Bryce Dallas Howard rambles on about Robert Pattinson... again.

Vulture Exclusive: Robert Pattinson Chips Tooth in Flossing Accident, Says Twilight 3 Co-star

Sure, he looks foul-smelling, but would you believe Twilight star Robert Pattinson is really "incredibly hygienic"? So hygienic, in fact, that he's a threat to himself and his teeth? It's true, claims his Eclipse co-star Bryce Dallas Howard! When we ran into her at the recent New York premiere of her new movie, the Tennessee Williams–scripted The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (out today), she told us about her first brush with Rob: "I actually came out to him that I was totally nervous about [meeting him]," said Howard, who will replace Rachelle Lafevre as evil vampire Victoria in next year's Twilight 3. "He’s such a sweet young man, and there’s such a distinctive difference between him and Edward Cullen. He does such a wonderful job embodying that character, and bringing that character to life. But when you meet him, he’s such a down-to-earth, humble person, you feel bad freaking out around him."

"But what does he smell like?" we inquired. "Actually, he’s incredibly hygienic," Howard insisted. "He told me this story that made me crack up. He was like, 'Oh, I have to go to the dentist.' And I was like, 'Oh no, what happened? Just a check-up?' And he was like, 'No, I chipped a tooth.' And I was like, 'How?' And he was like, ‘Flossing.’ Who does that? I don’t even floss. So he’s hygienic. Trust me."



cal said...

Speaking as a dentist, he might actually have a cavity. Otherwise, the tooth wouldn't fracture from flossing. :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahhh, poor baby. He has beautiful teeth even though he's mentioned numerous times that the dental work they did for twilight fucked them up....

Motu & cwia were amazing.....

cal said...

Also...why couldn't I have been the dentist he went to? Ah well.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

that would of been quite something, to be that close...

cal said...

Sigh, indeed, rpattzgirl. Sigh indeed.

Angie said...

Cal, I bet his dentist is a straight male...what a waste. :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

so true... his hair stylist is a male too...god to have my hands in his hair would be...heaven...

Suz said...

she comes off as odd.

or maybe just a bit Opie.

Loisada said...

Suz: You the one set them straight?!

Interview Magazine Takes Bold Stance, Declares Robert Pattinson Pretty (PHOTOS)

Loisada said...

ADM & RPG: bet they're not nearly as straight as they were pre-Rob... Noone is immune to The Pretty!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Loisada, I like that Rob is first on that list! Hell, yes, he's Pretty Damn Beautiful!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

no doubt... except for my daughters who are apparently mentally incompetent or blind...

Emily said...

Loisada - "bet they're not nearly as straight as they were pre-Rob..." LMAO!!

Okay, unless you consider picking your teeth with a car key "flossing" (like my dad and grandpa) I don't see how you could chip a tooth.

They must have ground those babies pretty far down for his fake invisalign.

RPLover said...

I hear he likes massages...and I've been told I give good backrubs, strong hands, so...I could totally get into the masseuse business!

just sayin' ;)

Suz said...


Anonymous said...
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RPLover said...

no worries, pining, it happens to the best of us. ;)

Emily said...

RPL - I would get fired so fast if I were Rob's masseuse.

pining - It's okay, it caught us all off guard. :)

Hi Suz!

Ile13 said...

Better hope his dentist is a male! You probably don't want the person working on your precious teeth to be all dazzled/swooning over

Btw - Hi all :) I've been lurking for a couple months now. About time I come out and post!

Anonymous said...
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RPLover said...

chomp! LMFAO

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

"But I thought you said go lower?" Oops....

Ile13 said...

@Pining I think it just may take longer for me to say the J word than you did LOL, jk...or am I?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Welcome lle13!

Anonymous said...
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Angie said...

Welcome lle13. This is the best Rob crack den on Earth. LMAO

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh I loved Phoebe... she was so free...

Emily said...

Hahahaha! RPL - You know that would SO happen.

RPG - LOL! That just reminded me of Austin Powers. "Mmmm....lower." "How's this?" (in a really low voice.)

I do feel bad about his chipped tooth. That's gotta hurt.

Welcome Ile!

RPLover said...

glad you joined us, lle! Rob makes you say all kinds of things you never thought you'd say...I saw someone earlier today talking about eyelash porn! LOL

"nice and tight!" heehee I know I wouldn't be able to stop myself from taking a nibble. ;))

Ile13 said...

@Pining 5 months?!? Ok, I totally take that back! must feel great to finally break the ice.
Thanks for the welcome everyone :)

Ile13 said...

Speaking of eyelashes, I've noticed that A LOT of men have long eyelashes when US ladies need them the most. Sooo not fair!

Ana73 said...

good evening ladies...been on/off all day.

i thought his teeth were messed up from the first twilight maybe that's why it chipped so easily. hey that's pretty cool that we have an actual dentist blogging to give us her professional opinion.

Anonymous said...
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Ana73 said...

it still kind of sucks for the other actors of twilight that they ask them questions about rob. they must getting tired of the same questions...does he smell and what about robsten???

Anonymous said...

How old are you all?! Like are you all the same age? :D

Ana73 said...

pining - i literally stayed in my pj's all day and got thru my updates of MOU and CW&IA, wow those were really HOT and really intense i had to take a break from the computer. and i am still reading -love amongst the ruins. i so miss staying home and reading.

RPLover said...

lle, DH has got the longest eyelashes, it's disgusting! ;)

RPLover said...

@RobFan-I'm 31 and proud of it! how old are you? :)

Ana73 said...

robfan - i am 36, does that make me cougar or a puma , i forget which cat i am.

RPLover said...

lol, Ana...I don't know the rules, but I say as long as you're a cat of some kind, it's all good. Rawr! LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

omfg, weren't they both just fucking awesome chapters??

I had to cool down after cw/ia!!!

you'd be surprised at some of our ages...

Angie said...

Um, Robfan, why do you want to know? If you are older than Rob like the rest of us and you are concerned you have lost it.

You have found a home.

Yeah, I'm older for sure!

RPLover said...

the thing is, it doens't make any difference what our ages are...Rob makes us all young at heart. <3

Ana73 said...

FF CW&IA were freaking HOT, christmas sex was intense - too bad my sex life can't be that exciting LOL.

robfan- why did you want to know our ages???

Angie said...

RPL, you are so right! We all turn into NB fangirls as soon as we log on. No age requirements!

Anonymous said...
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Ana73 said...

i think rob makes all of us feel young again, where everytime i see him i have a big cheezy grin on my face.

Anonymous said...
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Emily said...

I forget who it was on here, someone showed their grandma a picture of Rob and she said, "Who wouldn't want a piece of that?" LOL

Angie said...

Me too Ana!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

So true! NB's have no age boundries!

Anonymous said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh Ana, Xmas sex....I didn't get my Xmas wish, maybe I'll get my new years!

RPLover said...

LOL, Emily...who wouldn't indeed! I love that.

Ana73 said...

RPG - i was talking about CW&IA's Christmas sex from the chapter today, not my own. i am laughing over here, i guess i didn't write it right.

Anonymous said...
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Ana73 said...

good night pining !!!

Angie said...

Dream well pining.

RPLover said...

sweet Robdreams, Pining!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

lmao! I knew what you were talking about!!

Uh oh did we scare off robfan?

Ana73 said...

yeah that was weird that she didn't respond on why she wanted to know our ages maybe she was spying on us. robfan, if you are there still...come out, come out.

Ana73 said...

will anyone be on tomorrow night??? my husband has to work, so i am taking my son and daughter to dinner and them coming home.

Angie said...

Ana, I will most likely be around. Just shout out at me if you don't see me posting. I usually check in often.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Suz mentioned on Twitter that Christina Ricci has been cast in Bel Ami... anyone else here that?

What'cha think? I would assume shed play clotilde, or suzzane?

RPLover said...

yep, RPG, I think we scared her off. ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'll be here too...

Ana73 said...

ok i will be here too, i am kind of sad not to spend it with my husband, first time in 15 years, i hope that doesn't mean bad luck or something, i am so superstitious.

Angie said...

RPG, I can't stop reading ff long enough to read the script. Some Rob fan I am.

SluttyPattz said...

Oh my CW&IA and MoTU absofreakinglutely ROCKED. I need a shower whew....

Just read them and a few more chaps of Love Amongst the Ruins and wow oh wow oh wow I am just smitten with this story.

My son is 6 and is like OCD about flossing. I feel like I buy him floss everytime I go to the store. His middle name is Robert maybe all Roberts have flossing issues.

SluttyPattz said...

ADM your avi is like screaming JAWPORN...

Angie said...

Wow Teri, how did you get a 6 year old to care about flossing?

Angie said...

Teri, don't I know it! That is why I picked it. ;)

Ana73 said...

teri - no kidding, how did you get your son to do that, i can barely get my kid to brush his teeth let alone floss. i tell my son that if he doesn't brush, the kids will call him -yuck mouth LOL.

RPG - dont know about that.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh Ana, don't say that!

FF has a way of taking over, I know! I think you'll really love once you read it!

Yep... seriously rocked my world!!! Whew!

RPLover said...

good for you, Teri, when my step-son was 6 I had to stand over him just to get him to brush! LOL

I would LOVE to stay home and chat with you all, but I've been roped into going out. boo.

Shani said...

I saw this posted over at Oh No They Didn't. I was like, ok. LOL

SluttyPattz said...

The dentist did it not me. His dentist office is super cool. It looks like a beach when you walk in and the lobby is the boardwalk. The chairs the kids lay in are real comfy and there are plasma tvs on the ceiling playing Disney stuff. He gets to play video games while the dentist is consulting the parents on instructions and what not. So basically he thinks his dentist is the coolest dude ever - so it wasn't hard to convince him to listen to the dentist.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I really loved Christina in black snake moan... so I can see her all hot & bothered with Rob....he's gonna have his hands full in this movie!

RPLover said...

Teri, holy crap! I'D like to go to that dentist!

Angie said...

Teri, I freaking want to go to that dentist. LOL

SluttyPattz said...

lol RPG my DH really liked her in Black Snake Moan also. He was captivated like it was porn or something. Similar to how I am when Rob is on TV.

Angie said...

RPL, jinx!

Ana73 said...

well i am going to finish reading love amongst the ruins before i go to sleep.

so good night and sweet rob dreams :))

Angie said...

Good night Ana

SluttyPattz said...

LOL he's cool. He's easy on the eyes too. His eye doctors name is Dr. LOVE, seriously, DR. Love.

I had a sticky note on my desk at work that said Thursday - 930 - appt w/ Dr. Love and one of my coworkers saw it and gave me shit about it for over a month.

He's like OMG I am calling your husband that is just wrong.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Night rpl, have fun!

Ana73 said...

real quick, i think every guy was in awe of christina ricci in black snake moan, she was hot in that. ok that was it last comment.

Angie said...

LMAO @ Teri.

SluttyPattz said...

lol night Ana.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hmm Teri,
I think both the dentist & eye dr sound delish!

Night Ana!

And yes CR was a hottie in that movie!

SluttyPattz said...

@ADM it was so embaressing. I blush very easily so I think he kept bringing it up b/c of my reaction. I wish I could turn the blush off. I am a horrible liar also. I just can't keep a straight face. Poker is not my game. I played once and one of the people at the table told me that when I was bluffing I held my breath. I wasn't even aware that I do that. Strange

RPLover said...

LMAO, Teri, he just keeps getting better! ;)

night Ana! happy Robdreams to you.

I never saw Black Snake Moan, but I've liked her in anything else I've seen her in. I'm not familiar with the characters, haven't read the book (hangs head) but I'm sure she'd be good!

Angie said...

Teri, that is just cruel to tease you like that.

SluttyPattz said...

I am wondering how I would react if I ever had a personal rob sighting. I would probably hold my breath, get dizzy, faint, and then kick myself later for being a spaz.

Kathy#1 said...

This article makes me want to floss more...espec if Rob is doing such a good job at it. I feel bad that he even had to have his teeth "fixed" I recall he looked just fine as Cedric! And what's with BDH being all nervous to meet him? Weird...

xoRobxo said...

I'm a Dental Hygienist and there is no way you can chip your teeth from flossing. If you have a old filling that extends between your teeth and is breaking down, it is possible to pull out a filling. I wouldn't be surpirsed if Rob was just bull shitting around when he said that.

Angie said...

Teri, I know I would either be completely mute or say something really stupid. Then I would pass out.

SluttyPattz said...

I hope that Rob has a good New Year completely Papparazi Free. I have always found it funny that when people say the papz it reminds me of the papsmear which is pretty much something I don't enjoy. So for Rob it would be like having a papsmear everytime you walk outside. I know I am silly, but seriously it has to be frustrating.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm out too.. off to read more latr...

Night ladies!

SluttyPattz said...

night rpg

RPLover said...

I wouldn't blame anyone for being nervous to meet one is immune to the hotness! LOL

RPLover said...

night, RPG! <3

Angie said...

Good night RPG

LMAO @ Teri,

Now it is my turn to say good night. Hope to chat soon!

RPLover said...

I think I'm going to call it a night, too...have a good night, ladies! xxoo

SluttyPattz said...

night all I have to hit the hay as well.

Loisada said...

Boo... finally have kids in bed and everyone's called it a night! Gonna leave my new late-night avi anyway, found this pic today and couldn't resist!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Loisada, OMG, your avi! Manip tee or real? You have to show the rest of the NBs in the morning---they will flip over it! ; )

Time for bed; no more ff tonight, my eyes are soooo tired. Yummy Robward dreams all.

keely said...

Morning girls :-)

ROFL, omg, that T-Shirt is cracking me up!!!Thanks for sharing!

MMc said...

anyone here? I can't sleep - thinking of Rob and all the women he's going to bed in Bel Ami.
Gosh I hope Christina Ricci is not one of them.......Natalie Portman would be much better.
Uma Thurmon and Kristen Scott Thomas will be formidable partners. I can't imagine how nervous he might be doing all those scenes. Can't wait to see it.

MMc said...
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keely said...


I had so forgotten about the large hand and feet theory ;-)

MMc said...

As far as the other roles it has a half-naked part for Robert Pattison which will please the Twilight fans. He flirts with the only pretty girl around and gets a sponge bath when he's injured. Fanfic, anyone?

Info on Unbound Captives I found above.
Still wide awake ................

skorpia said... bent over Rob checking out his lips..seriously need a new career choice right now..*deep in thought*and massage therapist sounds extra good too:)Im a nurse for an nursing home. I wont have a crack at him till he's what--75?? :O

TeamEdward4Ever17 said...
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TeamEdward4Ever17 said...

ohh that suck for rob i chip my teeth all the time from playing lacrosse, basketabll, and tennis and it hurts. I get hurt a lot, so im used to stuff like that
@RobFan4sure im 14 years old and im still in middle school lol

Carolina said...
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Athena said...

I don't know... I kind of have the feeling that either she was pulling the interviewer's leg, or Rob was pulling hers... I mean, can you *actually* chip a tooth by flossing??? Anyway, in both cases, it was funny :)

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