From NY Mag
The saga has had quite a mystic fashion adventure over the past year. Landing most noticeably first in Hot Topic stores, Twi merch bolstered the retailer's sales in the third quarter of '08, one of the worst economic periods in decades, keeping the chain not only from going under but also astoundingly profitable. The rest of the industry drooled over those financial returns, and companies quickly began scheming for their own fashion-derived pot of Twilight gold. Nordstrom was quick to launch its own Twilight line of Team Edward T-shirts, jewelry, and other nonsense. Increasingly ridiculous Twilight product launches followed, including makeup (more than one line), "Edward's smile" necklaces, and vampire-fang veneers, which cost from $250 for a dentist to apply.
The power of Twilight did not escape the notice of the fashion media, which also fell on incredibly hard times in 2009. Desperate to recover and, like too many of us, unable to ignore the psychodom of the Twilight empire any longer, fashion editors let loose their fangs and sank them into the vulnerable horde of teens and their parents, now hungry to know themselves what all this fuss was about. Hedi Slimane shot Robert Pattinson — an ex-model, in fact — for the September issue of AnOther Man. Next came Harper's Bazaar, the December cover of which starred Kristen Stewart and R-Pattz, further fueling relationship rumors with a dark, romantic spread inside the issue. Before the Lutz news broke, rumors surfaced about shirtless star Taylor Lautner signing on as the new face of Armani.
After all that, where are these stars to go? They've sparkled, vamped, and muscled their way from the dredges of Hot Topic to high fashion. They can have only one final destination: Vogue. E! Online reports that Robert Pattinson was shot for the magazine at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art along with his Remember Me co-star Emilie de Ravin.
Photographer Norman Jean Roy is said to have shot them in several spots throughout the museum, including interior and exterior setups. "It's kind of edgy in a Vogue way," the source says. "Emilie is wearing high fashion but it's like sort of tattered-looking. Rob is mainly in suits."
Sure, Vogue will publish the photos under the pretense of Remember Me coming out. But that's only because they missed the Twilight train in the heat of New Moon. They may have been wishing it to disappear like the rest of us, but with the rest of the industry hooked and profiting, the mighty beast can go ignored no longer. And if that magazine came around to Lady Gaga, they can come around to anything.
To read the full article go to the Source
The saga has had quite a mystic fashion adventure over the past year. Landing most noticeably first in Hot Topic stores, Twi merch bolstered the retailer's sales in the third quarter of '08, one of the worst economic periods in decades, keeping the chain not only from going under but also astoundingly profitable. The rest of the industry drooled over those financial returns, and companies quickly began scheming for their own fashion-derived pot of Twilight gold. Nordstrom was quick to launch its own Twilight line of Team Edward T-shirts, jewelry, and other nonsense. Increasingly ridiculous Twilight product launches followed, including makeup (more than one line), "Edward's smile" necklaces, and vampire-fang veneers, which cost from $250 for a dentist to apply.
The power of Twilight did not escape the notice of the fashion media, which also fell on incredibly hard times in 2009. Desperate to recover and, like too many of us, unable to ignore the psychodom of the Twilight empire any longer, fashion editors let loose their fangs and sank them into the vulnerable horde of teens and their parents, now hungry to know themselves what all this fuss was about. Hedi Slimane shot Robert Pattinson — an ex-model, in fact — for the September issue of AnOther Man. Next came Harper's Bazaar, the December cover of which starred Kristen Stewart and R-Pattz, further fueling relationship rumors with a dark, romantic spread inside the issue. Before the Lutz news broke, rumors surfaced about shirtless star Taylor Lautner signing on as the new face of Armani.
After all that, where are these stars to go? They've sparkled, vamped, and muscled their way from the dredges of Hot Topic to high fashion. They can have only one final destination: Vogue. E! Online reports that Robert Pattinson was shot for the magazine at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art along with his Remember Me co-star Emilie de Ravin.
Photographer Norman Jean Roy is said to have shot them in several spots throughout the museum, including interior and exterior setups. "It's kind of edgy in a Vogue way," the source says. "Emilie is wearing high fashion but it's like sort of tattered-looking. Rob is mainly in suits."
Sure, Vogue will publish the photos under the pretense of Remember Me coming out. But that's only because they missed the Twilight train in the heat of New Moon. They may have been wishing it to disappear like the rest of us, but with the rest of the industry hooked and profiting, the mighty beast can go ignored no longer. And if that magazine came around to Lady Gaga, they can come around to anything.
To read the full article go to the Source
Rob is definitely a boost to the economy...
I've spent more money on his movies, photos, books, magazines, a special DVD player to watch his UK movies...trip to Canada, my first passport so I could go to Canada...it's endless...and I see no end in sight!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3
I think I have personally boosted the economy with what I've spent on Robsessing. LOL. Rob should always wear tight pants like in these pics. GAH.
Love that shot of her up in his arms. Where are the outakes from this photo shoot?
As some of you may or may not have noticed Lainey is rob bashing today over VF hollywood issue as are SOME KStew fans...does the hollywood issue only feature actress's or is there a male quivalent spread also?????
Lainey is a douche and loves to bash Rob...whatev...she does not matter.
I noticed Kristen touches his face alot- especially when she's kissing him. Not that I blame her. LOL. It's hot.
lol...just noticed my typo, i meant is there a male equivalent VF shoot for best actors?
@RPG im not all that impressed by this lainey woman either, she's clearly trying to provoke a division of some sort.
Lainey and her ilk have got to bash. They simply cannot bear the thought of going along with with anything that has been universally embraced. They think that to tear down something that so many love, makes them supremely cool. That they are 'above it all' so to speak.
Don't give Lainey and her kind another thought. Long after they've been forgotten, Robert Pattinson will still be be a star. Maybe even a legendary one.
Count on it.
Nik, I so agree!
Yup Lainey definately gives off some 'rebel without a cause' vibes, like a kid trying way tooo hard at being different...but it works, she's drumming up the hits with the crap she spews..and people wonder why they don't come out as a couple..ha!?
yes...I just received my New Moon trading card base set of 72 cards purchased via ebay to go along with my Twilight trading card base set of 72 cards also purchased via ebay....to go along with my Hot Topic New Moon Edward tee shirt, sweat shirt, pillow case, Twilight DVD, Twilight/New Moon soundtracks, Twilight hard back book set, Twilight audio book set, Robert Pattinson/Twilight/New Moon magazine collection (too numerous to count) Edward Hot Topic bracelet. I think (hope) that's it. I could probably go on a mini-va-ca with the money I've spent. I've actually enlightened myself whilst typing this. I may need some treatment (shock treatment?).
I don't know who this Lainey chick is, (ik, don't hate me) but I do know one thing. Our Rob has not only boosted sales at Hot Topic, caused Hollywood some serious whiplash at his ability to bring in the hard cash, but think what he's done for Heineken, Hot Pockets, plaid shirts, knit caps, RayBans, Stoli. Shit, the man is single handingly bringing the clusterfuck of an economy back into the black :) I bow to HHH. He's practically the Second Coming of Christ!!!
I love that boy.....
Hey, why did he only come in at #6 yesterday in that MTV thingy? These people don't have an effin clue, do they girls?
Oh wait, one more thing...who even buys magazines anymore?
I'd like to see the circulation numbers on VF December issue compared to some of their other issues. I'd like to see the same for HB and Vogue's March 2010 issue.
Ok, think I'm done. Phweew.
It just pisses me off when he doesn't get the credit he deserves.
The internet 'chatter' may not get it, but at the end of the day, they do not matter. What they're yapping about today, will be forgotten soon enough. Truth is, internet 'chatter' is quite irrelevant. At the end of another day, it's simply...noise.
The industry KNOWS that quite possibly, the next great male movie star has arrived.
And THAT'S the ONLY thing that MATTERS.
OMG... once again I can't stop staring at his crotch... ô-0
Am I the only one having this... err... 'problem'? :)
Why is Kristen wearing a parachute?
Tell me I'm not the only one who thought this when this photoshoot first came out. :) Be honest.
@VeilsofLight, I totally agree. In fact, for Kristen I think this was a terrible photo shoot. The clothes are wearing her, she's not wearing the clothes. Except for the dress she's wearing on the motorcycle (and we can hardly see what that looks like), everything is just way too old for her, like she borrowed them from mommy. On the other hand, Rob looks delicious.
couldn't agree with you more nik....anytime someone genuine rise's tall everone brings out their garden sheers... he's got staying power and if he wanted to use it to break the bank he could but he choose's not to..as he said himself.he does not wish to be a character in society just a true artist!?
This photo shoot - has the magazine been published in the UK yet? I've been searching for it for a couple of months with no success...
Advice, please?
I'm with you nik, you got it so right.
Yeah, I gotta agree with you guys about the clothes she wore for this photo shoot. I know they were going for a 'look' but I think it may have been too mature a look for a 19 yr. old girl. But you're right about Rob though. He looked like a dream. But then, when don't he? (the little shit)
And speaking of agreeing with...
Whenever I spout off around here, I always feel foolish afterwards. I know I come off like a know-it-all and that I've waaaaay too much to say. But then a handful of you will say such nice things and...well...it's what keeps me coming back. Yeah, were all looking for approval, huh? But thanks guys. And one more thought on Lainey...
I strongly suspect that she's actually got a thing for him. One she would be loathe to admit too. Yeah, I know that by writing about him on her site, that it gives her more hits. But...women don't talk about that which does not interest them. At least on some level.
Yup. Where Rob is concerned, I suspect ol' Lainey is in the closet. Come on out darlin'. The waters fine.
come on - we all know that Rob is the big drawcard here!! LOL
This beautiful boy could sell anything...wouldn't matter what it was or who the target market was cos he oozes an indefinable quality that people are drawn to.
Don't get me wrong, I love Twilight and understand its popularity but for me - Rob is the real X factor driving all the sales!!!
Hi RPG!!!! :D
I have to admit that I too have spent literally thousands since finding Twilight and Rob in my life 6 months ago. I have flown across the country to meet other Robsessors and have two more trips planned for RM and Eclipse - so yep I agree Rob is single-handedly saving the world from deep economic recession...
Rob....what can I say - you are worth every cent my darling for the joy you have brought into my life...please don't ever stop being who you are...you light up so many lives by just being...
Yeah! Marna....I agree with you I'm not a fan of this photo shoot. I thought I was all alone. I don't see what everyone else sees. I think they look awkward. Rob looks fab of course.
Who is this Lainey person talking shit about our Rob? Can I send her a note?
I am not normally turned on by suits. But Rob in skinny suits is orgasmic.
Is Lainey the person who Twilight Anon was posting pics etc from the set or off a while back. I thought she was kind of an independent paparazzi. They were always giving her credit for the stuff she was posting. Now she's posting her comments/opinions. WTF? I absolutely think the HB interviews were the most revealing and best, but agree about the photo shoot with the clothes wearing Kristen, awkward. Obviously, Rob can pull anything off in front of a camera. Motorcycle photo is the best for both IMO. Sweet.
They both look beautiful. You know what I don't care, I want some new pictures, I am tired of looking at old magazines and old interviews and 10 decades ago pictures. I want pap to stalk them and tell me what the H.. they are doing right now.
You want him STALKED??? You want his WELL DESERVED TIME away from all of the MADNESS, interrupted because you NEED to know and SEE what he's up to EVERY MINUTE?
I don't mean to be combative here, but I just don't get it. How much of his life do we really need?
Do you understand that if this keeps up -at this level anyway- he could walk away from this? Some have, when fame became too much. When their lives were taken from them to such a degree, that their lives were no longer their own.
When you reach a certain level of fame; Elvis, Michael Jackson, The Princess of Wales (and I am not comparing Rob to them...yet), the fame is UNSURVIVABLE. It destroys them. No, Rob is not there yet. Would you want him to be? To be so famous and so hunted that it destroys the quality of his work and more importantly, his life?
Maybe I'm over-reacting to your comment. If so, I apologize. But if not, if that is truly how you feel, then...I just don't understand.
And I don't want to.
well i guess i am one of the few that liked this photoshoot, i think they both looked HOT. i dont know about the parachute dress but the other ones i liked especially her F**K me shoes. I wish i looked that good when i dressed up. As for rob, he ALWAYS look good, i dont think there is a photoshoot out there that i can actually complain about.
robsten - why in the world would you want to see him so bad that you want the pappz to stalk him. just look at all the interviews and pics from november there were tons. i really hope that he finds peace in his private life for a little while :))
I am sorry call me selfish, but it's been so long since we had some news about them, I cannot live with what they did in Nov, I want to know what are they doing now. No stalking but I need to know what are they upto. I think I am too much robstenssed :)
Just because we happen to be fans of his doesn't give us the right to know what he's doing every minute of every day. His private life should be private! No one loves Rob more than I do but I would rather know that he is enjoying some peace & freedom to do what he wants & go where he wants than to have a few pictures to look at!! I'm so happy they haven't found him! He has earned some rest from having a camera shoved into his face everytime he sticks his head out of a door! Even if I have to wait months to see him, as long as I know he's okay that's fine with me.
Ugghhh, I got so rung up about that I forgot what I was going to say about the photoshoot. I loved this shoot myself. They were going after a certain persona here & pretty much nailed it. I thought the dress Kristen is wearing when they are laying on the ground was perfect actually. Just cutting edge enough but still refined and sexy. The gown, well, meh...high fashion is what it is and sometimes it's just silly. I thought she carried it off well though. The only one I thought was really age inappropriate for her was the long black slinky one. To matronly by far...Of course it goes without saying, Rob was stunning, as always. Nobody wears a suit like Rob wears a suit...
@Nik, I was worried that my comment somewhere about liking to know what Rob is up to but w/o the intrusive Pap photos inspired your comment. THEN I read Robsten's. Anyway just want to say that way before I discovered this blog and started commenting, I was furious about what went down in NYC during the filming of RM. Mostly at Summit for thoughtlessly throwing him to the wolves (so to speak)on visible open set in highest populated city. I'm thinking I will be assuaged a bit when I see RM. Maybe I over-reacted, but my thoughts were exactly yours (Nik)about how he could go away if this continues. I couldn't bear that thought, so I was ecstatic that he came out unscathed, unchanged, to promote NM. And boy did he, above and beyond! I think Rob is stronger that I first believed and a bit of an enigma on how he handles and processes his crazy life. I'm not sure he really gets it, since it happened so fast, I'm sure it just feels surreal to him. That's a good thing. Note to Rob: Your loving supportive fans are REAL and they're all HERE.
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