Katerina Graham, through
her twitter account, told her fans that Robert Pattinson took his lovely bones to the premiere of Peter Jackson's new movie "
The Lovely Bones".

There are no pictures as of now but if we get any you know we'll post them.
Thanks to
RobPattzNews for the tip :)
well I know there was a London premiere - is that where Rob was or was there another one in the US?
Hmmm, not cool if true. Leave the guy alone! Unfortunately, Rob's name gets publicity. Sigh.
This was tweeted seveal hours ago and still no pics. Hard to believe he would have shown up there with no pics.
maybe he was there to network with the paramount peeps...he clearly didn't do the Red Carpet thing as there are no pictures...anyway...
Oh, just leave Rob's lovely bones alone!!!
The man needs some peace...
I honestly don't mind the drought. He needs a rest and I need to work. And we'll all be okay... :)
Hide, Rob, hide!
Guys, calm down. Do you really think the paparazzi are learning where he is from TWITTER?
And by sending messages to people that tweet about him you are only making Rob fans look crazy.
I dunno, it's a movie premiere, with lots of security, the public, and journalists. I am not offended that she robsessed for a moment. That's great if he got away without being 'papped', but he probably wouldn't have cared in this instance.
People will assume she pimped his name in order to get traffic -- which may or may not be true. Don't judge too quickly.
Last week's photos were offensive; this is a different ball of wax really.
Rachel - those pix were taken a few nights ago - after watching one of his friend's concert. Like what Sissidelyon said, this is exactly what we don't want done to Rob.
No more papz pix!
Wow, she's an actress and surely knows what it's been like for him and she tweets his location????
What a jackass!
Mice of him too see Rachels new movie.. she will be his mama soon.
Guys, he was at a public event with tons of press. She has every right to tweet about it.
I love Rob but he is not my little brother to protect. He is an A-List celebrity who knows the game he is playing.
Just my humble opinion:)
I agree with Goz it's a public event, there are papz there and why do you thing celebs go to these events, it's all for publicity. This is an entirely different situation. Just my opinion.
some people are crazy, it was a public event and he probably just went to the movie and didnt walk any red carpet so hence the no pictures.
you all need to chill peeps.
I dont really mind the Rob drought, as long as he comes bk in full force for eclipse or is it Bel Ami first i dont mind hes having his well deserved rest :)
I don't care that she tweeted Rob's whereabouts, but c'mon, if he was at a movie premiere there would be at least one picture or someone else confirming that he was in fact there.
I understand it's a public thing but if he is not on the red carpet could mean that he doesn't want to be bothered... But if someone twits about him being there during the event (probably there to support Rachel Weisz), he doesn't have time to get away and it could create a nice panic on the way out... I might be over analyzing the situation but that's how I saw it in the first place... I can make the difference between a public and a private night out! Thanks to those of you that did not understand what I meant and the others that don't understand a joke... Sorry!!!
I was NOT going to get involved in this discussion but I feel compelled to weigh in now....
I was attracted to this site because it was loose, accessible, stylish (the banner alone is worth the visit) and didn't treat Rob like a baby. Personally I don't think he goes in for all that poor me stuff. JMO. I HATE the paparazzi, they are animals, but Rob is a young man in his twenties, at the height of his strength and power, he's not stupid, he has people to look after him and people that love him. Put him in a different line of work and the disadvantages inherent in being a public figure could pale in comparison. Give him some credit, he knows what he's doing. Don't get me wrong, I APPLAUD all the anti-pap sentiment but I honestly don't think it's going to make much difference.
Gozde, Dani, Kate, you run a great site. Keep it up.
I know it's public, but he's not in the movie and a Marcus Foster show is also a public event, and people got slammed for tweeting that... Double standard IMO...
It's great that he was there & I hope there's photos as long as he wasn't chased to get them... But as a fellow actor I thought it was tacky.
where da FK is da pic! camera phone people?? sheesh. I dont believe it-everyone wants to take a pic and meet him. Im in denial far as Im concerned its just another celeb ,name dropping that she was in the zip code as ROb and wants her name out there. Need proof or I say she's FOS.
I haven't slammed anyone for tweeting about Marcus' show either. The papz were there BEFORE anyone tweeted about it. They will be wherever they think Rob might be.
From all the accounts of Marcus' concert he had a good time and wasn't bothered. If you watch the video the papz bothered him for less than 1 min. I am not saying it's OKAY I'm just saying there's no need for a witch hunt :)
I apologize in advance for my lenguage but FOR FUCK SAKES! you people are never pleased, what the hell.
if people tweet were he is and you get pictures than you complain and bitch and whatnot.
if people tweet were he is but he is able to apparently go incognito and not get any pictures than you complain and demand that a picture comes out.
just stop fighting.
SO WhAT? if he was in fact at the movie premiere and the girl spotted him and she tweeted, it was a private event in some ways, it wasnt like it was an easy access place, it was full of security cause it was filled with celebrity not just Robert.
Also for the people saying is just one tweet doesnt it occur to you guys that this was again an A list premiere, this is a Peter Jackson Movie and Rachel Weisz and Susan Sarandon star in it, so Robert honestly is not that big of a deal in that event i bet you nobody if he was in fact there even cared that much.
well all i can say is...
'Run Robert, run!'
Peter Jackson-Oscar Winner
Rache Weisz-Oscar Winner
Susan Sarandon-Oscar Winner
Saoirse Ronan- Oscar Nominee
Mark Wahlberg -Oscar Nominee
Robert Pattinson-Twilight Star...honestly who is goin to care if he was there, this was the perfect type of event for him to slip under the radar.
I'm not slamming you Gozde, shit I love ya girl...I'm just sayin what I think..agree or not agree..and I'm not on a witch hunt so chill Dillia by any means-I don't even know who this person is....and could care less...
If there are photos I will be happy as can be....
Still think she was tacky to tweet..and that's just MHO.
I think the difference is that the MF show was not an industry event as the movie premiere was.
He was out having fun with his boys at the MF show, whereas the premiere was likely about networking and supporting a co-worker (RW).
That's my take on it.
As Cerulean said, Rob has well paid people around to take care of him as well as loving family support. I don't think he's falling apart. We all want to hug and protect him (well, I do) but I don't think he needs it.
I am very uncomfortable with invasive pap pics and I love that Robsessed does not post them.
I actually read this these are my kinds of's really great..everyone should go out and read it..written by Alice Sebold.
Access Hollyood is reporting the same thing:
Sorry I missed you online last night, love. Real life happened and I didn't get on until really late/early morning.
I know you weren't slamming me rpattzgirl, lol :)) I know you well enough by now :)) Hugs!
Kemberly, I read the book, too. It is a very good book, sad, but good.
Hiiiiiiii Jules, Gozzy, Skorp, RPG, I just now noticed ladies were getting their panties in a wad in here..Morning ur coffee? Got my cranberry'm thinking about going back to the library just to read Lovely Bones again..Yea Jules, I pretty much have no life during the week..LOL
I personally don't think Rob likes being hounded and hunted and having his space intruded upon, so alhthough that isn't a 'poor me', it is a certainly reason for those of us who care, and those of us who were horrified with various dangerous and intrusive papz infiltrations, to want to look out for Rob and anyone else in that situation.
Rob has also expressed disgust for twitter, saying it made his life miserable. If someone, especially an actress, is going to twitter about Rob OR ANY OTHER HUMAN WHO has expressed fear/disgust/hatred of the papz, then let her twitter AFTER the event that she saw him. Although it is true that photographers (not necesarily papz) would be there anyway, I think it is a good rule to not let people know where Rob et al are at the moment.
But i do think Rob knows very well the difference between a known public arena like a movie premeire, esp when he is in the industry, and personal space time, and it is intrusion on the latter that is offensive.
Looking at the word 'sneak' I am now wondering if he did indeed try to go incognito, either for avoiding 'in the face' time or to not get attention away from the stars of the movie, or if the word 'sneak' was just put there without thought.
It seems logial to me that he would go to a premiere of a person with whom he would be making a movie. But I don't know enough of the movie world if it would be logical in their world.
morning ADM, Yea it's not for the faint of heart..give me my true crime books..mysteries..thrillers..and serial killer books and I'm set for life..yea I know I'm had more to it tho..then expected when I first picked it up..not just very poignant but soul searching as well.
Morning Solas, I'm happy he's getting out..and not just to bars or clubs..great way to spend a Monday night :)
@Kemberly, I really shouldn't even be on here right now, I have a project due in 3 hours! HA!
*sigh. This is my happy place, I need to come here to re-fuel.
What do you mean you have no life during the week? pfftt. BTW, Have you read Master of the Universe? I think you'll love it.
The premiere was in London I think because Prince Charles was there. If it's true then Rob's back on home soil !! Woohoo !!
Just to add a) loads of people go to a premiere and don't do the red carpet and b) it was a public event and so I'm not arsed about it being made public. A bit different when it's 'Rob the actor' as opposed to 'private Rob'.
Also, I remember Emilie going to Rob's New Moon premiere so it's a thing peeps do for co-stars and seems plausible enough.
Jules who was that written by? I googled it and the only thing that popped up was He-Man, Master of the Universe..which is totally awesome too..and Dolph Lundgren was great in the movie..but I don't think that's what ur talking about..LOL..atleast I hope not.
I am confused; I thought Lovely Bones had its London premiere a while ago? Perhaps this premiere was in Hollywood?
Kemberly, LOL!!! You're too much.
It's a FF, I guess I should have qualified. Here you go:
NB: This is meant for kemberly and women with our senses of humour/vicarious adventure.
Have at it.
Having weird sense of humour and NO desire for vicarious adventure, I appreciate your warning.:-)
I really loved Dark Side of the MOOn. Anything else along those lines, that really keeps to the characters and storyline, and is either totally chaste, or leaves the sex to the reader's imagination only?
Kemberly--I have mixed feelings about it-- i am happy if he is happy about it, if he WANTS to be out and about. But if there are no photos of himself without his cooperation/permission, I am very happy.
yes Solas..the london premiere was back in Nov..the 22th to be exact..and omg Jules I feel like a dumbass now..LOL..don't hit me..but umm I don't read much as I love twilight and Robert..and I'm sure the authors are fantastic..I just can't get into a matter of fact I have to read 5 chapters in my anatomy book today..which it's getting late..oh crap..u get to work on that project and I'll cozy up in bed with my book..freezing rain here today..have a great day~!!!<333
Oh, we talking FF??
I love Master of the Universe!!! Also, anyone else reading the University of Edward Masen??? It's amazing!!!
I am in agreement with solas. Wait until after to tweet - no reason to help the papz.
YES!! I'm reading that one too. Soooo goood. I can't wait for Saturday's update.
Is it possible that she could have let her fans know where she was without mentioning that Rob was there as well? Just wondering...
For your FYI! rpattzgirl thats my friend your talking about! and that was rude so please keep your comments to your self! she just wanted to update the fans where she was GOSH! rude people these days
So many deleted comments! Is it a glitch in blogger again or are people's comments disappearing without them deleting?
@Kemberley, Don't worry, I just got started and I like reading all human because I love the characters, the stories are so unlike Twilight. If SM's Edward and Bella were anything like the Edward and Bella in MOTU, twilight would have a much different rating and you'd have a whole other appreciation for Rob.
This blog used to be fun a while back, now it's all about OMG! don't post this! don't post that! Anyone that says something about Rob is an attention whore....drama queens.
"Guys, he was at a public event with tons of press. She has every right to tweet about it.
I love Rob but he is not my little brother to protect. He is an A-List celebrity who knows the game he is playing."
Words of wisdom, Thanks Gozde.
RPG, I am reading University of Edward Masen too. Love it.
Kemberly, I love to read mysteries and thrillers as well.
Solas, You should read The Lion and the Lamb by Alphie
It is her version of Midnight Sun, she was actually in contact with SM while writting it. Unfortunatly, for some reason it will not be completed but there are 26 chapters. It is very good. True to character and no sex. She started it in 2006.
In case that link does not work:
Aww LMAO don't say our blog isn't fun anymore :( It's just the after shocks of the drama created after the pix on saturday. Some people over reacted and created a storm in a glass of water.
The fans' hearts are in the right place, this too shall pass :))
I also hope this means UC is still on track. ;)
I think there is a difference for an actor between attending a movie premiere and going to see a friend's gig, but it's one that's negligible as far as paps are concerned. The twitter was strange but I guess if he's the only one she noticed among so many
So he went to a movie premiere and a fellow actor (she's on Vampire Diaries) Tweeted about it. So f'n what? He's not a baby, he doesn't need mothering or protecting. Yes, the recent pap photos look like he's being abused, but I doubt it... Like I said in another comment - the guys all look like they had too much to drink and it was probably really late and they just didn't feel like putting up with the paps taking their photos... Honestly people, like Goz said, "it's a storm in a teacup"... BTW - Thank you Goz, Kate and Dani for keeping such a great blog! I come here way more than I should, LOL!
this twitter's fine-he was at a public event, he was going to be spotted.
it's when fans see him doing normal things like eating dinner or whatever and twitter in real time and place him somewhere that I have a problem with.
Twitter is not robert's friend. lol
I don't think he's falling apart either. BUT, because he has such a constant presence with his managers and agents, and people around him seem SO protective of him(( Kristen and Peter come to mind), I do think he may be of a disposition where that level of attention freaks him out. There are a lot of people out there with social anxiety problems.
Goz- I with you. It was a public event and Kat had the right to tweet whatever she wanted. I bet she went down the red carpet and got her picture taken. She saw him in the theater. So she probably thought he had already been spotted and had photos taken by the press. She was just telling her fans who she saw there. That is one of the purposes of twitter. You are meant to tell the who, what, why, and where on twitter.
Um she may of made a mistake.She deleted her Rob tweet.
Gozde, your blog still rules and is the #1, I know you can't control some things, don't worry.
Now that woman deleted her tweet, any bets on how many death threats she received because she posted something about Rob? :(:(:(
So the girl who tweeted about seeing Rob at the premiere deleted her tweet. Too funny. Wonder why? Um, maybe b/c HE WASN'T THERE.
Excuse me?????? I think perhaps you need some valium or something..
Ok OK call me over-protective and a worry wart. :-)
Yes, Karina, he is not a baby but he HAS made it clear it upsets him. I don't think it is such a terrible thing to protect (or want to protect) anyone, even an adult, from something that freaks him out or upsets him.
LMAO- Trust. She probably did get death threats. Some of the fans ARE just that loony.
I want to see that movie. Though not as much as I want to see Rob a few rows next to me in the movie theater.. So jealous of that woman.
ADM--many thanks for the fanfic suggestion.
solas, you are very welcome. If I come across any more of this kind I will let you know. :)
off topic - I am posting this in a few of the comments sections so everyone will see it - Re: Robsessed Holiday video contest - I would love to do this, but I need everyone's help... Please email me your favorite Adorkable Rob photos. I want the best of his dorky shots. Thanks in advance -
I don't believe there's any way Rob could sneak into a movie premiere and not be noticed by anyone but ONE woman. Maybe she just made a mistake and thought it was him and it wasn't. Geez!
jmm--I was wondering about that myself, and thought either everyone else was either so interested in the stars of the movie that they didn't notice Rob, OR everyone else was too polite to bother him or twit about him, OR she thought she saw him but didn't, but I cannot imagine anyone else being confused for Rob.
ach--I just noticed that the fanfic is not finished, ADM! I found Midnight Sun so frustrating for that, I kept thinking--wait, Edward, I want to hear more of your own story!!; don't want another one unfinished. Know of any like that that are finished (like Dark Side of the MOon)?
solas, are you interested in stories based on Bella and Edward but are different from Twilight? Such as all human or just those that very closely mirror Twilight?
I am interested right now in just those that parallel Twilight; I love seeing different points of view, 'hearing' the thoughts to get a character's experience, since the original was in Bella's view.
Holy crap Batman, was the London premiere a few weeks ago ? Jeez, where is my life going, I remembered the pics and thought it was only a couple of days ago ?!?!
I seriously don't understand why some people are so adamant that he wasn't there ? What gives ? So what if he was ? It's full of celebs who probably in the main couldn't give a rats arse enough to tweet that he was there and not everyone goes through into the building via the red carpet. There are other entrances that peeps go through but the paps never seem to arsed enough to stand around those as they presume the important celebs waltz in the other way. This is the entrance that a lot of celebs who don't even stay long enough to watch the entire movie leave through !! lol
The actress perhaps deleted her tweet because of all the grief she probably received via twitter, not necessarily because he wasn't there afterall. Is it because it wasn't tweeted that he was with Kristen ? Jeez, they're not joined at the hip !!
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