HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson In London

We had to remove the pictures. You can see the pictures over at INFDaily and Socialitelife :)


Anonymous said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Total jawporn pining, good god..

Ok the pappz have had their fun, now they need to leave him & his family alone....

He looks amazing as always, and hope he gets to hide a little more( for him, not for us)!

Anonymous said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You're free pining!!! You said it loud & clear!!


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Pining, RPG, too funny! I just asked for the Jawporn too---on another thread---almost at the same time! Wow, great minds or what? ; )

Unknown said...

Oh the jawporn.....!DED ...just DED!

jc(britlover) said...

Ditto on the jawporn. Let that just be the start Ms. pining. May you enjoy continued jawporn!!!!

ocd-ang said...

Ugh...what I would give to be those Rayban's.

Kate said...

Keep an eye out for a jaw porn picspam soon! I promise;-)

Anonymous said...

I feel bad looking cause I know he hates it but it's nice to see him.

RPLover said...

oh pining, I <3 you! LMAO you're free, wheee! haha

it's tricky not to be a NB when it comes to Rob, am I right?

Kate, we're waiting on pins and needles...thanks in advance! =)

Unknown said...

dear robsessors :) this is not Lizzy in the pictures - it's Victoria

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh Kate,
you tease us so!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh god Kate dont tease me with jawporn!thats my fave feature ever and thats saying something!its so manly and rugged and...and...and...i cant remember my name..oh well hes worth it!

Anonymous said...

Omg!!! Too hot! I feel bad for him. :( poor guy!.. but yes, JAWPORN indeed!(:

RPLover said...

RPG, I'm thinking after jawporn we should take a closer look at his elf ears...they are so frickin' cute, right? <..>

Marna said...

I think Lizzie & Victoria look so much alike now, that it's hard to tell them apart. Watch the last Ellen show Rob did, when they show his family, they almost look like twins.

d67 said...

Beyond scruffy jawporn...just kill me now...hope the papz don't ruin his New Year!

jc(britlover) said...

Looking forward to the promised jawporn, Kate.
Jawporn! Jawporn! Jawporn! Jawporn! Jawporrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn!!!

Unknown said...


video of victoria pattinson !!! it'd her in the pictures

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Oh god, the elf ears!!! Yes! He's got the cutest (everything) elf ears..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

btw, thank you and big **hugs***

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

you're probably right.. they look so much alike but one looks little older than the other.

Haystackhair said...

LMAO pining!! You did it!!! And dang if you aren't right!! JAWPORN!!! GAH! and the banner-DED.
Kate, you are such a tease!!

RPLover said...

(((hugs))) to you, too, RPG, but you don't have to thank me for anything. we stick together. :)

I'm missing ADM and Emily, hope they come out of hiding soon. we all could use another meeting, I think!

Unknown said...

@rpattzgirl I think I'm right on this one :P and about the Video of Victoria - she is beutiful, well spoken, seems smart and very grounded ...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know, I miss them too!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I couldn't watch the video on my phone, but I looked st some photos and this looks more like Victoria...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh btw, new ff I've been reading... It's sooo good.. It was rec'd I think by rptmo...or someone here..


There's 20+ ch up, and it's really really good!

RPLover said...

thanks for the rec, I'll add it to my list! I'm just now reading the epi for WA, it's really good!

EP was awesome, I'm really wondering where the story is going to go.

Suz said...

Why do I feel uncomfortable with the sister(s) discussion and video?



MissHalfway said...

What it is jawporn???
I'm italian and I don't understand, sorry... :)
Help me, please!
Thank you a lot! ;)

Unknown said...

This is the first time i've ever checked this place out and posted a comment here.. YaY me!! Ok, so I'm so glad we got some Rob pictures! I've missed him. But i agree with whoever said it before, ok, we finally got to see him, now leave him alone. He needs his time off. There will be lots of Rob around in 2010 and for his happiness we can wait... (on the edges of our seats) =)

MMc said...

Rob's on Ellen RIGHT NOW.

MMc said...

Miss Halfway -

Just means his jawline is so sexy it's like ...pornographic to us.

Unknown said...

I'm watching him on Ellen right now too!!

SluttyPattz said...

Hi all,


I am working and just logged on real quick and BAM the JAWS hit me and now I am out for the night.

Rpg - the ff you rec'd I couldn't read the whole link. What's the story name?

dina said...

I dont know about you girls but when I saw him with his sister at the back seat of the car and his dad driving well... the truth is he looks so 23 he is just a baby:(

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

love amongst the ruins

MMc said...

Oh gosh - it just wasn't enough time to talk with Rob on Ellen - I loved how she grabbed him totally around the waist as she took him out into the audience like.......stay away from him he's being protected by ME! Wish I could do that.
He was so embarassed by so much screaming and since his family was there he was on his best behavior.

SluttyPattz said...

thanks rpg its on my list.

MMc said...

You can almost hear Rob saying "Just turn this way Lizzy and don't let them get our faces" when they totally turn their back on us and stand there facing the plants!!!
That was so obviously not what they were planning to do!! lol

MissHalfway said...

Thank you femroc!!!!
Hum jawporn... yes, I completely agree! Ehehehehehehehe!
Thank you girl! ;)

sandy cougar said...

Isn't it supposed to be like 'really cold' in London?

"Rob, where is your down jacket?
Hum?" 0-0

jc(britlover) said...

His jawporn is keeping him warm!!

And yes, it does look like he could be giving advice to his sister. What a gent!!

Melissa said...

Suz-I agree. :)

Anonymous said...

yes its freezing here in london and yes he should be wearing a down jacket.

LeslieHeartsRob said...


Sorry it took me to long, I`ve been having to use my phone cause my internet is on the fritz!

But I`m glad we got to see him! And I agree that they need to leave him alone now...

LeslieHeartsRob said...

And I would like to thank Kate in advance for the highly anticipated JAW PORN picspam!!

Jamie said...

Ok, so in the HQ pics you can def tell he's got a Kindle - best present EVER! Is everyone sure thats Daddy P? For some reason I thought he was taller and leaner.

That family has some good genes for everyone to be so pretty. Damn. :0)

Suz said...

Mel.... {HUGS!!!}}

LeslieHeartsRob said...

See pining...it`s easy once you start!

Just say it with me...JAW PORN...say it again...JAW PORN...just let it flow off the tongue...JAW PORN!! ;)

Loisada said...

Suz and Mel... so true.

Stalking while on vacation: uncool.
Staking out family home: instrusive.
Bringing family into it: creepy.

Twifiltered brain said...

Swoon swoon for my new moon man!

so I guess if you are Rpattz's sister you are like what still crushing on Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise? Since finding Rob I'm over them!

Anyone else want to know what Daddy P looked like when he was 23? I'm just a little curious.

papagáj said...

IMO the appropriate dose of these pictures are not up to such a nuisance for him and his family,
certainly beneficial for us devastated after long-lasting drought

And Rob... although You hate advices (I am rebellious) and I'll give You an advice :keep Your pissed off /fuck off (whatever)look and be careful about Nikes ,damn I missed them.
and I would give you a huge kiss in the vagabond bearded mug (see I am able to devote myself;) Jeez what a sacrifice


Twifiltered brain said...

double take...is that THE blue jacket he was wearing in Twilight during the saving Bella from the van scene??

We all know how he likes to steal clothes from the set. (He admited it in an interview!)

papagáj said...

Actually i don't really care which one of sisters have Rob appeared with, it's important that he spends time with family free from horny female fans.

Kelly Louise said...

These pictures make me happy, aside from the fact that he's even being bothered at home, that is.. Give the man a break. By the way, I thought the weather in London was as crappy, if not worse, as here.. doesn't look like that at all on these pictures.. but they could be deceiving.

Unknown said...

He's one of the few dudes I like with the hair scruff, he's so pretty he can pull it off without looking gross.

katie said...

His jaw looks ridiculous...in a good way. Good looking family too, great gene pool!

papagáj said...

Borrowing things from a plan ,that he quickly attaches and his giving sentiment can be concluded that his feelings are constant and he is able to be faithful to one thing, which served to him and was comfortable for him.

good for You, lucky Mrs Pattinson

LTavares2011 said...

It`s really nice to see Rob is well. I know Rob hates it but I`ve missed him so much.

Shani said...

RPL & RPG- What do mean elf ears? I was Rob's ear when we use to do RobArt here at night so long ago. Don't speak ill of my precious. LOL

Unknown said...
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Loisada said...

Shani, they are nibblicious elfy things!

Here's lovely deskRob from DreamySim1 to help thru drought, which appears won't last long with papzz on his trail and twitters afloat.


LizzyWizzy said...

Rob looks good, but I wish the media left him alone in London. He deserves a break :) from even me.

papagáj said...

In the region he stayed temperature oscillates within the 5°C,7°C
Girls calm your maternal instincts and don't worry about him. It isn't SO cold out there much enough for the layers he wear ;)
I know ,i know it's quite hard couse every girl care about his welfare but he looks like a healthy resistant boy and I not so long ago I must endured freezing like -17°C .

Shani said...

Loisada- NICE!!! Thanks bb for sharing this one with us!!

Loisada said...

Shani: now this will age me around here, but in honor of RobArt, anyone remember the night my avi was made!@!

papagáj said...


I adore Ur lovely artavi
very creative;)

womadsart said...

I love this site and all you girls with your funny awesome comments Keeps me feeling happy and young!

Shani said...

Loisada- You know I remember. I was there. LOL

Shani said...

Loisada- We need to bring back RobArt. But everybody besides us are gone.:( I guess we would have to organize a group one night of whoever is here and do it.Well that is the way we did it those times. We just need people that can stay long enough and can find the right pics to crop.

lallieb said...

I'm a bit of a newbie and just want to say that I'm glad things have calmed down here after yesterday's pile-on, fray of personal attacks and misunderstandings, and yes, a lot of rudeness, and then denials. BUT there were a lot of really great comments, which I have saved. I would prefer that this did not become a continuing discussion of FF, and if I get up on a pedestal or seem condescending, I feel I may be entitled because I think I may be the oldest in age commenter here. This is about Rob and his life. All opinions should be allowed and some will make me crazy, but I welcome them all. We shouldn't intrude on his personal life, but come on, we can't control that curiousity. I know I cannot, but still only want space and happiness for this fascinating, beautiful, charasmatic young man who has captivated every single one of us here.

lallieb said...

@rpattzgirl: Sorry about the hits you took. Not nice.

womadsart said...

the nikes!!!!!!!!!!

MMc said...

Thanks for the link to that Victoria P. video.......it was very good of her and informative too. Looked like she was trying to get a job......must have been posted a while back.......cause now??????She could just say.......kiss my ass I'm RPattz sista!!!

Karina said...

He's so purdy.

beyonce said...

Hopefully the paps keep their distance like they seem to be doing in these shots. The more aggressive ones tend to get in his face and interact with him(or try to). I'm so glad overall he's had a low profile time in London though, that's great.

marie said...

He is holding a kindle.... now we won't know what he is reading...... this is sad.

marie said...
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Steph is Legit said...

@ marie

i agree.

I think I am actually the only person in the world who doesn't like kindle. I returned mine. Building a library is an ongoing process which kindle limits lol

I mean its a cool little gadget, but I still prefer my books

LM said...

@lallieb, hmmmm, some of us are pretty old. You might be surprised.

gracefulgrace said...

Why did the pictures have to be removed?

AP said...

@Stephs: I'm beginning to sound like a Kindle fanatic, but I luv the real things too. Nothing like the sound of a crisp page turning in the quiet, or the crackle of a fire to make me pause...I guess I'm a romantic about books. lol However, the advantage of the Kindle is when travelling. You can take a small library with you on the road, and since I'm often reading several books at a time - fiction and non - Kindle keeps your place in whichever, so easy to put down and pick up. Saves a lot of space in the carryon!

Pandora said...

The only thing I dont like about Rob having a Kindle is:

How are we supposed to know what hes reading now?? XD

marya said...

oh no no!! its official i think i know where he lives...or where his family lives...i cant be trusted with this kind of information!! lol these pics only confirm what i believed...
its SO WRONG for paps to go there and take pics!! im so mad they did that i mean it was the only place where he could have some peace...damn you paps!

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