I think the pic on the left is a manip, I've never seen it before and I don't think I would miss a picture like that if it existed :) I may be wrong too, it's been known to happen :P Turns out it is real. Oh help me God...


Thanks to
DreamySim1 for this beautiful piece of thud worthy goodness :) Thanks to
for the tip :)
goz, you are not kidding, WOW he looks so hot with the thumb in his mouth.
i love rob in that tank top too with the cigarette in his mouth, i think he is drop dead gorgeous in these...THUD!!!!!!!!
thud.... my most favorite pic of Rob ever. I was so happy to see it in wallpaper form. it's now on my netbook. Have to be careful not to pass out from the sheer beauty every time I want to go online.lol
Best picture of him. EVER! And I saw it on the youtube video you've linked below.
Whoa, I just commented on this exact image in the Temptation Vid... This is even better! Just. Wow.
Rob's.Thumb.In.Mouth. Gwen's mind went to Naughtyville very fast.
I was talking about the picture on the left :) The one on the right is from Rome and it's our avi pic on twitter :)
Hey Goz I agree with you I've never seen the pic on the left either. Hot damn - how did we miss that! Oh I changed my account so I don't show up as Robert Pattinson anymore (RPAU) hahaha.
Oh hot damn is right!
Rob's oral fixation will be the death of me.
I don't care what he's got in his mouth - a coffee stirrer, a cigarette, a water bottle, himself...whatever. It's always hot.
ROBsessed is all kinds of sexy tonight with that banner and the new wallpapers.
Thank you!
Holy moly, this man will be the death of me yet! Bring on the heart failure, at least I'll die with a smile on my face.
Wow, would love to see that "new" pic on the left in its unadulterated state (ie, sans wallpaper flourishes).
So very sexy....
jeez, Emily, you trying to give me heart failure?! LMAO
I'm now picturing Rob with all manner of things in his mouth and I'm having palpitations... ;))
He WILL kill me one day, I'm sure of it!
Hi RPL! You okay? :)
hey Emily! well, it's touch and go, but I think I'll make it...this time! LMAO
the banner sooo sexy, but, the pic where he's looking down, anyone else think he's got some Wolverine hair going on? heehee
Totally agree, pining - RomeRob is glorious.
RPL - I remember the day I first saw that picture. Hello arms.
LOL! There's a definite wolverine vibe going on.
I just keep staring at his thumb...
oh, I agree, the arms really get me going! and the one where he's lying down with his eyes closed...I just want to climb on top of him...is that so wrong? LOL
Me too, pining. Rob's hair in Rome looked like a lion's mane. And just the right amount of scruff.
RPL - Show me one person who DOESN'T want to crawl on top of him...
well, Miley Cyrus doesn't-thank God! LMAO ;P
Miley Cyrus needs to go away and never come back. Seriously.
I bet her little comment about Twilight sat REALLY well with her 13 year old fans.
pining-definately...and then lick his bottom lip just a little...
whew! *fans self* I should quit, the hubby is in the room! thank goodness he's playing Mario Kart and totally not paying attention to me! hahaha
Emily, it's a wonder they didn't come after her with pitchforks! for real, she is soooo annoying.
I know RPL! That's pretty much blasphemy, isn't it? Lol @ coming after her with pitchforks.
Yay for Mario Kart! When I'm on here is the ONLY time I'm glad my husband is addicted to ESPN.
I did see that pining! The "like" counter was so funny!
lol, he's muttering obscenities at the screen, but other than that it nice that he's got something to focus on while I'm, uh, focusing on something else... ;)
I wonder if Rob plays video games? obviously we know that Guitar Hero isn't his strong suit! LOL
LMAO I saw that, too! I love it when other celebrities make fun of her and the other whiney teens I find so irritating!
Do you guys ever watch The Soup? I looove it, Joel Mchale is so snarky! ;)
I've never really watched Jimmy Kimmel before so I'm not used to him but I actually found him sort of rude and annoying. I don't know, not my favorite interview. Except the part when Rob talks about crying during the commerical. "Are you stuffed up?" I rewound that so many times!
RPL - Poor Rob. I've never even tried guitar hero so he'd probably beat me, at least.
I LOVE The Soup! "It's Miley!" My husband and I went and saw Joel McHale live when he came here. He was hilarious.
Have you watched "Community"?
I don't think he's really ever mentioned Rob. I think he's gotten a few digs in about Edward and Twilight though. Can't blame him.
pining, actually, not too much about any of the Twilight people, but he's got plenty to say about Miley! lol he totally calls dumb celebs on their BS and I just get a kick out of it.
Emily, that was seriously one of the most adorable things I've ever seen him do...that cute little nod and his expression! :) he is too lovable! and yeah, I think Jimmy is rude, too.
Community is fast becoming one of my favorite shows! Joel is hilarious of course, but I really like Ahbed-too frickin' funny! I'm jealous that you saw him live. :) I love stand up, I bet he's great at it!
"it's Lindsay" in that gravely voice never fails to crack me up! lmao
Goz... all I can say right now... is...
thank you
I wish Rob had gone on Jimmy Fallon instead. Have you watched the ones with Taylor and Kristen? So entertaining.
"It's Lindsay" I can't stop laughing just hearing that!
Yeah, Community is hilarious. I love Ahbed too. Did you watch the Halloween one where he was Batman and talked like Christian Bale does?
Amen to that, sue.
pining - Hmm...I guess I haven't seen that but it probably wasn't funny. :)
I've never watched his show at all, I just DVR'd the ones that Kristen and Taylor were on.
yep I saw that one-hilarious! I loved the debate team episode, too-that is one funny show. =)
I did see the Fallon appearances, they were really good! Kristen was really good on Conan, too...I wish they had done one of those shows instead of Jimmy Kimmel. Oh well, at least we got a new Ellen interview! that was great.
I saw that Taylor is going to host...I've got mixed feelings about Rob on SNL-when things go bad on that show, they go really bad.
on the other hand, Justin Timberlake is amazingly funny as a host! it could be really good, but I don't know if he'd ever do it.
I have watched the Ellen one over and over. He looked SO good. Ellen does a great job.
Kristen was really good on Conan. Did you see when Taylor was on? I couldn't stop laughing when the screaming finally died down for Taylor and Conan said, "What the hell was that? Welcome to MY life!"
I'm with you, RPL. I think Rob could be hilarious but at the same time, I can't see him standing there delivering scripted jokes. You know what I mean? He said he'd rather help write an episode and I think that would be better.
But, what do I know? I don't even watch SNL.
I used to watch SNL in the glory days of Sandler and Farley, and I really liked Tiny Fey, Jimmy Fallon and Amy Pohler...but now I don't really know anyone on there, I think they're in a kind of slump. I kinda cringe when I think of the awkwardness that would be Rob doing a skit-sort of like my reaction to that whole Japan mosquito thing! LOL who knows, I could be totally wrong and he could be brilliant, but I feel like it would just be a little...painful. ;)
pining, you'll like it, it was really funny!
the other thing I liked about the Kimmel interview was Taylor getting all shy and hiding his face in Kristen's shoulder. I'm not really a Taylor fan (although I think he really rocked it in NM) but I thought that was sweet. lol
pining - here it is (two parts)
Well, my husband just got home from a football game and needs the computer to trash talk with his friends so I gotta go. Thanks for chatting, it's been fun!
same here, Emily, have a good night! :))
pining, I really like Tina Fey, but I've never seen 30 Rock, isn't that dumb? lol it always wins all the awards, I really should try and see it sometime!
I found Jacob rather annoying in the books, so I really wasn't expecting to like him or sympathize with him in the movie...I was surprised when I did! he still needs a little roughing around the edges for me, but I was impressed with Taylor's performance.
I think I'm gonna have to call it a night, too...it's been fun though! chat with you again soon! :)
Please, please post HQ of pic on left! Most sexy thumb in mouth. Must have for my secret Rob file :)
Ok Emily--I just saw your comment from before and I have to confess- I do NOT want to crawl on top of him. But please don't ever put me in the same category with Miley. :-( ---shudder----cringe--- :-(
rob thinks girls like him because he is edward but he really is hotter than "edward" yeah all the girls love edward cullen but what about "real" rob and movies like remember me or bel ami
doing the dirty with uma thurman? hmm...young girls like emilie, cougars like uma even men like javier in little ashes HA
rob is all for equal opportunity
good thing he wants to broaden his acting ....horizons
For those of you who are wondering about the left pic: I got it from @Robsessed83 on twitter and seved it to twitpic: http://twitpic.com/qx90f
I soooo need a good scan of this pic!!!
and thnx for posting my deskRob <3
The pic with the thumb in his mouth is from a 2008 issue of Ciak italian cinema magazine. You can definitely see the scene in the Red Carpet 2008 Rome Film Festival here: http://www.comingsoon.it/video.asp?key=1694|1603&ply=1
The screaming is -IMO- a bit annoying. I guess Rob comes at about 25 min and the thumb lovely thing is at about 4 min (timer is descending in this clip).
It happened to me to see this issue at my library a few months ago, but last time a went, they only kept the 2009 issues. Next time I must ask ... maybe they didn't trash the 2008 issues and I can try and make a scan (sorry, I have a scanner only at office). I made some search on the net but whoever scanned that issue missed the first pages where that pic was (there was an article dedicated to Twilight, that's why I think they just jumped at those pages).
Now *THIS* is the way to start a Sunday morning with a smile...
amongst other things. ☺
You are killing me!... The thumb, the mouth, the look...
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