Robert Pattinson in Ok Magazine Mexico (with Translation)

Translations of the new quotes in the part above.

"I've been kicked in the butt many times"

Is that frustrating?

It's weird. It's like when I live my hotel after months, just to go
get dinner or do something not that interesting. And it's still talked about. I have a couple of friends from school that live in
Vancouver, and when I went to their house, really something without importance, all of a sudden it was everywhere. It's like the more boring you are, the more you catch people's attention. It's funny.

Do you think it will be hard for you to fall in love, now that you're so famous?

No, I don't think it's an obstacle. It's easy to deal with those types of things (the fame), except when it affects your career. There's people that have no luck, and the media makes sure to make them look like idiots. If this happens, you're never gonna have work, because everyone looks at you like an idiot! You can get angry, but there's nothing you can do.

Can you tell if girls are really interested in you, or your fame?

If they're attractive, I don't care if they're only interested in Robert the actor! (laughs), although I would rather they like me for who I am.

Do you see yourself as an idol?

No, not at all. I know people have said that, but I've never thought about myself that way. The fact that I've never before been cast in roles as the "good looking guy" says something no?

How does it feel to be the fantasy of millions of girls?

It's funny, because I'm sure that if the people outside (the fans), came and sat with me for five minutes, the illusion would be erased.

So you think your fans would be disappointed if they met you?

Of course! they probably would. There's no way to be what people want you to be, because everyone has their own point of view about me. Even though people don't really know what they want, they still expect some kind of illusion. The real me is not a fantasy.. I think.

You've said before that during 'Twilight', it took you two weeks to get into character. What about this time around?

I went to Canada about a month before filming started, and I was surprised as how relaxed I was, and how easy it was to get to that place again. Maybe because I connected more with the second book than with the first. I understood the story and the motivations better, because all those emotions I can relate to, in my own life. Like when Edward thinks he's making the wrong decision by leaving Bella, but he still does it. I think every guy would do the same in their relationships. It's like you're obligated to mess it all up!, and I can understand that, because I always mess things up! It's how it happens!

Big thanks to RobPattzNews for translating this for us .
If you repost translation, please credit them!


Anonymous said...

There is somthing off with this one.
Not sure what.

bonemama said...

well this is ok I'll take it with a ton of salt as always i did like the comment

If they're attractive, I don't care if they're only interested in Robert the actor! (laughs), although I would rather they like me for who I am.

Khou said...

(Raising hand) I want to me disillusioned! You said 5 minutes. I want my 5 minutes!

Nice try Rob, but I don't think spending time with you will un-obsessed me.

@bonemama..I agree about that. It is a translation so I'm not exactly sure what Rob said but I do not believe he's some shallow guy who just goes for looks (of course, assuming that he gave this interview). And who knows, he jokes all the time so he if he did say that, I think he's joking.

Babs said...

I want my 5 minutes too!! LOL

Anonymous said...

yes 5 minutes...and I will be over you. So when can we schedule that 5 minutes??? I wouldlove to just buy him a cup of coffee and shoot the breeze

Maryann said...

Sorry Rob but I happen to find YOU more interesting than Rob the actor..if that is all there was to you I would be bored in 5 min. Somehow I don't think I would be boring cos I happen to find creative ppl, yes even the shy ones like yourself VERY interesting so there! :p lol

And if htis is OK mag..I take it with grain of salt, maybe this is a collection of quotes he had in other mags?

MMc said...

Why does he keep saying that he always messing things up and he's going to ruin you and he destroys every relationship. Wonder what happens?

Browneyedgirl said...

"It's funny, because I'm sure that if the people outside (the fans), came and sat with me for five minutes, the illusion would be erased."

I dare you Rob, to prove to me that my illusion would be erased!

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