about him...In other words I think she has captured his appeal in perfect accordance to what I personally think it is. But mainly has made this character such a beautiful man that all of us single women can only wish we can have someday. It's not about unrealistic perfection, the character still has his imperfections, but in those it's the fact he's COMPLETELY sincere and truly willing to TRY is all that matters. That is romance and that is love.
And now I have gotten quite cheesy.

ADM, I truly understand the reluctance in reading these stories (and even though I know who I am and what I believe in, I still feel a little strange about it), but again, I really think it is not about him. The fact that it's based on him isn't the point. I think of him more as the inspiration - to an amazing story and characters.

Sarah said...

some pretty musical accompaniment if any of you will be reading it-

(from the beautiful sigur ros)

Loisada said...

Sarah: I also like NL, but don't personally think it has the depth of character as TC, which I can't recommend highly enough. The writer isn't a native English speaker, so it's a tiny bit stilted at times, but she's an incredibly insightful social work professional who takes a good hard look at how people interact. The R character is flawed, in a very realistic manner, but again has great appeal and is doing his best to bcome a standup man and partner. Did you ever read I Love L.A.? Think that's still the funniest and most cleverly written Robfic around.

It is a slippery slope. I personally cannot stand FFs that try to imagine what the "real" Rob and his life are like, and make him interact with real life people. I find that extremely intrusive and offensive to Rob. But something like ILLA, where the character is light years away from the way RP seems to be, doesn't pull my chain. In fact I think Rob might even be flattered to see the smooth and suave man Feathers created inspired by him!

Sarah said...

Haha, yes I did read I Love L.A., and I applaud her for being the one to add humor to her fic. It was an inviting way to the uncreepy if I was going to read any Rob fic (that was my first) so if it wasn't for her lightness I'm not sure I would have bothered. I think she put a load of effort into the story and it's a great story, but with respect to her, it wasn't my fave because I felt like it was more smutty than sweet/emotional and I'm just partial to more of the sweet stuff. I mean there was a.. scene in almost every chapter. Which was nice, but again, that's what made her story light. I like to get into the deep stuff instead, haha. But I guess I see why you like it then since her Rob does seem ways away from how we think real Rob is. It's not that I want to read a story that tries to show the "real him" but I do like more realistic styles of writing in general. I like to see how much writers can write a piece of FICTION but have it be as true to life as possible. If I were to write anything in my life ever, that's what I would go for. There's just something intimate about it, and it's also a challenge of course because to emulate everything that happens in real life with all the senses we have, into just the format of words, is of course really hard to do. So on the other side of the spectrum sits I Love L.A. where it is much more wild, silly and quirky (and in that way, pretty unrealistic seeming) Which again, I like, but not my fave thing or preference.

Anyway, I also agree about not including to much of other real life characters in an intrusive manner.. that would be the better thing, but still I don't think these writers mean any harm. Usually it's just a casual mention anyway and not explicit details from their imagination - just something to fill in the story line. But I wouldn't do it.

Sarah said...

ANYWAY, I will check out TC eventually. I admire people who are brave enough to write an actual thing in a language they are not used to.

twmmy said...

I've started to read FF's now. I've read all the chapters of UEM, and started to read MU. But.... I miss REAL ROB very much! Where is he, what is he doing now ? He is very good in hiding. Juszt a little news, please Rob !

twmmy said...

Juszt=Just, in hungaryan juszt means abaut=after all.

Cherry clockwise said...

@Sarah : now you linked Rob with Sigur Ròs… I'm officialy completely terribly (but so so sweetly) dead and gone…

MatildalovesRob said...

Speaking of places, do we know where Rob is ? I was hoping he would be back in the UK by now for Christmas with the family !

Sarah said...

hiddenfairy, you've made me blush even though i know that comment wasn't directed at me but sigur ros! have you seen the heima dvd? it's so gorgeous.. and just ridiculously amazing. i bought it right when it came out and it is one of the best things i've ever bought. haven't watched it in a long time now but i think i'm in the mood to now..

and when i drift off into the dream lands of iceland from watching them on my screen, no one blame me if i maybe imagine rob there with me, alone, in the vast expanse staring out in wonder together.

Sarah said...

speaking of the man, i truly hope he is enjoying his time off, wherever he is.

nicole87 said...

i need to change my panties!

Cherry clockwise said...

hey Sarah, are you still there?

Cherry clockwise said...

@Sarah! If you knew how many things I imagined which included Rob and Iceland! Now I remember the day I saw a picture of him with "Independant people" by Halldòr Laxness. Such a great writer, I would like to know what Rob thought about the book… A girl can always dream right?

And about Sigur Ròs, I'd say I'm as much fan of them as I am of Rob (even if I don't drool over photoshoots with them! haha!). I was there when they promoted Heima in Paris, saw them twice live and went to Iceland last February, and can't wait to do that again (in summer though… I think there were moments only the thought of Rob kept me from freezing alive!).

Unknown said...

which version of the song is this? I like it a lot!

Unknown said...

Oh my GOD!!!!! That man is beyond words! Has there ever been any man THAT BEAUTIFUL.......I don't think so. The bone structure of a God i tell you!!!! There should be statues erected in his honor.

Unknown said...

Oh my GOD!!!!! That man is beyond words! Has there ever been any man THAT BEAUTIFUL.......I don't think so. The bone structure of a God i tell you!!!! There should be statues erected in his honor.

RobLovesKristen said...

breathe, breathe....remember to breathe...whew!

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