Robert Pattinson at Regis and Kelly:A Fan Encounter

So as you all know Rob appeared on "Regis & Kelly" a while ago and our lovely readers Kelly & Suz were lucky enough to win tickets to go to the show, this is Kelly & Suz's story of their Rob encounter.

Kelly's Vid

Suz's Vid

This is taken from Kelly's Blog :
I always have liked to make the first “phone call” after a first date. Perhaps it’s a little unorthodox, but as the saying goes, “Well behaved women rarely make history”.

So I think our “date” went well. I was so glad you didn’t mind that I brought one of my best friends Suz along, and, after all, you spent most of your time with Regis and Kelly. Oh, and I’m really sorry for Suz's outburst(When Regis asked “What is it about the whole Vampire thing with women, is it the biting, the blood sucking, what?” yeah, she was the one who responded “YES!” from the audience… what can I say, you are outburst worthy. :)

I think the conversation went well. You were completely charming as always. The comment about “Twi-Mom’s” always looking too young.. Pure perfection! You certainly are learning how to work a crowd!

I have to be honest though. I had a really hard time listening to what you were saying. There you were about 8 feet away from me; the only thing coming between us was a television camera from time to time. I was trying to listen, and take pictures, because you are a busy man and who knows when we will have a chance to do this again. So I did spend a lot of time looking at you through my camera lens. The show went in a blur.

The first commercial break came, and you were taken to the opposite side of the room from where you greeted a few audience members, a couple of photos and a few autographs. The pure joy you bring to your fans when you approach them is such a special thing to watch.

A few brief minutes and you were back in front of the room, live TV you know.. and you were introducing a clip from New Moon, and then your segment of the show was done, concluding with another commercial break.

That was when our special time began. You approach us with purpose, and we quickly got through the pleasantries of handshakes and introductions. And then you asked if we would like a picture with you. Of course I did.. as I said you are a busy guy and who knows when our paths will cross again.

I handed my camera off to another audience member and apparently, she was so transfixed by you that she couldn’t take her eyes off of you and she forgot to look at the screen on the back of the camera to see what she was taking a picture of. And so I offer you the two pictures of you and me together.

And then you did something that will forever hold your place in my heart. You looked at me, and asked if we got the picture, and when I replied that I didn’t think so, you told me, “Let’s take another”.

There, in a room full of people demanding your attention, and your limited and precious time, you were willing to give me more. After the past few weeks of going non-stop, doing publicity for the movie, being screamed at and groped, little sleep, and desperately in need of a break, you offered me more of your time.

I could not, in good conscience, let you give more of yourself away, and told you that it was OK, that there were others who wanted to meet you, and I remember my hand was on your elbow and I gave it a squeeze, as I reluctantly sent you on your way.

You turned slightly away, signed an autograph on the poster of a young girl, a couple of quick “R’s” on some other things thrust at you and then you were whisked away, on to your next engagement.

Not bad for a first date. I’ve had worse. I think, when you have more time, we should try it again, maybe with a smaller group. We could have a few of your friends, and a few of mine, a lot less screaming and perhaps a bit later in the day.

When people ask me how I think it went and if I have any regrets I would have to tell them our date was an absolute success, and as for regrets, I only have three:

1) I wish we had had more time

2) I wish the picture of us on my camera had come out(or that I was looking the right direction for the picture taken with Suz’s camera)

3)I wish I knew what happened to the Sharpie pens that were in the bag that was taken back stage containing things for you to sign if you have a chance. We got the bag back with our things that you didn’t have a chance to sign (no worries there) but the three sharpie pens were missing.
Oh, I just thought of one more thing

4)I wish you gotten the homemade cookies Suz had baked and included in the bag for you. You really missed out on those.

All in all, I think we are off to a good start here. I also think that when you have time you should drop me a line and we can see what we can do about getting together again. I really believe that this was the start of a beautiful friendship.:)

All joking aside, I wish I could find the words to express all that I felt that day. It’s not often something, or someone gives me a reason to dance on Columbus Avenue while hailing a cab, but I had a damn good reason to do it yesterday!

Thank you, for being you and for being willing to give me an unforgettable moment. I am aware, as I have stated before, that I was merely a drop in the ocean that was the promotional tour for "New Moon" let alone the even bigger ocean that is your life. But I will treasure that gift of your time always! You are a very special and beautiful soul, and I count myself lucky each day to wake in a world where you exist, and where you are able to do what you do.

Special thanks to the Staff of Regis and Kelly who made this opportunity possible!

I am so happy that Rob got to meet 2 of his best fans and hopefully he'll realise that there are more fans out there like this!
Thank you to Kelly & Suz for sharing this with us and please check out this Pre-Date blog post on Kelly's blog it's hilarious and this on Suz's blog

Oh and if you missed the fabulous Suz shouting out yes here's the vid. it's at the 2 min mark!


Liz said...

I DVRed this episode. Though I like the show, I was pretty disappointed with Regis, the host, since it was pretty obvious from his questions he had no clue who Rob was.

After Rob left and the show came back from a commercial, Kelly said something to the effect that, "Rob was so gracious!" I had a feeling Rob went into the audience and met with them. Such a sweet man!

Lucky Lucky fans!! So nice to read about it.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing man- and oh how sick I would be if I was her about how these photos turned out with him! But how sweet that she let him go on his way- very unselfish!

Kate said...

Updated the post ;-)

Anna Laura & Lavinia Shelley said...

Aii! that lucky woman! I wanted to be in her place ... Wow! A meeting with fan ROBERT PATTINSON!

Anna Laura & Lavinia Shelley said...

Aii! that lucky woman! I wanted to be in her place ... Wow! A meeting with fan ROBERT PATTINSON!

Angie said...

Yay!! It's Kelly and Suz!

Kelly said...

OH KKKKKATIE My beautiful KATIE!! Thanks for posting this! I'm so honored, truly... the back of my head posted on Robsessed! I'm a ROCK STAR :)

Seriously.. I really am honored that you all found my story post worthy!

I adore you!


Butterfly25 said...

I'm so happy for you and all the people who had this wonderful chance to meet Robert. At the same time I'm so so jealous that it almost makes me cry.

He is so beautiful,charming and always so nice for the fans even if he hasn't got much time for this. He's so perfect that it makes me wanna cry too... GAAAH

AP said...

Very enjoyable 'encounters.' Thx for sharing. Hahaaa! The story re the pics is very funny and good of her to take it that way, and also to let him go on his way.

Annie said...

<3 those vids. You girls are awesome, thanks for sharing!

Haystackhair said...

Kelly and Suz!! Sooooo jealous you lucky dogs!! Great vids (LOL, I walked down the aisle to At Last in my wedding) Great pics, and hey, at least you got a close up of the manfur! LOL. That woman must have been dazzled by Rob. What great stories. He is such a sweetie. Le sigh.

PhinPhan said...

I'm impressed. That you saw him, that you heard him speak, that you have a story to tell, and most of all that you weren't arrested for attacking him. Good going!!

roxiegirl said...

Kelly and Suz -That was freaking awesome. I am soooo jealous! I will never get that opportunity. What a great fan encounter. You guys will have those memories forever! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Ne kadar şanslılar! Biz bu kadar uzakta olunca daha bi kıskanmamak elde değil. Ve Rob ne kadar içten ne kadar tatlı!

kphrase said...

Great encounter story, but I can't seem to see the link for the vids?

Kelly said...


Try this link for my vid


Kate said...

Gona try and fix the vids sorry Ladies not sure what happened they were there!

Kate said...

Can ye see them now??
I think it's when I shortened the post for some readon it got rid of the vids :-?
Is it working for people now??

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Kelly & Suz,

Ahh, bb's you know I love you like my luggage...I am so happy & jealous of both you!!!

I've seen Suz's vid, but not Kelly's (can't watch at work or on my damn phone) but I will soon.

I swoon for both of you!!

Twilusted said...

Rob looked amazing! Thanks Kelly and Suz for sharing, I'm uber jealous!

Kelly said...


"Love you like my Luggage!"" BWWAHHHH Steel Magnolias.. too funny!! love it!

Does that make me Miss Weazer?,, crabby old bat! :/ hmmm... lol

just kidding!

I heart you for long long time!

Suz said...

Thanks for posting this Katie.

Kelly and I are STILL on Cloud #9

Almost every day one of us calls the other to ask...

"Did we meet Robert Pattinson?"

We still can't believe it.

He is so awesome.

crazy vamp said...

Girls, congrats!!!
You are both awesome! You've met the man! You've touched him! This is just WOOOOOWWW!

I'm not even jealous... Really! He is a GOD to me and I would have made a total fool of myself had I been in your place...
Better keep Rob in my dreams only... (ooh, and 'what' dreams!...:)))
But I am really happy for you both!!!!

d67 said...

Kelly & Suz, thanks so much for sharing. So happy for you guys but so jealous, too! (lol) To know he is as wonderful and real and special as we think he is makes my heart ache in the best possible way! Thanks guys!

Hello, I Love You! said...

Is it crazy that I almost cried when I read this?

I found it very sweet!

This is how a FAN acts!!!

Hello, I Love You! said...
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crazy vamp said...

@ RPG! "I love you like my luggage"... oh, girl, you always make me laugh. loved this one! thanks!

Kelly said...

@Hello I Love you...


Thanks for the compliment...I would hope all of his fans would treat him and eachother with respect! I will tear up in my car sometimes when I'm driving and I think about it.. then I call Suz and say "Did we really meet Robert F*CKING Pattinson?" And then we squee... true facts :)

Kelly said...

@ Suz

You know we say "Did we really meet Robert F*CKING Pattinson" come on now girl!

crazy vamp said...

Kelly and Suz!

Did he smell like roses? :)))

Suz said...

Hell smells like heaven.

and Yes Kelly, I stand corrected.

FYI: This has already been reposted on other sights -- fair enough but we want it known that ROBSESSED had our exclusive! WE ARE ROBSESSED always and forever. This is the very place that I met my Kelly! Robsessed is our home.

Thanks again girls.

Suz said...

LOL@ my typos...

Hell smells like Heaven..


HE smells like heaven

(Rob caused DiscomRobulation, right Kells?)

Kelly said...

@ Suz

Amen.. This was the first place I found when I was in hiding... thinking I was insane!!

Thank GOD you ladies formed this asylum for the Robsessed.. I'd be wandering the streets...alone in my bliss :)

And I appreciate that I was always made to feel welcome here.. no matter what!

This is my home away from home :)

I adore you ladies!


crazy vamp said...
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Kelly said...

@ Suz... he smells like heaven is right.. and .. he has the softest least his right hand when I shook it... and the bicep of his right arm is very firm too... and I'm stopping there cause I KNOW where your minds are going to go!

crazy vamp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LeslieHeartsRob said...

I`m so happy for you girls! And it makes me love him even more when I hear how he is with his fans (when they act appropriately!) I probably would have been so tongue tied that he would have thought I was mute or something! =) Thanks again for sharing and putting a smile on my face today!

jh said...

This is a really really nice story and the candid photos are fabulous. It is just like being there! He is such a lovely person. Thank you for sharing.

Loisada said...

Thank you Kelly and Suz for sharing with us, you are both lovely Robgenerous and special ladies yourselves!

Suz: I just knew that was you shouting out! I almost wanted to wring Kelly's neck for trying to reign you in, then thought she was probably rightly worried about keeping the audience from going wild (as well as her Robinfatuated self!). It must be torture to be within 10 feet of that man and try to keep your body from exploding!

Blue... hum... Grey blue, steel blue, teal?

Maryann said...

Loved your story Kelly and how gracious you were to let Rob go on to the other audience members! No I am not being saracsting I am serious. Not many would have passed up on another opportunity to get a better picture! Very sweet of Rob to offer but I give AS much cudos to you for being so unselfish. You had your moment and wanted others to get that chance too, THAT is a great fan!

So I love this story! Thanks for sharing :-).

Meeno said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW make me all teary, why don't you !!!!

Ah, that song is so perfect with Rob in it ! !

Susanne said...

Kelly&Suz, wooooooooooooowwwwww!!!!!!!!!

What a truly great story. To see him that close, to talk to him, to touch him... I´m jealous!

I can´t imagine how you feel, you must be in heaven!

And how generous of him to ask if you like another picture! That´s our Rob!!!

I´m really happy for you!!!

Kelly said...


Thank you for your kind comment... He means so much to all of us.. I just like the Suz and I are able to tell you "Yeah.. he really is worth it" you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i still get tears...

two of the most fabulous people i know ♥

rob was lucky to meet them

Unknown said...

I just have to say that I so envy the fans in the countries Rob was able to visit especially in America. I know even if he is staying in America, a fan-encounter is still rare but for fans like me who are on the other side and otherwise unknown part of the world, fan-encounter seems like next to impossible. So you are one lucky fan Kelly.

I notice that many fan encounters recall Rob as being gracious to his fans and that's really heart-warming. He certainly doesn't like the screaming and the overwhelming attention but he certainly knows how to give back to the people who are the reason for him to be where he is right now.

Maryann said...

Kelly and Suz yep I know exactly what you mean, I had my moment in London as was posted here on ROBsessed too :-). So yep totally get the "he is worth it" part. I can also sympathize with the poor girl being too dazzled to take a proper picture LOL!

JLR said...

Things like this just make me love him even more, I well up by reading it, like... damn, I wish I met you!
I'm not going to lie, I am SO ridiculously jealous...
And then Kelly being so gracious and sending him on his way, sigh, you give the fandom a good name!

solas said...

This was lovely. :-) Thanks so much for sharing. :-)

Kate said...

Mary I hear ya!
The chances of meeting Rob here are slim and none but I feel like I have met him when I read fan encounters like this. I would hope I would act with the same respect if I was to meet him.
Kelly & Suz thanks so much for sharing your story with us. I love both of you big time and YES YOU REALLY DID MEET ROBERT F*CKING PATTINSON!!!! <3

jc(britlover) said...

OMG Kelly and Suz
I have almost lived a Rob moment through you, thanks so much. I can only try to imagine how it must feel to actually make contact with Rob-nothing could be more special!!! I almost couldn't breathe watching the video while The Meadow was playing. It tears your heart out. You two are so fortunate and deserving. True fans. Thanks for the post Robsessed. It made my day. What a special man, indeed!!!

Janece said...

I loved your account of meeting him. I always pictured him gracious and kind to fans but your experience exceeded my expectations.

Truly a charming man!!!

Thanks for the fun details. You are awesome!!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

uhm I'm looking at the post again..kelly's the blonde bombshell right?

Suz said...

Funny Mary, that is exactly what Rob asked! (i.e. Bombshell) lol

Isn't her smile radiant?

It is the very thing that drew Rob over to us...Kelly's radiance.

jc(britlover) said...

I'm still in awe of you two. Dreams really can come true and your living proof. I love it!!!

Unknown said...

Wow Suz a fan-encounter is just great but being called a bombshell by "the ROB FANTASTIC PATTINSON" is speechless!

CdL said...

lucky girls....!
thank you so much for sharing... ^_^

Suz said...

Oh Mary, I was being funny. (I was actually reading him mind) lol

Suz said...

*his mind

Unknown said...

oh..okay =) you got me there!

Cheeky Chops said...

Awww this is such a cute blog :)

Cheeky Chops said...

NOOOOO now..Kemberly is back..gotta be on the up and up when it comes to movie's "u know I love ya more than my luggage" :)

Anonymous said...

ur so lucky to meet Rob. thanks for sharing. oh Rob is so sweet and nice to his fans! i luv Rob :)

Anonymous said...

Aw Kelly and Suz what a great story! And now you have a wonderful Robert moment to remember!

By the way I've been laughing non stop at the pictures, wow the fan who took the pictures was really besotted, wasn't she? It seems to me that she just took the pictures while staring at Robert, and not the picture she was taking LOL.

What great fans you are, and Robert is so sweet and delicious! I wish you both the best. I so enjoyed reading about your encounter, thanks for sharing.

lallieb said...

Suz, you're the brunette? You look so much like me in pictures(kind of eerie really), so I am living this vicariously. I would have done exactly the same thing and let him go at the expense of a good picture. Geez, it's a good thing bodyguard Drew was there to save him from being torn apart by you two rowdy fans! LOL. (I know he has to take his job seriously, but really, gimme a break). Thanks so much for sharing. Sometimes good things DO happen to good people.

kphrase said...

off topic - I am posting this in a few of the comments sections so everyone will see it - Re: Robsessed Holiday video contest - I would love to do this, but I need everyone's help... Please email me your favorite Adorkable Rob photos. I want the best of his dorky shots. Thanks in advance -

lallieb said...

Sorry, I had not watched your 2nd video when I commented. Loved seeing that beauty mark on his neck again, and his eyes are really BLUE? Funny, cause you never see that in any of the studio photo shoots or on video/TV. Which is why I asked here. You're second fan who has seen him up close and said his eyes are blue.

Suz said...

Hey lal! I'd love to see your pic. I've been told my doppelganger lives in Berlin.

Is it you?

And re: Drew the BG. I am glad for his presence. He did back off considerably as our time worn on. I thanked him for taking care of our boy.. he almost smiled.

Ripley said...

What a surreal time you both experienced. I love postings like this. Seeing Rob in an interview is nice but to read about a fan encounter with him is the best. Thanks for sharing every moment with him.

tequilla said...

Suz and Kelly...what a great story and great video! I happened to be at the show myself and i know exactly what you mean on being transfixed! i do that every time I see him and always say "next time no pictures....I'm going listen and take it all in"...but i always get caught up in the moment with camera or video in hand! So glad that you got to meet him. He truly is one special guy!!

Critch said...

Kelly and Suz, I am so jealous you got to meet him. I was at the same show with a couple of friends, and a new BFF who I gave a ticket to, while waiting in line outside the show. I was in NYC for the week and it was sheer coincidence that our tickets were on the day Rob was on the show--plain and simple luck! I was sitting near the top row in the middle section and couldn't get down close enought to the stage to meet him; however one of my friends got close to him and caught a whiff. She said he smelled fabulous! He is more gorgeous in person, if that is even possible and so gracious with his fans. Too bad so many fans outside the show were turned away. I do believe Regis was well aware of Rob's notoriety and was simply playing naive for the laughs.

Critch said...
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Critch said...
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Kelly said...

I just wanted to say thank you.. to everyone for the positive comments. This was a wonderful experience for me, and I'm sure Suz would say the same thing. I love that our story has been so well received, but even more, I love that he really is just as I imagined. He is gracious and I believe really would like to be able to spend quality time with his fans, if his schedule allowed, which we all know it doesn't.

He has a fan for life in me.. And if your curious to know if it is possible to like, love, desire him more.. the answer is yes. He really is a unique soul.

I'm also sure he's a normal 23 year old male... trust me, I hold no delusions..

Oh and the eye lashes... UNBELIEVABLE!!

Thanks again, you have all just touched my heart with your kindness.


Gemgirl65 said...

Holy crow, Suz...I laughed the first time I saw the show when someone yelled out "Yes!" ...little did I know that someone was you! Fan-fucking-tastic! Wow. I am speechless. I am so happy for you both! Now if I could just get the videos to work for me....grrrr!

MatildalovesRob said...

Fan meetings are always great to read !! Rob sounds like a Poppet, am I jealous much ? Moi ? *sob*
Thanks for the read !!

JandR said...

I was so so excited when I found out that these two lovely girls who I met here several months ago now had actually got to meet (and see and feel/touch/smell) Rob in the flesh - I was beside myself.

Okay - we now know it can happen for real - so now we just have to follow their lead. This is such a great feel good story - thanks for sharing it on here although I have quizzed them myself repeatedly about how it felt!!!

Alway great to have it proved what a darling he is in person and how he meets all expectations and then some! Fantastic and one of the best things I have heard this year!!! Oh and Kelly - I know this was only the first date but we hope you will share with us again about the next one...and the next...and the next :)))
Suz - hi girl - you know I love ya!
Great story and pics and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy all over again! J xxx

Cindygal said...

love the story...i'm jealous! :-)

lallieb said...

Suz, sorry for late response. Hope you get this. I didn't want to seem rude that I did not respond. No I'm not in Germany, Northeast US. I'm still dysfunctional when it comes to posting pictures or I would. I'm going to ask my expert friend at work to help me with that. I guess you have more than one doppelganger, if that's possible! Happy holidays and again, thanks for sharing your amazing experience.

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