From Gossip Cop
So what’s next for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart after the box office success of “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”?
“Rob & Kristen Eager for Baby” announces the always (ahem) reliable National Enquirer.
Oh, boy.
“Great news!” the tab trumpets. “A baby ‘vampire’ will be winging its way to ‘Twilight’ co-stars – and off-screen lovers – Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.”
Yeah, this is going to be even sillier than we thought.
A “source close to the couple” tells the tabloid, “Kristen and Rob want to have kids.” “While they initially felt they were too young, those fears seem to have evaporated,” the source continues, “They feel having a baby would cement their love.”
A “close source” confides the two “would like to be married before having a baby… but if Kristen gets pregnant before they get hitched, that’s OK, too.”
Curious about how the Enquirer backs up its bombshell assertions?
“Back in July, an Australian publication claimed Kristen was pregnant… it turned out she was not pregnant… but they’re working on it.”
You mean this Australian publication? The one that was – as the Enquirer admits – 100% wrong?
(Kate:Here's your sex education lesson for today, listen up now)
Oh, but that’s not all! “The starry-eyed stars were recently snapped holding hands at a Paris airport and were seen cuddling at a concert in August,” the Enquirer whispers.
Cuddling and holding hands??
Gossip Cop takes it back. That’s EXACTLY how vampire babies are made. We remember from vampire sex ed.
(Kate: And don't forget Rob can impregnate with a stare too )
Rob can definitely impregnate with a stare... Rob and KStews babies would probably be cute as a button but she CANNOT have his babies before I do... it just doesn't work like that. lol
*rolls eyes*
Sure... Maybe they are also planning on timing it so she can give birth on the BD set... You know, to give the movie that "real" feeling? Now that is dedication to Art...
OMG whats next? Kris and Rob are adopting a child? Geez lol!
Ooh that's a good one anil, give it a week I'm sure it'll be in teh mags.
And LMAO @summerc brilliant!
I don't like the RobSten blah blah blah, but I will make just a comment:
Having a baby at that age (anyone, not these two) would 'cement their love'? It would bury the love very quickly! Especially living (as these two do) in that environment.
I had a son when I was her age - and we were dying for love (we both were); my son is a grown-up beautiful man now, 23 and already in grad-school. He is a wonderful guy, and I never had any regret for keeping him (it was not a religious or a moral decision, we really wanted him). But it changes your life forever - and AT THAT AGE?
My former 'soul-mate' lives in another country now. And I am in search for a new one...
sorry for the digress...
Isnt Fools Day five months away?
Oh well. Best Joke of the month!
I am so sick of this b**shit!
Is anybody out there who believes this actually??
What`s next? Buying a house, marriage, make babies, adopting a child ...
Ahh, stop. I think we heard that all before.
This stuff drives me insane!
ok, its just crap, nothing to see here, move along....
People who write this shit and those who believe them have serious mental issues.
Robert and Kristen were saying many times that they don't give a sh*t about this kind of crap anymore,so we should just do the same...
Sorry, but I have to say that I don't believe in any of these mags. I have the RobSten shit! I don't care to know if they are or not together. Really.
I only want him to be happy -- he is my son's age, and I want the same thing to my son!
I only wanted to express what I thought and felt when I read this.
hate, not have...
I think this is the worst Robsten crap ever, cause it undervalues Kris and Rob's cleverness, if they're together for real. I mean, they're only 19 and 23 and with many working commitments to perform in the near future and it would be a real foolishness to jeopardize all that they've conquered by having a baby now. They're so young and, as Sandy rightly said, a child changes your life forever.
@ Sandy, I read "I have the Robsten shit" and my mind went all haywire. I started wondering if that was a new affliction or something. Gad! Thanks for clarifying, girl.
I'll take my mind out of the gutter now.
lol. Sorry, Jules!
And thank you, Sunflower.
You know, I was sat looking at that and thought the Aste Spimante had gone to my head but sadly, no, people still make this rubbish up! They sure are stooping pretty low now huh?
@ summmerc79: Exactly. And then Taylor'll imprint, adding a new dimension to method-acting.
ok this is getting ridiculous!! next we would hear that they are going for their honeymoon on an island just like edward and bella...hiss*
ROTFL phosphorus!!!
this is RIDICULOUS!!!! ahahahhahahha!!
As for these rags-- toilet paper.
Although I think they have much to live, much to do, whether together or not, whether with babies or not, I have no problem with people their age having babies and raising them; immaturity and maturity can be found at any age.
I wish them well, and with them happiness.
Exactly. Maybe we should already reveal those facts to that "magazine" (hum hum)as well as reveal the baby's sex? You know, just to make sure it's all accurate... After all, the truth is the important factor here right? ;)
You know, maybe there is some truth in this, I mean, I can vouch for it - I watched a video once and Rob looked straight into the camera and BAM! I could've sworn the impregnating stare was at work! *Rolls eyes* grow up please, journalists! Do your jobs properly!
Rob can definitely impregnate with a stare, I got pregnant multiple times (hehehe, I said "multiple") this year.. lol
missmod--journalists??? surely you jest?
I'll be happy to administer a "ring test" to determine the sex of the baby! hahahaha
Jesus, is there anything else to make up about Rob and KS?
MYOB trade rags! They can make their own decisions w/o your help.
Oh absolutely - what was I thinking - these people know not what real journalism is!
To be quite honest, if that's apparently possible, then I have all the chance in the world of recieving Rob as my Christmas present this year!
Oh, yeah, Rob can impregnate with a stare!
On a second thought, IF I were sooooo damn lucky to get impregnated by him, I would rather have it in the traditional way, if you don't mind. OKAY??? Are we clear?
A girl needs some fun!
Because, yes, it does change your life forever. In a good way...
omg, can you imagine being 19 and all this crap being gossiped about you not just at school, but on the covers of magazines? Sweet Baby Geebus....
I know Rob wants the baby making to be perfect for Kristen, so I volunteer to be used for practice purposes. Rob, I promise we won't stop until everything is absolutely perfect.
@marna hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
I just hope Rob and Kristen laugh at how ridiculous the stories are because they get more and more far fetched everyday!
LMAO @ Marna
@ Marna, 'perfection' is his middle name...
Girl, you had a great idea! Woohoo! :)))
This from the magazine that said an alien had a baby in Wal-Mart - yeah, we believe you! *Rolls eyes*
I hope that Rob and Kristen can laugh about what these idiots call "journalism" and "news", as much as we do.
Who the hell is actually going to believe this BS? Maybe the "close source" could clear it up by coming forward *rolls eyes*
Jesus!!! LOL
I would love to have a Robert baby!!! but in a natural way..not in a vampire way..
to the journalist who wrote this and the editor who decided to publish it: i'm sorry but your job is a shit.
Oh my God! Cuddling and holding hands.. well they MUST be engaged and trying for a baby.
hahahaha I can just see someone handing Robert a baby..he'd be like awww and o00o until it started crying..then he'd freak out..asking what he did wrong and what's the matter with it..literally searching the crowd dying to be saved..lmao
I volunteer to hand Robert a crying baby..just to see the priceless expression on his face..LMFAO
This tabloid has been around forever and everyone knows its shite...they are the ones who started the Elvis sitings years ago & said celebrities were having children with Aliens, etc. No one of a basic level of intelligence takes it seriously. There is a video of Rob on Thinking of Rob website wherein he says very plainly that he DOESN'T like children at highly doubtful this story will pan out anytime in the forseeable future.
why are some people so stupid? *facepalm*
This is so insane.........I wish people would just QUIT buying this crap.........then maybe they'd go out of business and not print lies about anyone else.
I would so want to SUE a publication that slandered my name like that.
ok, this is really getting ridiculous with all of this nonsense being printed...i wonder too cant they sue these tabloids???
maybe she will get pregnant before BD and they could use their actual baby for BD LOL
i do wonder what they think when they see this crap because this one is really out there.
my thanksgiving is done by the way, food is put away and kitchen is clean. now my DH is watching a game with his sons and i am hiding in my room, gonna read some FF :))
Femroc, I would feel the same way (if I was them) about wanting to sue. Part of the reason we put up these stories is (a) so people won't actually waste their money buying them and (b) because hard as it is to believe there are some people who believe the stories!
I love it! they went from holding hands to having a baby !
I know someone else said this butits so true.. Rob can impregnate with a stare!
Phos! Lmao, jacob will imprint!
Thank God for Robsessed girls!
After a long thursday, and all sorts of problems, your comments are one thing to cheer me up a bit!
By the way, I agree: kids are an amazing life changing experience. A damn good one. But it is better if they come when the couple is ready for them.
No, I am not talking about the Rob/Kris thing, I don't care for it. It is their business, not mine.
Terribly late...
G'night, girls!
Rob must be worth it to put up with all this crap by just being with him. Hope they can laugh all this off. The worst rumor was Rob's drinking problem one, where they said he and the cast were partying at the Sheraton 24/7 and suggested that Rob needs rehab. Now that calls for some suing in my opinion.
Hi ladies! I guess this crap is all we are going to have until Remember Me comes out! It's ridiculous... but didn't we already get this same time last year? And Christmas together too?
Have we had anything yet on Rob being gay? It shouldn't be long! He has already been hit by a cab, had a drug overdose, stinks and probably many more...
The amount of money these tabloïds make with Rob and Kristen is unbelievable and I hope none of you buys this sh.t!
Wishing you all a nice day and a great week-end ;o)
Okay... but I hope they wait few years.
OMG. They want a baby now do they? lol.
Wait a second I thought Kristen was already pregnant? No? Was Must be Rob then. Rob is pregnant people. They just don't want admit it just like they don't want to admit this stupid relationship they're supposedly in.
And pigs fly. No really. Pigs fly but they just don't want to admit it.
All I can say is Rob and Kristen have the patience of saints to put up with this crap.
@ summerc79: We better. But you'll be the one to tell them about the Caesarean. We all know Rob's looking forward to it, so they should'nt miss it either.
I just want to say that even though we all know this is total crap and yet they continue to publish these made-up stories about 2 young people, human beings, who have not even conceded to having a personal relationship with each other, isn't this liable, slander or fraud? I think they need to lawyer up, but then again I hope to god they don't even see this stuff, but wish they would see the comments here of their true fans who don't believe it and laugh along with us. I just want the madness to stop and let them be. This will just drive them more underground, I fear, meaning less of Rob??
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