Robert Pattinson - Vanity Fair Pictures UNTAGGED


Thanks to [info]penseesstupides in [info]lion_lamb for these pictures :)

We are not against tags, you found the pictures/paid for them or whatever, by all means tag them. Just don't put tags on Rob. Nobody puts tags on Rob :)


Kate said...

woah....he is beyond gorgeous!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Simply breathtaking...

No one should put tags on Rob

Fandamonium said...

Wow. I thought the photos from LAST year were good - he's just getting better at his "smoldering" look. WHEW! **wipes forehead**

Anonymous said...

everyone should invest in an at home difibulator - that's twice I've used mine, and not on my heart!

DDarjaS said...

I never notice tags on Rob photos!!! It's only him and his hotness.

Nai said...

trufax! taggng Rob's face/body is a fandom immortal sin.

asoihgapoh said...

There just really are no words...

RPnKSaddict said...

Had to warn my bff to make sure she was alone while looking at these pic for the first time.

They're so effing moan inducing...
I'm still moaning who am I kidding...

T said...

The look he is giving in that first picture gives me chills.

After looking at these, I am now craving corn and lobster.

Cindy said...

licking...licking...clicking...getting hard to breathe.......

thankyouthankyouthankyouamilliontimesthankyou for these. amen.

Unknown said...

:) The pic of him carrying his shoes - he was leaving my house and trying to hurry so the paps didn't catch him - trying as always to be the perfect gentleman and protecting me from the harsh glares of the cameras...oh, wait. Huh. That was just another one of my delirious moments of wishful thinking. Sigh. If only...


Oh my F god!!how could anyubody say he's a normal person??an ordinary guy??I love all the pics where he's wearing a suit..the shirt and the tie!! guys in a suit specially rob!!thanks goz!!I'd have nive dreams tonight for sure!

Anonymous said...

Piano pic?

LM said...

I so know that this man is just going keep getting better and better as he gets older. He definitely has not peaked yet. Oh, Rob darlin', I really want you to have a looooong successful career.

Rominiwi said...


Unknown said...

Amazing, didn't think they could top last years! Wonder if they let him keep the clothes!:)

MMc said...

Even though I hate that he smokes the one behind the truck is SO freakin' sexy. He is not smiling in any of them, though. : (
Love the clothes, shirt buttoned correctly, he looks very "together" and as Peter described him....."solid".
Yes, he's much better at the smoldering look - he's probably heard so many comments about what we want and like about him.

Can you believe it......I had lunch with some people today who had never heard of the Twilight phenomenon. I was shocked!! lol

Kelly said...


I always feel so strange when I'm with people who know nothing about it.

A co worker came to my cubicle saw my screen saver and asked if I had a new boyfriend.....I told her she needed to sit down and I would welcome her into the church of Rob, and all ways of worship for him.

Where have these people been?

RPnKSaddict said...

Where's Piano Man picture? Please, Please. I NEED that one too.

Kathy S said...

I'm on the floor moaning!!! Will all of these pics be in VF?? I think I'm gonna die!! I need air!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally ♥DAZZLED♥ by Rob in those photos, I thought I was before, but Gwad!! Unbelievable!!
I've never seen anything like this before, I've seen some great photos in my lifetime, but I defy anyone to show me thousands of consistantly amazing, spectacular photos of any one other person in history, male that is, we've seen it with Marilyn...but common, anyone else?

Candy Girl said...

Only Rob could look hot in pj's. With his legs crossed no less!

JandR said...

OMFG - Are you kidding me?

shirt untucked, shoes in hand and ciggie hanging out of his mouth...


I think I just burst into flame and am about to explode. OMFG.....
whimpering............. I don't think I can take any more of this!

jc(britlover) said...

Thanks for the best collection of holiday treats ever!!! How did we ever get so damn lucky to have the best eye candy in the universe!!!!! Never had such an addiction in my life.

Andrea1982 said...

love all the pics but my favorite is the one with a cigarette in his mouth soo sexy :)

Stephanie said...

I love the B&W one where he's looking in the mirror buttoning his shirt. His expression, the creases between his eyebrows, his scruff, and the JAW line! Oh my, he takes my breath away!

Anonymous said...

Jeez. Having cardiac arrest here

17foreverlisa said...

He's totally not playing fair!!! (Thanks for the untagged photos.)

Lurker Girl said...

Jesus Mary and Joseph! I think I just died and went to heaven.

However, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that there is NO WAY he is only 23.

Methinks that the powers that be are fudging the numbers

Haystackhair said...

OMFG!!!! Are you kidding me? Grampy PJ's and I still want to F*ck him! He cannot be human. GAH! Death by Robgasm after Robgasm. DIED.

Candy Girl said...

@Lurker Girl - Definitely see what you mean when I look at the one with the sweater. That would be cool if you're right!

The K After Tomorrow said...

I die...gorgeous!

jc(britlover) said...

haha, he isn't human-- more like the second coming, if you know what I mean.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting the untagged pics. I was waiting for that! It was so annoying, they put the tages right by his hotness.

Anonymous said...

God has made a beautiful man. He takes my breath away.

Anonymous said...

I just spontaneously combusted!!

Is he the only one?

Where are the American Rob Pattinsons? Canadian ones? Russians? Asians? Europeans? Is there anyone from Down Under can compare? Where are these (even semi) cloned RobPatz?

Sad to say, they've all been led to believe that women are always after the ripped, athletic, life-of-the-party, swearing, aggressive, sports-car-driving, men.

They are probably out there, but, oh man, please indulge me my Rob Pattinson now. This guy is unreal.

Look at these photos. They've even let Rob in jammies, for crying out loud! [So reminiscent of the 1940's and 50's.] So granpa-ish. But wait! They let him have the cig and the bottle. The effect? A man who exudes that silent confidence (in his virility) that he does not need to effect the domineering pose. Look, he even crossed his legs effeminately.

Most of these photographs were "posed" in the natural movement of his body.


(Lest people think that we are [or I am] only after him because of his external beauty. You know, Rob's innate beauty, I think, is what makes him so much more attractive to me.)

elsie said...

OMG!!!... I can hardly breath

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


you are so right!!!


Marry me Rob, make me your bitch, or your sub... I don't care...I want it all with you...

Anonymous said...

*who can compare?

.. So *grandpa-ish. much more attractive to *us/me.

jc(britlover) said...

Amen, Thansa. You are so right!

crystal said...


Tess said...

*Looks at the pics-slams table with palm of her hand, realizes her mouth is hanging open and quickly closes it*

"Sweet mother of God!.. What the hell!.. JESUS. I mean come-on!"

*rubs face furiously.. holds it in the palm of her hands-SIGHS* *peeks through fingers and starts ranting again*


Unknown said...

I've been extremely sick with the flu for the past three weeks...I've just had an instantaneous healing!!! Except I am having trouble breathing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I almost forgot..

'gotta 'LICK and SAVE...

Unknown said...

Oh holy shit!!!HOTTEST pictures of him EVER! OMG I am freakin speechless what a sexy sexy man..YUM!..:)

Kimmie44 said...

OMG!!!! These are by the best photos I have seen of him. I think these are better than GQ and running neck and neck with the Stewart Shining Photo Shoot. Beautiful, Beautiful Man,

Anonymous said...

Seeing him in those PJ's makes me wonder what he really wears for PJ's....or if he even wears PJ's at all....

Anonymous said...

oh my god!!! i got tingles in places i didnt know i have. BF is gonna be happy tonight :). Rob is looking so manly and i luv it. he keeps getting hotter as he age. wonder how long he is gonna torture us?

heart u gozde.

The K After Tomorrow said...
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coppergrly said...

These are absolutely beautiful photos of a delicious man....he does look tired in the one where he's wearing the cream colored sweater.....he needs some sleep!!

jmm4832 said...

My favorite is the first picture. Those beautiful blue eyes. Sigh. He's so dreamy...

Mechevpao said...

I keep staring at this pics

I want this mag
I want this man
I want ...

Figueroa Linares said...

and i keep looking at these pix and..

i want that man..
i want that man..
i want that maaaaaaaaan!!!


wow, rob!!!! u are amazing!!

thanx a lot lot for pix.

Anonymous said...

HaystackHair "Grampy PJ's" = LMAO

All those in favor of cloning Robert Pattinson say I


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


'licked and saved in my RP folder labeled as

Rbssd VF-1 11 01 09
Rbssd VF-12 11 01 09.


kespax said...

Hmmm yummy.

So just howny pics do we get in the mag, fabulous Vf.
I love they get what we need, piano, jaw pick, etc.

Is ther some kind of storyline with the pics, I mean pjs, sheet pics, lunchtime - is it our fantasy of a weekend away with Adonis???

In a couple of the photos he looks like a kid, he has the exact same look on his face as the kid photos from school, so cute -the ones with the jacket wrapped arms/puttinh jacket on.

MeilleurCafe said...

These pictures are amazing. It's so true - the camera absolutely loves him.

I love the lobster bib. Who else could look sexy wearing a lobster bib?

Anonymous said...

*Other European Rob Patts?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

oh it's so not fair to belong only to bella. cloning should be legal. i want Rob clone plssssssss

Cali said...

Of all the lovely Rob pieces & parts, collectively & separately, there's something about the shot with the brown waistband that gets to me. I must be losing it. Rob breaks all conventions. Oh...and I love the piano pic...the whole thing...the water, the grass, the flying pages, the piano...and, of course, Rob with his talented fingers on the keys. (I made myself blush...but you know what I mean.)

VeilsofLight said...,ummmm, cuenfiwo0pw--fjowfhjwpefraweofhfijhjhahhhhhhhhhhhhum.


Angie said...

Didn't quite get that Veils. LOL

Lucerne said...

Words fail. Gorgeous. Sigh. I am not a fan of cigarettes, but damn! If Rob doesn't make it look sexy. The moment that Vanity Fair comes out on Wednesday (at least that is the release date i read for NY), i am getting my grubby little hands on it.

Anonymous said...

Veils needs to borrow my difibulator stat!

Cali said...


Angie said...

Hmmm, may need to call time of death on Veils.

jc(britlover) said...

You know he's free baggin' in those sexy PJ's!!!

VeilsofLight said...
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Anonymous said...

@ Rpg - ..feel the same way, too.

@ Jc - :)

Anonymous said...

@ Veils - attended a H'ween party, but was one of three peeps not in costume...wahh!

CullenGal09 said...

OMFG.....I'm stuttering, stammering......can't speak.....GAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord.....HAVE......MERCY.....;) What else can.....I ....say?!?!?!?!? Stick a fork in me-IAMDEADANDDONE. ;)

VeilsofLight said... should totally dress next year. I have to say, Halloween is one of my fav hol cause no family entertaining involved and just adult fun after the trick or treaters. I have to say I WAS disappointed this year cuzz my (former partner) has PERFECT Edward hair and we were gonna be Edward and Bella (Yeah, we both look like them,ahem, at least the human version :)) but then he bailed for parent's weekend and I ended up dressing like Audrey Hepburn instead. Ugh.

Ended up watching that new Orphan horror movie with my mom, It's ok, next year party.

CullenGal09 said...

@Mech-Hey gal! ;) Miss you....muaaaahhhhh.

Gozde-I concur BB, that banner is very cool.....up, up,and away indeed! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

@Veils-LOL! Better luck next year doll. Great idea, the whole Edward/Bella thing....;)

kmountainlion said...

Dead sexy, as usual. That aside, love his attitude more...and his voice and his hands.

Marenostrum said...

The two photos with pijamas and the balnket, he has the famous Comic Con plaid shirt under the pijama top... :))) Never gives up.. :P

I loved those pictures, especially the ones with the white shirt and the jeans... He is more attractive as time goes by. I don't know if I will have the courage to look at him as he turns thirty...

Anonymous said...

lovely i'm in shock perfection very nice food for the eye thanks so much for posting this gorcious pictures lovely can wait to get my hands on VF magazine

VeilsofLight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xoRobxo said...

Ok Ladies... I had a totally shiteous day...Until now!

The beauty (inside and out) he exhibts takes my breathe away. I have never EVER had any crush on a celebrity, and for the last year I have been crazy in love/lust with this man. It's insane...but I don't have to explain anything to you all:)

Theses pictures are so beautiful. I love the black and white of him buttoning his shirt and laying in bed. The one of him carrying his shoe with the cigarette is so downright sexy I could cry *I think I actually did* and I hate smoking. Love the one with the piano~nothing is as sexy as a hot beautiful guy playing the piano.

isabel said...

oh my god
i love you rob
i am so jealous of kristen
that face that body that voice
so gorgeous so funny so smart and witty so still humble rob??
he does not like attention?
the attention is only going to get worse
if there is a woman left on earth who did not find rob to be the sexy man that he is well that has all changed now
cant wait to see remember me
rob looking like...rob and acting like..rob and making out with emilie and not kristen... sick of kristen

Ellie said...

*blissful sigh
(before fainting died dead.)

Thanks, Goz!

Georgie said...

Words fail me yet again as I struggle to breathe after ingesting all these beautiful images and imprinting them indelibly on my psyche! F**k I don't know what the hell I'm thinking...

caninecologne said...



nicole87 said...

The man is beautiful! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Unknown said...


captain said...

Dear Rob,

Thank you for the beautiful photos.

I know you're tired of women projecting their ideas of the perfect man onto you but, well, can you blame us?

I hope you'll enjoy the European promotional tour and come back safely.

Enjoy your moment in the sun and stay brilliant.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

s l u r p . . . . . . .

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

oh one other thing, in the picture where he is walking to the suv, and his white shirt is hanging out, ummm, what size is that shoe he's carrying?

idontknow said...


Vanity Fair has some outakes up.

This one just stabs my heart:

idontknow said...

And this one:

It says "why did you hurt me like that?"


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Holy god ladies... Thinking of rob and all over Twitter has the VF outakes!!!!!!

They are to die for... And part of the interview... Omfg

twmmy said...

And my daughter doesn't like HIM ! She is really abnormal. She is jealous for him, because I spent a lot of time at my computer looking after Robert.

Marna said...

I just read the parts of the interview VF posted on their site (the outtakes rock too!), & this is what Rob says

For the record, however, Pattinson says the rumors of a love affair are false: “It doesn’t make any difference what you say [to the tabloids]. I’ve literally been across the country [from Kristen], and it’s like ‘Oh, they were on secret dates!’ It’s like ‘Where? I can’t get out of my hotel room!’ ” Stewart is even more emphatic: “It’s so retarded,” she says. “We’re characters in this comic book.”

They are going to make me insane, why can't he just SAY they're not involved? The interviewer is the one who says they're not involved, but unless Rob or Kriston actually say the words, the stupid are they or aren't they arguements will never stop. Maybe he'll give a definite answer in the magazine which won't be out until 11/10, unless your in NY or LA.

bonemama said...

suitcase guitar and the outakes..looks like he needs a ride somewhere..bbl

Steph is Legit said...

Marna I agree. My friend showed me the article fron an LJ community because they had it posted first she was like "Aha! told you they weren't together" I was like "No, the interviewer said so not rob or else it would be in quotes. No quotes is equivalent to no answer to me"

Listen it doesn't matter either way whether they are or arent together. Its not like I have a shot. I would prefer them not to be, but even I believe the rumors. Tabloids get bored easily, but then again these are the people paid to stalk these celebs. In my opinion they have to be doing something obvious or at least bubbling beneath the surface for them to bother rob & kris this long. Its only a matter of time before one of them slips... and if they arent together then they are both in some serious denial

Anonymous said...

@ idontknow LOL u could take gozde job :)

this one is him after breaking a girls heart

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I just want to eat him up!

Anonymous said...

i'll wait for Ellen . i hope she ask him if he is single :) i wouldnt be surprise if they r together coz things like that happens. actors do movies and they fall in love :)

Marna said...

StephsLegit, I don't care if they're together or not either, I'm just sick of reading the arguments here. Gozde will post a picture of a flower, & it will turn into a 300 comment post on whether they're together or not, & a lot of people will get kind of nasty about other people's opinions. I just want one of them to say in a current interview, yes we are or no we're not. That's all.

lelie said...

Please marry me!!!!I have to go to take a walk in the rain....

Babs said...

First the untagged pictures, then the outtakes... I think I flatlined a couple of times while watching them.

maha said...

I can't say anything.
they are wonderful beautiful and perfect pictures of the most handsome and gorgeous man on the earth

I love the picture number 2 very sexy mmmmm

Vicky(crovamp) said...

OMG.i just died and went to heaven.this man is beyond sexy.i can not believe how sexy this man could be.each day i am more and more in love with him.i know it's not healthy but who cares.:P i am not the only one am i?:)

CdL said...

Ok... I'm dead...!
Thank you soooo much for posting them...!

Anonymous said...

Ever think that some people tag Rob because they can't get close enough to his person to give him a hicky and mark him for themselves? Just thinking..

Latebloomer said...

These pics are REALLY nice. I prefer the pics where he is "caught" doing something normal... like buttoning his shirt. To me that is the best one of all!

Why do I feel as though I will have to hide my copy of VF from the rest of my family? Is it fair to slide VF Rob under my mattress?

robrocksmysocks said...

OMG!!!! I should have known you would post the untagged pictures.
I just could not wait and printed out the tagged pics and took them to work to replace the old ones I had up. He is sooo sexy. I dont even notice the tags!!! I cannot wait until there are more photoshoots. Vanity Fair did a good one. I love him to pieces!!

Jack Cade said...

Does anyone know the make of the VF blue jacket [and/or white shirt black tie]?

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