Much as the success of the "Harry Potter" film franchise turned the once-unknown Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint into internationally famous and extremely wealthy movie stars, a similar route to lifelong financial security is clearly in the cards for "Twilight"/"New Moon" stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.
As the trio approaches negotiations for what may be two films based on the Breaking Dawn novel in author Stephenie Meyer's vampire saga, word has it Pattinson, Stewart and Lautner are joining forces to negotiate as a team. The story is reminiscent of the approach taken by "Friends" stars Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow and Matt LeBlanc -- who famously stuck together for all of their contract negotiations in that hit TV series' long run.
Though nothing is yet on paper, there is word the huge box-office hauls of both "Twilight" and "New Moon" -- and the likely success of "Eclipse," already shot and due in June -- has the three actors likely to be able to demand paychecks well into eight figures for the next two films.(Gozde: I hope this is true I always thought it showed the true character and friendship of the Friends' actors. Some were more famous than the others but they always stuck together and got what they wanted. Power to the people! :))
• By the way, a good source close to Pattinson and Lautner tells me the two young actors are "very amused" by all the stories flying around the blogosphere about an alleged big "feud" between the co-stars. While the two men couldn't be more different in real life, the Summit Entertainment insider says their relationship is truly a case of "opposites attract" and the two actors actually are extremely good friends. (Gozde: On another note if Rob makes 8 figures we'll remind him of his promise to "walk around naked :))
Aah I like this story and I hope they're getting whatever they're asking for!
It would show character if they stand with one another, but also for the other returning members. I can see RTK making far more than the others, of course, but they all started the same, and each has their own fans. They should get a piece of the pie, as well. Just sayin'.
And NekkidRob... I can't even go there... ;)
I really like they're sticking together also. Gives me warm fuzzies inside. I don't really think they were getting paid that much for the first 3 films. The budget was only $50 million for New Moon - which doesn't that include the actors' salaries??
OMG he DID say it.
Go naked Rob!
"Gozde: I hope this is true I always thought it showed the true character and friendship of the Friends' actors. Some were more famous than the others but they always stuck together and got what they wanted. Power to the people! :))"
I totally agree with this statement's all or nothing!!
Rob, babe, get nekked honey!
And Gozde, this picture is… mmh… Rob is absolutly amazing on it…
And I really wish that they would get the big number on their paycheck. They deserve it !
GAH! naked Rob!! Please not while I'm at work! I'm making embarrassing noises. LOL. God I just want to chew on that scruffy jaw. RAWR!!!!
I hope they pay them big bucks!! They got nada the first time and not much the second. EVRYONE knew it was gonna break numbers and I always thought they were underpaid for New Moon. Bring your lawyers guys!and play hardball!
I'm glad they are sticking together, but in an economic crisis is it really necessary to make 8 figures on a movie? They have enough money they should be circulating that money to stimulate the economy
Sorry it just bothers me. People are loosing their jobs all around the world they are complaining because they don't make enough?
They also make a percentage of the profit made. So if they made 2 mill off the first film, they get a cut of the ticket sales so that 2 mill just got bumped to 6.. they aren't making pennies
While we're talking about fundage, I think Stephenie Meyer should finish Midnight know for the fans that made her a gazillionaire. Not that I mind that she is now a gazilliionaire, but give back to the fans that spent loads of their hard-earned cash. We'll still pay for the new book. But we need it Stephenie....WE NEEEEEEEEEED IT.
Yes, let's all hope for eight figures and Rob walking around naked-but some place where he can be seen, not in his bedroom!
Hope they win in these negotiations-they have worked their butts off, especially in promo.
As for Stephanie Meyer, on the Oprah online interview she says her Mom (who called upon her to liven up the ending of New Moon) is telling her she has to finish Midnight Sun. We can only hope!
This makes me feel so good about being Robsessed. He's by far the most powerful of the three, and yet he sticks by them instead of negotiating solo for a higher salary.
It's the right thing to do, and also very, very smart. I hope they milk Summit and get what they deserve, up to the last penny.
(oh and if they could also jointly demand a rewrite of Breaking Dawn to make the plot less ridiculous, it would be great too :)
They should get a enormous pay raise. Why should Scummit only profit from the huge ticket sales from the fans. I echo Gozde...POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!! Stick together and get it done. I saw Ashley on Ellen I think yesterday (days running together). Anyway, Ellen was talking about the box offices sales of Twilight and NM, and said to Ashley "you guys should get a raise". Ashley replied...."working on it". So... I hope and think this is very true.
LittleBear: less ridiculous would be a good start. I'm with you 100% on that. And as far as the salaries of RTK, I say good for them. You know that Joey from Friends is damn sure glad that he got that money when he did....his career kind of went off the rails after Friends. You never know what's gonna happen. And you have to remember, if they don't get it, then the company bigwigs will get it and spend it on stuff like expensive silverware and bonds and bad cosmetic surgery for their wives. What's the point of that??
Saw words, Naked Rob. Imagining the epic and global 'net outage when/if that Rob pix was posted. I mean seriously.
Please don't ask how I know this, but Kristen made far more than any of the other actors on the first movie. For the 2nd and 3rd, she and Rob negotiated together and got the same. Taylor got screwed. Taylor deserves what they get. He is in just as many scenes in the movie and does just as much promo as Rob/Kristen do at this point. The rest of the actors are bit players and not nearly as important to the story so their salaries won't come near to touching what R/K/T will make on BD.
All I´m going to say is: Sun Times!!
There is a list out there somewhere of all the things invented, starting with the gossip that Rob himself debunked that he was getting 12 millions for the other films, so you can guess how accurate is this too.
It must be slow week in gossip that all there is, are rip off and editing from the Variety article about the BD negotiations and that article was very speculative for Variety to begin with.
That's true Mechevpao, we all remember that stupid $12million figure. But this rumour is fairly plausible, imo. I like thinking it may be true, anyway :)
Re: the other's salaries, of course Kristen made more on the first movie, she was the star and the only 'name'. Good for them if they're sticking by each other, and especially by Taylor, who's probably in the weakest position.
They deserve any money they can get. Rob has carried this damn franchise since the beginning, and I'd rather see him reap the benefit, rather than the Summit execs (or their wives, indeed, Sparkeldazed - lol)
Rob will already get more money, sans the title of executive producer for RM, movie from the same company producing the saga, so his "star power" is recognized there.
And the report this article is giving is nothing breaking in news. Logics indicates that if after NM, there are three leads, and they have to sign for more contracts, then the three leads will equally negotiate their parts.
It is just the rest of the news, like the monetary figures it speculated the actors will get back, that I don´t believe. And again, the source is not giving any breaking news, just speculating on the logic approach to negotiate.
I can't even comment on this. I just have images of naked Rob walking around his bedroom, stuck in my mind!
I didn't mean to be malicious and attack them. I was just merely pointing out the fact that they make so much money already. Is it really necessary to make over 20 million per film? Both Kris and Rob wear the same clothes over and over and hotels, flights, PR, Agents and all that jazz are paid for by summit. They just simply accumulate money and don't spend it so why fight for a pay raise?
I mean I think they should be getting paid equally and fairly, but to the point where they make obnoxious amounts? If they make a percentage of the cut with ticket sales that is fine, but people have to remember it is tax dollars that are pumped into making this film. The more money they need to make it including salary negotiations effects tax revenue.. Sorry for the economics lesson. It just baffles me
I normally wouldn't get so upset by this, but I'm simultaneously listening to the news so I'm just riled up. Please disregard what I say. I don't mean to offend anyone. i am just offering a different opinion.
@EstGarZo.. You did not upset me don't worry about it lol. I was just re-reading what I wrote and I didn't want to sound as mean as it came off.
What is your native language? I think your english is great and I had no problem understanding you.
Power to the people. Right On! One thing that has impressed me about Robert Pattinson is his ability to remain 'normal'. This boy was raised right, and I'm sure philanthropy is also in his future. We may never hear about the contributions he makes, but I'm sure he will make a difference in this world. I'm thinking all 3 of them will. So have faith, folks
@EstGarZo - Are you hinting at redistribution of wealth? Rob, Kriten, and Taylor contributed their time and talent to make movies that have broad appeal. These movies made exceptional amounts of money. They earned it. We are free to be who and what we want. These three honed their skills in other movies before the Twilight saga. They have not cheated one person. The market provided an opportunity for this to happen and these three were willing, able, and skillful enough to fill that opening. Why shouldn't they earn from what they have provided? Not all of us can do what they do. If we chose to be teachers, accountants, beauticians, clerks, lawyers, or para professionals, we freely chose our paths. No one held a gun to our heads or theirs to do what we do to earn a living. Why should anyone not associated with what they've done participate in earning anything from their labor? People are born will aptitudes and if they deveop them and parley their skills into a profession, good for them. Rob, Kristen, and Taylor are not relying on others to provide them with a living. They report to the set when they are needed. They go on press junkets when they're asked. They spend time researching their roles and make movies that the public obviously enjoys seeing. Who are we to determine their salaries? They are playing by the rules of their game and doing it well. We should stay out of their private earnings. We have no right to determine what they get other than to go to their movies or not go to their movies. We vote with our feet.
Where does the thought come from that questions the salary of others who earn it honestly? If others want the money great actors make, go to an audition and develop the skills required to play the game. Compete to be the best in your field. Rob, Kristen, and Taylor have honestly manned up. They aren't relying on others to get them where they are.
Let their earnings be derived from the success of their movies. They should be deserving of a cut of the revenue from the movies. Without these big three, the Twilight saga would not be what it has become: wildly successful.
Leave their money alone.
Apart from that they may donate money to charity without saying so in public.
Uh, please give Rob the 8 figures -for all our sakes!!
p.s. What a great friend to have as well.
Gozde - I love that you remembered the 'walking around naked' comment....
actually i'm not sure how true this is. Rob and kristen already make 8 figures. they 12 mil for both new moon and eclipse.. plus of small percent of the earnings. so they should be more specific. like is it gonna be an increase to 20 mil now??
in twilight the were payed on 2 mil with no percent from the movie's earnings. idk how much taylor's making...i guess no one seems to care enough to find out.
but yea... he's already making 8 figs.. if you don't believe
count.. that's 8
and plus since his next movie unbound captives has him running around in nothing but a loin cloth looking pretty (cuz he's speaking a foreign language and can't understand him.. camanche?) i think that's pretty close to naked... well it's a start... things don't hide very well under loin cloths...
I love these three. I really, really do.
I do hope this is true. I agree with whoever said that the big guys in Summit are gonna get a big chunk of the profit so Rob/Kristen/Taylor should get a BIG piece of it too they are the main stars. I hope they do stick together on this and get what is coming to each one.
They should get ALOT more for the next 2 films. I think they got ripped off for the last two. I'm glad they're sticking together. What great friends they are.
I may get blasted for this but I do think Taylor deserves to get as much money for BD as Kristen and Rob, and Rob shouldn't get more than Kristen.
StephsLegit, I see your point. With the U.S. unemployment rate at 10.2% it's hard to fathom the millions of dollars celebrities make, but life just ain't fair. Sports figures and actors have chosen very lucrative professions. Johnny Depp is the highest paid actor and earns 35 million per film.
Why are people even debating the figures here when the story is probably a load of crap figures wise ? Even if the figures were true, due to the obscene amount of profit Summit are making then I don't see why the stars shouldn't get their fair share. I would actually imagine that Summit would rather pay the stars lower amounts than reported and give them a decent percentage of the profits so they at least won't lose money should the success of Twilight falter ie. it's in the actors own interests to try and make the movies as successful as possible.
As for Rob, Kristen and Taylor, there's no surprise that she earned more in the first movie since she was the 'name' and it's only fair that they were both paid similar amounts for New Moon as Rob by this point had 'A' list name recognition whilst Taylor was 'C' list at best. Since New Moon I'd say Taylor was borderline B/C list as outside teenage fandom he's still no where near A list just yet. There's no way for example that Summit could have sent Taylor to Cannes to promote New Moon for example.
That said, at the end of the day if Summit were making an obscene amount of profit and the cast were only reaping a tiny amount in return then THAT is what should be causing debate !!
StephsLegit you have a valid point, but since Rob's ultimate dream is to invest in movies where budding creative people can have more control of their work, IMO, the more amount of money he gets the better.
I have a friend who works in the industry and she said Rob got 2 million for Twilight,,and 12Million for each movie New Moon and Eclipse and from New Moon and Eclipse 8% of the gross which comes out to almost 25million each picture...and he deserves it as he drives the money....not Kristen and certainly not Taylor....Its RPattz all the way to the bank.
I see both sides of the argument. I love Rob and I'm not blaming him. This is a general bash at the entertainment industry. He makes a measly amount compared to other celebs. Im proud that they all chose to negotiate together, but the fact that they want a pay raise? It just sickens me to think of all the people who won't benefit from that money.I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone, but it just really irks me.
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