LoveFilm Interview With Robert Pattinson


tgill said...

Have my tickets and I'm ready to roll, bringing my sons, who dread the screaming teens, and friends, can't wait!!!
When did Stephanie say that she was team Jacob I always thought it was Edward for her?

Susanne said...

The premiere will air at 3am german time, but I will be there! I´m so excited!!!

The first showtime here will be on Sunday, 12 noon. Can´t wait!!!

I will be in New York on Thursday, maybe I´ll go to Times Square, but I think there will be way too many People.

Tess said...

The interviewer was pretty prepared ;) She seemed really excited to compare how they felt about the books, etc.. such a difference from Last years questions no?

RPLover said...

good interview, except I can't see SM saying that she's team Jacob...I just don't understand the people who can resist Edward!

did anyone else grin like a dork the last time he says "tween"? just me? LOL

asoihgapoh said...

Was it just me or was that girl flirting her ass off? Doe-eyed, indeed.

EllyFields said...

I've NEVER heard Stephanie say she's Team Jacob! Where did the interviewer get that from? I've ALWAYS heard her say "Team Switzerland" and in her newest Q&A after Oprah, she's "Team You Don't Have to Pick When It's Fiction".

Laura said...

This whole team jacob thing is so obvious.. pretty much the whole cast is saying they're team jacob!


RPL!!me too i find it funny everytime he said tween!!
I had it enought with the whole team jacob...I like jacob sometimes he's funny but I'll always be team Edward and I though everybody was also TE I'm guessing it's part of the publicity for TAYCOB

Anonymous said...

Good interview. Culled new characters' perspectives from him.

Izzy, I thought so, too. She's crushing on Rob. (Like we all do.)


RPattzVoyeur said...

She was totally crushing on I was! haha. Great interview.

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