Oh Thank GOD! I was so worried ever since last week when they told us they split up! I mean thank God for OK!s journalistic integrity that they followed up with the story and surfaced the truth once again! I would be so lost without them... I hope next week they can give me an inside look into Taylor squareds' love shack! I can NOT wait!
Click to enlarge:
Source: OK Magazine and someone's behind :)
LMFAO, I <3 you, Gozde.
woot! i TOLD you that warning sign would come in handy some day! its the little things in life that fulfill me:)
G-d forgive me, as it might sound mean, and as I don't wish really these rags on anyone, but perhaps the hunters and shippers will give up on Rob and Kristen, who are just not cooperating, and will move their interest to Taylor and Taylor.
Ok-I personally think this is not BS-it's just awesome FF writing! LOL. They should be hired professionally on one of the main FF sites. LOL! What rubbish. And poor Tay x 2. Lord. Starting in on those poor kids now. These people have no shame. :o
LOL @Gozde
You'll still get some crap even wtith the Bigass Sarcasm sign, but that makes us laugh all the harder at the comments.
Love you Gozde!!!
Yay for your disclaimer Gozde cuz you know I would of thought it was all true!!
Thank God Ok is around or where would we get our news?
oh, it's so obvious what they are setting up here--next week's cover will be that taylor and kristen are geting close in mehico and taylor swift and robert retaliate with a midnight dinner in Los Angeles with roses and guitar playing. Take that, Kristen! lol
LMAO. Now Taylorx2 is getting it too!
I do wish OK! would give it a rest. And leave Taylor alone as well!
OK guys, I was reading a FF about Bella being a 24 yr old teacher and Edward ends up in her class (after he left her in New Moon) and now I can't find it. Does anyone have a link? LOL Seducing Miss Swan or something???
Hurray for sarcasm. The best response to mediocrity
These tabloids should really stop being a weekly circulation and try monthly perhaps. Who's love life changes that quickly anyway? lol
actually just to F with the media.... on the red carpet Kris should lock lips with Tacob and Rob should Smooch Taylor Swift!
This magazine doesn't just have BS articles......It is over flowing with diarrhea. Gozde your comment are too funny. You have the best sense of humor. As always Rob's girl you crack me up. Thanks for the laughs....
Gracie, your comment has me in stitches!!! OMG!!! You are hilarious! I was thinking the same thing, those articles are overflowing with diarrhea. I can't believe they are allowed to make money off that trash.
And my heart goes out to the double Taylors, is it really necessary to make their lives messy too? Leave them alone!!!
that warning sign should have been a Bull taking a dump!!
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