So our lovely friend Kat was over in the UK and got this free Boots magazine with her purchases and look who was staring back at her! Considering it's a UK mag too you would have thought that they would have got his age right LOL
Oh and for those that don't know Boots is a big chain of chemists in the UK !

Thanks to Kat for the scan.
Rob has gray hair?
Isn't he a little...young???
The grey hair bit isn't about him Lisa he's mentioned in the no1 part but he does actually have a few greys you can see them in the HQ photos and I've had grey's since I was 16 so it's never to early !
well glad to hear Rob is actually my I feel a looooooot better about my robsession LOL :D
ps: my 26yo husband has loads of grey hair I totes get it...he says it's my fault...I resent that! I mean...just know what, come to think of it he might be right...oh well...
Sheesh Boots stop wishing Rob's life away like that ;)
I guess whoever wrote this mag did not bother to fact check things like Rob's age but just guessed his age..and slapped it on there..LOL
LOL...thanks, Kate!
I didn't actually read it (that would require putting my glasses on) but the way his photo was above the gray comment is misleading LOL
I've had grays since high school, and recently had to start covering them.
And I bet it's news to Claire & Dick that they have a 26 year old son! ;)
I think they mixed his age up with Brad Pitt's. Pitt is 46, not 43.
Grey hair??!! OLE roberto strikes again! lol! He's the only guy I know of that can wear it short or long and he still has great hair!
Aah thank you Alison I didn't know Brad's age and Lisa I've been covering up my grey's for years! I HATE them!
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