We got a few emails asking us why the RSS feed didn't show the pictures anymore. After last weeks' incident with Revolver Entertainment and ROBsessed DVD we changed the setting to "short" since the RSS feed allowed all of our content to be funneled to any site that knew how to work it.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you. Please let us know in the comments it the RSS feed change affects you too much and we'll change it back ;)
Thank you!
P.S.: We received an email from Revolver Entertainment with a sincere apology. We accept the apology, thank them and file the incident under "unfortunate marketing mistake".
We'd like to thank YOU for your support and wish them good luck with the DVD. If the product is good we are sure it will sell itself.
RSS feed not that big of a deal. Especially if it helps your site. Very glad you got everything squared away. You've got some amazing photos and it's no wonder people are apt to pilfer. Thanks ;o)
Cool of Revolverentertainment to offer an apology though. Happy you got this and hope the company has learned and it won't happen again :-).
You Gozde... are a class act.. a real lady! You are at a level that all should strive to achieve.
<3 XO
Yes.... Gozde you are gracious beyond words. And one day that magnanimity is going to earn you some truly exquisite up-close Robrewards, I'm certain of it!
hey, i'm really sad about the whole incident and understand your decision somewhat. however, i may have to stop following this blog now - i just don't have time to visit the site for each post (slow connection). sorry! :(
hi - slow connection for me as well, through google reader. Glad you received an apology though!
I guess I don't understand the issues with other sites taking photos from here? Aren't some of the photos scans of people magazine (for example) that is copyrighted content?
Bring back the full feed! I use my BlackBerry a lot and I love seeing the pictures. Thanks.
I don't even know what an RSS feed is, so I'm fine with whatever you do! LOL
Glad to hear Revolver made a formal apology.
if there is a chance of you putting the rss feed back to how it was i would LOVE it... i used to just be able to scroll through the posts and now cuz of my internet connection i find myself only reading some of the posts :( hah
but i can still survive if you don't put it back :)
Just now hearing about the incident, but glad you received an apology! Not having the full format in RSS is a major pain for me personally. Unfortunately, it probably means I'll have to give up the blog too. Major bummer. :-(
glad to hear you got an apology, you deserved one!!
makes no difference to me, I'll never leave!
{evil laugh:bwahaha} :))
for real, I love it here too much to ever stop following, thanks so much for all you do!
Well, I will say that I was disappointed to see the feed not coming through with pictures anymore, but now that I know what the change is for, I'm okay with it. I just liked being ambushed in my GReader with pictures of Rob, haha.
Thanks for all of your hard work, ladies! xoxo
if your site supports RSS then i think it should do so properly...for anyone whose main form of news is via feeds, or who has feeds set up on mobile devices, one not working "properly" (or at least, not as well another site's) makes it useless
for me, RSS without the pics is unusable so i would prefer to feed another site...i realise am i am only one person, but there may be others as well who have simply deleted the feed rather than sent you an email or message
please reconsider
I love reading your site, I think it is the best Rob one out there... but I only read it through Google Reader, and I really miss the pictures...
I am so glad you got an apology from Revolver. Hopefully they have learned their lesson.
Please please bring back the RSS feed. For some folks, RSS is the only way they can view the amazing content from sites like this one on the DL during the day from work.
If it helps your site, leave it as is, but I do miss the pictures. I, too, get my guilty pleasure (Robsessed!) via Google Reader and it does take a lot more time now with the short RSS feed.
I really miss the full RSS feed. ROBsessed is my favorite and most thorough of all my Rob/Twilight subscriptions. I keep it at the top of my list because you guys have full posts and hey are awesome. It takes too long to have to view each post individually and I'd rather see your pics than anyone elses. :(
I don't know that much about RSS feeds or other such technical things (my 11 year old niece knows way more about this stuff than I do), but I have noticed that I can no longer save some of your great HQ pictures to my hard drive from your Photobucket album. Now, I never, ever, EVER do anything with photos I save from internet sites like yours other than to have some juicy ones for my own personal library. I don't run a blog, don't plan to, and frankly I'm not savvy enough to be able to do much else with the photos except to drool over them in the privacy of my own howe. And it does give me great pleasure to have a little library of my own.
I know you've been saying "click and save" or rather "lick and save" recently so I thought you had no problem if your faithful readers saved some of these photos for our own personal use. And I understand completely that you felt it necessary to change things to protect your wonderful blog's content from unscrupulous poachers such as that Company That Shall Not Be Named trying to use your site's content to market the Video That Shall Not Be Named. However...often the best part of your website is the thrill of discovering some of the wonderful HQ photos of Rob and being able to save them to my own personal photo library. I really, really, REALLY hope that you will reconsider, if changing the RSS setting is what is causing me to not be able to "lick and save" your fabulous photos. Please????? Pretty Please????? *sheds a tear in sadness...*
I'm so sorry you are leaving us because of the RSS feed :(( We have been copied 4 times now and God knows how many others are doing it without our knowledge. I am looking into an alternative. Thanks for the inputs :))
moozietooz: of course the material is available for anyone to take. What I'm talking about is copying EVERYTHING including the our comments. Everyone can take the pictures, magazine scans etc but not my own words.
rubydynasty, I didn't realize that was happening. Changed it to regular. You should be able to save the photos now. Of course they are for licking and saving :))
Oh and thank you all for your nice words :))
You ROCK!! Thanks so much for the confirmation about saving photos, and sincerest thanks for changing the setting to allow saving. Your site is the first thing I look at in the morning, what I sneak peeks at all day at work, drool over during lunch, and the last thing I look at before hitting the pillow for some sexytime Robdreams!
Thank you for your hard work of unparalleled creative excelence!! Love to you, and to Dani & Kate! And of course...ROB!
Oh! I need the RSS Feeds.
it's so inconvenient that i need to click each topic to open the full version to read.
I dont know which post i start to catch up after a day of work.
Please bring back the full RSS Feeds.
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