Robert Pattinson talks "Remember Me" & "Unbound Captives" to MTV

From MTV

Robert Pattinson Says Heading Into Non-'Twilight' Territory Is 'Scary'
'You're expected to come into the movie and provide not only economic viability, but also a performance,' he says.

With the #1 movie in the world bear­ing his name above the title and Hollywood’s hottest scripts lin­ing his doorstep, it’s a good time to be Robert Pat­tin­son. Not that the 23-year-old star has had much chance to enjoy it, as he recently told us he only received “three days off” in 2009, and 2010 looks even busier.

Recently, MTV Radio caught up with the man beloved by mil­lions as Edward Cullen to dis­cuss his plans for the new year — from “Break­ing Dawn” and beyond.

“I’ve only done one movie out­side of the ‘Twi­light’ series, ‘Remem­ber Me,’ ” Rob said of his first true post-fame project, a March 12 roman­tic drama oppo­site Emi­lie de Ravin whose shoot was most notable for its secu­rity issues. “But even that I did with the same stu­dio, so I guess I’m still a lit­tle bit blind as to what my actual eco­nomic via­bil­ity will be out­side of the series.”

Undoubt­edly, all eyes will be on “Remem­ber Me” when it tests RPattz’s box-office clout in a few months. Fol­low­ing that and June’s “Eclipse,” his fans will have some other high-profile flicks to look out for.

“I think the ten­ta­tive time for ‘Break­ing Dawn’ is fall next year,” Rob said of the fourth “Twi­light” novel, which might be split into two films. “Depend­ing on how things go, I’m doing a movie called ‘Bel Ami’ in Feb­ru­ary, an adap­tion to a Guy de Mau­pas­sant novel. And I’m doing — I hope — a West­ern with Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jack­man called ‘Unbound Cap­tives’ some­time around there as well. They’ve got to try and jug­gle things around until everybody’s sched­ules work.”

Rob said he was eager to play the “Unbound Cap­tives” role because it’s unlike any­thing he’s done before. “I’m play­ing a kid who was kid­napped by Comanche [war­riors] when he was 4 years old. And he was brought up by them, and then his mother spends her entire life try­ing to find me and my sis­ter,” he said of Weisz’s vengeful-mom role. “When she finds us, we can’t remem­ber who she is and can’t remem­ber any­thing about the West­ern cul­ture which she grew up in.

“It’s like, you can’t really be more dif­fer­ent from Edward,” he added. “I actu­ally signed on to that after I’d done ‘Twi­light,’ in the sum­mer after I’d fin­ished [shoot­ing]. It was really before any­thing had hap­pened [to make me famous]. I wasn’t even really think­ing about it.

“It’s just a cool script,” Pat­tin­son said of the film, draw­ing com­par­isons to the clas­sic final movie fea­tur­ing the star he is most often com­pared to: James Dean. “It reminds me in a lot of ways of ‘Giant,’ which is one of my favorite movies. So I think that’s why I responded to it.”

Already booked pretty solidly for the next year, Rob said he’ll con­tinue to read new scripts and look for other parts that might catch his atten­tion — even if there are some facets of his new­found fame that under­mine the process.

“It’s def­i­nitely dif­fer­ent,” he said of being a famous actor as opposed to a strug­gling one. “You get offered stuff that you would never dream of get­ting offered before, but that’s also scary. You don’t have to audi­tion for any­thing. [But] I don’t want to do a movie just so it gets made. … You have to ques­tion your­self a lot more.

“Before ‘Twi­light,’ I did any movie that I got [offered], and you’d try and make the best of it after­wards,” he explained. “But now, you’re expected to come into the movie and pro­vide not only eco­nomic via­bil­ity, but also a per­for­mance as well. You can’t just mess around. Peo­ple are like, ‘We’re employ­ing you to be here, as a star and an actor.’ It’s dif­fi­cult, and it’s scary.”

Source MTV
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