Co-Stars Chaske Spencer and Gil Birmingham Talk About Robert Pattinson

Wow Chaske, you shouldn't have told THAT secret! It's a big one he's been trying to keep from everyone :)


Kelly said...

** Stepping up onto soap box

I really dislike it when interviewers go in and ask these poor people to do STUPID things! Please... this is not a trained monkee.. it's a person... don't ask them to do stupid things..

*Stepping down off soap box... on to my next crusade....

Angie said...

Right behind you Kelly. So tired of it.

Gracie said...

I'm so with you guys Kelly and ADM - What a lame terrible interview. I felt like poor Chaske was in an audition.

VeilsofLight said...

Gil Birmingham is such a doll. And with you guys...I can't help but say that this 'interviewer' made a total ass out of herself with Chaske. I cringed the whole time. He was such a good sport, a class act. Let's hope this is the first and last time he'll ever have to endure this type of nonsense.

Elle said...

What an annoying interviewer, almost had to turn it off!

RPLover said...

I completely agree!! in fact "trained monkey" was exactly the phrase I was thinking of-poor Chaske!

Haystackhair said...

Can't see from work. what did they say about Rob? what did the stupid interviewer ask Chaske to do? LOL. Yes I'm impatient. LOL

RPLover said...

Haystackhair-the Rob part with Chaske was asking him to tell a secret about Rob, and he said that he likes to read. quite the reveal! ha Gil just did a Q&A about who's messier, funniest, moodiest, etc. between Rob and Taylor.

But poor Chaske was made to perform for her...she asked him to talk in character, give a wolf stare, put in rubber vampire a lot of just dumb questions. At one point, he said "I AM a serious actor!" and laughed, but I think he was feeling a little uncomfortable.

oh well.

kazoogal269 said...

RPlover, you took the words right out of my mouth. :/

MMc said...

Funny Gozde.......he reads.........woo hoo!!

Suz said...

Bliss = Fail.

What a fucktard!

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