Robert Pattinson's Vanity Fair Cover

Lick and save:

Source Breaking-dawn fr


heather said...

dead. I just ask that you put this magazine in the coffin with me. happy halloween to me.

Twilusted said...

Like I said. I died. My ovaries have imploded! I can't take Rob's ethereal beauty anymore. I love you Kate!

Butterfly25 said...


I can't take it no's too much. How is he doing it?

He goes to Japan and leaves us with this cover with him?Ohhh...

drabrasil said...

now. i. am. dead.
fcking dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

drabrasil said...!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm burning...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...



Thanks rob....

Butterfly25 said...

Me too.
I just wanted to go to bed a minute ago,but I saw this photo of him and now I'm gone.
I won't fall asleep for sure now...

Butterfly25 said...

P.S. Here is night that's why I was writing about sleeping.

But anyway,I am really gone now...

LDB said...

OMFG...yep, died. Now, I'm posting from hell...that's where I went for the thoughts I was having when I saw the cover...

drabrasil said...

please you guys help me to understand what they mean by '' can fans be wrong?''

bonemama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie said...

I think I may be drooling.

Please give me strenght!

Priscilla said...

Does anyone know when this hits news stands?

Mad4Hugh said...

'Lick and save', indeed! When does this hit the newstands?!?! 'cause I'm going to need to buy more underwear! heh, heh

Butterfly25 said...

bonemama,you may be right,he remembered about us and left us sth to not miss him so much,don't you think?

Angie said...

On another thread a schedule of Vanity Fair release dates was posted. It said Nov. 10

Not sure I can wait.

RPnKSaddict said...

Breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL.......

My heart is beating out of my chest!!!


NadiBlob said...

Can 100 million screaming Twilight fans be wrong?

Answer: HELL NO!! xD so.. *dead*

bonemama said...

Gorgeous!!! take the sex predator line and put it at the's blocking our view!

@butterfly it's almost like it was done on purpose..he knows we'll miss him so they put out this while hes gone! ;-P

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I think Nov 11

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I think it's sarcasam...meaning, there's no way we're wrong...

Butterfly25 said...

Girls,are really able to pay attention to what is written there?
Cause I so not able to!!!
He's so so so... beautiful!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

VF Rob-upped GQ with this cover!!
Holy Hot Damn!!

I can't wait for the article that goes with it.

I'm so excited to go on Rob overload the next few weeks.

LM said...

This is so hot, I'm surprised it hasn't burst into flames. Thanks!!!!

twimom23 said...

OMG! He is so freakin' beautiful!!!!

Unknown said...

OMG!!!! How does he do that...I can't concentrate anymore.

Jessica said...

*shakes head in disbelief* How the flippedy flipping heck does he just keep getting more beautiful? Seriously?....... Pwooarr...

qiupang said...

So mesmerized.... I am preparing for an important client meeting on Monday and this is definitely not helping... I need to look at this pic every 2 min.

When will the Harpers Bazaar come out? Do you guys think he could be on the cover with Kristen?
I have never seen a male on the cover of that magazine though.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Isn't there a Harpers Bazarre lurking out there as well?

Pet73 said...

So it says photos by Bruce Weber. Don't know him. But he def. did great with these Rob pics :). (On the other hand it would be difficult to make really bad pics with such an excellent subject in front of the lens :p.)

tnan said...

Oh Happy Halloween indeedy! Now that's a cover shot!
VF & Rolling Stones never disappoint.

LOL, 'how grandmas and 12 yr old girls are corrupting the american culture' ??

Divinesally said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Is that your flatline?

Do you need CPR?

Angie said...

Some one needs to send the Robmedics to Divinesally

Pandora said...

I think I need to ask my friend in the States to buy and send it to me. She did it with the GQ as well and I want this one too!! Im usually not really into buying magazines, even if its rob on the cover but this is good. :D

*wants that mag*

GOROB said...

The only thing wrong with this cover is that they styled his hair, darn it! They didn't let him run his fingers through it to get the sex hair and that would have been perfect! A- (IMHO)

Ana73 said...

oh, he is just soooo gorgeous, i cant wait to see this magazine.

i just saw the video of kristen & taylor in brazil, wow that is scary, couldn't imagine what was going thru their mind walking thru that. i really hope they are watching out for rob and have it a little bit more under control at the airport.

E said...

I don't get it... He's going to basicly every country in the world but not to Sweden... It's not fair...

Kate said...

<3 you too Thao!!

I think it's out Nov 10th ish!??

Pet73 said...

Emelie- He's not coming to Austria either :(!

Anonymous said...

When did they do the photoshoots for VF?

His hair looked longish than New Moon.

The come-hither-bedroom stare.

I hope he will never agree to a suggestion to remove his shirt for a photosession. He does not need to -- he is light-years magnificently/stunningly/explodingly sexier than any buffed up top male model who pose topless.

(Well, of course, it's different when he needs to be topless or be in his birthday suit in films.) :p

kat said...

W. O. W.

I gotta compose myself--hand out candy to cute kids, not have dirty thoughts about Rob all night!

E said...


I think we shuold protest ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

they did this back in June, right after he went to NY to shoot Remember Me...

drabrasil said...

oh..every new pic he seems more beautiful.. I'm sure now that he is like the best wine...older = better..oh christ...I just cannot stop smiling..
nd I need to order this mag from web site to be delivered here in Brazil... I NEED THIS MAG BADLY..

Whitney said...

Well hello lovely.

drabrasil said...

I gree with Thansa.. Rob is sexy to hell with shirt...SEXYYYYY!!!!and BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
there's no words enough to describe such beauty!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I think he's playing with us, I really do....

he fucking knows he's driving us nuts!!!

tkayyyy said...

that pic somehow killed me AND impregnated me at the same time. oh holy god is right.

Mechevpao said...

He is evil!!
how can a man look so sexy, with such simple pose and clothes?

I want to have this mag!!!
Actually I want the man in these pics, but the realistic possibility is getting the mag hahaha

Pet73 said...

I really hope that finally a magazine leaves behind all this teen heart throb stuff and also considers Robs mature fans! As we all know, there are a lot of grown up women out there who - lets say - like :) Rob. We are grown up fans - a good opportunity for a grown up magazine like VF.

Butterfly25 said...

Can I get this magazine somehow since I live in Europe???
Is it possible???
I want it so badly!!!

Anonymous said...

slurp spiffle sigh....

Just read The Shrews update to Wake Up call and then I pop over here and see this, sweet Jesus, I am beyond hot and bothered now LOL

Trick or Treat to me!

E said...

Butterfly- I think you have to order the magazine.

Anonymous said...

We have it here in Sweden so I cant wait to get my hands on it..
Holy mother.. the man just get hotter and hotter.

illyria said...

Dra- it's a version of an old Elvis Presley album title "50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong" It's more an affirmation than a real question though :-)

Suz said...

Sex on Fire


Marna said...

OMFG. I'm definitely going to need an extra copy to lick.

hemiola said...

This is a GREAT picture, but (in response to RPaddict) it doesn't top the GQ cover on my list...

The GQ cover just has that James Bond look about it. You know, that "I'm sexy, but boy do I have class" look :)

Cherry clockwise said...

have you noticed the note form F. Scott Fitzgerald next to Rob's face?

"Everybody's youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness".

Madness is not strong enough anymore. I just left reality… (secretly hoping it will come back, but not before tomorrow morning)

Cherry clockwise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wintermistake said...

How fitted to die such GLORIOUS death on Halloween. THANKS ROB! Please have them thrown in a couple of extra panties in the coffin.

Athena said...

God. Almighty.

This man wants me dead, I am sure now.

I worship at the altar of Kate.

CullenGal09 said...

Holy LORD! GAH. Hot damn......none of these cover this. Good lord, how does he doo this to us?!? How does he consistently look more hot and beautiful every time?!? Iamsodead....*thud*, and I'm done...;) Sweet lordy....this is what heaven and angels are supposed to be.....Bahahahahahaha.

tnan said...

Love the way his eye color pops out on this one. Doesn't always happen in many shots.

CullenGal09 said...

@Mech-hey gal! Well said, as usual. How are ya BB?!? Miss you. The Rob goodness is overflowing isn't it?!? Along with our estrogen levels.....hehe.

CullenGal09 said...

Ok-had to do this before somebody else got the idea! ;) LOVE LOVE LOVE this.....can't wait for it. Squeeeeeee!

Khou said...

GOD! He's so freaken HOT!!!! So gorgeous!...I have no better words to describe...D.I.E.D. I have a special cemetary dedicated to those of us who have expired into a pile of ashes from Rob's hotness. Please start buying your plot. It's starting to fill up from all the dead bodies.

Kathy said...

Oh for the love of all that's holy !!!!! Can't breathe. I'm dead !!!! SUPER HOTT !!!!!!

Unknown said...

aah, I don't have any word! he is amazing, so GORGEOUS!

Unknown said...

like everyone said, I'm dead too

Devi said...

Shhhh! Just watch it :)

wintermistake said...

@Khou LOL Please accept my application for a plot on RobHolyHOT cemetery

I posted this on the other thread, but for those asking VF is out in the States on Nov. 10. Possibly in big stores like B&N in NY and DC on Nov. 6

asoihgapoh said...

I just involuntarily moaned out loud. I'm in love.

Unknown said...

THUD :D so beautiful!!! thank you Rob and thank you Vanity Fair :))) simply the best.. and the pictures inside are even better!! lovely :D
happy Halloween :))

Unknown said...

THUD :D so beautiful!!! thank you Rob and thank you Vanity Fair :))) simply the best.. and the pictures inside are even better!! lovely :D
happy Halloween :))

jc(britlover) said...

Good Jesus!!!!! This may be the best pic ever!! What a good reason to wake up every day. Thanks.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I think Laura posted this earlier...but it needs to be posted again...

If you're a fan of The Office FAn Fic, or just simply love hot sexy Edward Cullen, you have to see this..

jc(britlover) said...

I have never enjoyed reading comments as much as with this post. In total agreement. David Slade kept Rob away from us too long. You would think he'd been away for six months, but even a short time seems like forever when you are Robsessed!!!!

LostforRob said...

After I have only one prayer left: Please God let me find a copy of Vanity Fair Usa in Italy..

womadsart said...

oh boy!!!! and those lips.... NOTHING BUT DAILY TORTURE .....

enjoykim said...

Holy God!!!

I hope that the newsstand at the airport here in Germany will sell it...they hopefully carry international mags?!

Anonymous said...

holy freakin cow! How do they expect all the robsten twihards to SURVIVE this kind of cruelty?! Maybe that's the point- they want us all to die from thudding and passing out from the HOTTness. At least we'll die happy.... deliriously happy....

roxiegirl said...

OMFG. I am speechless. What a god. I'm getting up early tomorrow to hunt down that magazine. F*ckkkkkkk. It's so hot.

jc(britlover) said...

Can't stay away from this pic. Keep coming back for more. Merry f*@king Christmas!!

idontknow said...

Those eyes. THAT gaze.

Speaks VOLUMES with no words. ifyouknowwhatimeanandithinkthatyoudo

HiddenFairy, I noticed the F. Scott Fitzgerald quote too - I LOVE it!!

"Everybody's youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness".

I accept that Rob is MY chemical romance. : )

Anonymous said...

Now that is one Christmas present all ladies want. I can just imagine boyfriends, friends and husbands being asked to buy this magazine... The poor guy goes to pay looking down and carefully tucking the magazine under an FHM one:"I'll take that please" and the saleslady smiles, goes thru the stack: " Oh nice choice. Are you a big fan?" He says" Yeah sure..." clears throat and drops the mag first in the plastic bag, drops his money and bolts . LOL.
Don't worry man coz you will have a horny woman waiting for you with that porn stash.

Haystackhair said...

I have now been impreganted by the stare, which is an amazing feat since I've been through menopause. His ovary combusting powers know no human bounds.
S.E.X. on L.E.G.S.

jc(britlover) said...

That is freakin' hilarious. I hear ya!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Faker Paris and Maria for untagging the VF cover!!

roxiegirl said...

I noticed the November issue with Penelope Cruz was on stands October 1. I'm not sure why this issue would be later - I'm still heading for the store tomorrow morning to find out...I get a subscription, but I can't stand to wait since mine always comes in the mail later than on newstands. I must have Mr. F*ckhotness in my hands as soon as possible!!!

Cali said...

@rowenaanne9: hubby bought my GQ copy...I think I can talk him into this one without too much trouble. Although he nicely asked me to take the GQ pic off of the computer wallpaper. He said he didn't mind me looking at Rob, but he didn't want Rob looking back at him. *snicker*

This cover is beyond words...Reclining Rob...*sigh*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I fucking love this...

Tipsy rob soundbite from VMA

Angie said...

LMFAO@ Cali. That is one sweet husband.

LM said...

Trick or Treat?...tilt, tilt, sensory overload, switching back and forth between this VF cover and the GQ cover. Husband gave up on dinner, had a candy bar and has gone to take a nap.

Anonymous said...

*stares dreamily at photo*

Cali said...

@ADM: He really is...sometimes I feel guilty for my Rob obsession (just a

SluttyPattz said...

OMG -- the untagged pic rpattzgirl I am beyond incoherent at this point. This pic just screams "Baby..get off the laptop and come snuggle with me."

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know! They worked a long time untagging it...and it does scream come lay with me baby...

SluttyPattz said...

Well they deserve a cupcake for untagging that pic. I am so impressed with how talented his fans are.

bonemama said...

i realize hes laying on his jacket but is he holding something against his chest? sheet music..something? any ideas did i miss something?

Sarah said...

another gorgeous cover, woot. gq style betches. i'm in scruff heaven.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I can't tell since his shirt is white

whocares said...

does he even realise how utterly breathtaking he can be. he really does dazzle frequently :))

whocares said...

oh and... hope he'll let THE HAIR grow out even mooooreeeeee for BD! the hair... *swoon*

Cristin said...

Sex on a stick. Damn.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Browneyedgirl said...

Oh my goodness, Rob stop dazzling me! It's working. I'm lost in your eyes.

He's so beautiful, it hurts to look at him! Ughhh.

Heidi said...

A Halloween treat, indeed. :)

Hope all this craziness doesn't ruin him.

RPLover said...

RAWR! for real. ;)

RPG-thanks to the link to the untagged pic, and huge thanks to whoever took the time to untag it!!

we started our day with Zygote Rob {shudders} and end up with this?! no tricks tonight, just treats! LOL

asoihgapoh said...

Ok, so I've just now gotten past the face and that lickable sliver of skin (5 hours later...) enough to look at the background. So is he laying in bed and that's a black blanket around him or is it a suit jacket? the edge is turned up like a collar, but everything else kind of looks like bed sheets. Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

I am died. I am going to have to make a trip to Walmart for more Hanes Her Way because the moment the picture loaded on the computer, all of the underwear exploded in my chest of drawers. They didn't even get a chance.

the other Kate :)

Anonymous said...

@ Rpg - Thanks! That's why he still had that Edward hair.

Dra - :) Isn't it?! *Sigh longingly..*

(I agree with one comment here- the hair is too coiffed.

[For some reason, some photographers and/or stylists just don't get it -- they continue to give him that Edward look, i.e., the hair -- thinking that WE fans are enamored with Edward.]

They could have waited for ROB to nervously grab his hair again. Then snap that naturally mussed up look that we all love.)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here's more photos that FP was able to enhance...good god...

Anonymous said...

*thud*!! I'll have to get more then one, that's for sure! I may reserve the whole shipment down the street and call it my Christmas Present...

Kelly said...

Christmas is coming early..

Emily said...

I don't suppose I have much to add unless someone hasn't mentioned the fact that he is completely and utterly breathtaking.

Poor placement of the "hunting an internet sex predator" line but the one towards the bottom is making me smirk. "Is living nude the best revenge?" Yes please.

kimberlesk said...

Evening ladies, what's up tonight?

kimberlesk said...

OK, so it's deadsville ... maybe I should put out the Robkat signal?

Emily said...

Hi Kim!

I'm just trying to convince myself that rummaging through my daughter's halloween candy is not a good idea right now.

kimberlesk said...

Oh I hear you Emily -- we had a huge downpour here in PA and didn't get many 'weeners at all!

Tons of candy leftover ... shit!

kimberlesk said...

Sorry, I'm a little new to y'all ... just getting to know who's who!!

JandR said...

I just see those eyes and lips and I blank out - OMG could this guy get any fucking more sexy???

RPLover said...

hey, girls! Emily, I feel your pain, already stolen a little of my daughter's candy! she's in bed, she'll never miss it ;)

MMc said...

LOVE the untagged pic - thanks for the tip RPattzgirl.

That was quite a TREAT!!!!

Emily said...

Yeah, leftover Halloween candy is never a good thing for me. I have no will power when it comes to those little Snickers bars.

You're not new here kim, are you? Am I confused? It's possible...hard to keep track of everyone.

LOL RPlover! I know, I feel even worse when I steal it from her while she's sleeping.

kimberlesk said...

Srsly Rpatzgirl -- that was awesome, the untagged pic!! Thankyou!

Cami said...

hahaha i didn't even notice the writing.


kimberlesk said...

No Emily, I'm not new -- I'm a Robkat, I've been here before the beginning.

Emily said...

Ah, nevermind. I get what you were saying Kim. Sorry, been a long day.

Me too, been here since day 1 and loved every minute of it.

bonemama said...

Hi kimberlesk
Im originally from PA (if you mean pennsylvania)
guess i better check out those other FP pics..

RPLover said...

well, we've got plenty to go around here...bought some treats to hand out and then we didn't end up being at no kids stopped by my house and I've got a whole bowl full of tiny candy bars! lol bad news for me, hopefully the hubby will eat 'em all before I can! ;)

this VF cover is killing me, btw...and they did such a good job untagging it at Thinking Of Rob...can't wait to lick n'save some HQ's!

kimberlesk said...

Well, since the other Robkats aren't showing up tonight, I guess I'll hit it ... but yes, what a great fucking photo. Hmmm, wonder how many copies I'll buy -- I bought 3 of the GQ!!

Have a good one Emily!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I think we're all wiped out either from candy overload, or perhaps Mr Pattz hotness....

I feel like I haven't taken a breath, just a 24 hr GASP...

kimberlesk said...

@Bonemama -- where in PA -- I'm close to Philadelphia -- Go Phillies!

Emily said...

I'll probably have a stroke when the HQs come out.

You too Kim! Thanks!

kimberlesk said...

Yeah!! I'm waiting for the HQs too!

RPLover said...

I'll take an O'Robby Bar over a Snickers anyday!! yum ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Per VF...mag hits stands in NY & LA on Wed, and everywhere else the following Tues...

WTF up with that?

Emily said...

Lol RPlover! Okay, I really am tired. I'm sitting here thinking, what's an O'Robby bar? We don't have those here. Is that like a Mr. Goodbar? I'm so lame.

Yes, I'm sure that would be the most delectable candy bar ever.

kimberlesk said...

Hey Em -- I'm just checking my notes, and aren't you an original RK?? I have you listed ... PM me

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


My son in law brought me Edward chocolates...I bit into one, and out spilled this delicious white cream filling....

I had a moment with the candy bar.

kimberlesk said...

Hey Em -- I'm just checking my notes, and aren't you an original RK?? I have you listed ... PM me

Emily said...

My poor husband is not excited about buying this for me. What does he expect? He works right next to a Barnes & Noble. He's just lucky I'm not going to make him buy more than one copy. For now...

kimberlesk said...

Hey Em -- I'm just checking my notes, and aren't you an original RK?? I have you listed ... PM me

RPLover said...

lame joke :) O'Henry, O' I'm on a chocolate buzz right now, I guess!

I will be beside myself if there's a video to go along with this shoot! I've watched the whole hour of the VF shoot in the field twice. ;)

kimberlesk said...

Hey Em -- I'm just checking my notes, and aren't you an original RK?? I have you listed ... PM me

RPLover said...

LMFAO @ RPG-that is just too good! did he melt in your mouth? ohhh, that was bad...are my horns showing? haha

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Remember the interview where Rob talked about when he's kissing in a scene, he's not acting?

Here it is:

I'll practice anytime you want to Rob!

bonemama said...

@kimberlesk I grew up near pittsburgh...most ppl i meet from PA are from Philly. :-)

I'm in AZ now.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


It melted, it squirted out and dribbled down my chin-it was fucking epic!

Emily said...

I sent you an e-mail Kim. I hope I still have the right address.

RPLover said...

oh God, you are putting all kinds of X-rated thoughts in my head, RPG! thanks, heehee

the kind of candy you just want to lick all day long...

Laura said...

Where's ma bitch Kimberlesk???

kimberlesk said...

Oh I'm rightthefuckhere Laura!!

Yes Em, it's still my addy!

Laura said...


WTF y'all talking about tonight? What did I miss?

Emily said...

My husband keeps giving me the "are you done yet?" look so I better call it a night.

Thanks Kim!

Night ladies, it's been fun!

Laura said...

Ok, well I can prolly guess...

Rob is HOT.
Rob is SEXY.
I wanna fuck him til he cries.

Does that pretty much cover it? LOL

RPLover said...

night, Emily! I'm out, too. Got me a drink and think I'll go read some FF ;)

kimberlesk said...

Um OK Laura, so there's no one here ... so much for all for one, one for all Huh?

JandR said...

Hi RPG - I am right there with you thinking of that delicious creamy white stuff outta Robward - filling up your mouth...mmm..yum

Ellie said...

I finally made it!
Hi, ladies!

(stupid computer's not cooperating tonight...)

Ellie said...

How're my girls tonight???

Laura said...

I know, Kim! I left for a bit, cuz I was basically talking to myself!! LOL!

Hey Ellie!!!

Ellie said...

Damn this computer!

This VF cover photo is one of the sexiest pics of Rob I've ever seen...

kimberlesk said...

Yay Ellie!! Are you still here??

Laura said...

That picture really is gorgeous! I can't wait til this issue is in my hands!!

Ellie said...

Yup. Still closing stuff on the computer to get it to go faster.

Ellie said...

When does it come out?

(yeah, I said COME...)

Laura said...

I think this cumming Wednesday! LOL But that may be for just NY and LA. I'm so excited!!

kimberlesk said...

I thought it was Nov. 10

Ellie said...

They pictures are just so perfect. I can't wait to see the one of him sitting at the piano. It almost looks like he's wearing that white shirt from Eclipse with the white sash.

Laura said...

Oh, maybe it is! I just saw what Kate or Dani just posted and they said Nov. 4th, which is Wednesday, right? I think that may only be NY/LA.

Laura said...

I thought so, too, Ellie! Like the one he was wearing in the Bella dream sequence?

kimberlesk said...

Well, I'll be looking wherever!!

Night bitches!

Ellie said...

Nite, Kim!Smexy Rob dreams, babew!

Ellie said...

Yeah, the dream scene, Laura!

Laura said...

Night Kim! I'm out too! Night Ellie! XOXO

Ellie said...

Nite, Laura!

And me, too..

Milla Michinaga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

I can't take my eyes off this picture. He is DAZZLING me with those beautiful eyes OF HIS! I think I will need more then one book. Someone else said they needed 2 -one to "save" and one to "lick". That is going to be me TOO! He is so HOT.

Mushggle said...

I hope I could have this magazine. I live in France :(

shirleegirl said...

Just that little bit of stomach skin showing makes my heart race ... the picture is absolutely beautiful, but did I expect anything less ... no, no I didn't

Andrea1982 said...

This is too much!! he's gorgeous !

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