Thanks to Sleeper and Jade for the tips :)
Robert Pattinson With Neal Karlinsky and Samantha Harris
Pictures from today which is the second day for Robert Pattinson/New Moon's press junket in Los Angeles.

Here we go again,
lucky bitch :),
Robert Pattinson
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Ok, I hate her, really...I know it's immature...but I don't care...I hate her....
Okay... I really hate Samantha Harris now. Her fucking Terminator arms bug the shit out of me and she gets to sit on the Pattz's lap?
LOL RPattzGirl!!!!
OK, I may be a little sour grapes and all, but that just looks highly unprofessional.
im with u rpattzgirl: i hate her..
she's so LUCKY..
anyway compare the first and third pict, what a different atmosphere there hahaha
Seriously Jewels64...
I will cut a bitch!! Not cool...
look at him..i think he likes that!
That makes the blood boil for sure!
@rpattzgirl - lmao! u take her neck and i got her Achilles ankles...
I'm on it!
hehee desperateeeeee cougarrrrrr, well I dont blame her, that sparkly is tasty
i've just read erick riddle tweet after he interview ROb.
he said " nice guy, wimpy handsake tough"..
what is "wimpy" mean?
She could had pull the chair that she was sitting in next to him for the picture. Instead she sits on his lap? I'm not jealous or anything but that's unprofessional.
Is he blushing?
what a smart smart lady....i will subscribe to her school of thought. and all this time i thought she was dim (from DWTS)
seriously who the heck does that? its totally for show. annoying! he looks so not comfortable doing that.
top pic from today, bottom pic from yesterday??? he is wearing yesterday's clothes in the bottom one.
love the "hate" comments towards her, too funny.
No shit tink!!
Get your name out there, linked to Rob, and everyone talking....
It's what I'd do. I'd be SO very unprofessional with him. (Actually I'd be way too shy to. But I can dream...)
Oh, and whoever this Erick Riddle kid is, he's probably incapable of accurately judging a decent handshake due to his own scary-strong, self-wanking pole-grabber.
Lotsa hyphenating going on.
ok, who the hell is that and why is she on Rob's LAP?!?! I know I'm not the first to comment on this (LMAO @ RPG-I will cut a bitch!) but grrrrr-watch out, lady! Really, I'm just 17 kinds of jealous! ;}
btw, I've spent hours trying to play catch up here-so much has happened in the last couple days I can't keep up! Goz, Kate, hope you can get caught up on your sleep! Can't say thank you enough for dealing all the Robcrack!! Just the tip of the iceburg...bring it on!
poor Rob, people seek to snog him anytime and everywhere so I feel envious
damn bitch
5AM still trying to edit the audio file from the press conference yesterday. I'm gonna sleep when I'm dead :))
oh Gozde, the things you do for us!! You're going to qualify for a character in Wide Awake soon! :)
I actually think he is quite happy with the "lap dance" LOL It is a feather in the cap so to speak, for him, to be photographed with an older beautiful woman like Samantha.
I will admit I am jealous but if I was her I would have done the same thing. You only live once right?
Hope you enjoyed the movie last night!
Have you guys noticed that Rob pretty much lets people do almost anything to him? What with letting what's her name run her hands through his hair (and Tyra too), letting this bitch sit on his lap, letting people at photoshoots throw buckets of water on him...
Once you get past his bodyguards he's a push over. Maybe its vestiges of being his big sisters' dress-up doll as a child.
Actually, I don't think I've seen other actors treated this way, with blatant requests to touch and fondle them. Am I wrong? Does this happen alot?
Okay now get off his lap so the rest of us can have a turn!
hey puddle! We watched The Proposal with Ryan Renolds (the naked scene = drool ;)) and it was pretty good but the second it was over I was back on the laptop! LOL
yeah, I don't think I've seen any other actor let interviewers be this touchy-feely before, he just must not mind. freakin' lucky chicks! I am remembering in the Ellen interview last year that he said he was content to be grabbed-must not have been kidding! haha I can't wait for the new Ellen interview, hope SO BAD that she asks him about the Stoli!
Can someone please tell me who the hell is Samantha Harris? Yeah, I'm jealous.
LOL!! to the haters-- right there with you....LMFAO!
I have to agree with the point of Rob getting fondled... not sure...does that happen to other stars...??? WTF?
Goz, baby girl, go to bed!!! We can wait till
We can sit here all night & trash Samantha Harris!!
Lmao, I got cock blocked on another blog?
What the fuck did I say?
Am I being offensive? Suck it...
I agree, rob is too nice sometimes... But he did tell a fAn once Fuck No, when she asked if he would hold her like bella!!!
Yes! Ellen is one of the best! And when she flirts with Rob she doesn't really mean it.
Mmmm. Ryan Reynolds is fine. Not "Rob" fine, but pretty good eye candy for a couple of hours.
Really? LOL--that's awesome! "Fuck no!" Good for him.
While I can understand the "hate" for this chick... I gotta say that Rob looks like he's enjoying himself! There's just a little glint in his eye that sez to me... "I think she likes me... she really, really likes me?!"
I just wish he would sit up straight and not look all mushed down in the chair.
Add me to the Samantha Harris haters, why does she get to sit on his lap? And she's so stupid she's facing the wrong direction! I'm a MUCH better lap sitter than she is. Bitch.
LOL, I'm gonna post the interview then go to bed. I'm obsessive :))
Thanks Gozde!
And g'night...
better than Samantha Harris lap sitters unite!'
I think Rob enjoyed this!!! I had to see where his hand was...I am so jealous!!! Who is this Samantha Harris? Just gotta sit on Rob's lap eh? Ughhh.
F* Samantha Harris. Get off of him. She is just all kinds of crazy thinking that is professional. I mean way not go to the bathroom with him and hold hit for him you slut.
Anyway, the guy saying he has a wimpy handshake. He's a douchebag. Seriously, he probably can't even feel a good handshake b/c he has to satisfy himself too much, it you get my meaning.
Even though it's not very professional- looking for her to sit on his lap,damn that woman is SO lucky! And Rob looks like he's enjoying it also by the look on his face, along with his blushing. So now we know if we get to meet and speak with Rob, we can just ask him if we could sit on his lap while we talk to him, right? I'm damn serious,as long as I had a few drinks in me I would totally ask to sit on his lap (after losing a few pounds though)
So what's going on here with Rob,first he says he's "pretty much open to anything" as to dating an older woman, and now he shows us him letting an older woman sitting on his lap. Hmmmmm,maybe he's trying to tell us older women to Throw ourselves at him!!!!!?????? Hell, if that were true, I'm SO ready, Rob!!!
LOL @ Marna-"she's facing the wrong direction" cameras be damned!! If you get a chance to sit on the holy lap, straddle him like a real woman!!! heehee
puddle-yeah, I love how she flirted with him last time! she's got a wife (who is hot, btw, and obviously I don't play for that team, lol) and even she's not immune to Rob! I just love her, she does the best interviews and asks interesting questions, not the same old crap.
I am sure most of us ladies if offered the chance to sit on him would be looking at his face.
**Clears Throat** Straddlers UNITE
lol RPL I guess we were thinking the same thing.
What the handshake thing everyone is talking about?
Get it girl. Y'all stop being jealous.LOL You know you would get on that too if you had the chance.
Samantha's like I don't give a fuck that I'm married...I'm taking my chance. LMAO Now she can blow that up and put it in her bedroom for inspiration. LOL I know her husband that night was very happy. Rob seems to help with that issue in marriages.
mya bluesky- It means weak.:(
omg I chocked on my wine! I just got what marna said... Sorry, little tipsy!!!
Facing the wrong way, I am dying!!!
Marna- The guy who interviewed him tweeted that Rob hand shake was wimpy...meaning weak. You know some people measure your handshake as being a part of your personalty. If you give a strong hand shake like gripping it sort hard,that's good.If it's lose than it's bad. It's like dominance and aggressive versus weak and submissive in a way.
Ok, if Rob and Kristen are together, I really wish they would just come out with it. Things like this would hopefully stop - stupid reporter sitting on his lap - she would hopefully never do this if she knew he had a girlfriend. (And it might also calm some of the crazy teenagers who view him as an eligible bachelor)
rpg, haha, I would SO become an instant lap-dancer, wouldn't you? *evil grin*
RPG- I missed that too what Marna said. LMAO
Thanks Shani, I'm not on Twitter so I miss all that stuff. Rob was probably tired of shaking hands at that point, or maybe he just didn't want to.
I somehow remember the VF interviewer said (not in the article) that Rob has a very firm handshake and she would want Rob to be a big brother to her kid.
Really forgot where I read about this, sorry ladies!.
I don't really think he likes her sitting on his lap. Both of his hands are clenched. He's just going along with it. He's probably thinking "Shit-when Kristen sees this she's gonna kick my ass!"
thanks shany.. maybe rob was so tired and didnt excited enough to talk to him..
She has more prominent forehead veins than he does. And that's not a compliment. I love his, but hers...not so much.
The pose looks like a high school dance picture. He does looks adorable though.
About the "whimpy" handshake: my dad always hated guys with whimpy handshakes. Basically it means he's a "limp dick" as Lainey said. I'm not trying to put Rob down, I don't care about how his handshake is...I'm just sayin, that's what it means. And men can tell if a guy has a good strong handshake or a whimpy one, and what it means. I believe the interviewer...but who the fuck cares anyway...It's ROB!!!
OMG... his face in the picture with Samantha Harris is hilarious... hahaha... it looks like he's enjoying it, but nervous at the same time! lol
@ Shani: Yes, you are very right about the handshake thing...that's what I was trying to say! Who cares if Rob is submissive...we all know that anyway...he's just a sweet, sensitive, careing I would LOVE to have!!
OH for goodness sake.. all the hat this woman is getting for sitting on Rob´s lap.. he is even smiling in that pic..
Unprofessional?? … I call her smart woman!! if I was and interviewer and I could get a pic with him like this, I would..
Lucky lady!!
Stop with the hating.. seriously how pathetic it looks.
oh, like we all wouldn't have done the same thing!
And Robert is always game, he's got the boyish friskiness about him. Remember how giggly he got over Tyra last year? lol He loves female attention, as long as it doesn't involve screaming and tackling, like any other 23 year old! lol
Some people just don't like shaking hands so it might be indicative of some general disinterest on Rob's part rather than a sign of "wimpyness."
Can you imagine Rob saying no to Samantha's request to sit on his lap? He's just so polite and gracious. Another reason we love him.
Marna and Mya bluesky- Your welcome. Yeah he probably WAS tired of shaking hands by that time.
LovesRob- Yes we love Rob in-spite of any short comings others may think he has. That boy is just yummy and brilliant. I would take him over some douche who thought himself perfect.
Dude, she's sitting on his lap all prissy like, it's hardly a lap dance! No biggie, she's just another horny courgar wanting a piece!!haha
I really don't get the handshake thing!!
I was doing recruiting a lot and some interview candidates intentionally gave a "firm" handshake at the end. I see no association between their handshakes and their interview/ work performance whatsoever.
On the other hand I went to high profile client meetings with my boss and some of them gave "whimpy" handshakes at the end, simply because they don't give a shit about the handshake with me. Haha.
Robert Pattinson is so famous that people feel the need to tweet about his handshake... amazing... I want to be like him when I grow up... :O hehe
I'm not going to lie when I say I was a little irked by seeing this. Hahaha. It's just because, it's like she's mocking us or something! "Hey look what I can do and you can't!" Yeah yeah.
I don't really care about any "unprofessionalism." It IS the entertainment industry after all. But yeah Rob is nice. I mean he really doesn't seem comfortable or a feely-touchy person to begin with, and he doesn't seem like he says no unless he absolutely doesn't want to do something. *shrug*
touchy-feely* hahaha a little sleepy today.
yeah like i said i agree. it seems he's very lenient with people... i don't think he's necessarily a pushover, he's just okay with being nice a lot of the time.
And you guys are right - honestly a lot of women (and this is NOT limited to fans at all) ask a lot of him. Like that lady in France who asked for a kiss, and all the other kisses he had to give out there... haha, poor thing.
Anyone notice her huge rock? I bet her husband is pissed!
Are you sure that's Neal? In that shot it looks like a wax dummy. Samantha, on the other hand, is no dummy...
rpattzgirl said it best for all of us.
LMAO @Jewels64...Terminator arms!!!
I gotta admit, I would so straddle him if I was interviewing him. He seems game for anything they ask of him...
Ewww….why the heck is she on his lap???!!
that there is so unprofessional. Nasty.
well at least robs not really responding to her slutty cougar-ass….his hands are in fists and not all on her…thank God….only Kristen should sit on his lap!!
Ewww….why the heck is she on his lap???!!
that there is so unprofessional. Nasty.
well at least robs not really responding to her slutty cougar-ass….his hands are in fists and not all on her…thank God….only Kristen should sit on his lap!!
Ewww….why the heck is she on his lap???!!
that there is so unprofessional. Nasty.
well at least robs not really responding to her slutty cougar-ass….his hands are in fists and not all on her…thank God….only Kristen should sit on his lap!!
Ewww….why the heck is she on his lap???!!
that there is so unprofessional. Nasty.
well at least robs not really responding to her slutty cougar-ass….his hands are in fists and not all on her…thank God….only Kristen should sit on his lap!!
well at least robs not really responding to her slutty cougar-ass….his hands are in fists and not all on her…thank God….only Kristen should sit on his lap
totally unpro... at least we can understand, there's other from access hollywood (do not remember her name) that asked to touch his hair and he did it.. so not a big deal.. but sittin on his lap?? this is such and totally unpro...
OMFG!!! every time I see this pic more pissed I am..
I bet that Kristen didn't like it... I wouldn't!!!!
I meant 'touch his hair and she did it'..
ok ok let's move on.. it's no such a big deal.. consider this f**g bitch samantha a crazy fan, that cannot stop herself and jumped on his lap without warning.. what to do? nothing, only stay calm ...
I think it's totally unpro.. and what if a male asking Kristen to sit on his lap??? totally unpro!!!!!
I bet that she asked to do so and he is totally and genuinelly sooo cute and adorable that didn’t say NO…
She just made herself look cheap and slu*tty.
That's strange, I saw a photo of her with Taylor also,but she didn't sit on his lap,just sitting next to him, so why would she sit on Robert's lap then, what the ... ???
Is this woman for real???
Have you ever heard her unscripted comments on DWTS? She's a train-wreck. I agree with Candy Girl..his fingers are curled in like "not touching that" and I don't think his smile is sincere...more like "take the bloody picture so she'll get up already!!" He was just too nice to say no.
Ug, gross I can't stand that girl anyway. I just want to cold clock her right off his lap. Blech.
OK, this is WAY beyond unprofessional and totally inappropriate! She is either interviewing him as a reporter or should be honest that she is really a fangirl - can’t be both. Talk about losing credibility. And sitting on his lap is a totally discourteous! Why don’t you ask Johnny Depp or some other respected movie star to sit on their lap in an interview and see what happens?
For those who asked who Samantha Harris is~She is the co host of Dancing with the Stars. She also does reporting for E. She has hosted those True Hollywood Stories.
LOL~When I first scrolled down to the photo~ I let out a huge "WHAT" But ... yeah what a lucky bitch. For those who mentioned unprofessional...we don't know who suggested her sitting on his lap..could be the phtographer??
She does have some very veiny hands
Get off his lap bitch!!!!
mmmmm did he get a boner???? haha its the first time i saw him "that" happy...xD!!!!!!!
ok... WTH?! hahaha i hate her... there's just no other wait to put it... she should know the hatred she would earn once that pic hit the internet *sighs* DAMN U!!! u lucky b*mumbles the rest low enough so no one hears*
he is a ladies' magnet almost everyone in contact with him in interviews or encounters are going straight for a physical contact, poor rob the expressions of helplessness and disbelief that usually brace his face, never seen anything like it, he should really be a man of stone to deal with it
lucky damn bitch!!ajja he's even smiling!! she sitting on his lap????or am I seeing things??
I think this women do it on purpose!!they know million of women will get jealous
Uh oh - looks like a cougar on the prowl! Is she supposed to be a reporter because this looks really unprofessional. Would she sit on Obama's lap?! I know it's showbiz but still...
Your "hate" comments are cracking me up....Actually she is sitting the wrong way. She needs to move and I'll show her to do it....LOL!!!!!
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