For those who care to look so far back, there was a time when Robert Pattinson was not yet Edward Cullen. Jackson Rathbone, who has since been cast as fellow Cullen, Jasper Hale, at one point had been pretty close to landing the leading male role himself.
"I was a choice. I don't think I was [Catherine Hardwick's] first choice," Jackson told us in a recent interview on the set of his new movie, "Girlfriend."
But he was a definite choice for author Stephenie Meyer, who had included Jackson on her favorite suggestions list of possible Edwards on her website in July, 2007 before casting was finished (Robert Pattinson was one of the more popular suggestions, but Henry Cavill was her first choice). Jackson emphasized he felt, in both cases, Rob was the first choice once the actors had been narrowed down. (Gozde: Yeah, a constipated Edward REALLY wouldn't work Jacksper :) My point? Here:
"I think he's the best man for the job," Jackson said. "I wouldn't have another Edward Cullen than Robert Pattinson. He's perfect."
Had the tables turned and Jackson got the part, it could have been his face lining the tabloid articles he told us he liked to laugh at. Somehow, when he informed us, "I love playing Jasper," we're also assuming he loved missing a huge, gossip-driven bullet Jackson talks more about that "bullet," er the endless Robert Pattinson- Kristen Stewart romance rumors, at
Thanks to KStewDevotee
Oh Hellllll NO!!!!!!
what is this a knock knock joke?? and he is to short,Edward Cullen over 6 feet tall.
Jackson works for Jasper!
But a resounding HELL NO, for Edward.
Hands down Rob is the perfect Edward.
Nope, can't ever see him as Edward. Wasn't Mike also up for the part? Can you imagine him as Edward???
There's only one Edward, and only one Rob.
A conclusive NO!!
Jackson is a cutie, but there is only one Rob and he will always be my Edward!
The hairstyle they have for him does not do his handsomeness justice.
Even Rob complained about having difficulties seeing through those "golden/amber" contact lenses.
He looks like a blond Edward Scissorhands..
Very good, Tnan!
I heard of this a while ago and I was
Don't get me wrong, I've seated next to Jackson and he is a cutie but never Edward material.
Aw, Jackson is gorgeous to me and I've seen him in a tv series where he does romantic hero quite well. But he's too short for Edward. lol
I have to say out of all the castmembers though, he's the most charismatic onscreen, very witty and gracious.
correction--most charismatic onscreen FOR INTERVIEWS, not in terms of acting. He handles interviews well, along with Rachelle Lefevre
Aw Hell Naw!! I think he's kinda dweeby looking (WORD to your comment Tnan). Nothing to compete with our beloved RP!!!
He would be great for that other Edward with scissors as hands... forgot the name of the movie.
Nothing against Jackson. He is cute and talented. But he is NOT Rob... sorry... NOOOOO!!!
Jackson is the PERFECT Jasper! I can't imagine Jackson as Edward but then there are those who didn't think Rob would be the perfect Edward...(BOY were THEY wrong!)
jajaja a constipated edward jajaj so funny
I think jackson/jasper is really cute in my taste...the constipated face is funny cracks me up everytime I see twilight but what do we win looking back?? I mean edward is rob no one else
I'd like to think that Rob basically owned the other Edward wanna-be's, not only because of his physical appearance (duh!), but because of his innate character traits that almost parallel that of Edward's psyche. Basically, Rob is Edward.
[Although Rob continuously says he's very different from Edward. However in one interview, he said he'd like to think he's as humble as Edward.]
Ok. Back to comparing Rob with other Edward aspirants.
Edward came from a time when it's a virtue to be men of quiet strength (expected even from a 17). Edward was a gentleman; humble and quite, polite and respectful, passionate, virtuous, and classics-loving old soul.
When Rob and others auditioned/ read for the Edward part, I suspect Rob stood out because his innate character shone through.
KS and CH saw it.
Rob, like Edward, is quite a gentleman, humble, shy, quite, calm, passionate, and an old soul, too. [Those are just a few of Rob's many positive qualities I'm mentioning for purposes of this blogette.]
I would also venture that Rob is a "virtuous" man (not in a virgin- Edward sense). I mean, I think, Rob is not one to give in to mindless brief affairs, frivolous dalliances, and one-night stands.
I remember hearing KS mentioned that while other Edward wanna-be’s projected handsome bravado while enacting the scenes with her, Rob's Edwards was projecting uneasiness, tentativeness and almost pained feelings. [My deduction from Rob's subsequent interviews was that he was truly "pained", because he said he could not live up to the six-packs beauty of Edward.]
So Rob was the choice--not Rathbone, Clive, etc.
Well, of course, there's that great chemistry with KS.
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