Robert Pattinson In An Israeli Magazine

The Author who is a Film Critic is as ROBsessed as the rest of us and says "It's hard to ignore the beauty of Pattinson's face, the hair is perfect, the eyes penetrate, he's the classic Hollywood hearthrob. wearing all black ...his sex-appeal and it's hard not to fall for him. he's a divine man, very intelligent ...."

Thanks to Lila for scanning these for us.


Suz said...

"Divine Man"

too right, mate~!

solas said...

Thanks Lila-- makes me so happy to see this. :-) Still trying to figure out how to get the New Moon poster in Hebrew. If you can obtain, please let me know cost and I will send for it.

skorpia said...

Eyes ..penetrate...(thats why we say he can impregnate with a look)lol! -they forget to add he has the most childish smile,and God I love his squinty eyes!

Butterfly25 said...

divine man...

very intelligent...
eyes penetrate...
his sex-appeal...

Well said:D

Gaah,again this gorgeous photo of him (the 2nd one). This big neckline is just perfectly made. The stare, the flawless skin, the hair, the lips, even this little red cute ear.. Did I miss anything?

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! HE IS SOO HOT!!!!!!!! LOL!! I can't imagine meeting him! I would be a wreck! lol! LOVE U ROB!!!! <3

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wow, I was just reading some of the comments on the Bobby thread from last night (after I went to bed)

Nasty people on here sometimes...

I wish everyone could just remember why we're here on this blog, and not only respect the blog owner, but respect the opinions of people who are respectful here..

Act like a jackass, I will treat you as such, act respectful, you'll get my respect in turn..

Solas, hope you're lurking out here today-here's a hug to you...

double trouble said...

Hey! What about the other Israeli Magazine Rosh1 scans?

Butterfly25 said...
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Butterfly25 said...

I agree. Some people are really unrespectful in their comments and opinions. It's really sad and annoying, especially when it's about Rob.
But what can we do about it???

Vera said...
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Vera said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Stop the hate:

Susana said...

HA!! The autor is one of us, LOL.
Welcome to the crazyness, Film Critic from Israel, lol.

MMc said...

Rob looks great in any language.

Ellie said...

Damn, how I melt whenever I see that picture of Rob...

emmi said...

Hey! new here (not new to the Robsession), also from Israel. I wish my english was good enough to translate the article, there are some good questions and new answers from Rob. I'll just translate the last Q&A:

Q:"You look like a normal guy that wasn't affected by the success is it sad for you to live in a bubble?"

A:"Yes, It's sad, and it drove me nuts for a few months, but you just got learn how to live with it".


crazy vamp said...

Yeap! I saw the discussions in the other thread, too. Lack of sleep can be dangerous...
Well things get a little rough in blogs, sometimes...
I'm so not in the fight mode...
Real life is tough enough. :(

solas said...

rpg--thanks--i just got home; nice to see that :-) hugs back at you!

emmi-- brucha habaah :-)

lila said...

which poster do you mean?
I'll try to check on some of the theatre...

אמי, גם האנגלית שלי די נוראית רוצה שנתרגם ביחד? נתחלק בכתבה?
תשאירי מייל אם בא לך.

solas said...

lila--there was one posted here a while back, an official New Moon poster b'ivrit. chipasti binternet vlo matzati liknot. ani choshevet she hayu rak Rob vKristen, lo hazev ;-).

emmi said...

I translated bits of it in the imdb board don't kill me for the inacuracies:

lila said...

poster in hebrew here? how can i missed it?

Emmi, your translate is def better then mine. you should traslate the books ... it's so BAD it's hurt to read twilight in hebrew.

solas said...

Lila--am not sure when it was; will try to look back a bit for it.

solas said...

Lila--sorry--the poster DID have 'Jacob' between Bella and Edward, as if Jacob were trying to prevent Bella from going to Edward.
Under 'Edward' (Rob)are words: 'Harry Potter vgaviya ha-esh', and under 'Bella' (Kristen) katuv 'jumpers.'

I have to see if can get the link to you.

solas said...

OK lila--the poster was on 9-29. If you go to the top left of the front page of RObsessed, there is a blank box for 'search.' Type in New Moon poster Hebrew, click on the magnifying glass, and you should see it! kmo matana lachag!:-)

solas said...

Gozde--thanks so much!! This is like a holiday present for me!! :-D

Unknown said...


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