On a balmy autumn day in Vancouver, Canada, a young man is longing for a walk outside in the sunshine, and deciding against it.
Far easier for him to stay in his hotel room, cocooned in five-star luxury, with a cellphone that has run out of charge, safe at least from the girls chanting his name outside.
Robert Pattinson, 23, from Barnes in southwest London, ought still to be one of Hollywood's beautiful dreamers, moving up the ranks of movie acting, enjoying his American adventure, his guitar, his good looks. Instead he lives in danger of being trampled in a stampede of teen love. He plays the vampire Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga, the biggest books-to-screen phenomenon since Harry Potter - in which, by the way, Pattinson was Cedric Diggory, heroic golden boy and victim of Voldemort. Boy, his life has changed since Hogwarts.
In Canada, he is shooting Eclipse, the third of Stephenie Meyer's quartet of novels. The second, New Moon, was released this month in a publicity extravaganza that involved shutting down New York's Times Square. The last time the actor was there, the square was also closed to traffic, for an event only marginally more fascinating to the world: the election victory of Barack Obama. We talk on the phone. Even now, a year afterTwilight's release, Pattinson sounds utterly stunned by the hysteria swirling around him.
"It's been a little frightening," he laughs, a sort of embarrassed chuckle, the sound of someone negotiating the best bit of luck they have ever had, not wanting to sound blasé or overexcited. "In England, no one had heard of the series when I went for the audition, so it has been a total, utter surprise. The change to my everyday life is so extreme. Before this, I was used to working 10 days a year. Originally, I did a three-picture deal, but I wasn't even really thinking about that . I had no idea I'd still be working on it now."
Does the poor boy, who still calls London home, feel he has to hide? "I tend to stay in the hotel because where I'm staying is publicised all the time. There's always a bunch of people outside. I can't really be in Los Angeles now at all. It's not that the fans are threatening, but the paparazzi follow me all night." This hounding can evoke an absurd sympathy, considering the kid's fortune and prospects. But then he brightens, telling me he was buying a guitar the other day and had to spell his name 12 times, and the guy still didn't twig. "I loved that."
When he read the first script, he had no idea how to play it. "I thought Bella, the heroine, would be a damsel in distress and I'd have to be the alpha-male hero type, so I thought I was never going to get it. But then they cast Kristen Stewart and she's not really like that, so I realised there was a different way to play Edward, to show his vulnerability." Could he get trapped and find it hard to move on to different sorts of roles?
"It worries me, because the whole Twilight thing keeps getting bigger and bigger, and now it's so big, even my own ego can't cope with it. A certain amount of success you can mentally deal with, but there's a point where you think: 'Jesus Christ, what is this? I'm not that great!' I just wanted to make an American film, and I wanted it to be relatively good and to be good in it. I have never pushed to do anything . As soon as you start going to the gym every day and try to look like a movie star, you're going down a worrisome track." He laughs. "Being an English guy, you get a lot more breaks. You're allowed to look a little worse. It's that thing about English teeth."
To say New Moon is eagerly awaited is like saying the Pope could use a miracle. Moreover, it promises to be twice as hormonally charged as Twilight, since it offers two poster boys for the price of one.
Is Pattinson embarrassed to have millions of girls in love with him? "The only time it's embarrassing is when you do a photo shoot and people try to force you to look clean-cut," he says. "When they use pictures where you're smiling sweetly and having your hair brushed, because that's not what you want to be known for. I don't really know why the girls love the movie so much. The series has become a bit of a cult. People like being part of the club. They're obsessed."
Source via Source
Wow, was the guy who sold the guitar to Robert from another planet or what?
And Robert, FYI: You are "that great" and your teeth are perfect!!!
Obsessed is just the word...and I like it!
And Butterfly, i was thinking the same when i read that part of the guitar. I completely understand that it was funny for Robert.
well rob some of us aren't twisessed, we are robsessed :))
and i love that part of the guitar story. he was probably so happy that this person didn't know who he was.
off subject...just got back from the mall, it was soooo packed but got some good deals, hope you ladies have a nice day.
Oh honney... get over it !!! I´m not obssesed whith twilight, or Edward, it´s you !!!! And the dirty pictures are the ones I LIKE !!!!
Oh Rob honey, the teenagers love Edward and Twilight...
The women love you and we don't want or expect you to look like a movie star...
We love you just the way you are and pray daily that you never change!
Getting out and AWAY today and going to see New Moon again!!!
Crazyly Robsessed, sweet...
Only checking new avi!
Hi, RPG! I changed my Rob - we were 'using' the same Rob... :))
Have fun, girl! I'll go see it tomorrow, if my cold gets better...
so perfectly put... Have fun at New Moon again!
Im going for my 4th time tomorrow!!!
Rob sounds just like those other reporters that classify his fans as just teenagers...(I know it's not really his fault)
But just in case Rob ever gets to read on this site, you'll know that not all of your fans are "teenagers" and are "obsessed with the movie". People like joining the club but puh-leez don't generalize, some aren't in it to just feel they belong but because they genuinely like you!Some have been your fan even before the hype that is Twilight.
I loved it when he said "As soon as you start going to the gym every day and try to look like a movie star, you're going down a worrisome track." It shows how aware Rob is of the slippery slope he's on & how resistant he is to it. Thank God! Don't worry too much about Rob thinking it's all Edward & the book. I think he knows better than that, he's just more comfortable thinking that way...that's just his nature. I would be willing to bet money that he's been on this site & others like it at least a few times & he knows.
Spellbound- I think so too. Over the 11 months I've been here. I think twice we questioned was that Rob??? Someone asked us about why we like Rob and somebody out of the blue made an interesting comment to one of the ladies one night months ago. It had everybody freaked out. That person commented then before she could respond they deleted their comment. It could have been him both times? You never know who is reading this site.
That's why after that first time months ago I started saying hi and talking to him just in case. And a few other ladies joined in too. Those were fun and interesting times.
I have to comment today, after what Shani just wrote...
I remember that Shani! Still gives me the creeps!
I always talked "to him" in here. My "Rob, lover" notes were fun. I had so much fun!
RL gets in the way now. Too busy to comment, but I still often lurk.
Who can resist that man?
"Oh, Rob, gorgeous lover, I'm still deadly in love with you! Never doubt that, plz"
(your Soph ~)
Go, girls! Robsess and have nice porn/jaw/Robdreams!
I believe Rob has and probly sometimes still does read this site. I believe he's commented too. If you go way back and read the conversation about his ex girlfriend, Nina Schubert, there was an "Anonymous" commenting about their relationship...someone really in the know about it. It was totally Rob, I believe. The more I read it, the more it even sounded like him. If you all wanna read it, just google Nina Schubert, and click on the one that brings you here to Robsessed. Then read the comments. There were several "Anonymous's" posting, but one of them was him...I know it was!
Love Rob- NOOOO!! I got into it with some anon's that day. Two kids and one adult. But I don't remember any anon saying anything that detailed about Nina. They attacked me for what I said because they didn't know how to read. They thought I was jealous of her. I spoke about how I admired her, but thought how crazy it was that she gave up her modeling career to work at a slaughter house chopping up meat. Still to this that fucks with my mind. LMAO She said "she wanted to find herself". But her ass is so multi-talented, she paints and does a lot of creative things. I totally saw why Rob was with her for 3 years.
Well, hell let me go search for that comment too.
I meant to say, "still to this day".
Shani- It's there...this one Anon talks about how they lived together in a very non committed way. That she is a very cool and free spirited person. Then goes on to say (towards the end of the comments) that all these commenters drive him nuts because the "main fuel" in their conversations is about sex. Check it out...so sounds like Rob. What do you think?
I could be wrong...just looks a little suspicious (like that was him talking to all you gals).
OMG!!!!I remember reading that and thinking ok, whatever. It's one of her girl friends getting her back and letting everybody know how cool Rob was with her. It did not register that it could have been him. Here are all the questionable anon's comments, Lilly asking if that's him, and my comment. I was not jealous!!! I totally complimented her and thought she was amazing.
Anonymous said...
Lilly- She had her own place in London and Rob lived at her place in a very non-commited way. She's older than him as well.
And yes, the string was their "thing"
Danni- yes, she was Rob's girlfriend, but it really wasn't a very serious, comitted relationship. Rob was really young when he dated her and she's 4 years older than him.
She's a Anonymous said...
Lilly- She had her own place in London and Rob lived at her place in a very non-commited way. She's older than him as well.
And yes, the string was their "thing"
Danni- yes, she was Rob's girlfriend, but it really wasn't a very serious, comitted relationship. Rob was really young when he dated her and she's 4 years older than him.
She's a very cool, free-spirited person :)
March 27, 2009 5:52 PM
Lilly said...
Anonymous, how do you know that Rob lived at her place in a very non-committed way? And that the string was their "thing." That all seems pretty serious to me...
March 27, 2009 6:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Lilly- Cause I know Nina. Rob was barely 18 when they dated, really young and immature. They both used to wear a string bracelet, so what. You are very naive if you think that's a serious relationship.
March 27, 2009 6:38 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon: Are you Rob??? You seem to know a lot...hmm...
March 27, 2009 7:18 PM
Shani said...
Wow hate on haters, but Nina is one of a kind and amazing. I read that whole interview.I wish I had half the success of this girl....
She is strong minded, multi-talented,independent,down to earth, and very much her own person.She's highly responsible at saving her money. I would have spent a lot of mine on designer clothes and shoes.
This girl can do anything she puts her mind to and have major success at those things. She said she was cutting meat and about to do a marathon, she paints multidem, and has friends offering her jobs from different parts of the world, and the modeling agency still wants her, WTF!!!!!!!
She's like SUPERWOMAN with all the stuff going on...Girls like her are intimidating for a lot of guys. Because she doesn't need a man to take care of her. She has her own money.And can come and go as she please.
Rob lost a great catch. He might have been to immature or it was that she traveled so much with her modeling. No matter, they left on good terms and like she said he will come to visit her. Her boyfriend in France better watch out.... Really she blows me away....DAMN!!!!!!
March 27, 2009 8:24 PM
LovesRob- Damn. I just overlooked that part about commenters driving him nuts talking about sex all the time. LOL
SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!! We could not help ourselves back then. We really were obsessed and hormonally driven. LOL
LovesRob- And the "string" thing!!! It started with Nina. So that day at the airport could have been a new thing with you know who. It was a "significant" thing it seems like from what that anon said for Nina and Rob. Interesting.
I read the past article and my heart broke, I was gasping for air when I saw the happy couple pictures (out of the topic but..) then I thought to myself would I want our Rob to stay on the market just for delusional people like me!? HECK NO!! I love him too much to see him alone and lonely!!
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