Happy New Year From ROBsessed

We want to wish all our followers, affiliates, twitter friends, everyone who has supported us, sent us tips, comments and love in 2009 a VERY Happy New Year.

We hope 2010 brings all you wish for: Health, wealth, peace , a Rob for every household... you know the usual :))

We wish 2010 brings Robert Pattinson ONE OF US,  health, wealth, more success, peace and everything his heart desires :)

Special thanks to TwiCrack Addict, Letters to Rob, Letters toTwilight, NewMoonMovie.org, TwiFans, Robert Pattinson Source, Robert Pattinson Australia ,TwiGossipGirl , My Rob Pattinson,Random Acts of Rob, Twilightpoison, Twilight Exchange, RobPattzNews , KStew411, our fabulous banner makers Twilusted and Kat   and the RobKats!

And because we love you all so much! "Jawporn" The Sequel.........


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Georgie said...

ADM, I'm trying to think what comes next in PA so I can share RPG's heart failure!

Ana, I wonder what it is about Kristen and Into the Wild?! I must check out that movie and see what would have attracted your DH and Rob so much.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh my fuck, she just got dragged out of bed & out of the room

Georgie said...

Ana, you should read The Cocky and the Cougar FF, about a Bella who's 11 years older than Edward.

jc(britlover) said...

Love to hear the chatter re: Twilight. Our first real intro to Rob. Yes, that "look" is so intense. Just the beginning of my infatuation. Thank God for Robsessed!!

p.s. our children can be so "uncool" at times. What the hell do they know..give me a break, non Rob obsessors!

Angie said...

LMAO...RPG, I have been waiting for you to get to that scene. Scared to crap out of me when I saw it.

jc(britlover) said...

Happy New Year from Lou., Ky, y'all!!!!

Ana73 said...

georgie - she doesn't have a big part in it. my husband said that she looks young and sexy, i told him that he was a perv for the longest time.

Angie said...

LMAO...Ana, she was young, under age young.

Georgie said...

Ana, you should read The Cocky and the Cougar FF, about a Bella who's 11 years older than Edward!

Ana73 said...

georgie - i will look that one up.

i still have two more hours til the new year.

Angie said...

Happy New Year to all on the East Coast, that includes me.

Ana73 said...

ADM - that is why i was calling him a perv LOL

Ana73 said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you east coasters !!!!!

Georgie said...

YAY Happy New Year, New York!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok, what the fuck was THAT??????

Holy shit, are you kidding me?????

No way I'm going back upstairs by myself now after that ending!!!!

Georgie said...

RPG....they're here....

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Happy New Years east coast!!

MMc said...

ROB IS ON DAVID LETTERMAN in a matter of minutes.

Sorry to bug people but hate for anyone to miss it.

Angie said...

LMAO...RPG, why did you watch that by yourself?

When I watched it I was bored through most of it. Then she gets dragged down the hall and the hair on my arms stood up.

lallieb said...

The Ball just dropped in Times Square. Happy New Year and thanks to Gozde and the other ladies for their hard work in bringing Rob to us all on a daily basis. Just a thought: How about a year-end "Best of" like: Best fan encounter, best interview, best photos from the NM promo, best quotes, etc. No contest, you can decide, but might be fun, and of course will invite a lively exchange of opinions. Yet, just another distraction from the drought.

Ana73 said...

ok...rob is so freaking hot when he plays the piano in this. by the way i was really bummed when they didn't play Bella's Lullaby in New Moon, i mean it's HER lullaby, they shouldn't have changed it.

dabby said...

oh rob!you to me are everything the sweetest song that i can sing..oh baby!haha!happy new year rob!i love you so much!!happy new year everyone:)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Lmao Georgie!

movies rarely scare me.. so I figured no worries,.but I'm down in the basement and don't want to go back upstairs!!!

I need some Rob now!!!

Angie said...

RPG, I am waiting for the commercial break to end and Rob will reappear on David Letterman. Woo Hoo

MMc said...

RPG - did you confirm that Christina Ricci is going to be in Bel Ami??? I hope not.........I don't like her very much - would like to see Natalie Portman.

Rob's so nervous and cute on Letterman - God so gorgeous.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Nope, haven't heard anything about CH offically, and she's not in IMDB, but it was all over twitter yesterday...

I have all Rob's TV appearances on my DVR, so I may watch a few tonight..I'm done with the scary..I need some lovin now....

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Meant CR, not CH!

Georgie said...

RPG, you should switch on to Letterman to forget about Paranormal Activity...oh wait, you have 3 hours to go. If not, just re-run Twilight again.

Happy New Year EVERYONE in the East!

MMc said...

Letterman is talking about a BAT flying around......to Rob and expecting him to explain that....... he made a good joke about it. Bless his heart!!!! Sweet babe - he is so humbled but the whole thing and acts so nervous. This audience is not like what he's used to.

Georgie said...

Anyhow I'm off for a dip in the pool - the laptop and Job's jaw porn have made me hot and sweaty and it's also a sultry day! I'll try and come back but if not, Happy New Year in 2 1/2 hours to you West Coast girls!

Angie said...

femroc, I just watched Rob on DL too. He looks so good.

Ana73 said...

ok, just stopped twilight, letterman starts in 10 minutes. i know i have it on dvr too but i always like to watch when it on regular, dont know why ;)

Anonymous said...
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Angie said...

Okay ladies, thank you for keeping me company on New Year's Eve and into the New Year. Now I must say good night.

I hope everyone has a great New Year!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Have a great night (or morning now) Georgie!

MMc said...

I'd love to see Rob with Jennifer Connelly and Natalie Portman and Jaclyn Smith in Bel Ami..........classy and beautiful women.

But alas, they didn't ask me - Jaclyn is probably too old but still pretty.....let's see another choice could be, Charlise Theron!!!!!! I was sorry they could not get the Aussie lady - what's her name - she's married to Keith Urban.........oh dammit who is she??? Ummmmmmm God I've had too much champagne........who the heck is she???

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Night ADM, HNY!

Anonymous said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Nicole Kidman...

MMc said...

YESSSSSSS Nicole Kidman - she's lovely.

MMc said...

Dave was so NOT star struck by Rob - he didn't know how to react to Dave too well but he did ok and even got some laughs which is good.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love Jennifer Connelly...I also love Rachael McAdams...and Anne Hathaway...

MMc said...

Pining - yeah, he didn't embarrass Rob too much and was ok with him. Wonder why Rob picked those 2 particular words sidewalk/candy

Liked it when he said "BITE ME" when Rob wouldn't answer about he and Kristen. I bet Rob would love to just SAY IT ------ OUTLOUD!!!!!!! And be done with it all.

Ana73 said...

oh, i am a rachel mcadams fan too, i loved her in notebook.

OT - has anyone seen scenes from the runaways, kristen & dakota look really good, looking forward to seeing that movie too in 2010. somewhere it said that rob went with kristen to see a private screening of it, do you think it's true??

Anonymous said...
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MMc said...

I'm not too keen on Anne H. - I just keep thinking Princess Diaries - she just seems like a cartoon character to me......I know ....wierd.

Rachel McAdams is good.....but the women need to be older right......except for Susanne and maybe the whore Rachel???

MMc said...

I found the script for Unbound Captives last night - haven't read it yet.

OMG a huge choir singing YouGot me with Ray DAvies.....that's funny sounding.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Ana73 said...

pining - i loved the book too but i actually liked the movie better, normally the book is always better but to me not this time.

MMc said...

Yeah, I'll read it - want to know what Phineas will do in the movie - I was reading some reviews that were mostly negative but they said they liked the Phineas character.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Ana73 said...

pining - she is playing cherry, i think. i guess cherry & Joan had a think going on back in the day. dakota looks so different but really good.

MMc said...


Check out Hugh Jackman's look in this pic!!!!!!
WOW if this is how he'll look in UC - I'm there.

MMc said...

hard to believe Dakota is only 15 right?
I used to BE in a rock band in the 80's and sang a JJ song - never really liked her music though.
Pat Benatar was my favorite, and Heart and Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks.

Anonymous said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm here, finally made myself come upstairs...

I thought DL was kind of a Jack ass to Rob... more sarcastic than funny....

But Rob looked HOT and kept his cool...

Ana73 said...

pining - good night! have fun watching bridget jones!!

femroc - i like joan but not a big fan, i always thought she belonged in the ramones LOL.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Night pining.. have fun with the other hot britt!

Denise said...

Jawporn, uhmm... love it! hahaha. Thanks for the amazing pictures! Thud! *-*
Happy New Year for all, specially for the owners who created the best site of Rob Pattinson! Thank you so much ;*
And off course, I wish all the best for the love of my life, Rob! S2

jc(britlover) said...

Agree. DL has the driest of dry sense of humor. Always borders on sarcastic in my opinion. Rob seems to be able to keep up with the best of them. The Brits are kings of dry wit!

Hope you don't have any trouble falling asleep tonight!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

as long as I don't hear noises(our house creaks) and no banging on my door, unless it's Rob, I should sleep good!!

Yea, DL kinda bugged me and Rob seemed more nervous on his show than Ellen or kimmel... He did good though.. and held is own!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm signing off too, need to read some ff and watch some Rob reruns..

Happy New Years everyone!

MMc said...

Oh yeah, Dave is crass and rude and prickly - I don't watch him anymore - it's uncomfortable.......but poor Rob did ok.......and with his usual dry wit made up and complete lie of a story about the 230 pound Hispanic man that asked him to bite him and he took him to dinner and on and on - he had Dave goin' for a minute.

Rob needs to watch that stuff cause people believe him..........like when he was on the Today show and said yes to all of those rumors Matt was trying to get him to deny????? Why - did he do that?

HAPPY NEW YEAR......woohoo

jc(britlover) said...

LOL. Don't worry. Rob will come in through the window!!!!!!!

LM said...

Just dropped by to wish you all a Happy New Year. Thanks Goz, Kate, Kat and Dani for a wonderful blog.

I know the picspam is all about the JAW this time but I did get a few glimpses of those cute elf ears in there too. :)

Good grief, I took so long writing this that 10 more comments have been posted that I haven't even read yet!

Ana73 said...

well i am off too. good night to whoever is still on and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

MMc said...

Night all - here's to a great year for everyone.
Happiness and health and ROB!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

there are no words....

love. him. sooooooooooooooooo.............

jc(britlover) said...

You know, it's so true, so many people just believe every single thing they hear or see in print. It's amazing the comments I hear in checkout lines where rag mag headlines are taken as gospel truth. There are so many gullible people and so many who just don't see when the wool is being pulled over their eyes, or don't understand sarcasm. It's kind of scary.
Well, HNY to you. I am literally about to fall asleep, so I'm signing out.
Sweet dreams to all!!!

Kathy#1 said...

Shani...I'll be that treat...oh please, oh please????

Shani said...

Kathy- Check my avi.


Kathy#1 said...

Shani, Which avi...you keep changing them. Did you notice there is another "Kathy" on here now....this will be confusing..

Shani said...

Kathy- The one on the last page with Rob's tongue out.

Poor bb!!! Change your name to Kathy #1. LOL

Shani said...

Kathy- Now you are confusing me.LOL I'm talking about the one I posted with. *Rob wipes his mouth*

Anonymous said...


Kathy#1 said...

Yes I love that one Shani...I know something else he can do with that mouth. I guess I will change my name so it doesn't get confusing here...although I've been posted for almost a year.

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, I've changed it
Happy New Year Goz and everyone at Robsessed!

Shani said...

kathy & Sarah - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


I'm glad that the accident was small and nothing major. God bless you and your family. I wish good health and a Rob interview for 2010. Smooches hot bitch. ;-p

skorpia said...

happy new year ROB!!!*gives HOTT liplock* and xoxoxo to everyone else!! Thanks for da jawporn!!! u know how to make a gal happy!!!

Georgie said...

Happy New Year to all the West Coast Robsessors!

keely said...

Holy cow! I just walk up to this!

@Kate: Mistress of all jawporn, please, please have mery on us ;-)
Thanks for posting all that beautiful pictures!!!! I wonder if you ever sleep ;-)

I hope all of you got healthy and happy into the new year :-)

Anonymous said...

FLIPPIN HECK!!!!!! That took some scrolling down! Beautiful just beautiful. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!

i am awesome-o said...

happy new year ladies and gents!! lol =D

Gozde said...

Thanks for all the New Year wishes :))

Woke up and have an awful hangover, lol :)

I'm going back to bed with some water and tylenol. Too many brain cells were killed last night :))




Unknown said...

Happy New Year RoBsessedBlog :))))
Love Jawporn spam :D thank you for everything!! and I wish you everything the best in new year!! :)

Magda09 said...

Happy New Year to everyone!!!

One thing is for sure in 2010. I will be obseseed. There is no remedy, but who cares anyway :)))

Vicky(crovamp) said...

this is like the best possible new year gift! thank you Kate very very much! love him so much and he really has the sexiest jaw ever!

JandR said...

ROB - my very own - jawpornstar


Thanks for so much jawporn goodness - perfect way to start the new year...:))

Edlowin said...


Thank you for your job, the delicious pictures and the new words i learn as 'jawporn'. I love Rob's jawporn

jc(britlover) said...

Jawpornstar--hilarious. Love it!

Gozde, a little hair of the dog that bit you, maybe! Hope you feel better soon.

Love Rob and Robsessedblog. Thanks.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Ah...Jaw Porn in the morning...

That`s my hangover cure...

Susanne said...

Thanks Kate!!! Love him, love him, love him!!!

twifancgs said...

Another round of hot damn pics of the hottest man in the history. I would love to have this man look at me with all those sexy features just once in my lifetime. A woman can dream, right?

twifancgs said...

I love the work of the ladies who run this site. I totally love the jawporn. I will totally have a roblicious day after seeing all these pics so early in the day. Thanks for the awesome good morning gift!

RPCinemaMajo said...



2010 I AM MORE ROBsessed THAN EVER...


CdL said...

arf.... ♥

crazy vamp said...

Oh c'mon!! The jaw, the tongue, the look! That first is unfair!


Rachel said...

The Part2 is really brilliant!!Rob looks soo HOT~Thx a lot!!

Twilusted said...

I lurve you ladies!

HeneciaD said...

from the first pic I was at least have an hearth attack he is gorgeus thanks robsessed for pic I have made I wish to met him while we were saying hello to the new year I am writing lyrics for him :)

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