According to
Gossip Cop Robert Pattinson will be on The Late Show With David Letterman on November 18th! :) So Rob will be in NYC for at least 2 days. He's set to appear on Regis and Kelly and the Today show on November 19th. There is a New Moon tour event on Times square on Nov 19th but Rob is not confirmed to attend that.

I think Rob's British humor and Dave's dry humor will be a perfect match :) I love David Letterman.
Updated ROBsessed calendar:
Godze... I dont have DVR so this really helps out... thanks a bunch for keeping us connected:)
<3 you
OMG! So excited.
Thank you so much for keeping us organized.
Wow, we're going to get a lot of Rob- the more the better!
Thank you so much!!!! Rob darlin, we've missed you!
Meh... He should be on Conan instead. Even Jimmy Fallon I like more. But whatever, more Robpearances. Haha.
Actually, I'm happy to see he's on Dave instead of Jay after Jay was sort of rude to him. Dave was rude to Kristen. But i think Rob and Dave will hit it off and I like the snub to Jay.
I don't mind David Letterman. He's pretty funny most of the time. I wonder if he'll have Rob do the Top Ten list.
David's kind of a goofy looking guy though and sitting next to Rob is not going to help.
@RPattzgrl-Here here! Well said. He's been more thn missed....GAH. I'm with Robdrawal! LOL.
@Haystack-November's heatin' up BB! ;)
@Emily-Bahahahahaha. Rob doing top ten, that would be so sweet! And so true about poor Dave-although next to Rob, many would look goofy. ;)
i am so excited to see rob in these interviews, i cant wait :))
thank you again so much for putting of the "rob" schedule so that i dont forget anything.
This is the appearance I've been waiting for.. this and SNL, of course!
Go Rob. Give as good as you get!
Remember, Dave is vulnerable.
Very true, CG. Most men (and women for that matter) would look less than average sitting next to Rob.
Suz, good point! I'm sure Rob can hold his own.
"Vulnerable" and then some! I'm thinking there won't be any prying questions about anybody's love life during that interview. Or if there are, Rob can jump on some spicey comebacks to cut them off... Should be hilarious.
OMG, the possible lovelife jokes are endless. I can't wait.
I think they will really have fun together. They actually both have that self-deprecating sense of humor.
Dave: so you play a vampire, huh?
Rob: we'll yeah, not a typical vampire, but yeah...yeah..
OMG i've been waiting to see ROb on
Dave since i watched kristen with him...another Rob appearance, what a great days :)
@Emily-LOL! So true.
@Loisada-Absolutely! He and Dhave will banter back and forth, it'll be great. I think they'll really work off each other. It should be very fun!
OMG So exited!!
Thank you so much!!
I hope someone record it an put it on youtube!!So that we here in Europe can see it too!!
Cross your Fingers!!!
Oh fantastic...another appointment with the delectable Mr Pattinson...can't wait. We will go from nothing to EVERYTHING.....!!!
Wonder if he'll do any Radio Ryan Seacrest I prresume?
woohoo, he'll charm Dave. Dave's usually crusty and dismissive of young Hollywood, but Robert will have him eating out the palm of his hand with his wit(although, knowing what a huge pervert Dave is now, let's hope it never gets that far!)
they are letting Kristen have Conan because Dave ate Kristen up and spit her out within the space of a couple minutes. Conan is much more merciful, as is Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon for Kristen. They know Robert can handle Dave, he's clever and shit like that. haha
It's the same damn 3 day period, It's going to be exactly like all the other shows he's doing.
So funny, Dave has a lot more skeletons in his closet than Rob. He can't tease Rob because his own sordid past is worse, LOL.
Oh man...this is hard...
While I love to have Rob here in the city...the last time he was here, it rained almost the whole time he stayed...and that was a couple of months LOL!
Rob, please bring the sunshine, along with your smile~but leave the rain back in Forks! :D
I like Letterman, too, and we get to see his show here in Australia, so maybe I'll be able to watch this one! :)
I'm glad Rob's doing the good shows, like Dave Letterman and Ellen Desgeneres! :D
I'm so exciteds I can't wait for november. Of course I'm trusting really nice fans will put it on You tube!!I think I'm more excited for this interviews than NM...jjajaja all those teaser clips ..november still feels so far away for me
I'm most glad that my time off falls on the weeks that Rob is doing so much NM promo. I know what I’ll be doing trolling the web to catch every bit of him before he is possibly MIA like the same time last year. I hope Rob gets a break before starting all his new projects, 2010 is going to be an awesome year to be Robsessed.
It's freakin awesome for us in Oz, 3 shows that actually air here straight away - Today(at 4am - straight after my midnight New Moon viewing); Letterman & Ellen we get the next day...happy dance, happy dance....I have days off!
I just hope Paul Schaefer begs him to play piano, what a dream that would be!
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