Hi guys,
We try to keep things light, fluffy and fun here at ROBsessed. We love Robert Pattinson, we respect him and try to do our best to inform people about him.
Unfortunately sometimes people cross the line in the comments and that gives all of us a bad name. We don't censor. It's against what we believe in. I started Robsessed because we were censored at another blog for nothing in particular.
Please don't abuse our good will by posting hateful messages towards Robert Pattinson or his costars, friends. Please don't abuse our good will by posting NC-17 rated stuff. YOU might think it's funny but others don't want to read about your sexual habits, fantasies, thoughts IN DETAIL. Suggestion is okay, we use a LOT of suggestion as well but don't be crude. Before posting think about this: "Would you say those things to a perfect stranger?" if no then please don't post it in the comments.
I'm sorry for this mod post, I hate making them but we have been getting emails about this and have heard our name is being dragged through the mud in other blogs/boards.
Thank you all for visiting and having fun with us :))
Thanks to FakerParis for the 1st .gif :)) It's one of the funniest gifs ever :))
Puahaha, that first gif is hilarious! Poor Rob.
As for the comments, we do get out of line when it's the internet. Me included, I'm just as guilty, I'm sure. Thanks Godzie for the mod post! We wouldn't want to offend anyone and most defitely do not want to do anything that'll be detrimental to this amazing Robert Pattinson fansite.
Poor Rob. Goz, I think you may have just posted three gifs of moments in his life that he must wish would completely disappear off the face of the blogosphere!
Hope he knows it's the very reason you all love him!!
Oh sigh..... so sad... this is my happy place........ I love you guys!
I love you all too and no Thao, you don't cross the line. The line is very lax here but when people start going into detail about what they do then it's over the line, you know what I mean? :)
God, Gozde, I am truly sorry if I wrote something 'not proper'.
I'll keep an eye on myself...
I love your site and appreciate all the hard work you, Kate and Dani, have with it. It is amazing!... Thank you!
@ amazeofgrace: this it my happy place, too!
Thanks for the post Gozde..I try to respect everyone but I know my jokes can get alil outa hand sometimes..not everyone has the same sense of humor..plus, a joke in text can be taken in many different ways by different ppl..just because ppl can't see the facial expressions/body language etc..if I p!ss anyone off or offend you just tell me and I'll delete it or try to explain myself better :)
P.S. the gifs are pricless~!
If I crossed a line somewhere, I wish to apologize, and to add that you can always call me out on it, and I will remove the post and word myself better the next time.
:)) Thank you ladies and no you all didn't cross lines. Let me give an example of line crossing: Talking about masturbating to Rob pictures.
THAT is crossing the line...
Yikes!!! Will use discretion in the future. Thanks, again, to you guys for all you do.
Thanks for this post! It's true that sometimes some comments are weird and do cross the line... I wouldn't like my kids to read some of the things I've read on other sites, but never here...
Before discovering you, I used to google a lot... Now, I only come here for great pics, funny comments, great ladies and NO GOSSIP...
Thank you very much for the work you do which is priceless...
Hope my English is good enough to be understood.. I'm French so I do my best to write good English. ;o) Have a nice week-end...
Thank you sissidelyon and your English is perfect ;))
Thank You Gozzy for all you do :)
It's our pleasure Kemberly :)
@sagesse223 Lol, this is my happy place too. I won't illustrate what I do with Robert in my happy place but I can tell you that it's superly yummy!
@Gozde Woot, my first T-rated comment! Lol, oh no hun, I've been downright crude, I'm sure! I don't know what's gotten into me? Maybe I need to put down the fanfiction. :)
Woah did someone really say that Goz?! Ewww no wonder you felt the need for the proper crassness post, that's just nasty!
But while I'm commenting I'd just like to say thanks to Goz, Kate and Dani. This is my happy place too and I love you guys, you crack me up & you must work so hard to keep the site so up-to-date, especially during all the NM promo - even I struggled to watch it all, let alone post it (or even do it in Rob's case!) :)
Thao, seriously I don't remember you ever crossing a line:) The line is pretty far away, lol. The example I gave (and yes someone really said that) is the line :)
Thank you jeswah, sagesse, amazeofgrace, crazy_vamp and annelies :) It's our happy place as well, that's why we spend so much time on it. We love it! :))
You ladies make my day on a regular basis! I love coming here to "worship" at the alter that is Robert Pattinson. :)
Don't let the hoodlums get you down and keep up the fabulous work.
Thank you kazoogal :))
This site truly is an addiction. Up in the am-visit Robsessed. Eat, work, visit again (would get on at work if I could),last thing I do before turning in every night. Thanks for keeping it real. Agree w/sissidelyon about NO GOSSIP. That is one of the reasons that sets this site apart from the rest.
Thank you jc :))
Do'h! Some people seem to lack common decency not to reveal too much info about themselves on the internet!
I'd just like to thank Goz and the girls for creating such a great place to visit and discuss all things Rob related! It's def my happy place too. Much love to y'all!
Think I'm more in trouble with keeping it light and fluffy. Not too good at that, I'm aware...
I understand the 'way too much info' line must have been crossed, but I do luv the term 'proper crassness.' :) I will endeavour to be properly and appropriately crass in future.;)
Dear Goz, Kate, and Dani,
Thank you for all the hard work you do. I am just getting enough courage to actually post stuff here, and a finding it to be really fun and theraputic! Ok.. you can call me crazy!
Love you Gozde, Dani & Kate, and all of Robsessed, and of course Rob...
Sorry too if I've crossed the line.. Sometimes Rob makes me think "bad" things.
Can I still say "fuck"? My kid asked me that once when I said don't say "shit"
Thanks Gozde, I really like your comments and will behave when I am on this site. I have always enjoyed ROBsessed and hope to continue doing so.
I think with the gap between physical and intellectual ages some of use get frustrated and lash out inappropriately, it is a handicap not knowing if you are reacting to a tween or a grandmother.
So some of the ladies lost it again, then? Looks like some things never change around here. After all this wasn't the first time Gözde had to remind people not to cross certain lines.
Please bear in mind that this is Gözde's, Dani's and Kate's virtual living-room and we all are only guests here.
LOL, rpattzgirl yes you can say Fuck :)) I gave the example I think it's pretty clear eh? You can swear like a sailor we don't care :))
Thanks for all the love guys, we appreciate it. As I always say without you we'd be 3 lunatics talking to ourselves :))
Love you all :))
OMG..I think this is my happy place too, and sometimes I read some "comments", but this is the less, so thanks to all of you ladies for this amazing job in this blog, I'm a latin girl so my english is not too well, but I really, really love all your post and this is the best site ever!! and of course, I'm a ROBSESSED!!! I love you guys!!!
I´ve said it before and I say it again: This is the absolute best place to enjoy the wonderful Robert Pattinson!!!
Gozde, Kate and Dani, thank for all the effort you put in this site!!!
I have never read any inappropriate comments, but of course I don´t want other people saying bad things about your site!
As far as I can remember, I've never posted about my sexual habits or insulted anyone and I don't plan to do it because someone agrees or not with me. Still, I appreciate observing proper crassness, it can be weird sometimes in here. I love Robsessed!!!
Thank you so so so much Gozde for saying all of that!!!!
That is right girl! Please people we don't know Rob, Kristen , or any of the other cast. Saying rude things about their relationship is awful.
We got it, we all try to behave proper in the future..
People really say that?
Strange...because I'm never saw these kind of comments on the site, nor any bad comment about Rob's friends or other cast members...or maybe that's just me who isn't really attentive, I don't know.
@sissidelion: perfect English, don't worry. I'm French too, an it's good to have some French people on English (in this case British) websites and who can actually talk!
Well... thank you, all you three for that great site... ^_^
Robsessed is always on in one window when I'm on the internet...
and I love it, because you're always really respectful, to Rob of course ♥ , but also to the cast or any pple...
and thanks for that mod message...
I don't know if I already cross the line, if I do, I do apologize...
but please, keep on running that awesome site the way you do...!
btw... love those gifs... especially the first one... ;oP
and I hope you understand everything I wrote, not because it is amazing (arf) but because I try my best to write it in English, without too many faults... lol...
have a lovely evening...!
Thank you all for the nice words :)
And yes Capucine, I had to delete 3 comments from yesterday :(
Dammit now I wanna know what the comments were!
Gozde, who wrote something improper? I missed it. I'm bummed. I need to come here more often because I don't know what bad stuff you're talking about and now I feel all left out. I know it wasn't me. I love your site by the way. Thank you. By the way the look on Rob's face is friggen hilarious. I laugh every time I see it, similar to his face when that girl started crying. :)
I've not seen anything I was offended by on this site yet..........but if I have said anything to offend, I'm truly sorry. Rob brings out the wild side in some of us I guess. But it is true that we should be respectful women and keep it more classy...........dammit!
Well, back in the day when I was a child (you know, with the covered wagons, walking 5 miles in snow to school each way uphill, etc), Mod was modern, cool, as in the Mod Squad, mod fashions, etc.
Your use of 'mod' does not fit that, so I googled it and only found my ancient idea of mod (and Ministry of Defense, which REALLY does not fit). So what does YOUR use of 'mod' mean/stand for exactly?
Gozde - love you!
Solas - Mod = moderator
The gifs are precious:D
Moderator!!! (thinks about slapping self in head--then thinks --how are we supposed to know that?? Am I the only one that doesn't know this stuff?? :-()
Ach --maybe this is coming from the same abbreviation/texting generation that came up with all of the namewarps I cannot stand, like robward, rpatz, robsten, etc.
OK -Going back to my pencil and recycled paper now.
Thank you Goz. I hope
we all will keep an eye on ourself
This happy place with all the great Pics and the NO Gossip is so important for all real Robert Pattinson -fans.
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