Zygote Rob wanted to send you all a very special message on this frightful day.
Does this picture scare you? I hope so, its sort of the point.

This pic is one of my faves, and I thank Robert Pattinson on a daily basis for the lack of judgement and parental supervision on photoshoots as a young model that spawned this picture.
This pic is one of my faves, and I thank Robert Pattinson on a daily basis for the lack of judgement and parental supervision on photoshoots as a young model that spawned this picture.
Its a perfect Halloween treat for you all.
(Enter Dani going into evil hysterics here)
Gah!!!! I can't look, no don't make me!!!
Look at his small V he had back then... My how he's grown.. Ahem...
Don't anyone try to lure this zygote into a van with no windows offering bikes and candy, he's all grown up.
Awww the pedos will be so sad to hear that.
Dani, between the reptilian tongue GIF and the creepy zygote, you are truly in a nasty mood tonight girl!
Almost scaring me right off the Rob. Need to wash out my eyes and brain or I'll never be able to sleep tonight... guess that means you win!
aaaahhh and the zygote strikes again, good thing I got the tongue...ooppss back in the gutter hahaha
Give me the tongue any day (drool) but zygote Rob makes me shudder coz I feel dirty just peeping at the lack of happy trail and undefined V.
this pic is amazing of course. bet y'all it's gonna get 500 comments like most of the popular posts on this blog. :P
rofl... i srsly wonder how hard rob cringes anytime he has to see or hear of this pic.
Gonna take my pervy eyes and read some FF..
Night ladies!
Dani - you are one evil woman!;-) This is one Rob pic I never wanted to see (but had of course) and I can definitely live with never seeing it again. Thanks so much!
Dani, definitely you are having a bad day, lol...yeah! halloween alright!
Let the crows pluck my eyes now! (Ugh, that's a good halloween decor.)
And I had just left a comment in one of the threads that he must have been raised properly and must have had good influences. (Although we all know that he has a rebellious streak in him. And that his mother was correct -- he says naughty words sometimes.)
Oh no, zygote Rob destroys all my hot Rob fantasies......! You are so mean;-))
*needs Rob's tongue gif to bleach her brain*
Hmmm little bit pervy for my tastes, but what is interesting is that he could do "smouldering" even at that age, unlike certain other people being pimped around the media at the moment.
Urgggggh not the first thing I want to see in the morning!!! Dani you mean,mean woman! LMAO
I need to go and watch all the MTV vids(or the tongue GIF) to sooth my eyes after that :-P
He looks like the first man pregnant :D and I like it
Oh Gwad! My 10 year old grandson is going through early puberty and frankly...that picture scares me more then you'll ever know! I want to hire him a bodyguard! I feel like you threw a large bucket of ice water of reality over my head..the fear has me shaking!
*running away screaming loudly!*
and....that's the scariest thing I'll see all day. LMAO! Happy Halloween! off to star at the VF pics again to get myself over the fright ;)
Terrifying! I love that you mention the lack of supervision. Who lets their child do this?
Happy Halloween Girls. Fabulous Job as Always. I have all but given up checking anywhere else. this is the One for me!
Kate! I just love your contributions to the blog! We have a lot in common and I noticed you called Northern Lights and Whiskey Lullabies and the love interest is modelled after Andrea Corr! (Who better for the most beautiful man in the world than the woman once voted most beautiful?)
Zygote Rob scares me more than 100 haunted houses put together.
You know, if you put this on your computer and your 18+ the FBI comes? And thanks for making me feel not alone. One question comes to mind. WHERE THE FUCK WAS HIS MOM?
This pic is just...gah!...no likey.
Hmm, well, I need to go watch Twilight 87 times to cleanse my mind...brb....
Thank you for making me laugh so hard I'm crying!! My DH is like, "what are laughing at". I can't even tell him, the tears are rolling down my eyes....No offense Rob, but oh my, how you have matured and turned into the most handsome, sexual man!!
so mean. gagh.. :-)
Every time I see these pics I think... why, why did his parents let him pose so weird when he was so young. They are really suggestive.
I just hope he can laugh about these and does not feel taken advantage of.
Oh, Zygote Rob, you're the gift that keeps on giving.
Gah! You are so cruel Dani for bringing Zygote Rob back. I am feeling so perverted and that's not a good thing BTW. Lol. I love you Dani!
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