As Twilight New Moon soaks up money across the planet, Robert Pattinson has been talking about what we can expect from next summer’s Twilight Eclipse…
Even thought Twilight: New Moon has only just arrived in cinemas around the world, the third film in the cinematic saga, Eclipse, has already finished its shoot. Under the stewardship of 30 Days Of Night director David Slade, cameras were packed up a few weeks ago, and the film is already in post-production.
And, if you believe the bits and pieces coming out about the film, it's set to be just a little bit different from New Moon. After all, star Robert Pattinson has been reportedly suggesting that the film might actually push towards an R rating, as opposed to the PG-13 of New Moon.
We don't actually believe that's going to be the case, though, as Summit Entertainment will have a firm eye on the potential box office returns for the film, and if it puts a PG-13-rated cut of the film out in cinemas, then that's simply going to make more money. Considering, too, the large number of teenage girls who have been flocking to the movies over the past weekend, it's going to be keen not to cut off one of its core audience segments.
However, dig into what Pattinson actually said, and it's clear it was just speculation on his work. He was talking to SiTV when he made his comments, saying that "I don't know what rating Twilight was in England, like the American PG-13 or 18. I think it's pushing it to the absolute limit. It would be so funny if it was R-rated."
He did also note, though, that "It's a massively different movie to New Moon. There's so many more main parts, and having these huge battle sequences, I've never done anything like it in any of the other movies." Contrasting with that, Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob Black, has spoken to MTV News about the greater amount of comedy in Eclipse.
Elsewhere, a photo of Twilight: Eclipse has also been released, but given that it features Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart looking at each other, it could have arguably come from any of the movies or promotional shoots that the pair have done together over the last couple of years.
The film is due out on June 30, 2010. If it's R rated, we will all get Twilight tattoos done. (Kate: Aah no we won't but I will be very excited)
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I am already getting excited for this movie. The leg hitch. GAH! THUD.
Although I'd love to see the trailer for Eclipse, I really hope that Summit won't be giving out so many scenes and so many trailers as for New Moon. I really want this movie to be surprising while seeing it for the first time at the cinema.
Ohhh yeahh!! haha Leg hitch! Let's hope they show that in the movie!!!
I can't wait to see the proposal and the look of the biggest happiness on Edward's face while seeing the ring on Bella's hand...
@butterfly I totally agree. I saw almost 50% of NM in trailers and leaks. I don't want to see a repeat of that.
Do my eyes deceive me, or do I spot a tweedless carefree young looking Edward in this pic? Hell yeah! Don't get me wrong, I love NM, but Edward looked like he should be offering Bella a Werther's Original candy any minute.
oh god leg hitch...THUD!
lmao! Werthers original candy!!
Rob even said in one of his nm interviews he looks younger in eclipse...
I think the grandpa clothes in nm were an aide to make him look more haggard & tortured..
I'm very excited for eclipse as well, but still a little nervous..I'm all for the battle scenes.. But hope David did not miss the boat on how Edward & bellas relationship takes a turn in this book
The. Leg. Hitch. (good lord) It's definitely "R" rated in my mind, but in the movie, I don't think they'll go there. Here's hoping they won't leave the honeymoon scene in BD completely up to my imagination as well...
I think I may just go on complete media black out for when Eclipse comes round. I really dont want to have seen some of the important scenes before the film comes out.
I don't mind it being "R" rated if it will be that rating for tasteful, romantic E/B intimacy. But I do mind if it's an "R" rating for violence, lol. But we all know that Eclipse will be rated PG-13, and I much prefer it that way.
Because then they can consider giving BD an "R" rating for the E/B honeymoon!
I just know one thing they had better not cut us short on the E/B relationship. I want to feel that slow sizzling sexual tension between Edward and Bella again, plus they must give us tender cuddling (they cut it out from NM). Those scenes are the most important!
And Eclipse has one action sequence towards the end. Hopefully David Slade will not take away from important E/B time. I will be really disappointed if that happens again (like what happened in NM giving time to un-important un-interesting stuff, and so the E/B emotional climax scenes couldn't be developed properly). This better not happen with Eclipse.
As long as they keep in mind that the Twilight saga is a romance/love story between E/B and keep the focus on that, even while shooting a battle sequence, then this movie will break all records.
But if David Slade cuts us short on the E/B romantic scenes and emotional scenes, and focuses on the action then I think it could still do better than NM because of Edward's active presence at least, but I don't think it will be able to break all the records.
So I hope that Eclipse will turn out wonderful and emotionally satisfying (fingers crossed). Give us Edward and Bella, that's all we ask!
I was worried with DS at the helm, but after seeing NM be a tad cheesetastic for my tastes, his edge may be exactly the shot in the arm the franchise needs. I want to see darker humor honestly from the movies, a little more irony, and DS I think can deliver that.
I so want to see Bella trying to seduce Edward!
i really canm't wait for eclipse.but i already know what i'm not gonna like.for example B/J kisses,and all cudlling between them.i to see that with edward.i don't mind for darker eclipse but at the same time show us some romance between E/B.but have you seen those pics with bella and her mom.and with bella and edward in a volvo.i have faith in david slade.i sure do.and definatlly will try to avoid spoilers as much as i can.
Adding my voice to the mix who beg to have time devoted in BD to the romantic development and intimacy between Edward and Bella. And the hope that the rating of R is extended to it due to an actual and expected portrayal and climax to this great love affair. The frittering away of any of these love scenes will be a colosal disappointment to the millions of fans who have read and loved the Twilight saga. Our expectations for BD are great and to think that a pandering to tweens might occur rots my socks.
@jmm4832, HELL YEAH! Go Bella!
I don't mind spoilers, and I am also reading everything you are writing about NM, before going to see it. This won't ruin the movie to me. Bad acting or bad directing would. But I don't think this will be the case...
I will go see it (like puddle wrote somewhere esle) with an open mind. I know I will find some flaws (like in Twilight), but it will (also, like Twilight) grow on me. mmmmmm....
One last thing: the only stuff I worry with is that they DID RUSH both films (NM and Eclipse) way too much! And it can't be a good thing.
We'll see...
I have to say I'm surprised that Summit is making the same mistake that SM did--forgetting in the series that the main, main draw is E/B, and in a distant second the Cullen family.
I see Summit losing focus with that reality on the first two films, and worry the pattern will continue with the third.
No one really cares about anything more in the end than Kristen trying to steal a base or two with Edward. lol
Eclipse is my favourite among the series and I really hope that DS does it justice. Staunchly Team Edward, I was prepared for Edward's restricted screen time in New Moon to let the story play out. But I was unprepared for what seemed almost non-existence of the key Edward-Bella scenes and critical exchanges. Bella's hallucinatory Edward did not fill the gap.
Team Jacob fans should be happy with New Moon - Taylor did a great job and was perhaps the only credible character. I was really disappointed with the movie and felt that Twilight - despite its flaws - was better. You said it so well, D.M. Sorry Chris but either the script/editing or directing emasculated Edward's role far beyond reasonableness. Volterra and its aftermath should have been the crescendo and instead was stilted and perfunctory. Just one fan's opinion and I realize that it may not be shared. I saw Twilight 14 times in the theatres - won't be doing that for New Moon. So yes, a blockbuster opening weekend because of the fan-base. Whether or not New Moon has the sustainability of Twilight, time will tell.
Is this really an Eclipse still? Kristin's hair doesn't look like a wig to me, maybe it's just the angle.
Hey,when I was at the pictures there was a wide range of ages from 15 upwards to about 40ish. Guys as well as girls (but must admit mostly girls!)Please do not focus on "young teens" and make the movies loose the passion because the books are ALL ABOUT the passion and basically foreplay between Bella and Edward. I liked the action scenes in N/M, especially the Volturi - Exceptionally well done! LEG HITCH!!?? Im going back to read my Eclipse can't remember that bit!!
I think that photo is deffinatly from Eclipse as the meadow flowers are exactly the same as the ones in the meadow photo David Slade posted on his twitter. They are all blue and real.
In new moon there was a mixture of colours in the meadow and I don't think they where all real.
I wouldn't mind it being R-rated. I just hope they have all my fave scenes:
- Jacob kissing Bella
- Bella punching Jacob
- Edward threatening Jacob (after the kiss)
- Of course, the leg-hitch scene
- The bracelet
- The proposal
Too many good scenes in this book. I hope it's not all flashbacks & fight sequence.
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