New/OLD Robert Pattinson Interview with Katie Leung

New/OLD Robert Pattinson Interview with Katie Leung...It's new to me :)

Thanks to Balina at Robert Pattinson Source Livejournal :)

P.S.: just realized I have seen it before :) oh well...


Victoria said...

That was new to me too. Rob was such a baby face. Love him!

Angie said...

Young Rob learning manners from Cedric...LMAO.

Gozde, Katie's accent throws me as well.

marina mia said...

much as i love seeing katie and rob, I'm just cracking up at the end of the video! have no idea what's happening but the Japanese guy putting on the cloak and then jumping on the wand! omg, it looks like he is shagging it haahahahah..

oh man, this makes my eyes water!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting!
He always mentions restaurant during Japanese interviews doesnt he? lol I guess he REALLY really likes them and their Kobe steak ;)
Funny how he mentions he learnt to be more polite by acting in HP. I guess it was another of those Rob moments

Story13 said...

Oh my god, he looked just that way when I interviewed him in London for the HP4 junket. I didn't find him handsome at this time. He was too young to be handsome. Just cute. And shy and funny.

Now he is handsome. Gorgeous…
I can't wait for the next press conference… sigh…

Birgit said...

LOL the ending... The guy with the wand and the people trying to say Potter xD

Dahlia said...

I love how he looks so young on this video, yet his voice from then to now hasn't changed at all... his voice was way too old for him back then!

LarissaH said...

I see his messy hair was a pre-twilight phenomenon. :)

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JandR said...

Hi Kate & Goz - maybe one of you could tell me where I can find the interview of Rob on the sorta gold coloured couch that is shown in no 3 of today's Christmas vid is??? I haven't seen it before and it looks fairly recent.
Many thanks!
the vid comp was a great idea - I love what your talented bloggers are posting! Beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling Godze may be feeling a little under the weather... Earlier 2 day she seemed 2 get a slight cough that obviously turned into something a little worse... the wrong kind of cough medicine can just make u silly instead of relieving the cough. I really don't like being around sick people! :o(

Anonymous said...

Kate too... unfortunately! I HATE being sick!! When I feel AWFUL... I just want 2 cry or ACTUALLY DO CRY... and that does NOT help the situation!!! GERMS are apart of life... I can deal with them... but when there are so many of them that u get really sick... NOT GOOD! I
HOPE Godze and Kate both get 2 feeling better soon!!

crazy vamp said...


Are you nuts, RPL?

PhinPhan said...

LOL Crazy Vamp.

Anonymous said...

Nope... ask Gozde 2morrow... when u take 2 much cough medicine... it has alcohol in it... and it can make u a little... or sometimes ALOT dizzy!! Next time maybe she should try a different kind with a little less alcohol... Just a suggestion... :o)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

This was new to me too... Rob is adorable... Still has that same silky voice that makes me melt...

He's the only one that got me to watch a HP movie!

VeilsofLight said...

Even back then it was all about the music for him. :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

It was veils... That was the girl band he was talking about, right?

Angie said...

Veils, don't forget the food. Top on his listmusic and food. LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh yea the food... He seems to love the food in japan..poor baby, doesn't he get good food any place else?

I'd love to know what he loves to eat when he's in London or what his fav home cooked meal is..anyone know?

Angie said...

RPG, no clue. He could use a home cooked meal or fifty. LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well I'm a lousy cook but I'd sure love to cook him a hot meal and snuggle up by a fire..

Angie said...

RPG, I am reading a ff that is getting fired up! ;)
I am liking it, a lot.

Bella is in high school, her parents hire a local artist to paint her portrait. Who could he be?

Angie said...

RPG, I am not a great cook either. I do however bake. I can quickly put some weight on that skinny butt, with a few cupcakes and cookies.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

ohhh I will check it out! I'm always up for something new in between the 20 updates I wait on!

Did you read the review on the awful truth on Rob in remember me? It's really good and really praising his acting in it! That's so awesome that they are saying something good for a change.

Angie said...

I never go to that site. I am glad to hear about the review. Hell, the few scenes in the trailer blow me away.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok I'm off to go read a bit..have a good night!

Emily said...

JandR - Don't know if you're still on or not but I think this is the interview you were asking about

Hi ADM and rpg!

Emily said...

Oh, bye rpg!

Cheeky Chops said...


Angie said...

Good night RPG.

Hello, Emily.

Angie said...

Emily, I have to say good night as well.

Emily said...

Goodnight ADM! Oh, I forgot to tell you yesterday but I loved the picture you had of your doggies. So cute! Sweet dreams!

MMc said...

He looks so awesomely young and innocent.

Seems he was more confident BEFORE Twilight - which is wierd.

Sarah said...

There's another one of him and Katie that doesn't seem to have had many views, on YT also, but it's always hard to find for some reason... (tag your vids people!!)

I'll link if I find it.

jlsentangledweb said...

I love his facial expressions! He was so adorably cute!

Anonymous said...

so he is so cute!!!!!! and adorable!!! agh and hot !!! lol i like when she is like " i bought this top yesterday" and he just smiles owwwww every time i watch an interview of him i smile... like involuntary smile!

papagáj said...

ROB ugh...You are responsible for my facial wrinkles, I can not stop smiling when You talking

xoRobxo said...

Does anyone know if that was Katie Leung with Rob and co. in the Pap video leaving Dimples from the other night???

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