Fan Photo with Robert Pattinson From Italy

Source Facebook Thanks RobPattznews for the tip!


Anna said...

Ok, here's my question: how come Rob looks so breathtakingly gorgeous in all the fan/pap pictures from Italy, and much less so in the movie?

There's something wrong there.

sandreta said...

I was thinking the tyhe fan pics or videos from Italy he looks so gorgeous but in the movie he looks great too but not at that level..LOL

Babs said...

I wonder that too. He even looks hot with all those dots on his face. Ohh the chest hair...

Butterfly25 said...

Cute photo. It's really nice of him. You just have to love Rob:)

I love the dots. I wonder who was this luckiest person on earth that got to put those on Rob's face, chest and arms??? Lucky she... or he maybe???

@LittleBear @sandreta
Although for me it doesn't make any difference as he looks gorgeous all the time, but I think the case maybe that while shooting he had to have this sad, tortured expression almost all the time. And when he was having a break from shooting, walking around the set,taking pics with fans he smiled a lot more. So maybe this is it, the smile. We didn't have that much of Robward smiling in NM and Robert smiles a lot as we all know.

Aly said...

Please VOTE for ROB he is loosing to Taylor!

KIMMY said...

Rob looked amazing when filming in Italy. He looked gorgeous in every pic I've seen. He always smiled like sunshine...

@Aly: Although I voted for Rob at the link you posted, I feel that we don't need to get competitive and vote for him in every poll out there. I've got the feeling that Rob is not that competitive in that way either, though he does have ambitions and passions of his own. In fact, I actually don't concern much about where he stands in polls. Of course, it would prove something if he is at no.1 in some polls, but I would love it if he receives some kind of big and well-known and "official" awards, with which we know his talents are recognised. I keep my fingers crossed for that. For now, I'm pleased enough to know he has a lot of mature and thoughtful fans, no matter how many polls he wins or loses.
I hope you don't find my comment unconstructive, b/c I really don't mean that at all. just put in my thoughts.

Mari said...

I just wanna lick every single DOT !!!! *sigh*

dia_rob said...

RPVN I totally agree with you! We should make sure he wins when bigger pools are out,which could help him win awards...

Anonymous said...

He looks really good right here! :) I love how he looks in NM! It's a sexy vampire look! I like how he looks in real life and in NM! LoL!

Janece said...

The very saddest thought is: They paid someone to paint on each dot, I would have done it for free, heck, I would have paid them, handsomely had I been able to paint dots on that man. Summitt, is wasting money. Darn them. I have skills, I can......paint dots on lovely men. Why oh why does no one see my talent!!!???

d67 said...

So gorgeous even with dots....

@LittleBear, et al......I think it's the contacts he wore in NM, they were too yellow, especially for italy where his eyes were supposed to be BLACK!....also the lighting and the clothes, just not what we were used to I think.... regardless, movie was awesome, as his HE!!!!

Devi said...

The womans face looks so familiar to me o.O
I don't know why but the picture looks awesome :)

Haystackhair said...

Le sigh. So handsome.

perfect Rob said...

Rob oh Rob he is always perfect no matter what he wears ,or what his face expression is...especially the tortured face because you felt his pain and made you want to take it away...i wish...My favourite face though in NM is the...FOREVER ...FACE and STARE in the "marry me Bella "scene ...

Unknown said...

I took a whole bunch of teens on a field trip to NM. A couple sitting in front of me talked about this very subject:
Boy: That's who you think's hot!?! He looks dead!
Girl: He is dead; he's a vampire!
Boy: HE's hot?? (clueless)
Girl: He hasn't hunted in months 'cause he missed her so much and now he wants to die 'cause he thinks Bells's dead, so SHUT UP!
Boy: HE'S HOT???!!! (really clueless)
Girl: It's makeup! NOW SHUT UP, Bella's running to save him.
Boy: (repeats the question but is shoved to the side as Edward reunites with Bella--though I could be wrong as I'd ignored him as I also focused on the screen)

Anonymous said...

what a sweetheart taking the time out of shooting to get pictures. gotta love a man dedicated to his fans and knows that they help his career.

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