Best of 2009: Celebs of the Year #2 Robert Pattinson (#1 is Adam Lambert):
Best of 2009: Most Memorable Photos: (E! is Robsten central headed by the big cheese Ted. So these results are normal :) I'm surprised other photos got in the top 10, I'd have expected a #1-10 Robsten list :))
1. Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
It may have happened in November, but if you listen closely, you can still hear the collective squee from Twi-hards upon seeing Robsten finally, FINALLY, holding hands out in the open as they prepared to board a plane in Paris.
2. Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart:
Whoever coined the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" may want to rethink that number—at least when it comes to this particular photo from the New Moon set in Italy that had fans feverishly blogging, texting and talking incessantly. But really, can you blame them?
Source: E! Online
I don't care about these "Best of" lists...we all know that Rob was number one in 09. :-)
look at his arms and those rippling shoulder muscles!how did kristen stop!!gah!
Rob should be #1 on these lists but there are so many like the one at for hottie of the year, where Zac Efron is beating Rob! Tell me who else was the hottie of the year besides Robert Pattinson! Go Vote!
Obviously they have NOT seen Adam's new video..but actually..I don't think too many ppl have..LOL
Thanks Gozde. Always anxious to check in the a.m. for your fab posts. #1 pic looks pure movie star. Still get the same happy feeling no matter how many times I see pics of Rob.
Sarah--Don't you know it! I would have pushed him all the way to the ground and never let him up.
for me Rob is and always will be the first,,,
go vote ;)
Everyone on the blog Merry Christmas and God bless you and shine forever.
Goz, Kate and Kat again thanks for everything
Merry Christmas
Rob is my special number 2.
My number 1 is and will always be my son David ;o)
I wish every single lady on this blog a Merry Christmas and lots of joy, love and laughter.
Goz, Kate and Kat thanks for everything... Sunshine every day ;o)
I love Rob. He will always be number 1 in every book I have. I hope other people will realize and put him in that rightful place.
Happy Xmas Eve!
Gozde, I hope you don't mind, but I need to put a personal message on your blog (not that I don't do that everyday anyway)
Thank you so much to all the exceptional ladies who left me encouragement and messages of love yesterday.
You have no idea how much that means to me, and how much it helped me.
I am so privileged to be a guest of this wonderful blog where I have formed some of the best friendships in my life.
My daughter kids me and says "Mom, you know these aren't real people, right? You don't really know them"
Well true, however; although I've never had the privilege of meeting them, I see and feel their kindness, their love, their brilliant humor and their beautiful souls everyday, so yea, it's real to me. To quote Bella "You don't know anything about their souls).
Special shout outs and love to Nik, DM, Emily, pining, A, Leslie, crazy vamp, ghostgirl, ana (who rarely comments) dina & RPL for your words yesterday..really, being touched by your love is an understatement.
I'm riding a tidal wave right now, but will get through it, especially by coming here everyday…
Gozde, Kate & now Kat, you already know how I feel about you and this blog…I would be seriously mental without it and you. (I'm still mental, but whatev).
And lastly, thank you and much love to Rob, because without him, this blog would not exist and we wouldn't be here to support each other.
Happy Holidays to all-I love ya to pieces...
Rob will always number one!!!
Merry Christmas to you all!!!!
Congratulations for showing how human, talented and beautiful Rob is. I love this blog!!!!!
Merry Christmas to everyone.... Love Rob and Love this blog...
Awww, rpatzzgirl and all of you, Kate will make a Christmas post soon but thank you all so much for showering us with love, for your support and for Robsessing with us :))
Much love and Happy Holidays! :)
@RPG - I am totally tearing up! Just know that I think of all you girls (and I`m sure some guys) as my friends!! I`d be completely nutz without this blog!!
@jc and Sarah - Ditto!! They would have to pry me off of him! Then I`d be like "Ithink we need to try that again...I wasn`t feeling it..." That or they`d be yelling cut for like 20 minutes before I`d notice! =)
everytime I see that photo of them at the airport I can tell his fingers are hooked in her pocket and she's trying to pull his hand out!
and yes Robsessed and it's rocking Bloggers are by far the BEST in my book <<>> happy holidays ladies!
@RPG, must have missed what happened, but whatever it is, my thoughts are with you too!
Love all you guys, and Goz, Kate, Dani and Kat, this blog rocks my world!
Happy Holidays to all my cyberfriends!! You guys make my days!!
Oh, and Rob is #1 everywhere for me. Well, maybe he's tied with my horse, and anyone who knows me would tell you how high that puts him in my life. LOL.
Thanks haystack! Luv ya bb!
Merry Christmas ladies! I'll be getting drunk tonight. You all have fun too.
Hope things are okay, fellow NB. Remember, this too shall pass.
Happy Holidays to everyone who cherishes this site as much as I do.
Merry Christmas and Love and Peace to all. Even though I don't post a ton, I come here every day (Uhmm I mean several times a day) and read eveyones comments. It feels like hangin out with a group of fun (and crazy) girlfriends here. Everyone have a safe Christmas! *wondering where Rob is*
actually Ted is the crazy uncle they leave in the Attic over at Eonline--that's why Marc Malkin was brought in in part to bring some fresh blood to the gossip game on the site. Ted's been around a long time, has had his highs and lows with gossip dish. He gained some relevancy this year with starting the Robsten train, but E! ignored the train for a long stretch until summer, often reporting contrary to Ted that they weren't together and stuff, which I respected.
RPG ~ I must've missed what happen but I hope everything is okay, you are making me teary. You and your family are in my prayers. (Is it your niece)? Anyway, I hope all is well GOD BLESS!!
Katie ~ Too funny I could not have said it better. Ted is...well It is Christmas so I will be nice and leave it at that. I think you said it all regarding Ted and Eonline.
Rob Dolls or is it "NB's". Anywho! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I echo RPG sentiments you are all gf''s in my head even though we have never met. I got your back when you need to through down on some crazies.
To Goz, Kat, Dani ~ Rob's Angels...You guys rock...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. To my dear "Rob" Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you too!!!! hhhmmmmm
JC & Gracie,
Thank you both-it's just life, it smacks into you sometimes, but I will get through it...
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers...
Happy Holidays!
Very Merry Christmas to every one and each of you. Like I said before you are my exteted family I love you all. May all your wished come true like now now. One of my wishes is for a robsessed convetion somewhere sometime.
Goz,Kate,Danni,Kat my sweet angels the Merriest of chrismas to you and your families, I cannot thank you enough for making it here feel like Chrismas day every day.
aw, RPG, thanks for your kind words! we all know that we ARE real, in every sense, and although this is not the "traditional" way you form friendships with people, I feel like I've found a group of wonderful girls who I have things in common with and who I can have fun with-doesn't matter if we ever meet up in person or not. <3 you, RPG and all others, NB or not! Stay strong and know that we'll be here for you!
rob has been the news every single day of the year he'll always be number 1.first pic is yum!!!I'm still recovering form the "big arms"photo
Rpattzgirl...I'm so happy for I said I'm keeping u in my prays...I'm sure whatever u'r going throught it'll turn out fine don't worry...u know sometimes we all need a little robsessed friends
rob is number one in our hearts!!!your blog is really great!!wish you happy holidays and merry christmas!!!wish rob have a great time wherever he is-he need some rest!!!miss you rooobert
@RPG, big hug! And you aren't the only one who enjoys the combined company here! I especially love the late night weekend chats---it's incredibly comforting to be surrounded by others with a shared interest---and wicked senses of humor!
And hey, I'm real!!! ; ) Merry Christmas!
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