Robert Pattinson was spotted at Dimples Supper Club in Burbank California last night. He attended friend Shannon Woodward's birthday party. Katy Perry was also in attendance. Radar Online wrote a slimy little story about how Katy and Rob looked "more than just friends" and how Rob was drunk blah blah blah. It's Radar Online...
Rob and Katy attended Shannon's birthday party last year and the same "Rob and Katy are so doing it!" stories were told... 1 year later, same people, different venue, same story :)
The videos below are STALKERAZZI videos, zoom lens & all. You've been warned, watch at your own risk:
Thanks to rosebellas and RpattzScene for the tip :)
Thanks to Donna who did some cyber stalking to find these tweets and figured out Karli Henriquez (Kiis FM and MTV) and Aaron Light were also at the karaoke bar :)
Looks like good times were had by Rob and co :))
Have they forgotten Katy and Russel are in LOVE??
They just don't leave him alone!!!. Poor Robert, he cannot do anything without getting the stupid paparazzi after him.I am sure Katy and Rob are just friends and they were having a good time.
Isn't Katy Perry engaged to Russell Brand?
Oh my! I believe they're just friends. Unfortunately the tabs are going to run with it , since Katy said this:
I know they're both in Hollywood or whatever, but does anyone else find it odd that Rob is hanging out with Katy Perry? She is SO the opposite of all his other grungy hobo friends. Also, where was Kristen and Russell? I just can't keep up with these people...
I think Rob and Katy are "acquaintances" because of Shannon Woodward who is a HOBO :))
Ahh, man pappz are nasty verman, but so glad to see you Rob...
Nothing's odd about celebrating with a mutual friend.
hmmm wonder if Drunkward "Kissed A Girl" and liked it?
yey!!!! so glad to see rob :)
LMAO Suz, you stole my line!! Poor Rob, he gets accused of screwing any female in close proximity. BEt he wishes he were gettin all that action! LOL
HI Rob, so good to "see" you, i hope you had fun!
Can anyone please tell me what does HOBO mean?
A Hobo is a vagabond (in French, or a Vagabundo (in spanish).
Hi Rob, good to see you. eventhough i prefer u stay under radar and enjoy ur holiday :)
Russel was there too.
watch this video
i haven't watch it, but from the comment i read, they said russel was in the beanie.
Gozde, should we restart the counting process? i guess we can back to day 1
Rob is alive!!!
And he has fun!!!
It`s so good too see him!!!
Poor drunkward just can't catch a break.
let the random shit begin in other blogs with the shippers...i love that in this blog we have civilized people.
I can't describe my disappointment seeing him with other girls whre is kristen???????
You spoke too soon...see above...
so looks like Rob hasn't Shave for photo shoot! don't he required to shave for photo shoot or all the photo shoot rumour is false ?? I hope he gets back to England n have a normal life
Kristen was shooting the vanit fair hollywood issue.
And it's also stupid to want kristen to be verywhere rob is. You they both have a life. Friends or whatever don't spend 24 h a day together.
Good to see him have some fun.
Glad Rob's having a great time with friends!!
guys did you wached avatar?
I need to hear about it. My boyfriend want to see it this weekend. And i'm afraid to sleep in the theater if it's not good and him being mad because i took him to new moon and twilight. He didn't complain for twilight but he was really upset after new moon. How was it if you have seen it?
rob is young and is entitled to have fun ...
total support Rob ... i love you
@rpattzgirl yep i just saw that :S
either way im loving the fact that we're gettin to see him interact with other non twilight related people.
And some people need to understand that even if he and K.S are together it doesn't mean they have to spend every single minute together...i mean jeez i would hate having a relationship were i only hung out with my significant other and no one else.
lol, the media have been trying to hook up Katy and Robert for ages, even since Shannon Woodward's LAST party. Katy's always talked about having a crush on him, but she's with that Russell Brand guy now.
Bonus points for bogus stories?
US weekly had Kristen making out with Russell Brand this summer at a club. lol
The reality is Twilight's hot, Robert is hotter, kristen is hot because she's linked to Robert, and everyone wants an exclusive with ANYTHING remotely having to do with the lot of them.
nice to see rob out and about, at least we know he's been busy this week.
over the summer didn't the ragz say that kristen was hooking up with russell brand...maybe they are going to be swingers LOL (and i am just kidding)
LOL Poor Rob, can't even hang out with friends before the tabloids are insinuating he'd hooking up with women left and right lol. Too funny. Good that he has fun though. Although I wish he could have fun without being papped.
As for being upset seeing Rob with other women than Kristen...whoever said that is gonna be VERY disappointed in the near future cos he will be seen with other women, being it outside of work or while working. It is called having a life and spending time with friends. Just like any other normal human being does LOL
I wish I were in that car next to Rob :)
Katy Perry is really fun and boisterous, but she'd be a nightmare for Robert. lol She conducts her life very publicly, total PDA with SOs, has fun with the paps, tells every detail in interviews about her sex life. I could see them having hooked up, but never a relationship. He's way too private.
Yeah, I remember Kristen getting linked to Russell Brand too. Funny.
rediculous!you can clearly see russel brand in the second vid!he walks up chatting to rob and then goes back for katy and walks up HOLDING HER HAND!would she do that if she had been all over rob an hour before...i dont think so!and as for kristen, maybe she was busy or doesnt know these people or maybe she and rob are mature adults who dont feel the need to spend every moment together!thats a healthy relationship!katy is just a good friend and im sure rob gets along very well with her BOYFRIEND!mother of god!
so i guess the second video shows katy with russell brand holding hands going in together so that kills the katy/robert fling.
I agree totally... It's so good to see him with other people. I love Kristen and whole Twilight crew, but she doesn't have to be next to him all the time. This is actually great that they spend time apart.
I also think it's so cool that he hangs out with Katty Perry. She is so pretty and lovely :)) and yeah I wonder if Drunkward kissed a girl :D I hope he did :D I mean he is young and he needs to have fun! I don't want him in any serious relationship. I adore Kristen but I'm not sure if this is good for them to be together.
All in all I love that he showed himself to the world :))
As for paparazzi... well he knows what he is doing and he is not a little boy. paps won't attack him. Unlike some fans :/ crazy stalker fans who believes he is Edward :/also he is a major superstar and his pictures sells. That's how businesses works.
Love you Rob and come back to Europe soon :)'
Can't wait for Vogue spread and Details Magazine cover :D
So how long before the tabloids ship a Russperryward threesome at the Renaissance?!
I can see the headlines now: KPerry Kisses Brit Manwich and Likes it!
@pauleta: i've watched avatar, it's already out in my country today. i think it's good, u will blow away with the visual effect and all the imaginary world, the story is fine too. dont worry, u wont be fall asleep during the movie. if u boyfriend can endure the whole twilight movie, then im sure u will be better then him :)
ps: i find out that jakesully's avatar is cute..OMG, maybe i lose my mind in this rob drought
@Sarah you're right! there is nothing between Katty and Rob. They are friends and I love that. Also Katty is with Russel sooo there was no flirt. Tabloids only seeks for sensation and profit and that's the reason why they make up those stories.
as for Kristen - we don't even know if they are together and I really hope they are not because I love to see him with different people. and I love that he is not hiding like Kristen. I love that. And even if they are together they don't have to spend every second together. Rob said it in one interview that he doesn't want to be that guy who hides with his girlfriend and they forget about the whole world.
He likes his friends too much to simply get rid of them. and I love that too!
loisada- LMAO. russell seems pretty freaky that he would be into that and katy too but i just dont know about rob :))
Katie you're right, some rag had Kstew hitting on Rbrand! ;-)
Are we supposed to be smelling some revenge sexing in the air?! i.e.: musical chairs Hollywood style!
WHAT??? You mean he's never going to marry me?
FML, it's over now!
@Loisada. LOL! A Brit manwich? You're too much ;o)
@rpattzgirl lmao! We are doomed...LOL FML
yeah Katty and Rob should get some action together :))) she is hot like hell and he is freaking gorgeous :D Russel can watch it or tape it for us :D can totally see Katie going into the hotel with her man Russel holding his hand and Rob went in like a minute before they even did.
love how they make stories out of nothing. heaven forbid he be friends with girls. he is not a H** like everyone things he is. he has said it numerous times.
but i love how in that youtube video Katy goes...Robert Pattinson, I'm sorry, kinda let the cat out of the bag on that one Katy, since she and Rob are obviously friends, she knows stuff :)
please, russell would push Katy out of the way get first dibs with Robert.
Katy's funny, but her music is the shits. lol Ashley Greene said in an interview that her and kellan and Xavier would intentionally piss off Robert by singing Miley and Katy Perry songs really loudly to him and it would piss him off!
as I said it before - tabloids look for sensation and profit so they make up stories and people buy them. specially about rob since he is a mega star and probably single. so they look for some romance and when they don;t see it they make up the story about it. and since it sells they will do that.
at least we have something to laugh at:))))
@rosa yeah that's so funny! I remember that ashley said it :D wonder if katty's songs piss him off or the fact that ashley and kellan can;t sing :D
Glad he's out and about. As much as all, if not most of us have been hating the drought, it's nice NOT to have seen him being hounded by the paps.
Wish he could just "hang out" with non hollywood people.
He should come over to the beach cities ~ we've got loads of celebrities who live in the area and no one gives a damn! The LA Lakers practice one town over and live in the area, A,B & C list celebs live here, eat here and walk on the strand and no photogs!
Different atmosphere and vibe!
The high point is that Rob does have a few faithful true friends in LA. Love how Shannon takes over and lets him slide out of the limelight by engaging the papzz and thanking them for showing up for HER bday!
Too bad he had to shave for the Vogue shoot...although there is still a nice amount of stubble that I would like to rub!! I would have liked to see his Grizzly Adams beard that I`m sure he had!
I still say, Rob and I in the back seat = good times.
The two in the front have to get the hell out.
Sorry. I'm off now!
I'm surprised that anyone can be disappointed when seeing Rob going out with other girls/friends... I would be more disappointed if I NEVER see Rob going out with other girls/friends, really. Whether he is truly with KS or not, always being/going out with only her is UNHEALTHY at all, for both of them.
LOL @ rosa and RPG! damn, I was all ready to get a divorce lawyer, you mean he's not coming for me either?! crap. ;o)
about the videos, I'll just say this: although I loathe the paparazzi, at least here they are being respectful of his space and aren't yelling foul things at him. and it was truly great to see him relaxed and having fun. I'm grateful for the "hit"-I know I'll be jonesing again all too soon!
Can't believe the crazy backlash in Robsten land over this silly video. Most of the comments I've seen would be hilarious if they weren't so freakin scary. I'm thrilled to see him out and about attempting something normal. And for me drunk Rob is so smexy, all swagger and silly grins. Have fun Rob, you've earned it!
Rob seems to have been in good spirits at the party :) Wish I had been there to hear his stories. No doubt I would have been hanging on his every word! I love his facial expressions.
Im not a fan of the paps, but for once I admit those ones weren't agressive and fairly respectful. Great to see him out and about :D
This is too funny. Russel Brandi seems to be there but him and Markus Molinari kinda have the same hair(under a beanie) so it's too dark too tell.
And, Katy flirts with everything so ...
Positive news about Rob Performance in the RM :)
I feel sorry for people who can't see Rob with anyone other than Kristein ?? I mean we r not sure if they r dating also Rob has work with other People
eww. That guy Rusell Brand or whatever is so ugly. Katy Perry has a terrible taste!. She has to dump him and go to rob. but I don't know if she is good enough for rob.
Was Andrew Garfield spotted too?
is he still with Shannon please?
Pauleta--go with him. that is part of a relationship==compromise, and doing what the other wants more, sometimes. Maybe you will enjoy it! And if not, be polite. :-)
I was so hoping Rob was staying under radar. So sad to see they got him anyway.
I hate Crazy shippers. However, I do like R/K I just hate the name Robsten (shoot me...). R/K are cute whether as lovers or friends. Rob will be linked with anyone with legs but he probably knows that and it isn't a big deal. How Radaronline can say Rob was getting "flirty fun" with Katy wile her boyfriend is holding her hand is beyond me. Rob your smoother than I thought =) lol. All of these tabs are trashy and I don't ever believe R/K gossip either. Unfortunately for Katy ( who I adore) will now be the new target for hatred along with Emilie after Remember me comes out. And I'm going to hell for this but I am relieved for Kristen. Maybe his rabid fans (not you guys, just the crazy ones who get a murderous glint in their eyes when he is out and about with any girl)will finally divert their hate onto someone else other than KStew.
I don't think someone was wearing a seat-belt. Tisk tisk
I think someone might have neglected to put on their seat-belt... tisk tisk
I love Russell Brand....he is a funny motherf'er.
Well it's nice to see Robert out and about. And it's good that the pappz are keeping a respectable distance.
I have been missing Robert news this past week, but now that I've logged on here, I see lots of new Robert news today! Yay. It's nice to see him relaxed and hanging with some friends.
And I love how well he deals with it all, and how he seems to not let any of it (the pappz/fame) get to his head.
I just get sad whenever I see him smoking *whimpers* (It's so unhealthy, and I really don't want Robert to get sick or die young)
Does Katy Perry hand Rob her purse to hold? LOL
Love seeing new Rob images... He looks like he's enjoying his holiday time... He also looks like he's enjoying his alcohol too, LOL! After months and months of filming and promoting he's probably taking full advantage of his time off and drinking as much as he can handle. I also noticed in the vid that Katy points to the seatbelt, but Rob doesn't put it on, LOL! Thank god he's not the one driving! He really comes across as such a shy, goofy, unpretentious guy in these candid vids... *sigh* No wonder we all love him so much...
Gozde, who is Shanon Wood Ward?
Purely out of curiosity: How does Rob know Shannon Woodward? Anybody know?
I am NOT insinuating there's anything happening there. Really just curious.
Shannon is with Rob's friend, Andrew Garfield. She's an actress and last worked on "Girlfriends" with Jackson Rathbone.
Just to stop insinuations from running riot. :)
I just went to the website for Dimples and they have a live video feed when they are open. I wonder if Rob was caught on the live camera while he was there...
I am annoyed I watched it ( I am weak) but that being said I am pro Rob and kris and all I saw was Rob out having fun, good for him....
Second year in a row out enjoying Shannon's b-day. Cool. She's a fellow Sagittarius. Yeah I saw Russel in the second vid. Katy and Russel make a good couple because they are both crazy and funny. Good times all around between those two. And A your right Shannon is Andrew's girlfriend. They have been together for quite some time.
Hi Suz, I love your comment. This is a good "lesson" for all the boys and girls who want to be rich and famous and have a dream to step in Hollywood!! So pathetic...
Yea, Rob's back. What a huge relief it must be for him to be finished with all the promotion for NM. Keeping track of his foreign and domestic PR made ME exhausted for cast. I don't care how young you are, this has to be grueling. Time for some fun and relaxation. Eat, drink and be merry, Rob!!!!!
Agree, time for some merry. One thing I like about Rob when he's a little off his face, or a lot for that matter - he's not a mean or aggressive drunk. Just gets silly. ;)
i love this rob did look a little drunk, but im glad he is enjoying himself. but to me it just looks like katy is being safe and taking him home cuz he shouldnt drive.
oh and p.s. we missed you rob :)
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