Estimated international cumulative is now up to $243 million!
North American cumulative is now up to $230.7 million!
Monday 11/23 – $10.5 million
Tuesday 1124 – $11.5 million
Wednesday 11/25 – $14.3 million.
Thursday 11/26 – $9.2 million
Friday 11/27 – $17.7 million
Saturday 11/28 -$16.5 million
The five days from 11/25-11/29 is estimated to be $66 million!
International figures from 11/25:
These are updated details on what was an estimated $132 million opening weekend in 24 international markets. Sources at Summit give the following breakdown:
Argentina – $1.36M market cume
Australia – $14.78M market cume
Brazil – $7.86M market cume
Belgium – $2.66M market cume
Croatia – $221K market cume
Denmark – $1.6M market cume
France – $18.9M market cume
Finland – $967K market cume
Greece – $2.3M market cume
Holland – $1.2M market cume
Hungary – $710K market cume
Indonesia – $47K market cume
Italy – $15.3M market cume
Mexico – $7.7M market cume
New Zealand – $1.9M market cume
Norway – $2.1M market cume
Poland – $1.5M market cume
Philippines – $2.4M market cume
Russia – $9M market cume
Spain – $15M market cume
Sweden – $2M market cume
Switzerland – $713K (French) + $95K (Italian) market cume
Thailand – $1.4M market cume
Turkey – $1.9M market cume
UK – $19.5M market cume
We’ll keep you updated as we receive more figures
Where is today's spoiler post?
I saw NM yesterday for the 1st time...
Huumm... I thought of a zillion things to say about it, but my house is full of people now.
Please, spoiler post Kate!
I'll try to come back later.
Maybe puddle saw it already also and will be able to chat...
Good Robday, girls!
With these numbers and well I read that Summit has confirmed they WILL bring BD to the silver screen. So that has been greenlit. But with those numbers I think it is pretty obvious that Summit will increase the budget for BD big was the budget for Eclipse?
That's more than Illuminati ($472.9 million, rank 76 on the list of worldwide highest-grossing films before inflation).
@Maryann: They won’t know the exact final budget for Eclipse until near finishing post-production. Costs are still ongoing. I believe the coyness over BD probably has to do with the 1-2 scenario. Complicated if two. It’s clear BD is happening, whatever the final situation.
YEAH NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just read that Eclipse will be more fight scenes than love scenes..I really hope that they do the correct thing because eclipse has love scenes..a good ones!!!
I am in love with NM..
Edward:''Bella, you are everything to me...everything''
he is f***ing SEXY! dammit.
I must have missed something--I don't recall the fight scenes being such a big part of Eclipse. So much for keeping it close to the books for the fans.
Glad to hear New Moon is doing so well (I m sure so many of going to cinema repeatedly has contributed to that!); hope Rob now has earned enough to get a nice safe secluded quiet retreat some place, like Ireland, where we respect the privacy whether a person is famous or not.
does anyone know how much rob kris taylor make for these movies i heard at one time rob and kris made 12 for new moon then i heard 12 million plus a percentage of sales
I know it's confidential, but I wanna know how much do the cast specially the main cast like Rob, Kristen and Tay get when their movie sells more than the capital of the production company. As far as I know they are already paid before the production when they sign a deal, right? So do they get bonuses? because they definitely deserve a larger piece of the pie since they have worked their butt off filming and promoting!!
also the merchandise there is millions in that the thing is if this movie makes between the four movies 1.5 billion around to think rob and kris is only getting 2 for the first and 12 new moon then they should get 40 for the next two
crazy vamp!!
I'm jealous. I have been holed up for days working, and will be up all night finishing a project. Will probably not see it till maybe next weekend, if I'm lucky. Would love to know what you thought of it! I think maybe there's no more spoiler posts because only a very small number of sad sack Robsessed fans like me haven't already seen it. But I'm not sure. Well, I know that by the time I finally see it, there will definitely be no need for a spoiler post! Ha.
Hope you were sated with Rob hotness on the big screen. Am looking forward to my first viewing!
Back to work. *sob*
puddle! Hello, girl!
I think you are right: no more spoiler post, though I liked it.
Rob is gorgeous in the movie, so hot, but you are right also about his clothes. Dressed like a grandpa... oh girl! The good thing is the very low pants -- the torso and happy trail there... huge in front of you... in slow motion?? God!...
I won't tell you what I thought about the movie yet. I'll wait until you see it.
But I'll tell you that I love Twilight, with its flaws and all, and I keep comparing them. I need to see NM again...
The good thing about you going only next weekend is that MAYBE the teens will be already quiet.
We'll talk!
Have a nice week!
I only saw NM twice so far but, I will go see it again & again pretty soon.
I think NM is a pretty well made movie over all as I commented before.
crazyvamp, somehow I love Twilight better too, yeah even with flaws & all in that indie film.
Of course, I agree with my 12 yr.old daughter that "because it is a different storyline, mostly about Jacob & Bella".
What's missing in NM is most definitely Edward's presence which made Twilight so special...
The sexual tension, romance, a fairytale, awesome fight scene between Edward & James..the beautiful music which includes Rob's songs.
So I read that it was Rob who insisted that he wants to look more mature and dress in a suit and tone down the hair.
I guess I can understand that he didn't want to look like a teenager in the movie anymore now that he's getting more job offers as a bankable A-list actor.
Then, he is a smart cookie, he doesn't only want to attract teens/tweens, but also grown women & men.
I guess we won't see same old Edward from Twilight in Eclipse or BD. lol.
I have already contributed £34 to the 400 million. 3rd time at the cinema for me yesterday. I think the film gets better each time I watch it! I was so nervous the first time as my expectations were so high (it did not disappoint). 2nd time I'd been out with my girlfriends before and I was a little drunk - and over excited! But yesterday I just relaxed and completly enjoyed every second. I think once you get over the fact that NM is so different to Catherine Hardwicke's style in Twilight then you realise that Chris Weitz has achieved exactly what we wanted him to. He has stayed true to Stephenie Meyer's book and brough New Moon to the big screen for the FANS!!!! And we love him for it!!! X.
I think the whole issue with Edward dressing older is the fact that the 'dressing like a 17 year old' portrayal for Edward is only for the purposes of trying to pass for 17 in public etc. Edward is so mature and old-fashioned ( due to the era that he came from ) that it kind of conflicts with dressing like a teen I guess. It's so much easier to remind readers of this fact in books than to depict this 'age' conflict in Edward in the movies.
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