From MTV
NEW YORK — When "Spider-Man 3" actress Bryce Dallas Howard was tapped to replace Rachelle Lefevre as vampire Victoria in the third "Twilight" film, "Eclipse," the 28-year-old didn't need a last-minute study session to ace her character. She was already a fan of the wildly popular series.
"I had already read the books. I had actually seen 'Twilight' several times, much to my husband's chagrin," Howard told MTV News while promoting her upcoming release, "The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond." "Whenever Robert Pattinson would come onscreen, I would grab my husband's hands and start squeezing, and he'd be like, 'Stop squeezing my hand!' "
Though Howard felt intimidated joining the tight-knit cast so close to the start of production, one of her biggest challenges may have been maintaining continuity between Lefevre's Victoria and her portrayal of the revenge-bent bloodsucker. While Howard and Lefevre share similar physical traits, including signature flaming-red tresses, Howard put much care toward embodying the already-established character.
"The visual continuity of the character of Victoria is really important because such a distinctive character had been created that the fans and the audience had really connected to," Howard explained. "She's really described perfectly in the book. So that's what's really important to everybody, that there's an authenticity to bringing these characters to life. It's not really an interpretation. It's like a true representation of what's written on the page, so that's obviously incredibly important to preserve."
I feel bad too for RL.. But I'm auteur was hard fir BDH coming in when everyone was against it and started a hate war against her.
I'm sure people will hold her to a higher scrutiny as well,
I'll withhold opinion till we see the movie..
She's a fan, can't be all bad!
Oh, I'm in the theater waiting for new moon to start again!
#8! I'm obsessed!
Meant to say I'm sure... Spell chk in dark theater no use!
I was as pissed off as everyone else at the ignoble replacement of Rachelle by Summit and after the conflicting statements issued, "she said, they said" blather, I was kind of worried about her career. Well, lo and behold, where does RL surface: playing the romantic lead opposite my (other) main man, obsession, Stephen Moyer in a film just wrapped. I'm reeling and so very jealous. Not so worried about Rachelle anymore. BDH, I'm confident, will be just fine.
Meh. I prefer Rachelle and I think she has been treated poorly. I'll wait to see what kinda job BDH does with Victoria
I still dont know what really happened. It was he/she/summit said. I got bored with all the details. Last I heard she was gonna consider legal action..but that was a while back (rumors??)anyway I dont think its fair to hold it against the newbie. I hope she does a great job,Im rooting for her despit my love for Rachel.
How could she not be a Rob fan?How can anyone not be?! lol
Although I felt bad for RL, it's not like she had that big of a part or that many lines. She did have a "presence" though so if BDH can manage that she'll be fine.
And just slightly off-topic. I'm really curious to see Eclipse and not just because of my desire to see Rob on the screen again (and again and again) or see how they've made the book into the movie. It's more about David Slade.
I was rereading his tweets and is it just me, or did he not seem very happy. IDK. The NM press tour was such a love fest between the cast and CW that I'm almost nervous for DS and the movie. I just hope it was a great experience for all of them!
Well how can you not like someone who squeezes her husbands hand off when Rob comes on screen?? What a trip for her to get that part! I feel really bad for Rachelle & wish that didn't happen though. But she was so great as Victoria, especially in New Moon, so I'm sure she'll get a lot of work from her performance & fanbase.
Certainly she makes it hard to hold a grudge, with those deets.
Just read Guardian interview with Daniel Day Lewis who said he saw NM. He took his sons, who are fans. No mention of his reactions. Would like to
@RPG: Guess it's not really a New moon for you anymore... ;)
the thing is, no she didn't speak or even have that much screen time in NM, but I really liked her in Twilight and Eclipse was really when she was going to get the chance to flesh out her role! she put effort into getting the character set up for her big part, and then it got yanked away from her. booo, summit. I think her career will be just fine, but it sucks that she doesn't get her big moment.
OTOH, I thought BDH was great in The Village, and I'm curious to see how she does with this role. it's done, so we'll see! but not soon enough, lol! :)
no, not new moon anymore! Lol! But I still love it & I get to see RM trailer on big screen each time!!
@RPG, glad to know I'm not the only one---Hubs just asked "exactly how many time HAVE you seen this movie?"
My answer: "Um, 6, but wanted to go again this weekend. Wanna go with me?" Hubs shakes head and orders Gwen another margarita. Gwen loves her Hubs! ; ) (And will be seeing NM for the 7th time on Sunday. Alone. Darn lacrosse games and work Christmas Parties taking up all of Saturday...)
Re RL, I thought that the whole Victoria/Wolves chase scene was so freaking fab in the movie---she's absolutely gorgeous. I did notice that she had no speaking lines---kinda strange.
I really didn't pay much attention to all the gossip/deets way back when, but seems weird that a "scheduling conflict" resulted in RL being replaced by BDH. Gotta be more to it than just that, right?
My wanna-be actor son just showed up from college---WOOT! ; ) Laters!
Yay Gwen!!!
I have a feeling it won't be in theaters too much longer so I'm trying to store up as it will be months of drought!
I go alone since most folks thought 3 times was enough!
Enjoy your son being home! My grandson graduates from military school on 12/16 and will finally come home!
Wow my night just got better!!!
Purple Rain is on & new EP chapter is up!!
I was really sad for RL too. I really did not understand why they would replace her. She had such a presense. She played her part well I thought. I am sure that her career will be fine since she is such a good actress.
it does suck for RL but we have to give Bryce a chance too.
RPG - the new chapter of EP was great, the story is moving along now. 8 times WOW. i was only able to go 2 because no babysitter, i just have to wait for video now.
Does anyone know when Rob is going back to London? And why is he still in L.A.? Is there alot of post production work to do?
I just finished reading The Hunter by kaybebaby. I totally recommend it. Beautiful ending!
I also thought it was pretty fishy when they replaced Rachelle. She's a perfect Victoria, was in Twilight and was really terrific in New Moon. When I took hubby to my second viewing of New Moon (been three times so far) her scenes were huddy's favorites and he remembered she'd been replaced and was really dumbfounded. He thinks BDH's looks are too soft, Rachelle's expressions have a certain edge that really fleshes out the character. I still feel that David Slade had something to do with it, but that could be because I don't trust or like him very much, especially after he wrote that blog crapping all over "Twilight" then killed it after he got the job, plus the cast didn't seem very happy while shooting "Eclipse". Just personal feelings I have.
We'll see. Anyhow, of course she's saying all this stuff now, she knows that she has to try and smooze the fans and win them over, so I don't trust what she says either.
I think the fans got upset about Rachelle because she was such a supporter & team player for the films. Even though her part was tiny, she was always doing publicity & she seemed to be well liked by all the other cast members. I think there was more to the story than we know, everybody else got to film other movies, it makes no sense that she wouldn't be able to also, and the fact that BDH was the first choice for the part but turned it down because it was too small is highly suspicious. I just think BDH changed her mind, & they needed an excuse to dump Rachelle. Whatever the reason, Summit came off as assholes.
I actually feel and felt bad for BOTH actresses cos BDH got caught in the fire between the fishy way Summit ditched RL and the fans. So yes while I was very upset with RL losing her job as Victoria and BDH got recast as that character I couldn't help feeling bad for her too. Not an easy way of coming into an already close knit group of ppl on set and then knowing that the fanbase were in uproar.
Things seems to have calmed down and even the cast members have helped somewhat there by saying how sweet BDH is. I think she WILL do a good job. As much as I would have preferred to see RL in the role and esp in Eclipse where Victoria REALY comes into the forefront of the story and then the big showdown between her and Edward, wich I am still looking fwd to now, I am more than willing to wait and see what BDH will do.
She seems classy and she is a fan, she also seems to really respect the way RL gave life to Victoria as well. So I am not gonna have any grudges against this actress, she didn't do anything wrong here.
Also I think RL is doing just fine too on her own, which she certainly deserve, she is a very classy lady and very sweet to her fans. Total sweetheart in person! She and Gil Birmingham were my 2 fave guests at the Eternal Twilight 2 convention I was attending in UK this past Oct.
What's this film with RL and Stephen Moyer? Stephen is my No1 favourite, after Rob of course.
Can someone let me know? Will it be released in the UK?
I've just found out a colleague in my office really likes True Blood as well - we had a long chat about Bill the other day! She hadn't realised he was British!
I still don´t understand why they sacked rachelle from eclipse, it was just a matter of a few days? and they cut her out of new moon as much as possible and she wasn´t welcome doing any promotion or to the premiere. for someone like rachelle who has been so supportive of the saga and the fans I think it is a disgrace. BDH seems very sweet, but I would still prefer rachelle as victoria.
@Carol UK: The movie that Stephen and Rachelle just finished shooting in Puerto Rico is "The Caller." Apparently there are steamy erotic scenes between SM and RL. Can't wait for that!! Since they just finished it a couple of weeks ago, there is no information on release dates yet. Check out info. on TrueBlood-online, The Vault. (P.S. Anna did show up in PR at end of shoot to make sure things didn't get out of hand between SM and RL, LOL.)
Bryce is cool and all, but I still miss and love Rachelle. Even though Summit did her dirty in NM and cut out a lot of her scenes and her talking in it. Rachelle was still FIERCE. Take that Summit and suck it. BITCHES.
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