But what will be heard all around the world today is the part with Catherine Hardwicke. They interviewed Catherine as part of the article and she talks about casting Robert Pattinson, how it was hard to sell him to Summit and how Kristen told her nothing happened between her and Rob on the first movie....Wait....What? Yeah...read on...
From Time.com:
Edward wasn't that easy. "The bar is so high," Hardwicke says. "Every two pages there's a comment about how gorgeous he is ... I met all of these guys I felt were quite good, but they didn't have that special other quality that they were alive for 105 years." She took Robert Pattinson and three other actors to her house in Venice, Calif., to run lines with Kristen. They played the biology-class scene in the dining room. They moved the cars out of the garage and did the "How long have you been 17?" scene there. Then they did the kissing scene on Hardwicke's bed. "I played it like a guy who is beating himself up a lot about everything," Pattinson says. "I don't think anyone else did it like that. I guess I tried to ignore every aspect of the confident hero of the story." It worked. Stewart and Hardwicke were sold.
Selling Pattinson to Summit was tougher. He wasn't a star--his biggest role was Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire--and he didn't look like a star. "He was disheveled," Hardwicke says. "He was a different weight. His hair was different and dyed black [he had just played Salvador Dalí in Little Ashes]. He was all sloppy. The studio head said, 'You want to cast this guy as Edward Cullen?' I said yeah. And he said, 'Do you think you can make him look good?' I said yes, I do."
By all accounts, the chemistry between the two leads was intense, maybe too intense. "After I cast him, I told Rob, Don't even think about having a romance with her," Hardwicke says. "She's under 18. You will be arrested." It was the beginning of the real-life are-they-aren't-they, did-they-didn't-they speculation that is now an ongoing subplot of the Twilight story. "I didn't have a camera in the hotel room. I cannot say," Hardwicke says. "But in terms of what Kristen told me directly, it didn't happen on the first movie. Nothing crossed the line while on the first film. I think it took a long time for Kristen to realize, O.K., I've got to give this a go and really try to be with this person."
Skipped (not about Rob)
While shooting New Moon, the cast and crew began to realize that like Jacob, Twilight had transformed. It's a different beast now: not a fast, maneuverable indie franchise but a global juggernaut. The books have hit No. 1 in 15 countries. Pattinson just got back from Japan, where for the first time he heard the same shrieking that he gets in the U.S. "No one could really speak English, but they reacted in the same way as they have around the world," he says. "Even the distributor was saying, Japanese audiences don't react like this."
At the heart of all this are Stewart and Pattinson, who have gone from obscurity straight to superstardom. People wait for them outside buildings. People try to follow them home. "In Vancouver shooting New Moon, I tried something," Pattinson says. "It's the only city in the world where hoods are not fashionable. If you're wearing a hood, you're going to mug people. So I wore a hood, and then I'd sort of spit on the ground a little bit and do a little bit of shaking around as you're walking. Everyone moved to the other side of the street."
If there's an irony to the success of Twilight, it's this: life as the idol at the white-hot center of the hottest entertainment franchise in the world isn't that much different from being a vampire. Pattinson has become the immortal object of global fandom's hopeless yearnings. What began deep in Meyer's unconscious mind has become Pattinson and Stewart's reality. They're living the dream.
You can read the whole article HERE at time.com
Thank God for all of us that everyone saw the light and Rob was rightfully cast as Edward. The rest is history!!!
Wow, I can't believe Catherine said this:
"But in terms of what Kristen told me directly, it didn't happen on the first movie. Nothing crossed the line while on the first film. I think it took a long time for Kristen to realize, O.K., I've got to give this a go and really try to be with this person."
No shit, don't tell her anything is right!
One of the few things CH ever did right was casting Rob.
Catherine Hardwick is not a true friend. She is using them to buy her own fame. I am tired of her.
I am trying to picture Rob walking down the street acting like a junkie. :) Too funny.
And I think Rob is pulling our leg again...he's worn hoddies for a while now-I love how he just makes shit up as he goes!
Yea, CH your time is over...move along...
RPG, I agree, he has been wearing those hoodies for some time.Just more Rob being goofy!
CH needs a muzzle.
LOL, so true! He does make shit up as he goes...
Dude, I'm so tired. First comments I read today are these...
Seriously, CHardy, go smoke another joint.
j'ai déja lu ça il y a un moment, c'est inventé.
They must be Summit hoodies. Both Rob and Taylor are wearing identical ones...
Gozde get some rest girl!
I do miss Hoodie Woobie. LOL
And you know it's bad when KK(shout out and I miss you) started calling it that and I joined in saying we should keep that name. And so on whatever day that was Rob's hood was forever named "Hoodie Woobie". LOL THE END
Those were good times and we have had some really crazy and fun times on this site. ROBSESSED 4 Life.
Nobody shares the banner with Rob. LOL I love the banner. Catherine shut the f..up.
What to believe in... all that mess about this relation...
I'm out
thanks .
I have already expressed my disaprouval at CH, so I won't dwell on it.
Yes this Rob quote is awsome, the boy really has some wild imagination~
He has been on a roll ever since starting this promo tour... we have been so spoiled!
And the overall article was good. Nothing snotty, quite informative, and well written.
is it wrong that i never believe a word that comes out of this womans mouth? i think shes kind of crazy and is always making up stories. some of the things thats been reported that she supposedly 'said' makes me wonder...i mean why would you say that about actors that made you A LOT of money. i'm not just speaking about this article...I dunno.
LMAO! shaking and spitting on the street.
I posted about this in another thread, but why would she out them like that? I'm sure she didn't just do the interview today after the hand holding pictures came out, she said that before there was any proof when they were still keeping it a secret. That's just wrong.
First, I think they are together. Am I going to take CH's word for it? Absolutely not. She has been talking about them since twilight. I doubt Kristen would tell her such things she likes her "privacy" so much. CH is just another catalyst.In my opinion. I think Kristen told Nkki who told CH.. Once upon a time Kristen and Nikki were besties.
The stuff about the hoodie is hilarious! Just pure Rob.. going all method lol.
Haha! it's ironic how everyone is so ready to hate on catherine now. When it wasn't so long ago every twilight fan was gutted she wasn't going to direct new moon and people where so concerned about chris taking it over.
If what was said in this interview was true and not taken out of context and if Rob and Kristen or together. I do thing she should show repectful in keeping kristen and Rob's confidence when it comes to there private coversations. She seems to be really letting them down in that. So I'm pretty sad about that.
That being said I try to remember, if it wasn't for catherine's amazing work on keeping the twilight script true to the book and her amazing job on the movie. None of us would have had the chance to see New Moon and the reast.
While CH does a good job of selling people out even from Rob's own comments I take it that the initial scenes during audition were pretty intense.
He admits to his fascination with Kristen being the reason he auditioned so maybe it's not too far from the truth that CH told him not to let that intensity boil over into real life. Kris certainly felt it as she said from the audition that he was the only one who truly looked at her and it had to be him for the role.
Do I want to believe the magic was there from the start? Yep!
I'm pretty sure CH was a little in love with Rob herself but she really does need to learn some restraint...and respect!
I know she deffinatly told Rob to keep his hands off because kristen was still a minor and he would be arrested. That was said word for word by Rob in a interview. So I'm not so sure this interview is all legit.
1. Time magazine is as LEGIT as you get.
2. gracefulgrace: I sighed with relief when they said Catherine wasn't going to direct NM. I have to say I LOVED her enthusiasm for Twilight and I'll always love her for casting an "unknown" as Rob but dude, Twilight was NOT a good movie and it was mostly because of the direction.
Stayed true to the book? Hardly... I think New Moon will be truer to the book...
I 2nd that, I cheered when she got the sack - just wish there was a way to delete her hideous & boring commentary on the dvd.
The woman is creepy, I guess there are a lot of actors who will never want to work with her - including Rob.
I really liked her previous movies - but she stuffed Twilight up badly.What was good about it was despite her and the scenery. Bloody lucky she cast Rob as some of her other casting decisions were atrocious. CW certainly pulled in some fine casting for NM.
Gotta love CH for picking Rob, for making do on a shoestring budget, for trying to add an edge to a bland book (sorry Gozde for being blasphemous about Twi and SM!), for breathing some rock and roll into a prudish story.... but please don't go crazed cougar, just put a sock in it!!!
I can't help but wonder if CH was given the go ahead to spill.
All the timing of all these little outing details seems a little orchestrated.
I think they are together, I don't think they are outing themselves for publicity and for NM. IF anything, they are outing themselves right now because they have all the attention on them anyways, so the outing story just gets absorbed into the bigger media storm around them.
BUT, I can't help but notice how many things daily are coming to light, MTV even has a special about their growing relationship.
I think this is a slow rollout that's been going on for a couple weeks now, and maybe CH was given the go ahead.
OR, she's just a big jerk. lol
You guys,look at this from a PR standpoint.
What CH said was not some diarrhea of the mouth comment. She wasn't just blabbing.
Notice EXACTLY the type of information she gave away.
The biggie was: Kristen and Robert did not cross the line during the making of Twilight.
That has been the biggest problem for them possibly being together: the notion they've been canoodling back since the beginning when she had a bf and when she was only 17. It had the potential of looking unsavory.
I don't think for one minute what CH "spilled" was a lapse in judgement at all. I think it had a specific purpose--that the first director of the first movie swears under oath that Kristen HERSELF swore nothing bad was going on during the filming of the first movie.
CH just threw RP/KS a little prezzie right there. And I'm sure she was asked to as well, and obliged. So don't be too hard on her.
Thats stooping to a new low there... whatever the truth is, the nature of their relationship is not hers to tell. I would feel quite hurt if a friend of mine did that to me.
Back to the lighthearted side- I live in Vancouver and I would NEVER avoid hoodie Rob! That cracks me up though. There are definitely bums very close (in the downtown east side) to where they stayed and I can see how it MAY be possible to disguise oneself as one of them, but that's just a hilarious image. Spitting on the street? Doing a little shake? Oh lordy! I'll never look at the bums the same when I see them downtown!
P.S. We do not have anything against hoodies!
ITA with Rosa--PR move. CAtherine's just helping them out, clearing their name since so many fangirls(and fancougars, if you were on the board the day of the hand holding pics) assume they had some sort of sordid affair while she was underaged and with her bf.
I think CH is being helpful. And remember she has ties with Summit still, she's directing something, so to ask her to help them out with publicity if r/k are to come out makes sense.
Rosa, yes I can see your viewpoint too as part of the 'smoothing the waters' from the fallout of the holding hands pic. Things are not beyond being contrived, as we suspected with the Chateau Marmont spectacle a few months ago.
I feel that Catherine is wacky and probably should not go running her mouth with things like Rob and Kristen. But of course I will always give her all the credit in the world for giving us Rob,and I thank her very much for that. O don't believe everything she says, she's goofy and all, but she did take the Twilight book and turn it into a movie that touched usall so much, and she did this with having very little budget and such.
OMG, I can just picture BendyGumbyRob walking down the street with his hoodie over his head and trying to walk shaky with his gumby feet,hilarious!
CH said Kristen told her personally, nothing happened during Twilight, that is the only "quote" from KS. The rest of it is what CH thinks, not what she was told.
I wonder about this issue of KS being a minor, isn't MA close to Rob's age? Doesn't that mean he it was illegal for him to be with KS as well?
Okay I can't STAND CH. She gets on my nerves so bad. I haven't liked her from the first second I saw Twilight and was with Gozde and sighed big time when I found out she wasn't doing NM.
I agree with Rosa maybe CH was helping by saying "Nothing crossed the line on the first film." which was nice, BUT then why did she say "I think it took a long time for Kristen to realize, O.K., I've got to give this a go and really try to be with this person." That is the part that makes me angry and feel like she's betraying Rob and Kristen's trust.
But gracefulgrace you can't honestly think she stayed true to the book can you? It was so far from the book it wasn't even funny. Cause I distanctly DO NOT remember the tree climbing scene happening in the book, Um Bella met Jacob way before she met Billy and a while after she'd been in forks, not the first day she was there, There was no Eric Yorkie writing for the school paper or being with Angela Weber (if I recall that was Ben that was with Angela), and I could go on and on but I'll stop there. Point being CH kinda sucks.
The minor issue was brought up by CH(RP implied) because she wanted to make clear to RP not to get involved with Kristen. RP said it was clear when she called him that he got the job that CH realllllly didn't want them hooking up. So she threw every reason not to at him(she's underaged, she's taken,etc).
And from a professional standpoint, it makes sense. They had this great raw chemistry-you don't want them blowing that by hooking up the minute they meet again before shooting even starts!
But from a PR standpoint, it would have looked bad too for them. And I think this was brought up by CH so people stop implying they hooked up earlier on when it would have been unsavory to have done so, given her age and relationship status.
I think even CH's musings about Kristen's thought processes are to make her look good.
If you were on here when the pictures of them holding hands came on, there were grown women here, saying they gave up on RP because he was a homewrecker and a cheat. That's from ADULTS. So you can only imagine how judgemental teen fans could be about them getting together.
CH's musings imply that Kristen held out from starting anything with him, but at some point she needed to explore her feelings. This is a good image of kristen--that she didn't just run off with her hot costar right away. That Robert wasn't being predatory either, or pushing to get with a minor. That it came about naturally and with time, once they were both older and in a position to act on it.
I completely agree with those who say Catherine was given the approval to go ahead with the story. She may be a little wacky, but I think she's really a pretty smart lady and knows about dealing with the media. The biggest surprise to me has been how quiet Kristen's old bf Michael has been. How on earth did they keep him quiet throughout it all???
I will say about Catherine's job on Twilight: she had 44 days, cut from 50, a budget of 35 million with primarily location shooting in unpredictable weather, a large cast of relative unknowns and fx to create. I still think she got less support from certain quarters because she is a female director. My prejudice. I'm certainly thankful for her casting choices.
I can completley understand the prejudice because I didn't believe in it. I went to all girls schooling up until college and then I answered a question in one of my sociology classes regarding having more nursuries in jobs so mothers can work longer hours without having to worry about their children and my professor told me " of course a woman would think of that.. maybe woman shouldnt try to tackle the world and work full time and be mothers" that was the first time i ever had to deal with a prejudice so i know it does happen.
At the same time I dont think that this was the case. They just didnt believe in her so mcuh cuz she was this relatively unknown indie director with an unknown cast. they werent expecting it to do well so why give them a large budget?
As for her airing out dirty laundry, I doubt she had permission to say anything. This is all things that she "feels" and maybe kristen said this to her once upon a time, but i doubt it was a fairly recent thing ya know... its just not write of her and god bless everyone else for staying quiet. they really do have a good team of coworkers surrounding them so you got to give them all credit
I've read a few of the comments and it's interesting to see everyone's take on CH's relationship comments made about K & R.
I honestly cannot imagine Kristen or Rob giving her their blessing to clear their good name. They're both perfectly capable of speaking for themselves, and they're choosing not to (over and over and over). This piece in TIME is all Catherine (IMO)
right** sorry for the many typos..
My 2 cents worth on the CH story? Talking about RP & KS relationship in that way? Wrong! Especially since both keep saying they would like things to remain their own. Had CH comments come out AFTER either or both R & K had "come out" (should they ever do/want to), I would have understood better. But to me, those CH comments are just some sort of betrayal of trust. Im just glad that R & K seem to be pretty relax about things and the media hype around them and take things witha pinch of salt.
@StephsL: that was a shitty putdown from your professor.:(
I'm trying to write a piece about marketing and some of the male critical response, as in reviewers, to the Twilight phenomenom, so I guess it's skewing my view. Probably still be working on it long after BD is finished, at this rate. Back to the more immediate, like the image of Rob roleplaying a potential mugger...spitting and staggering. lol
je suis choquée que vous croyez cette connerie!! Catherine a peut-être dit quelque chose et ça a été déformé! comment pouvez-vous croire à ça? J'ai déja lu ça l'année dernière. Kristen était avec Michael, je ne vous comprend pas!
Tess-they are capable of speaking for themselves. BUT unfortunately, their personal relationship is not in a vacuum right now. They head a huge franchise that basically relies on their chemistry and fanbase that's jittery about their two leads hooking up in any capacity.
So, how they present themselves as a possible couple is not something they would get to handle on their own.
This is all too orchestrated, it's like a time release capsule. The HB interview, even the VF interview where the author herself says she wouldn't be surprised they are together by the time the publication comes out, them holding hands, MTV producing a show basically just about them and their relationship, now CH talking.
I think the most natural scenario is that it was no longer feasible to keep this private, and their handlers and the studio had some say on hot to diffuse the information to the public. Because let's face it, twilight fans are weird. lol They are, and they have to be spoon fed shit like this so they don't kill themselves.
Having CH talk to Time matters, because Time is a legit magazine, and CH was the director in the first movie. Her statements would get diffused with more legitimacy than if she had talked to US, and what she is saying is that Robert and kristen aren't cheating scums basically. Which, is what many would argue unfortunately because fans? Are werid. lol
ps: remember too how young these two kids are 19, 23. I don't buy that Summit "kept them apart" at all. I do buy though the notion that Summit would have a hand in how to release this sensitive information to the public. It's no different than any other workplace romance, where the employer would have some say how to deal with a relationship in the workplace. No different here, just on a MUCH grander scale, and Robert and Kristen's chemistry is like a huge commodity.
Only just read your comment back You have some great points :)
Not all people where happy Catherine wasn't going to be doing New Moon though. Many where sad to see her go. I'm guessing people where worried about change at the time. I think Chris has proved he has done a great job now and everyone loves him. I love him in interviews.
I agree with you, twilight was very rough around the edges. The more I watched it, the more prominent the mistakes became. Some parts where cringe worthy haha! But then I remember how much I loved it regardless and for a little small budget indy movie it was wonderful and I didn't expect more. I understand what you mean about staying true to the book. I think there was room for improvement there. But what I meant was it could have been a lot worse if she had used the original script. (track star? jet skies? eeek!) and not bought Rosenberg in. I don't think we would have got to see the while saga if she had.
Even though it wasn't the best, I guess summit got what they paid for and it set things up so much so there would be a sequel. It helped with the bigger budget to bring in a better director to.
I always wonder who would have ended up playing the part if Catherine hadn't been the director. I'm so glad she was and cast Rob. She's my hero for that.
Anyway I'm pretty pissed at her still for discussing Kristen and Rob's private life. It should be obvious to her they want to keep it private. Not sure when she said those comments.
I also wonder if she has there permission to show the audition tapes? Hmmm?
"Because let's face it, twilight fans are weird. lol They are, and they have to be spoon fed shit like this so they don't kill themselves."
ROFL... so damn true. Keep telling it like it is woman. Go Rosa!
Whoa.. too much information there, Hardwicke. Geez. The woman does seem completely mad but I loved her enthusiasm for Twilight as well.
Oh, and WTF, Rob was 21 when Twilight started and Kristen was 17 right? It seems pretty ridiculous to me that you can be arrested for that.. it's only a four year age difference.
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