Well, since I never understood the Leonardo DiCaprio craze and I am not a teenager anymore I don't think I can compare the two. All I can say is I hope Rob "grows up" to have as great or a better career than Leo with better love interest choices :) 'Cause for a "serious" and smart guy who does amazing work for a greener world Leo's love interests have been gorgeous supermodels who I'm SURE are very intelligent and environmentally aware (sarcasm)... I'm just sayin' :)
Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Pattinson. Photographs by Brigitte Lacombe (DiCaprio) and Bruce Weber (Pattinson).
"Not since Leo, circa Titanic, has a young actor been so aggressively beloved by 13-year-old girls worldwide," writes Evgenia Peretz in her Vanity Fair profile of Robert Pattinson (Twilight's Hot Gleaming, December 2009). Peretz is right—and I would know. I was one of those teenage girls who got caught up in the "Leo-mania" fan frenzy in the late 90s. The first copy of Vanity Fair I ever bought was the January 1998 issue with Leo on the cover. I hung Tiger Beat and Teen Bop posters of Leo on my bedroom walls. And after I saw Titanic in the movie theater six times, one of my friends and I even created a Leo Web site, at a time when you could only access the Internet via a dial-up modem.
Sure, there were other Hollywood stars that set our teenage hearts a-flutter (Home Improvement's Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Camp Nowhere's Andrew Keegan, and Casper's Devon Sawa come to mind), and the Backstreet Boys and N*SYNC boy-band craze that prompted one of my friends to paint her bedroom baby blue (it was Justin Timberlake's favorite color) came close to rivaling the Leo pandemic. But among us teenagers, it was only DiCaprio who orbited in the true superstar stratosphere.
Although I personally don't understand the infatuation with Pattinson (luckily, I grew out of my teenage obsession phase long ago), I certainly understand where today's teenagers are coming from. But I'm still not sure that RPattz hysteria is as intense as Leo-mania was.You can vote over at Vanity Fair if you think you need to :)
I was in high school/college during the Leo craze and I think that the buzz around RPattz is absolutely more consuming than that ever was. I fell for the Titanic Leo, had the posters lining my dorm room walls...but damn that boy never made me giddy like Rob does! If my hubs would let me, I'd line our bedroom walls with posters of Patty...but I don't think he'd go for that.
Well,in the times of Titanic and Romeo and Juliet I also had a crush on Leo - like many many more girls in the world, buuuuut...
The thing is that now I can't see any other actor but only Robert,really,he literally owns me now!!!
Ha! I voted cuz that's how I roll, and of course, Leo is hardly even a blip...it's Rob all the way!
I also voted.
Robert already has almost 90% of votes. I guess it says everything!!!
Leo is handsome and talented..
but ROB is other-wordly
Ok, I admit to having a major Leo crush - way before Titanic, incidentally, dating myself a bit here - but no, back then I was not visiting a blog every day for a year, visiting NYC to get an in-person glimpse, or literally rearranging my work schedule to accomodate the midnight showing of Leo's upcoming movie premiere.
Um, yeah, not even a mentionable comparison. Hence, the 'sessed' in 'Robsessed'. :) And loving EVERY crazy, delirious minute of it.
Before Rob I was Leo crazy (and before Leo it was Richard Gere- so you can guess I was not a teenager either time) and I am way more into my Robsession than either one ofthose guys!!! Of course the Internet was not like it is today. Anywhoo Rob all the way!!
Don't get me wrong..I love Leo and think he's a phenominal actor...
but, Rob consumes my every thought-that NEVER happened with anyone before.
rpattzgirl, I have the same, it's really getting insane...
its hard to compare. i feel like the leo generation had to be more crafty at obtaining info and pics on him. the interviewer even said she had to use dial up. it was more time consuming to get little things that didn't evolve until 10 years later
rob is absolute pandemonium, but you also have to factor in that we have access to the internet through smartphones such as blackberries and iphones. the world is a lot more connected now than it was before.
Even planning events are done through social utilities such as facebook or mass email and text messaging. its a lot easier to get info on rob because its more accessible and the more accessible something is the more we want it.
i guess if you are comparing to what was available 10+years ago during the leo craze to robs craze now it is about the same
the only difference is that we all like kate winslet.. hmmm.. times they are a changin'
I can't keep up with all these posts!!! everytime I turn round there is a new one. I am showing iron willpower and not reading the VF article until I buy the magazine, hanging onto my selfcontrol by a thread!!! and that says it all, I have never before bought VF and I will because of Rob and I never would have for Leo. Spot the sad act mother of 3!!!
Leo never really did much for me, even though I like Titanic. I totally went through a James McAvoy phase. He's amazing! I was completely oblivious to Rob until March of 2009! I shudder when I think about it. I flew to London to watch McAvoy in a play and when I came back and watched Twilight and saw Rob for the first time I was spellbound and the rest is history. James drawer got replaced and now my closet and I fully belong to Rob.
I love Leo and have since he starred in Titanic. With Robert, though he has this British goofy charm that just cannot be duplicated. Yeah, Rob is my favorite.
Um, how old is that girl who wrote the article? Just so out of touch. Was Leo a teen crush? I think all girls were crazy for Leo too.
My teen crushes were Prince, Rob Lowe, and Ralph Macchio (the Outsiders) How old am I?
And like everyone said, this thing with Rob is way way beyond any teen crushes, sex symbols of the past. Only people who don't GET IT make dumb comparisons like that.
hey I'm 20 and i still went with the Devon Sawa and Leo thing.. I still harbor a small crush for Devon.. It doent have anything to do with age because I was 7 when rom+juliet and i think 8 or 9 when titanic came out...i have no idea when casper came out but devon was it for me when that movie came out
i never went for the luke perry thing though...
I like Leo's movies, especially Catch Me If You Can (I think both Leo and Tom Hanks were wonderful in that movie) but as far as obsessed with him? No. Not even during the Titanic era, loved the movie and cried, but no big crush. It's just Rob for me! ;)
I've been a fan since his harry potter days and from then until now is complete chaos. i used to hang out over at the imdb boards a few years ago and there was maybe like 20 posts in a 6 month span.. now there are maybe 20,000 posts per day
ok, Angela reminded me of Ralph Macchio, and so I have to say that I did have a pretty good crush on him (it was Karate Kid for me! lol) but nothing compared to this. And at that age it was acceptable and at 31 I feel like I've got to be in the closet about this-damn! I need to go back in time about 10 years ;))
well Leo was pre_texting/twitter error, am sure he's thankful for that! Poor Rob doesn't stand a chance when 70 y/o gramma's know how to tweet locations!
and ummmm dating myself here, but my girl crushes were Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) and Keith from Voltron, yes a cartoon character LOL!
RPlover- I totally hear you on the Karate Kid thing. I remember waiting for each movie to come out. I also had a thing for Ricky Schroeder.
and yes, Luke Skywalker was big for me too.
But still, even though I see Rob's face on Tiger Beat magazine in the store, it does'nt seem quite right. He's so not that to me.
He's just more...
oh crap, Ricky Schroeder! I loved Silver Spoons, Angela, you're killing me! ;))
IMO Karate Kid II was the pinnacle of RM's career, it was all downhill after that. LOL
yes, poor Ralph M. went down hill fast after KK2. Ha ha ha!!!
But Rob Lowe has done quite well for himself and still looks yummy.
The only crush I've had as an adult was Justin Timberlake. But even then, never once checked him out on the internet.
This Rob thing is almost like an affair, shhh...don't tell hubby...
I'm keeping it from my hubby, too-can't have him getting a complex! ;)
{looks around to make sure no one's listening}i also had a crush on david hasselhoff-even though now he's a complete douche-i thought knight rider was hot. shhhh
coming here is like going to confessional! LMAO
well there is no comparison between him and Leo. She says she doesn't understand the obsession with Rob? is she nuts? this man is the most georgous man on the face of the planet!
well there is no comparison with Leo. she says she doesn't understand the obsession with Rob? is she nuts?1?!?! he's the most beautiful man on the face of this earth
Ok ladies-I have to 100% agree. I LOVE Leo, did then, big time, and still do, just not as much. ;) Howver, Robsession is much more powerful thing! Rob is one in a million-we know this. Leo is great, fine, and superbly talented-I'll see all his movies too, but Rob is unique, special, and incomparable in my opinion. But that's just me! LOL. ;)
@Angela... OMG! Ricky Schroeder and Ralph Macchio. I was SO there with you! :) I remember sitting in my room swooning over Tiger Beat (I won't disclose how old, however) and SWEARING to myself that someday, by the grace of God, that I would meet Ralph Macchio someday. :)
I eventually made to it LA, but by then poor Ralph had been replaced by Leo. :) Thanks for the trip down memory lane. My first love ever?....Yep. Shaun Cassidy. I cried when he got married. :) :)
Well I was one of those 13 year old girls inlove with LEO! I saw titanic and I lost my leo loving mind! I too had a baby blue room because it was Justins fave color, it still is baby blue as we speak. And I am now 24 and love me some rpatz! I'm and "older woman" haha. Leo mainia was HUGE, you youngins have no idea! But I think rob is stolked more, more papz these days.
Absolutely Rob! I liked Titanic as much as the next girl but Leo never did anything for me. He always looked too little boyish to suit me. I was a bit older than some of you. (But much closer in age then I am to Rob!) It seems like we all have a special thing with Rob, that most of us have never experienced before & maybe never will again! So in my opinion, no one can compare to Rob.
The difference between Leo and Rob is that Rob has an older audience going ga-ga over him along with the young people. When Titanic came out, I was, quite frankly, too old for Leo. But Rob is associated by most people with the character of Edward Cullen, who is 104 years old, so it just feels more acceptable to drool over him, despite his being so much younger. And then, once we went behind the Edward character and found this charming, humble, hilarious musician/actor named Rob Pattinson, it was too late. Women of all ages just can't resist.
HANDS da fk Down ROb!! did they even do theyre homework?? Look at all the homemade vids,most searched,uprising of blogs and fan clubs. I liked leo till he opened his mouth and dated only supermodels...BORING!! Leo has NO personality. He was nice-but not too much fun.Rob cracks me up nonstop and he's just soo beautiful. Painfully so.
as a latin girl form Peru(22 years) I have to say in latinamerica there wasn't that kind of frenzy about Leo...yes a few people knew who he was but that was all!!Now I think a lot of people know about rob specially with all that blogs that did'nt existed before.I can honestly say in latinamerica the fanbase will grow..rob is more worldwide than leo
I admit I had a little thing for Leo back in the Titanic day. And I'll admit that he is still pretty attractive. But my thing for Rob is way more intense. Waaaaay more intense.
If I had to compare (I'm being very honest in this post....) my craziest craze was Nick Carter and BSB back in the day. Oh goodness....
Leo was very pretty when he was younger (especially as Jack in Titanic) but Mr Pattinson is a very different animal.
He's beautiful, he's very sexy, he's a talented and upcoming actor, would make a wonderful model, he has a hilarious sense of humour, he doesn't believe in himself and doesn't take himself seriously....I want to see him happy.
I am far too old to adore Rob, but I do.
I'd vote for Rob any day ....
i never thought leo was all that attractive. he was a boyish to me. i was too busy trying to write my name with depp on the end (lol) but leo is an amazing actor. i have watched movies from what's eating gilbert grape to the basketball diaries and gangs of new york. it's kind of an evoluntionary ladder of leo. he just gets better. i think rob will go the same way but better looking and more manly. people compare rob to james dean i compare rob to paul newman.
NOOOOOOO comparison at all. Rob consumes me. Rob lures me in with the face, the voice, the (oh I wish I could smell him); and so humble, honest, funny, musically talented, versatile acting, great modeling, and many more qualities that suits me :)))
No comparison.
Long story behind this statement but I know 1st hand Leo is/was an ASS.
He also looks like someone took a sledgehammer and made a crevasse between his eyes.
Rob, I have no 1st hand experience with, but seems like a sweetheart and have the face of an angel.
I was also in high school when titanic came out and I never did once had a crush on Leo, I find him "ordinary". I saw one of his old interviews when he was young, and he admitted to liking the attention, and that's what it looked like after Titanic, he just wanted attention.
and I agree there's definitely NO COMPARISON!!
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