Thanks to the fabulous Socialitelife for the pictures :) Check them out for pix of Kristen and Taytay
Robert Pattinson Is Back in Los Angeles
Thank God Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taytay Lautner are young. They had quite a week around Europe and the promotion train will continue on full speed starting with tomorrow's New Moon Premiere! (They will all need strong coffee tomorrow afternoon. Jetlag is a bitch!)
Thanks to the fabulous Socialitelife for the pictures :) Check them out for pix of Kristen and Taytay

Thanks to the fabulous Socialitelife for the pictures :) Check them out for pix of Kristen and Taytay
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dis you notice that he is not smiling??? Smiley Happy Carefree Rob was left on Europe..He looks almost brooding
Is Kristian carrying Rob's jacket?
OK, I hope he shaves for the premiere. I like a little stubble or a full beard, the in between is just ok. I cannot wait to see his hotness at the premiere. I predict with it being shown online, we will break twitter. If New Moon does not trend #1 tomorrow night, I'll be shocked.
Grrr I hate having hockey practices at 8:30 on monday nights.. I hope i don't miss all of the premiere tomorrow!
I hate to say it...but I'm ready for our man to have some down time! I want him to go home and get some rest!
He needs some family time, time out of the spotlight and time away from the Twilight franchise....
Love you Rob! You give us so much! I only hope that the fans you encounter over the next several weeks give you the respect you deserve.....
I am so looking forward to Rob's hair getting longer! I'm glad they are safe and sound back in the U.S., they did a good job! I see "New Moon" has outsold "Star Wars" for the number of pre-sold
tickets online, WOW!
I saw the other pics with Kris and Tay. Kris boots are killer. She is dressing really cute now. This tour was a winner.
Rob is looking good and that crowd tomorrow night is going to be insane. But they have been around two huge crowds(concert like) in Spain and Munich. They should be able to deal, but jet-leg can break you.
I hate when they put Rob in LA, he never smiles...always with that face so sad.....
He was so happy those last days....
They are not smiling 'cause those parasites are giving them sh!t about holding hands in an attempt to get a reaction shot. I am sorry that I have to see the trinity through their eyes in these shots.
Give 'em hell Rob!
What am I missing? What's so bad about his face that people think he needs to shave? He looks fine to me, just tired. Hope he can have a long sleep before everything hits the whirling blades again. And 18 of his extended family coming to the premiere!
And what does "having to see the trinity through their eyes' mean? And I DID google it before asking. :-D
Yay!!! He's back home and safe again!!! Geez let the poor things rest for 24 hours!!
Just saw Pirate Radio-one of the best movies, and TomStu-wow....this brit pack is gonna kill me!
Solas, I think she means:
trinity = the three = Rob, Kristin and Taylor
through their eyes = paps
That is how I read it.
ADM, Thanks!
Solas, I didn't know what it meant either.
They must be young. They all look great. I look like hell after a transatlantic flight.
Okay is it just me or has Robert gained some weight?
And why aren't any of them smiling? I want to see Robert's smile!
Musings... (out of topic)
Are RP and KS getting serious with their health (as a couple?)
I commented, at the time we saw KS knitting on the set, that she migh have started working on how to stop smoking.
Knitting keeps the fingers busy. (Beside as a de-stressing activity.)
In a few weeks, I'm guessing, she'll announce that she has stopped smoking.
(And then after a while, Rob would hint the same thing.)
I also commented that I guess they have been hitting the exercise machines at the same time. (That's when I first noticed KS's upper arms at the Teen Choice(?)/ VMA (?) awards, when she wore a sleeveless flesh colored dress.)
Ever thought that maybe they're not smiling 'cos they're jet-lagged and have Papz flashing in their faces. Also @ Rpatzgirl - Rob's "home" is in London. He may be safe but he ain't "home".
@ Solas - missed you girl, will try to find your email. aka Lulu
Rob had said he wanted/needed to put on weight to film belami (sp)
I know LA is not home, but it's his US home...
And yes he gets papped here more.. And I'm sure he's exhausted.. I wouldn't smile either
Did Rob's bodyguard, Drew, grow some hair? I think it's still him. Anyway, here we go, back in the States, Paps everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Euro tour, but did Summit really have to spend many thousands of dollars sending them around the globe, in record time, to promote a movie that has a captive audience, which will earn them a gazillion dollars if they had done nothing to promote it? Yuh, thankfully, they are young, but they aren't invincible. There is a certain flu going around and with all those plane flights, fan greetings, different countries, food, etc. WTH? I love seeing then out and about, but I am feeling uncomfortable about the way Summit is exploiting R,K,T. I wouldn't be surprised if someone got ill and couldn't fulfill some promo engagements this week. I'm just saying.
I can't wait till tomorrow, I hope they all crash until they have to go out again. How exhausting it is to fly all over the world in one week. I have such a busy week and they are going to be on all the talk shows, yeah! Sacramento has sold out for opening night, so I'm going Friday morn...when hopefully all the screaming twwens should be in school! I'm sure it will be all of us 30 and over in
I think Summit is taking advantage of them too! Bleeding them dry! All of this merchandise with their faces on it and they don't get a penny out of it from what Rob said! I know they will be glad when they are through with Summit! The Harry Potter kids made a fortune, I will not buy a thing unless I know Rob and the others get a percentage of it! Summit is just too greedy for me!
is Rob's body guards name Drew or Wayne, I think he's been borrowing Rob's hair products LOL
I've got the whole week off, and I'm gonna need it to keep up with everything! He has to be beyond exhausted right now, and he for sure will be after this week, so I'm hoping he can just crash for a while after this.
But...I'm so excited!! Going with the hubby (gonna have to CONTROL myself, lol!) to the mantinee on Saturday! I. Can. Not. Wait!
@ Cerulean Blue, thanks for interpreting my rant. You got it exactly right. Are you a painter by any chance, 'cause I am too. Sending a titanium white smile your way.
As for the Trinity, I got the expression from the "Death Cab for Cutie" guys. They refer to them as 'The Holy Trinity'... I can't go that far...
I wonder how they will promote BD once Renesmee enters the picture... Will Taycob be carrying around a 4 year old... eeewww! This conundrum can only be solved by the likes of Chris W.
ADM--thanks, I guess that makes sense! I thought it had religious significance I wasn't getting, and religion is one of my main fields!
Cerulean-- even when I was young I didn't do so well after transatlantic flights; I could never sleep on them and was just exhausted.
Thansa and lallie et al--so glad I am not the only one worrying about their health and how they are being pushed around and flown around for what seems at least to us to be unnecessary as eeryone wants to see New Moon at least once anyway! They may love pleasing the fans, getting to see other countries, but I don't think they see much besides planes and hotels.
I SOOO hope they stop smoking!!! They are both so beautiful and talented, and I would hate for harm, or even the physical degradation that seems to invade after years of smoking, to come them---or anyone!!!
Plover--I now what you mean about a busy week ahead; I actually had cable hooked up (with aghast disapproval from my religious community) so I can watch everything. And I have tickets to the movie as well.
Lulu--so glad to see you!!! You can email me:
After seeing the horrible video of them leaving LA I'm not suprised they are don't look happy. The crap they get from the papz asking if they were getting married in Paris (!) I can just imagine what is being shouted at them - the papz should be gagged.
After seeing the horrible video of them leaving LA, the crap they get from the papz - asking them if they were getting married in Paris (!) Can just imagine what is being shouted at them, no wonder they do not look happy the papz should be gagged.
That's his "business" face when he's in LA and being hounded by a gaggle of paps, he never offers them expressions anymore. It's just his way of coping with the overly aggressive paps in LA if you ask me.
amazingrace thanks for the info., so he has to gain weight for an upcoming movie he's doing? I just hope it's not too much, because what if they do BD and he has to reprise his role as Edward, he needs to have Edward's physical attributes again.
M. BD was my least favorite book, and in my opinion while it has some good parts, it is overall a mess. So therefore if they do decide to shoot BD, I hope that they change the whole imprint thing at least. I am hoping that mabye they'll have Jacob end up with Leah or Tanya. (fingers crossed)lol.
I knew he wouldn't smile! Stupid paparazzi, they're so aggressive here in LA. I got hit in the head with a camera once, they do not care at all.
Since Rob needs to gain weight for his Bel Ami role then this would be the best time to quit smoking since a lot of people gain weight after quitting.
The parasite paps are scum. They yell things like "are you sleeping together" and s*** like that. There outta be a law.
Rob better have somebody to help him gain weight and take it off,because he doesn't like to work out! Rob has wide hips and the weight will go straight to his hips and thighs!
Not again the USA face. Please smilling Rob come back. All of them were sight for sore eyes.
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