Robert Pattinson: Entertainment Weekly Outtake
Same smoldering look, slightly different pose. New outtake from the recent Entertainment Weekly cover shoot.

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who's Kat? Kate, did you forget your "e"? LOL
btw, that pic is hot. those 3 would make some beautiful babies. let's just hope they would pick a less irritating name than Renesmee! ;))
Smouldering is an understatement!!
Damn, look at him???
Hi RPL! I think we can go back to calling you that again!
Hey RPG! yep, I think the coast is clear! thank goodness, I was relieved when I saw that Goz was stepping in.
any other NB's still here tonight?
Rob sex face. Love it!
wow, in that pic, you get a glimpse of what Taylor is gonna look like once his baby face grows up. He's gonna be a handsome young fella. lol
Robert looks gorge as ever, Kristen looks sorta confused.
I'd be confused that sandwich, who could remember their name??? LOL
hey pining! not much, either everyone's too busy with RL to come out and play, or I missed everyone...I should be wrapping presents, but I was ready for another club meeting. =)
LOL, me too...I keep waiting for ADM, RPG or Emily to show up but they must be busy. I might just wander over to some FF instead.
I saw that ADM was rec'ing it, too, so I added it to my waiting list.
I've got so many on deck it'll take me forever to get through them all! but I'm addicted, LOL
pining, lol I think most of us feel that way! I had a friend who was bugging me to read the books, and I said "yeah, yeah, I'll get to it..." finally started them and barley slept or spoke to anyone for 3 days until they were done!
then I fell in love with Rob and now I'm here everyday-yep, I'm obsessed, but I'm loving it! ;)
Hi I'm here... Got wrapped up in RL drama... It sucks that it's not even my own drama...
I'm almost through all posted ch of HA, this story is killng me.. Haven't started 14 yet...
Sooo... will we be getting airport photos in the next day or two?? I wonder if Rob did his shopping here in US or does he wait till last min to shop at home?
Wonder if tomstu is going home too? Or another travel companion?
Ever since I read the twilight books, like 10 times each, and started reading FF I can not go back to reading "regular" books!
I can read books if they are movies Rob will be in, but can't read anything else!!
Rob wound his way into my heart and blood stream.. there just isn't room for anyone else!
hey, RPG! isn't HA good, the tension in that one is just killing me.
he sounded really excited to be going home for Christmas, so I'm sure he's not left yet because I can't believe that he could make in out of the country with out getting papped.
maybe they'll have a Brit Pack reunion for the holidays! or is Bobby still on tour?
should be make iT out of the country...
I used to love to read magazines on all sorts of topics, and had a ton of subscriptions...I became Robsessed and they started piling up month after month and I hadn't read any of them! LOL I cancelled or didn't renew most of them because what's the point? If it's not about Rob, I. Don't. Care.
yea ha is just got me wrapped around it's finger...poor edward... and Bella...can't even imagine having that issue without breaking the rules 20 times a day!
I think Bobby is still touring.. but he may be on the European trek by now...
Yea, I don't want him being hounded at the airport, but selfishly, it might be our last sighting for 2 months!
Oh and yes, I am so glad Gozde stepped in on the whole cracked out person... that was fucked up
Me too! I let all my subscriptions run out except for new ones that I knew rob would be in!!
I missed all the news today, has there been anything new on Brittany Murphy? I still can't believe she's gone...
pining, ITA...glad that Rob is still her first choice, but if she wants to have a side project I say go for it! just don't know what she sees in that guy, he's got a nice body but his eyes are too close together! LOL if I no likey the face, I'm done. ;)
RPG, that was seriously getting fucked up. just so weird and random! it's when she started saying stuff like "see you soon" that I started to get creeped out, poor ADM. it's so nice that Gozde looks out for her readers like she does!
about HA have you gotten to chap 22 yet? ugh, that about did me in!
guess I haven't heard anything since last night, radaronline said that they were going to do an autopsy soon, and then another of my friends said that her husband doesn't want one's so shocking, she was so young.
Bobby had a showing in NYC Saturday night (I was so hoping to go but it was sold out :( ) and I think Marcus had one Friday night (also NYC), and then they have gaps til after the new year, so it could very well be they will all go from NYC back to merry England for holiday and new year. And if they were snowed out Sunday, they still have time to get back before the weekend.
re Brittany Murphy, may she rest in peace-- I read today that she had diabetes and was feeling ill, like a flu. I know some cold and flu meds can be deadly if one has high blood pressure; it could be that some are dangerous for people with other illnesses as well. Some are also wondering if the h1n1 vaccine had anything to do with it.
I believe an autopsy will be done, even if the husband doesn't want it.
pining, I don't think so...there was a pic of him and I didn't recognize him from anywhere, but I don't know.
thanks, solas! sorry it was sold out. :( good for Bobby, but bad for you! I would lovelove to see him live, I'm jelous of RPG! lol but proud of ya, too, for braving it alone. :)
Yes I just read ch 22..killed me...this is one that's gonna kill waiting on updates!
Yea, it really did creep me out, then she got all preachy, then stalkery in another post.. There's another one on here that bothers the shit out of me, but I just don't respond to her comments and keep my mouth shut...
Ok pining & rpl gonna check out and finish reading ha!
Have a good night NB's!
Oh Solas, I'm sorry you didn't get to see him!!!
Maybe next time... I hope I get to see Marcus someday.. And of course Mr you are my life...
night, RPG! catch ya for the next NBFRC meeting. ;)
I'm off, too, RL calls. happy Robdreams, all! all I can say....he makes me melt with that look!
ok, I feel behind, although I'm sure I'll know what it is as soon as I ask. What's HA?
Is TomStu in L.A. with Rob? Haven't seen him at all. Or is he hanging out in NYC? I read somewhere that he got an apartment in the Village in NYC....wonder why....
can you tell what FF are you reading now?
HA is High Anxiety
and the others?
I am addicted to FF also, cannot stop read The Office right now, but wondering which ones can be good for reading after...?
I seriously can't take that kind of sexy this early in the morning!! Now I have to try and work...yeah that's gonna happen!
You know, I feel exactly the same way about reading other books. I still read the saga and some ff, but can't bring myself to read any other books. I feel like that would make me a traitor. Isn't that crazy.
btw, Bobby Long was in my hometown of Louisville, Ky. last night, but I couldn't talk my daughter into going with me. I'll have to just learn to suck it up and go places by myself. After all I am a NB!!!
dra, go to this link for all of my recommendations. I have read everything listed and loved them.
haha! My holiday to do list status is unchanged (hungering for Rob news still #1 thing to do), however, I have managed to fit in some time for shopping for family members and am now totally finished . So, that means I have 3 more full days before Christmas to devote to Rob. Oh, wait..I do that anyhow!!!
Thanks goodness I got all mine done too...all I need to do is bake a few cakes for some friends and that's it!! Then I can devote my time to all that is Rob!! =)
oh, jc, that's too bad! I'd be thrilled to see BL, wish I could have gone with you. LOL
dra, right now I'm reading High Anxiety, Emacipation Proclimation and Clipped Wings and Inked Armor-all rec'd by either ADM or RPG-if you follow the link ADM left you or if you check out RPG's blog, they've got lists of all the good ones-enjoy!
why, thanks!
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