Dani has been with me almost since the beginning. She is one of the 1st people to ever comment on my little blog and shortly after that we became partners and I love her to pieces. She has a toddler and is about to pop out another one yet she is trooping out on the blog with us in these crazy Roberload days :)
I love you Dani! Thank you so much for being my partner and for everything you do for our shared obsession Robert Pattinson in our little blog! Wish Rob could give your preggy belly a birthday kiss :) (Her husband is amazing, he'd understand ;P)
I wanted to make you a video and so much more but this week kicked my ass and I can only give you these AMAZING shots of Rob...
Please join me while we sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI with London Rob:

Please join me while we sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI with London Rob:
And THIS would have impregnated you if you weren't already with child ;)
Love you Dani!
Happy Birthday lovely lady! Thanks so much for all you do!
Olive Juice babe!
Happy birthday Danni :) hope u get spoilt
Happy Birthday Dani - your work to keep this blog so exciting is definitely appreciated! I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and all your birthday wishes come true! And for pete's sake, don't drop that baby until AFTER the premier of New Moon!
Happy Birthday Dani. And thanks so very much for enabling my Robsession with your work on this lovely little blog.
You're awesome.
Merry Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Dani! And lots of luck with your new baby! I'm fairly new here but it has quickly become my favorite space thanks to you, Gozde and Kate. Thanks so much ladies!!!!
*waves pom poms and blows party favor* feliz cumpleanos Dani!!
Party Hard girl!!
I hope you have/had a wonderful day.
Thanks so much for all your hard work over the past year particularly now that you have another one on the way (congrats).
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a nice day with your family and friends. God Bless You 2day and always!
Dani, Happy Birthday. You do wonderful work on this site.
Happy Birthday Dani!!!!
So much Rob hotness on your hormones might make you explode early!!!
Thanks for all you do and have a great birthday ...
Happy Birthday Dani!
It's a pleasure read e share all your posts and comments as well. I love the tags. Have a great day and ask to your husband ware a zygote clothes for your hapiness.
Wish you a lot Rob in your life!
Happy Birthday Dani!
Thank you for all the hard work you do here.:)
Hope you have a great day!!!!
Happy birthday Danni, all the very best what a week to celebrate your birthday!!! Thank you very much for all the hard work.
Dani girl - you're the bomb! LOL
Thanks for all the great work you do on Robsessed - we love you and hope you have had a fantastic birthday!!!
OzPatt Jo xxxxxxx
Happy Bday Dani...!
Joyeux Anniversaire...!
thx for all your wonderful work...^_
Happy Birthday! (:
Here's rob saying happy birthday to you!
right at the end he's saying it just for you! (:
Happy Birthday Dani! Hope you have a Robelicious day!
OMG! It's my little girls birthday today too! Happy birthday Dani.
And Indya :)
Happy Birthday Dani!! Hope it's a good one!
happy birthday
joyeux anniversaire Dani
zum geburstag fill gut
Happy Birthday Dani you, Gozde and Kate are all amazing! God bless with the coming baby
Hope your birthday is wonderful.
Thanks for all you do for this site - I check it every day and love all the cool things ya'll do with it.
Happy Birthday Dani! A million thanks for all you do here! May you dream tonight of naked Rob wrapped up in a big red bow. He needs a BIG red bow if you knowwhaddamean, hee hee :)
And Congratulations on the little upcoming 'world premiere' to your family, I hope you are feeling well and wish you a beautiful year ahead. May all the good things you bring to us come back to you tenfold this year.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Sweet Dani!
I hope you enjoyed your day!
Oh, and Zygote Rob wishes you lots and lots of unicorns, bb!
Olive juice, love!
(I just saw that there's another Ellie here...I'm the RK) :)
Here's a twinkling zygote smirk just for you Dani! Thank you for all the Robliciousness you serve up for us here. Non-stop olive juice for you today!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE PASSES BIG and you're surrounded by all your loved ones
.... enjoy your mouth-watering Rob Rome pictures
Happy Bday Dani!!!!!!
You are so amazing girl :)
and Congrats! :D
Happy Birthday Dani!
Thank you for all your hardwork!
Best Wishes on the soon to be new addition to your family!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI!!! Thankyou sooo much for all you do! We love you!
Geeze Goz, are you trying to kill the woman before she gives birth? My ovaries exploded at those pics, I can't imagine what they will do to a preggo lady!
FML...another reason I should not have moved out of LA..
Summit handed out passes to a special screening of Remember Me tonight... The girls that got the passes will talk about the movie on Twitter and livejournal when it's over....
Dammit freaking Oregon!!!
hey its my birthday today too, i always love meeting people who share my day, hope your having a beautiful evening with your family...
there are a few of us november girls here, we should have a 'Full Moon'
party... or was that 'new moon' party?
Happy Birthday Dani! Thanks for all you do for us on the site & congrats on your new baby!
Happy Birthday & thanks for everything you do.
Happy Birthday Dani!!!
Again my eyes, my eyes (zygote)! :)
Happy birthday to you too RPFD!
Happy Birthday Dani!!
Well for the love of Zygote ROB!
Thanks to everyone and their wonderful birthday wishes. I feel so blessed and proud to be a part of such a wonderful team.
I'm gonna cry you people are the best!
Thank you thank you thank you!
Happy Birthday Dani!! Thank you for all the Rob goodness you've contributed over the past year too.
London Rob will go into the annals of Robliciousness along with Rome Rob, Sex Drive Rob and Cannes Rob!
Also happy birthday to RPFD!
Happy Birthday Dani!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Dani!
You share your birthday with my youngest who turned 13 today...
Love YOU!
Happy Birthday Dani! I hope you're feeling good and that you have a wonderful day!
Thanks for all you do!
Thank you Goz for the London Rob pics to balance out zygote Rob.
God Bless you forever!!!
Happy Birthday Dani!!!
Love all that you all do!!!
Happy Birthday Dani... hope you're being treat like a queen for the day ;-)
Not that I am complaining, but sheeeesh... I can't keep up. I'm trying to catch up on all the posts, it's impossible!
Happy birthday Dani!!! Thank You!
I'm never here anymore, but Dani I still love you.
Miss you bb, lots of hugs and kisses on your awesome bday!
Happy Birthday Dani!! Thank you for all the work you do on my favourite site. Best wishes for your special day!
Happy Bday Dani!! I hope you get some well needed relaxation. You girls have been very busy on the blog this last week.
I worked all day and logged in and it took me two hours to catch up on everything I missed. If I could only be paid for my robsession.
Happy Birthday Dani!
Happy Birthday, Dani.
I am mostly a lurker here, but I read ALL the posts and most of the comments and have LOADS of fun visiting this blog for my Rob-fix!!
I am 33 years old, mum to two kids and seriously fixated on Rob (like all the others here).
Since I didn't become a *Twi-hard Rob-sessed Fang* until July 2009 (yeah, I know, I was living under a rock!!!), I only started following your blog somewhere around that time... so I didn't know much about you guys.
I am so happy for you and you must be thrilled that New Moon is coming out in your birthday month...
Have loads of fun... and I'm sure you'll enjoy Gozde's lovely post on your b'day.
Hugs to you!!
Happy Birthday Dani! hope you have a good one!
Happy, Happy, Joy! Joy Dani! My wish for you to have "HOT Steamy Sex" with Mr. Robbilicious at least once in your life...even if it's just FanFic!! Hear that FF writers?! All the best Dani...and thx for all you give xo
Gosh, is it Dani's birthday or is it mine? (just wonderin' after those beauteous pics of Mr. P there!) Hope you are having a great day! Thanks for all you do to help keep this place hoppin'. I really appreciate all the work you and Goz and Kate put into the blog. (((hugs)))
Thanks for all your hard work in bringing us this wonderful site for everything Rob,enjoy your day and heres wishing you many,many more happy birthdays ahead. Oh, aand lots of luck with the birth of your second little one!!
Birthday wishes and happy returns. All the best, Dani.
Happy Birthday, lovely! I love your guts! Keep up the magnificent job that is Robsessed and cooking that baby!
Muahhh and olive juice,
BTW, Zygote Rob still gives me the heebie geebies! But, Brando/Grizzly McPattinson Rob gets me going!
Happy Birthday, Dani!! Hope you had a good one. :)
Tossing confetti, lots of cake & ice cream. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all your hard work and wonderful posts.
Happy Birthday Dani bb! And congratulations on baby #2! I can't keep up with all the Twilight news that you ladies are posting up here but I'm truly appreciative of all your hard work in bringing us the best content out there. ::boobiehugs::
Happy Birthday Dani Girl!!
Olive Juice!
Happy birthday Dani !
thx for all your work at this fantastic blog !
Belated but still an heartfelt: Happy Birthday,Dani!!! Hope you had the most lovly day!!!
Happy birthday,Dani-mummy!! And thanks for sharing your time with us. And I would like that Rob rub/kiss your preggy belly too!! Here in Spain, we rub preggy bellies, not kiss_too intimate :D
Happy Birthday Dani!!!
Happy Birthday Dani!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Dani!
thx for all your wonderful work ღ ღ ღ
Hope you have a great day!!!!
Happy Birthday Dani!!!
thanks for all you to for all of us!!!
<3 Hope you have a wonderful day:)
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